Stardust rushed out of the entrance and exit of the trading area with two hover vehicles, and then flew towards the spaceship parking area along the road.

Although it is flying, the height that the suspension car can fly is not too high, so it has to follow the approximate route.

After flying tens of kilometers, there was no car chasing him. Xingchen was quite relieved. It seemed that the sudden departure was correct. The gangsters didn't expect Xingchen to do this trick, so they didn't follow.

This is also good, without fighting desperately, Xingkong made money in peace.

But before Xingchen was happy for a few minutes, an accident happened.

Because the hover car can't fly too high, so if you go to the spaceship parking area, you have to follow the route. There are some hills and hills along the way, and the hover car has to fly from the canyon and other areas in the middle.

When Xingchen's car was passing through a canyon, a suspension car appeared from behind the nearby hill. There were two people on the car, a man and a woman. The man was unknown to Xingchen, but the woman looked like the one named Hei Sha woman.

The two people drove out and wanted to stop in front of Xingchen's car, but because Xingchen's speed was too fast, all of a sudden, before the two cars were in place, they flew in front of them. past.

The two could only turn their heads and chase in the direction where Xingchen flew away.

When Xingchen rushed past these two people, he could vaguely hear this Mosha yelling and cursing, but because the speed was too fast, Xingchen only heard a small word, and the other sounds were noises, so he couldn't distinguish What does it mean.

Rhubarb's probe 667 is far away, but the meaning of listening is more.

But when Rhubarb wanted to report to Xingchen, Xingchen stopped him. These words are not good anyway, so it must be because he wants to invite Xingchen to dinner!

So Xingchen didn't want Da Huang to repeat what the other party scolded him, because he was not making fun of himself!

At first, Xingchen thought that his plan was good and he had already thrown off his opponent, but he didn't think that he was waiting halfway, so this situation was really troublesome.

But if it's just the last two, Xingchen doesn't care. Among the two, Mo Sha is a second-level earth-level thing, so it's not worth mentioning. The man's strength is high, it should be the strength of the third level of the prefecture level.

If there were only these two to take the shot, Xingchen had trained well recently, his strength and combat experience had increased rapidly, and with the help of his younger brothers, he would not be afraid of them.

And now these two are still eating ashes behind, Xingchen's speed is fast, and those two started a bit late, so they will be chasing after two to three hundred meters away!

If it's an empty car, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up with the suspension cars of the two behind.

It's just that now Stardust's suspension car is loaded with more than half of the car's cargo. After all, it is in a loaded state, and the speed can't reach the highest speed, so it is evenly matched with the car behind it and always maintains a distance of 300 meters.

The opponent couldn't catch up with Xingchen, but Xingchen couldn't escape the opponent's pursuit either.

Of course, if this is the case, Xingchen doesn't care, as long as the opponent can't catch up with him before reaching the parking area of ​​the spaceship, then he can still be safe and sound.

However, this situation did not last long, and the first suspended vehicle appeared in front of Stardust.

This car was probably the other party's back-hander, and it happened to be blocked on the only way for Xingchen's hover car to return to the parking area.

The two suspension vehicles, one in front of the other, blocked the roads in the safe areas on both sides of Xingchen, probably trying to block all of Xingchen's way of life.

There are three people on the new suspension vehicle in front, Rhubarb found out that all three of them are at the second level of the earth level, and they are not too strong, but if the three of them are together, there is still a lot of pressure on Xingchen.

And there are two Mosha chasing after him, if they get together, the pressure on Xingchen will be even greater.

So Stardust didn't dare to hesitate, the hover car turned around, and then flew to the side along the canyon passage on the other side.

Seeing Xingchen turn around, the two cars surrounding him followed closely behind.

Xingchen wasn't surprised that these two cars were chasing after him, but judging by their skillful handling, Xingchen felt that these people probably did this kind of thing often, and they were more experienced in dealing with it, and they might have murdered them here before. There are quite a few people.

The terrain here is more complicated, the canyons are connected with twists and turns, and there are many roads that the levitating vehicle can pass through. Stardust shuttles among them and is not chased by the opponent. It is not a problem to just turn around like this!

The other party is probably familiar with this place. At the mouth of a canyon with three passages, Stardust flew towards the passage on the right, followed by the car behind Mosha, and another car walked along the passage on the left.

This situation surprised Xingchen, it seems that these two passages have a common (cfaa) place, and the other party wants to block him from that end!

It seemed that he couldn't run anymore. Once two cars were blocked in front, he would face a pincer attack from both sides. Such a situation was very unfavorable.

So Xingchen resolutely chooses to fight, isn't it just a fight, it's the same as who hasn't gone through it yet.

Xingchen's car traveled 300 meters along the passage, stopped suddenly in the middle of the canyon, and then flew upside down. Xingchen jumped from the seat to the compartment at the same time, and pulled out the big knife he carried with him.

Mosha's car was also very fast. When Xingchen's car stopped for a few seconds, it flew to the back of Xingchen's car.

The man in that car also drew his sword and rushed towards Xingchen's car.

At this time, the distance between the two cars was only seven or eight meters, and that person was at the third level of the earth level, so the distance was no problem. It only took a second or two to jump onto Xingchen's car.

It's just that Xingchen didn't do what he wanted. The moment the man jumped into the air, the three flying blades on Xingchen's wrist flew out, splitting into three directions and strangling the man in the air.

The man was shocked, and in a hurry, he could only block it with his knife, but there were three flying blades, and his knife only blocked two of them. The remaining flying blade swished across his neck.

The man showed an expression of disbelief, but it was already too late!

The man's neck was cut open, and blood would naturally splash out.

Xingchen was afraid that the goods on the car would be splashed with blood, so he kicked the goods out of the air.

The woman Mo Sha didn't move in the car, she didn't even take the knife, she thought that a man with third-level strength would naturally be able to take down Xingchen, but she didn't expect that this man didn't even jump into Xingchen's car

Then suddenly lost his life.

Stardust destroyed this man, and he didn't like Mosha, a black-hearted woman, so he pointed his mind directly, and the three flying blades went towards Mosha.

Mo Sha was not in a hurry to get the knife, so she could only take Ochiai's words.

It's just that Xingchen couldn't have the kindness of a woman, the three flying knives flew across in just one blitz, and the woman was hit several times, and fell on the car without breath.

Xingchen turned and went back to the front seat, and let the younger brothers continue to fly to the other side of the canyon. The three people in the other car were afraid that they would intercept him from the other side.

At this time, Xingchen has already killed two of them, and these three people cannot be let go.

When Stardust was about to fly to the mouth of the canyon, that car also turned out from the mouth of the canyon, it was here to block Stardust.

It's just that there was a traffic jam, and the car that was chasing after him had already been dealt with by Xingchen.

Of course, the three people in this car didn't know about the destruction of the second car!

This Mingqian car flew out from the mouth of the canyon and was stuck at the entrance of the passage, waiting for Stardust to throw himself into the net.

The three people in the car were watching Stardust approaching with cat-and-mouse expressions.

But when Xingchen's car flew over, they were also a little puzzled, why didn't the black gauze car behind them catch up!

It's just that Xingchen didn't have time to tell them. As soon as the car approached, Xingchen took the lead in attacking and killing them.

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