At the gate of the Axi Lin Fei boat berthing area, Xingchen once again saw a familiar scene, that is, some individual travelers paid a fee and followed the caravan to prevent being killed by bandits on the road.

I remember the last time I came here, he went to the trading area with the big caravan. Although there was nothing wrong on the way, he encountered some troubles in the trading area.

At that time, Xingchen was not only asked for money by a few gangsters, but also entangled by a woman named Mo Sha, who followed her to the gate of the parking area, and was stopped by the guard at the gate.

At that time, in order to thank the two big guards, Xingchen gave them two boxes of spiritual fruits to watch.

It's not a big deal, but Xingchen's strength was too weak at that time, and he couldn't get rid of her when he was stared at by that second-level woman at the earth level. To put it aside for now, Xingchen taught her the principles of life every minute.

Several months have passed since this incident, the other group of people should have forgotten about themselves!

Xingchen was a little hesitant for a while, whether he should take a little risk to buy goods there.

But think about it, my strength has improved rapidly in the past few months, and my wealth is much richer. The clothes I wear and the car I ride in have changed. The other party may not recognize me long ago.

From this point of view, going to the trading area to buy goods by yourself should not cause any problems. So Xingchen paid the fee to the large caravan at the gate as before, and prepared to set off with the caravan.

It took the whole caravan about half an hour to stay here at the gate of the berthing area, and then set off for the trading area.

Xingchen took his little brother to follow the caravan.

There were more than a dozen individual passengers traveling with the team this time, and it was not conspicuous for one person like Xingchen to bring two cars, which also made Xingchen feel at ease.

The berthing area is not too far from the trading area. It took only 20 minutes for the caravan to arrive at the place, and then they went to buy the needed commodities.

Xingchen has been here once, and he knows a little about the transaction, so he is not so confused this time around.

But after all, it has been several months since the last time I came to buy goods, so I need to understand the price situation here first.

Stardust first made a small half circle around the trading area, with the help of Rhubarb, he knew exactly what goods and prices were available in the shops he passed.

This time Stardust's main purchase target is spiritual fruit, which is also the most important product on Axi Lin Xing.

I remember that the water quality of the spiritual fruit sold in the few shops I bought last time is good, and Xingchen plans to buy from those shops again.

There are more than 20 kinds of spiritual fruits on Axi Lin Xing, but there are only about ten kinds with reasonable price and good quality, so Xingchen prepared five or six boxes of each of these ten kinds of spiritual springs.

The few shops that Xingchen chose, although they all have a complete range of varieties, the quality of the spiritual fruits of Gengjia is somewhat different. For example, some shops have good purple-patterned fruit and red cloud fruit, but the quality of red cloud fruit is not as good as Another store is good. But the purple fruit flowers and leaves sold in that store are a bit inferior, not as good as this one.

This kind of situation is very common, so Stardust can only purchase these spirit fruits in each house separately.

In the end, Stardust visited seven shops and bought ten kinds of spiritual fruits, and these ten kinds of spiritual fruits can be said to be of the best quality on the planet Amaya.

A total of 560 boxes of these ten kinds of spiritual fruits were bought. In addition to the goods ordered by Uncle Pafu, Uncle Shaji also had to order 30 boxes. In addition, there may be some leftover spiritual fruits, Xingchen is going to eat some for himself, and give some favors on the waste star.

At that time, Xingchen was injured in duel practice in the academy, the head of the infirmary took good care of Xingchen, so he must thank him when he goes back this time.

And the instructor who was replaced later also took more care of Xingchen.

In addition, the bald-headed uncle and a few other acquaintances in the waste dump area are usually good to Xingchen. When Xingchen saved the small spaceship, he also helped a lot. These are all favors.

If Xingchen didn't go back, naturally he wanted to thank them, but he couldn't do it, but this time he was going to go back to Waste Star, and came to Axilin to buy goods. If he didn't bring some gifts back to those acquaintances, Xingchen would feel ashamed human.

The spirit fruit has been bought, and Axi Lin Xing also produces some other products, such as spirit rice and spirit food, and spirit tea is also produced.

The spirit tea here is somewhat different from the variety on Duo Lin Xing, and the taste may also be different. Naturally, Xingchen is going to buy a few boxes of all kinds of tea and go back to drink.

For these things, Xingchen went to a few more stores, and finally bought them all.

The goods Xingchen bought this time are 560 boxes of spiritual fruits, 70 boxes of spiritual tea, 15 large bags of spiritual rice and spiritual food, and there are also small bags of open bags.

This batch of spirit fruit also cost a little more, around 4.25 million.

The other spiritual food didn't cost much, less than 100,000 yuan, and the spiritual tea cost about 250,000 yuan.

These are about the cost of this purchase, because it is about 4.6 million to pull you!

After working so hard for a long time, Xingchen made two rounds in the trading area, and the goods were finally bought.

These goods were divided into two suspension vehicles. It seemed that there was a lot of goods, but they were evenly distributed on the two vehicles, that is, more than two and a half vehicles.

After buying the goods, Xingchen brought the car to the import and export of the trading area.

When I came, I came with a large caravan, and when I left, it was naturally the same. This is for safety reasons.

There was already a large caravan gathering here, Xingchen walked over to greet the caravan, and said that he wanted to join the team.

But this time there was an unexpected situation.

The leader of the caravan told Xingchen that the caravan would not leave until some time later, and asked Xingchen to find another caravan to try.

This kind of situation also exists. Sometimes the large caravans do not have all the goods, and the departure may be delayed.

But when Xingchen walked away, he found that several individual travelers had already joined the caravan.

Hmm? Others can go with the team, but they don't let me join. What does this mean?

While Xingchen was in doubt, Dahuang reminded: "Master, there are two punks in the next room who blackmailed here last time, not the two who came forward to blackmail, but the ones who helped out , this meeting is talking with another person, it seems to be related to the master~||!"

I'll go! Xingchen was shocked, I let the other group find out. Although this meeting didn't cause trouble for me in the trading market, somehow it made sense to the leader of the big caravan that he wanted to go back to the spaceship parking area alone. Thinking about it, I knew that this was going to clean me up on the road.

Seeing that this was the case, Xingchen walked away calmly, and continued to stroll around the market with the hover car, as if preparing to buy some more goods.

This small gang really has some tricks. They don't dare to beat themselves up, but they want to seek money and kill themselves on the road! This group of people is really ruthless.

However, judging from the situation that Rhubarb just investigated, the strength of these two people is around the second level of the prefecture level, and they are not very strong. , if they are all at this level, Xingchen is not afraid.

Xingchen went to a shop that sold high-quality spirit fruits, and bought two boxes of higher-priced spirit fruits there.

The price of these two boxes of spiritual fruit is 55,000 rals and 71,000 rals.

The price of these two boxes of spiritual fruits is relatively high, and it was Xingchen who was going to invite the two instructors to taste it. Xingchen's strength has improved so fast now, and the hard work of the two instructors (of Zhao Zhao) played a big role. Xingkong Of course I should be grateful.

After buying these two boxes of spiritual fruits, Xingchen took the car to stroll around the trading area. When he was near the entrance and exit of the trading area, Xingchen took the car to a sudden turn and went straight to the exit.

Hmm! It was so sudden.

Those gangsters wanted to ambush Xingchen halfway, and they must be planning to follow Xingchen to make a black hand when Xingchen returns.

At this moment, Xingchen made a sudden attack and ran out suddenly, but the opponent would be caught off guard. If the opponent didn't keep up, Xingchen would naturally return to the parking area safely, so that Xingchen didn't have to fight hard with the opponent. It also saves a lot of trouble.

This idea is a relatively easy way to solve the problem, but I just don't know if it is easy to use or not.

The sound of Stardust rushing out was very loud, and it also attracted the attention of many people near the entrance, but his speed was still very fast, and by the time everyone reacted, Stardust had already left.


Probably because Xingchen's tactics were effective, there were no vehicles in the trading area rushing out with Xingchen, so there were only people talking at the entrance and exit.

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