It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter 99: This Rattan Treasure Is Not Easy To Take

This valley is not deep, but the vines stacked above the rattan treasure are about seven or eight meters high.

The two sides of Tengbao's location are about 20 to 30 meters away from the edge of the valley. If we dig through the side, we have to open a passage nearly 20 meters long, which is not a short distance.

If Dangdang uses a cleaning vehicle to deal with it, it will take at least two hours to get through.

Stardust asked Rhubarb to explore the surroundings, and after comparison, he selected a place, excavated from here, and drilled diagonally downwards. He only needed to open a 14-meter-long passage to reach Tengbao's location.

Seeing the location chosen by Stardust, Instructor Dika also arranged for manpower to help dump the excavated waste.

So Dangdang drove in the front to dig and clear the vines, and behind them, three suspension vehicles lined up in turn to pick up the waste and transport it away.

After more than an hour of hard work, the channel was opened.

Instructor Dika didn't arrange for anyone to go down to have a look, and directly asked Xingchen to take off the Vine Treasure.

Not long after, Bao was transported out by the suspension vehicle.

This is a pretty big rattan treasure, judging from its appearance, it is even bigger than the previous three rattan treasures. If such a rattan treasure is sold, it may cost around 900,000 yuan to get it.

But now that Xingchen was hired to find Tengbao, naturally he couldn't get so much. According to the agreement, if Xingchen finds a Tengbao, he can get 300,000 lahrs in cash.

Everyone was very happy when they saw a rattan treasure being dug out.

But there are two people in the team who both need this thing, but Bao has only one.

The solution is to draw lots, and the one who is drawn will be the first to get it, and the one who is left will wait for the second Vine Treasure.

This method is relatively fair, leaving aside factors such as favors and family status.

Finally, a few minutes later, one of the students got the Vine Treasure.

Instructor Qi Lun's descendants were a bit unlucky, so they could only get the second full treasure.

The student who got the Vine Treasure will have to take the Teng Treasure back with him. As soon as this thing is taken out, it will continue to lose energy and must be used as soon as possible.

The instructor who led the team arranged for an instructor to go back with the student, and there were 600 guards of the student, both of whom were very powerful monks.

The four people took a suspension vehicle and set off immediately to return to the Budokan.

This way is the original way back, the danger is not too great, and the return speed is faster, there is no need to stop and search, and the risk is smaller.

After the student who has arranged the return trip, the remaining trainees and instructors will start looking for the next Fuji Treasure.

The ensuing search was carried out by seven hover vehicles and 18 people.

Still in the original method, the seven vehicles were arranged in a scattered manner, with an interval of nearly 100 meters, and moved forward side by side.

After searching for another twenty kilometers, it was getting late at this time, and the instructor who led the team wanted to find a suitable place to camp.

This side is a relatively deep area in the mountains, and there are often some ferocious beasts haunting it.

Even during the previous search, some students were ambushed by fierce beasts. However, the strength of these ferocious beasts is average, and they did not threaten the lives of the students.

But the situation will be much more serious at night, as many ferocious beasts like to move at night. Moreover, some ferocious beasts that live in groups will hunt everywhere.

Just because there are so many dangers, the campsite at night must be chosen with great care.

In the following time, while searching for Tengbao, everyone was also paying attention to the area where they could camp.

Coincidentally, the instructor found a canyon and thought it was more suitable for camping. When everyone went in together, they found that there were many thick vines growing here.

This canyon is still relatively long, with a length of six to seven hundred meters, and Rhubarb can't explore it all at once.

So Xingchen asked Dika to drive to the other side to see if it was possible to find Kuochen.

After going forward for several hundred meters, Rhubarb found something. In a position in front of him, a bunch of vines were entangled together, and a vine treasure grew out of one of them.

Xingchen then asked Instructor Dika to drive the car near that place, ready to step up to take a closer look, and then report the result.

However, the instructor who was traveling with him stopped, saying that he had discovered a dangerous situation.

Everyone stopped and listened to the teacher's prompt.

It turned out that on the small hill next to the mouth of the canyon in front, there were some fierce winged beasts circling and playing here.

If the crowd moves a bit more here, it will inevitably disturb the beasts, and the people here will definitely be chased and killed by the beasts.

Since there are ferocious beasts in front, the suspension car has to stop first. This car is still a bit noisy, and it will definitely not be able to hide when it gets close.

The instructor who led the team brought two students forward to investigate the situation, and Xingchen also got out of the car, and went to the location of Reading Bao to observe the situation.

Instructor Dika parked the suspension car in place, and instructor Qi Lun stayed behind in the car, so that if those beasts found him, instructor Qi Lun could drive Xingchen and them.

The other students and guards did not move forward, just waiting for the instructor's investigation results.

Not long after, the team leader instructor and students returned from investigation.

It turned out that on that hill, there were more than 80 earth-level beasts nesting here. This group of beasts were speckled Xi beasts that could really fly for a short time.

It can fly with wings, so this kind of beast has a wide range of activities, and it is a predatory beast, which will actively attack and hunt other animals and beasts.

Xingchen also finished observing the location of the Vine Treasure, indicating that there is indeed a Vine Treasure here.

Hmm! Here comes a problem.

If the rattan treasure is excavated, the noise of the cleaning vehicle will be very loud, and it will definitely move the group of spotted beasts.

At that time, this group of instructors and students will have to fight against a large group of spotted winged beasts.

According to the estimation of the instructors here, if they work hard, the strength of the manpower here is about the same as that of the opponent.

That is to say, at the end of the fight, there are probably not many left on both sides.

If this is to defend the family and the country, it is worthwhile to work hard because of the family.

But this meeting is only for a rattan treasure, but it is worth hundreds of thousands of lahrs. If you really hang a few people for this thing, everyone will think it is heartless.

This group of people discussed and discussed, focusing on how to destroy each other, whether to call another team over to do it together, or go back to the Budokan to find some more people.

However, there is a problem with these methods. The people who call may also want the Vine Treasure. How will this Vine Treasure be allocated? Is it still decided by drawing lots?

Stardust listened for a long time, and was a little speechless.

Why do you have to kill the other party to get the treasure? Haven't the people here heard of the trick of turning the tiger away from the mountain?

So Xingchen told the idea to Instructor Dika.

Instructor Dika's eyes lit up after hearing this!

Hmm! There really isn't such a trick here!

When the several instructors discussed it, it would be too expensive and uneconomical for the current manpower to overwhelm the other party.

However, it is more feasible to allocate most of the people to tease these fierce beasts away.

So the team leader instructor divided the people present into three groups.

The first team is the treasure-digging team, which is composed of two instructors, Stardust Dika, and they stay here to dig the disease.

(cfdi) The second team consisted of the team leader and instructor leading ten students and two guards to form the main raiding team, responsible for luring away the group of spotted winged beasts.

The third team is an insurance team. After the main raiding team lures away the group of beasts, it is composed of instructor Qi Lun and the remaining two students, to ensure that the winged beasts that are not staying behind find out the movement of digging treasure here and come to make trouble .

It is also used to lure away other winged beasts left behind in the nest.

This is a double insurance, just in case.

After discussing well, they began to split up.

The team leader instructor took five suspension vehicles and the corresponding manpower out from the other side of the canyon, circled around and started attacking the ferocious beasts from the other direction, and then fought and retreated

Gradually lead the herd away.

Instructor Qi Lun took two students and drove Instructor Dika's suspension car. After waiting for the vehicle to start, he walked towards the beast's nest for a certain distance to defend.

After Xingchen's excavation, if there are spotted winged beasts that are alarmed and rush towards them, then the Qi Lun Sect will have to step forward and lure them away.

If there are too many fierce beasts that can't handle it, instructor Qi Lun, including Xingchen, will have to run away quickly.

Not long after, the herd of beasts on the hill over there was startled, and then dozens of fierce beasts were seen flying into the sky and rushing towards one direction.

Hmm! It's a bit of an exaggeration to say that it rises into the sky. The flying ability of these winged beasts is not that strong, but the scene of dozens of winged beasts dispatching together is quite scary.

Fortunately, this time I just want to lure them away, and there is no need to go up and smash them.

Seeing that the other side has started to act, Xingchen is also ready to get started.

It wasn't Xingchen who did it, it was his younger brothers who did it.

It was still Dangdang who drove the cleaning car to remove the main vines, clattered to pick up the waste, and slid aside to wait for orders. There will be no other suspension vehicles, and there will be nothing to do.

The vines here grow in the canyon itself. This canyon is relatively large and deep, so these vines did not fill the canyon.

This has an advantage, that is, the outer vines protecting Tengbao are not thick, and you only need to clear away the vines less than seven meters away to reach the location of Tengbao.

The seven-meter-deep vines also include the tender vines more than one meter deep in the outer layer, so it can be said that the difficulty of digging is relatively low.

Xingdust asked Rhubarb to do the math, and it took about half an hour to dig the treasure in total.

As soon as it was turned on here, the noise spread out.

However, there were no Wing Xi beasts on the hill there, which made Instructor Dika and Qilun heave a sigh of relief.

When Dangdang's side was cleared to a depth of about three meters, two winged beasts suddenly crawled out of the hill over there.

Probably because the noise here was too loud, which woke up the winged beast sleeping in the nest, so it crawled out to find the pump.

The source of the noise on Stardust's side is obvious, so Xi Zeng spread his wings and came straight here with two wings.

This needs to be dealt with by Instructor Qi Lun.

These two Yixi beasts who just came out of the nest are about the strength of the first and second layers of the earth level. The students cooperated and beheaded the two winged beasts in a short time.

Destroying the opponent is naturally a good thing, but when the two winged beasts were about to die, they screamed, and nearly ten more winged beasts came over.

There's no way around this, Instructor Dilun still has to step forward to deal with it.

When there are too many Wing Xi Beasts, it becomes a bit difficult to deal with. Often when you are about to kill one of them, the other ones will step forward to interrupt the move.

After going back and forth like this, they stalemate.

Those Wing Xi Beasts also had some brains, seeing that they couldn't take down the three people here, they neighed again, which meant they wanted to shake the beasts over again.

Seeing this situation, Xingchen had no other choice but to let Dangdang speed up the progress.

At this moment, Dangdang has cleared a little more than five meters deep, but in deeper places, the vines there are thicker and harder.

Seeing that it will take at least ten minutes to finish the work here, Instructor Dika can't sit still.

Because seven or eight winged beasts crawled out of the nest, and then flew towards this side.

The original eight or nine Wing Xi Beasts made it difficult for instructor Qi Lun to deal with, but now there are seven or eight more, I am afraid that they will be defeated in a short time.

Instructor Dika naturally doesn't want this to happen

So he also rushed forward to help his upper arms.


With the help of Instructor Dika, even though there were a few more winged beasts, the situation did not turn bad.

Xingchen was at the excavation position of Tengbao, watching the excavation situation, and at the same time paying attention to the battle situation on Instructor Dika's side.

If you don't pay attention, if these two are defeated, Xingchen will also have to run away quickly.

Moreover, these winged beasts can fly, and if one or two of them are missed, Xingchen will have to deal with it by himself.

Hmm! As the saying goes, good spirits don't work and bad spirits do.

Seeing that Dangdang was about to clear away to the position of Tengbao, a winged beast turned around. For some reason, it saw Xingchen's side, and then immediately gave up the attack on Dika and the others. , rushed towards Stardust.

All right, get ready to go!

Stardust pulled out the saber that Dika lent him from behind, stepped forward a few steps, and guarded in front of Dangdang's excavation area.

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