Two days later, Xingchen came to Heipu to sell accessories again!

The price Huff gave this time is also quite good!

But when the goods were sold out, Huff stopped Stardust again!

Why! This is a business with vegetable leaves in mind! But Stardust also has no clue about the selling price of the vegetable leaves!

He had never eaten vegetables before! These things are only available to families with an Advanced income here!

Seeing that Huff was following this matter very closely, Xingchen could only find an excuse to say that the seller's price was too high, and the vegetable leaves in good condition cost fifty or sixty-one leaves, which was not worth buying!

Huff frowned and said, "No way, those restaurants only buy goods from official channels for about 50 rals, and the ones that go outside are all less than 45 rals! The other party asks for such a high price, is it cheating you!"

After hearing the price, Xingchen blinked and said to Huff: "I don't know either, those vegetable leaves are of defective quality.

It happened to be processed, so it was cheap for me! This time I asked my classmate, he told me the price!

I don't want me to find the owner of the goods through his relationship and ask? "

After hearing this, Huff nodded quickly and said, "Hurry up and ask, there are quite a lot of people who want this thing, and if you have it, you can make money!"

Xingchen agreed, and Huff let him go!

Coming out of the black shop, this time Xingchen didn't go straight back to school!

Instead, I went to the pavement where I bought sand and gravel before, and bought a large bag of sand and gravel!

It's not that I don't want to buy more, but this thing is too heavy to carry much on a hoverboard!

So Xingchen plans to buy it several times, bring it to the dormitory and put it in the space of Rhubarb!

As for Huff urging him to ask a question, he asked a woolen thread!

The owner of the goods is himself. Those vegetables have just been planted, and the leaves may not have grown yet!

If you want to sell the next batch of vegetable leaves, you may have to wait for 20 or 30 days!

This time Stardust got the market price of the vegetable leaves from Huff, although this may not be accurate!

But the difference shouldn't be that big! It seems that the next time the green vegetables are planted, the price can be set at forty lar a piece!

Counting down, one green vegetable has about ten leaves! One can sell for four hundred rals! A batch of goods came out to be fifty!

Um! A lot of money! Hahaha!

Thinking of the future income, Xingchen was in such a good mood that he didn't even feel the gravel on his back was heavy!

In the next few days, Xingchen went to the black shop to sell accessories several times.

Huff asked about the progress of Cai Ye again!

Xingchen had no choice but to say that the goods are available, but the owner of the goods can't bring too much goods at one time. If they want it here, others have to rearrange the matter of bringing the goods! There is no rush!

After Huff heard this, he could only ask Xingchen to help him keep an eye on this matter. This is a long-term business, and he can earn a lot of money throughout the year!

Stardust can only respond!

There must be no progress in this matter before his vegetables grow out! Let Huff wait first!

Now it's time for Xingchen to ask for leave and go home again!

The last two leave of absence caused the instructor to have a little opinion on Xingchen. Others are training hard at this time, and don't want to delay for a moment!

This Stardust is good, there are only 30 days in a month, and he asks for leave once every eight days! What kind of place do you think the school is!

It's just that Xingchen doesn't want to ask for leave, but he only needs to take care of the vegetables at home, so he might not be able to find out in time if something goes wrong!

And the water needed for vegetables can only be bought from school and brought home! Without water, those vegetables will turn yellow!

It's just that these things can't be discussed with the instructor, so Xingchen can only say that the housework needs to be done, otherwise the usual living expenses will be gone!

This instructor is kind-hearted, after listening to Xingchen's explanation, he wants to help Xingchen apply for a bursary or something!

However, Stardust now earns tens of thousands of lahrs a month, and the school doesn't care about the little money at all!

In the end, Xingchen took a leave of absence as he wished! However, the instructor might not have any hope for Xingchen!

Stardust returned home by commuter car.

This time when he went home, he brought back 50 bags of water, and three more bags of gravel! There are not many accessories for the small spaceship this time, only eight pieces!

That black shop doesn't have much stock in this area!

If Xingchen wanted to buy spaceship accessories in the future, he would probably have to go to an accessory store to order them, and the prices there might be several times higher!

So in the final analysis, you still need money!

When he got home, the first thing Xingchen did was to check on those vegetables!

The red tomato fruit in the vegetable box has grown taller again, and it still looks so vigorous!

Two batches of green vegetables have been planted next to it, and the first batch of vegetable seedlings has already grown its third leaf, but they are all finger-sized leaves, so they cannot be sold!

Only a few of the green vegetable seeds planted in the second batch will stick out the buds on the surface of the gravel, and it may take two days for a large number of sprouts to sprout!

Um! The situation is not bad! According to this progress, the first batch of green vegetables will be shipped in about 25 days!

At that time, although the growth is not too big, it can be sold for money!

Of course, the strongest and most prosperous time for these vegetables should be about 32 days, so let's see the situation while selling them!

There was no problem with his precious vegetables, so Xingchen ate and slept with peace of mind!

The next day, I still took my younger brother to the waste dump area!

Stardust's luck is better this time, and this day happens to be the day when the transport spacecraft comes over!

Stardust finally waited for a day to occupy the territory!

When those spaceships were unloaded, Xingchen and his group of scavengers rushed towards the storage area again!

Although Stardust was not the fastest runner, with the help of Da Huang, he still found an area with the most dense spaceship parts!

After more than half a day of busy work, Xingchen has more than a hundred pieces of spaceship accessories in his hand, and there are also twenty-one pieces of accessories suitable for small spaceships! The harvest this time is the best one in recent times!

Of course, more than 200 kilograms of pure metal were collected!

After collecting these accessories and metals, Stardust took the hover car to a few familiar scavengers.

Stardust made an appointment with them before, and today he exchanged accessories with them!

Recently, these acquaintances have saved hundreds of accessories that Xingchen can use, this time Xingchen wants to change them all at once!

After several rounds of exchanges, Xingdu exchanged a total of 129 accessories for small spaceships with the accessories he brought from home and those he found just now!

During the exchange process, Stardust produced more accessories and exchanged less, which was a bit of a disadvantage, but who made him need other people's things!

After changing things, Xingchen took his younger brother to the storage area last time. He hadn't collected them here either. Although it was an area where others had picked them up, there were still good things!

After working for more than three hours, Xingchen found another 50 accessories and more than 30 kilograms of pure metal!

Now I can finally go home!

During the whole day, Xingdust brought back 161 accessories suitable for small spaceships, and more than 80 other accessories!

More than 120 kilograms of pure metal were brought back, and the rest were exchanged as extras when exchanging things!

Stardust sent the accessories suitable for the small spaceship to that warehouse for arrangement.

Other things are still placed in the original warehouse! This day's work is over!

I liked it and clicked the collection! Thanks!

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