It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter 32: Vegetable Leaves Are Quite Valuable

After a busy day, Stardust has harvested nearly a hundred spaceship accessories, what a pleasant surprise!

However, there are not many accessories for the small spaceship, only a dozen or so! Probably those scavengers knew that Stardust wanted accessories, so they focused on looking for small spaceship accessories, and there were not many left!

In addition, only 30 kilograms of pure metal were harvested!

Anyway, these are all for nothing, and Xingchen has no complaints!

Back home, Xingchen arranged to grow vegetables, and then stuffed 100 unsuitable spaceship accessories into the rhubarb space, and sold them!

It's not that he can't sell more, it's just that as a student, he sold too many accessories in a short period of time, and it would be bad if others became suspicious later on!

Anyway, it will take time to buy other accessories after collecting the money, so Xingdust is not in a hurry to sell too many things!

In addition, Xingchen asked Huala to reprocess a large vegetable growing box. The area before was not large enough. If you grow vegetables in large quantities, it must not be enough!

This new vegetable growing box is about twice the size of the previous one, and the light source and everything are prepared. When I go home next time, it is time to plant vegetables in this new box!

But the new box can't be used right now, because the sand and gravel I bought have long been used up!

This time, after Xingdust returns to school, he has to buy some more.

Fortunately, he has room for rhubarb now, even if he buys more, he can still ship it back!

Nothing to say all night, hmm! Of course, there is nothing to say, the house is full of robots, the kind that can work!

I can still say a few words with just one rhubarb, but there is nothing new to say, and it would be boring to talk too much! Let's rest!

Early the next morning, Xingchen took the commuter bus back to school!

According to the school schedule, after eating the spiritual meal, various trainings began!

At noon, Xingchen stuffed a dozen or so accessories in his bag and went to the previous black shop to sell things!

The black shop here is still the same as last time, the bald boss Huff is idling inside!

Speaking of which, most of the time, Stardust comes here at noon, there are not many people, and the boss always looks sleepy!

Probably the main business hours of Heipu is at night!

The boss, Huff, saw Xingdust coming, got up and walked to the counter!

Xingchen put the bag on the counter and took out the accessories one by one!

Anyway, there are only so many spaceship accessories, after they are all taken out, the boss starts to appraise the price!

Waiting for the boss to pick up a box, he asked: "What is this? It's not an accessory!"

Stardust took a look, ah! Why did you take out the box containing the vegetable leaves! Quickly said: "It's not an accessory, it's just a vegetable leaf that I eat myself!"

After talking, I want to put the box in the bag!

But Huff said, "Don't be busy! Let me take a look!"

After talking about getting started, I opened the box!

This box contains leaves cut from five seedling greens! The rest of the stalks and roots have been chopped up and composted!

Stardust didn't care, there were less than ten vegetable leaves in the box, and there were some vegetable leaves for him to add to his meals!

Now that the boss saw it, he just asked him to estimate the price, and it will be a market in the future! I just don't know if Huff is interested in this thing!

Huff opened the box, and saw the vegetable leaves inside at a glance!

Although these vegetable leaves are cut from the plants, and the taste and appearance are not so good, but seeing the glow in front of Huff's eyes, he is quite interested in these vegetable leaves!

Huff took out the vegetable leaves from the box and looked at them, then asked Xingchen: "This is not bad, just a few leaves?"

Xingchen nodded: "That's all, I've already eaten some! Originally, these vegetable leaves were reserved for these two days!"

Huff said: "Don't, you have eaten a lot, sell these to me!"

It doesn't matter to Stardust, after planting large quantities, it will definitely be sold as vegetable leaves! Now it's just an early sell!

But Huff wanted these leaves, how much did he want to pay? It's too little to sell and it's meaningless, it's better to eat it yourself to satisfy your gluttony!

So Xingchen asked Huff how much he was going to pay for it!

Huff thought for a while and said, "The leaves of your vegetables are not too big, and they are a little wilted. They are of average quality! There are nine leaves in total. I'll give you 150 rals. What do you think!"

Stardust frowned, 9 tablets only cost 150 Lares! Not much money! I thought these vegetable leaves were quite valuable!

If it's only worth so much, it's better to add these to your own meals!

So Xingchen said to Huff: "These are not worth selling if they only sell for 150 rals. I might as well eat them myself! Let's trade a few times, it's a good deal! I'll give you two vegetable leaves to eat." ! I'll save the rest for eating!"

Huff was a little anxious when he heard that, "Don't, you've eaten a lot, so just sell these to me! How about this, I'll pay you 200 rals for nine vegetable leaves! That's a lot!"

After finishing speaking, Huff saw that Xingchen still didn't want to sell it, so he quickly said: "The quality of your vegetable leaves is not good! I can't sell them at a high price! How about this, I will give you another 20, A total of 220 Ral to buy these vegetables from you!"

Got it! Seeing that Huff wanted the vegetable leaves so much, Xingchen agreed to sell them!

Firstly, I also ate some vegetable leaves to satisfy my hunger, and secondly, I still need to buy and sell spaceship accessories from him, so the relationship is not good if I hate it!

Seeing that Xingchen agreed, Huff quickly put the vegetable leaves aside, as if he was afraid that Xingchen would regret it!

Stardust was speechless for a moment! It's just some vegetable leaves. As for being so careful?

Then the boss re-evaluated those spaceship accessories.

There are a total of 14 accessories in the bag. After reading all of them, Huff offered a price of 1,800 rals.

Well, the price is better than usual! It must be that Huff is in a good mood now that he has Cai Yezi!

Seeing that Xingchen didn't object to the price, Huff gave Xingchen a piece of money for accessories and vegetable leaves!

After the transaction was completed, Xingchen wanted to leave!

But at this moment Huff told him not to rush away!

Huff said: "Is there a way to get more of that vegetable leaf in the future? I will pay a high price!"

Xingchen Xin said what kind of high price is your price.

But after the green vegetables are grown in large quantities in the future, they will definitely have to find channels to sell them!

It just so happens that the boss is very interested in this, so we can talk about it!

So he said to Huff: "There is a way, these are brought by my classmate's grandpa's nephew's uncle's son from outside.

I made some money selling accessories the other day, so I bought some to try!

These leaves are of average quality, so the selling price is not high, so I am willing to eat them by myself!

But what they usually sell is of good quality! You can't buy it at this price! "

As soon as Huff heard that there was a door, he immediately said: "The price is easy to talk about! As long as the quality is good, I will pay a high price!"

Xingchen pouted, thinking what a high price you would pay here! Now that I have the know-how, is it okay for me to sell directly to restaurants and the like?

But Xingchen must not have access to restaurants and other outlets, and finding channels is also troublesome, since this Huff wants to do vegetable business so much!

It is possible to cooperate with him! But the price has to be negotiated!

Xingchen said to Huff: "He has a way to deliver directly to the hotel restaurant. Although the quantity is not large, the price is very high. You must not be able to compete with him here!"

Huff said anxiously: "Talk to them, I can pay high prices here, and I can pay as much as the hotel offers! In short, you let them keep some goods for me and make money later. I'll give you a commission!"

Xingchen saw that he was so sincere, so he agreed to ask for help!

It's not that Xingchen doesn't want to finalize this matter, it's mainly because he doesn't know the price standard for vegetable leaves at all!

If the promise is made soon and the vegetable leaves are sold cheap, wouldn't that be a big loss!

After talking about things, Xingchen went back to school to continue training!

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