There is nothing unusual in Gilland's black shop!

However, when Gilland saw Xingchen approaching, he didn't get up immediately, but looked towards the door!

Seeing that there was no one else, he came over to greet Xingchen! However, the gestures and expressions of greeting are also the same as greeting ordinary customers!

Stardust put the bag on the counter this time, Gillander did not hesitate, directly took the bag and took out the contents!

This time the contents of the bag are still the same as usual, there are seven or eight spaceship accessories, and a box of red eggplants!

Gillander estimated the price of the spaceship accessories, but didn't mention the red eggplant! Seeing that Xingchen agreed to the price, Gillard put the spaceship accessories and red eggplants on the counter, and then handed Xingchen a stack of Lal!

Um! Naturally, this tilar is higher than the selling price of the spaceship accessories, including the money for red eggplants!

But because Gilande didn't look at the goods, the red tomato fruit in the money is just the average price of the usual price!

Seeing Gilland's performance, Xingchen realized that he is not so safe here!

So Xingchen didn't ask any more questions, but Gillard gave Xingchen a contact number! Then he pointed to the communicator on his wrist, indicating to use the communicator to contact him later!

Stardust nodded, then went out and went back to school!

When he arrived at the school, Xingchen didn't directly connect to the number, but sent a request message to that number, asking for a few parts of the small spaceship, which he had placed a list with Gillander!

Behind the buying message is my own number!

Xingchen believed that if this number belonged to Gillander, then he would know that it was him who sent the message!

Not long after, someone at Stardust's number sent a communication request!

After Stardust got connected, it turned out that the other party was Gilande!

Gilande told Stardust to be more careful recently, someone is watching him!

Then said the reason!

It turns out that recently, Huff has produced a lot of green vegetables, and the shipment is continuous, which has attracted some people's attention!

In the past, the vegetable business was transported by the high-level of this planet through periodic transport spaceships, and then resold to various forces! Then go retail!

Later, some small forces also used small spaceships to transport some privately and sell them! However, this kind of smuggling is often unstable and often out of stock!

But the green vegetables sold by this Huff have never been unstable, and the green vegetables are relatively fresh!

Now there are two large and small forces eyeing this area!

Because the background of Huff was not deep enough, someone gave him a clean up!

Fortunately, Huff didn't reveal too much, and the other party only knew that someone was selling vegetables at his place regularly! I don't know who it is!

Now there is someone watching at Huff, just trying to find out who is selling the goods!

You must know that there must be a corresponding channel for such a stable transaction, that is, someone is smuggling here from an alien planet, and the local forces don't know who it is!

The current situation is that the local forces want to find out who is smuggling, and it is still so stable. If this line is accepted, no matter who accepts it, it will make a lot of money!

There were also people from Gilland who came to find him, but Gilland himself had some background, was strong enough, and had many friends. The other party didn't want to fight recklessly, so he didn't do anything, but sent someone outside his shop to watch!

At present, it seems that Stardust is relatively safe here.

However, Gilande learned that the other party has now begun to trace the flow of spaceship accessories in the past two years.

Because Xingchen has bought a lot of small spaceship accessories in recent months, it may be found on Xingchen soon!

Gilande can help cover it up, but Huff's side is hard to say!

Moreover, Stardust has also bought goods from other channels, so the chance of being exposed is too great, it is best to prepare early!

After hearing these words, Xingchen was also speechless!

This early preparation, what preparation? I don't have any background here, so what can I do if I let others stare at me? I can only run away!

Fortunately, the small spacecraft is almost assembled. Although it is not very stable, it is not difficult to fly to other planets in the near future!

But I haven't saved much money in my hand. I really want to go to an alien planet, but it's not easy to mess around! You don't necessarily need to grow your own vegetables over there!

Apart from growing vegetables, my own strength is not too strong. If I don't have the strength of the prefecture level, it is very difficult to mix in the interstellar world!

After much deliberation, there is nothing Stardust can do!

If something like this happens again in two or three months, Xingchen will definitely pat his ass and leave!

At that time, besides being able to pay back the debt owed, Xingchen will still have hundreds of thousands of rals in his hands!

Although this amount of money is not too much, but on the alien planet, you can also exchange some missing parts on the small spaceship! With these parts, the operation of the small spaceship is naturally better and safer! At that time, whether you want to engage in transportation or do other things, it will be much safer!

But at this moment, Xingchen only has tens of thousands of rals in his hands, and he still owes Gerland more than 100,000 rals, which makes it difficult for him to run away!

Of course, if you really want to run away, the money owed by Gillander will be the same if you try to find a way in the future! But Xingchen didn't have much savings in his hand, but it was a terrible thing!

Thinking about it gave me a headache, and Xingchen didn't think of any good ideas!

The next day, Xingchen wanted to go out to check the situation at noon!

As a result, when I left the school gate, I found that there were several unknown persons outside the school monitoring the students entering and leaving the school gate!

This made Xingchen's heart skip a beat!

Feeling that the situation was not quite right, Xingchen switched to several other school gates, but the result was the same, someone outside the school gate was monitoring the students going out!

This situation made Xingchen even more uneasy!

Looking at the other party's arrangement, there are at least 20 people conducting surveillance activities! Then the opponent has at least dozens of subordinates, or even hundreds of subordinates!

But relying on my own strength, it is still possible to overturn one or two, and if I have more, I will definitely be a small pickle!

It is definitely not enough to fight recklessly, and Xingchen doesn't want to hand himself over to the other party!

The conclusion is obvious, Xingdust's best choice now is to run away immediately!

After thinking about this, Xingchen went back to school, asked the instructor for a long vacation.

The instructor was a little annoyed. After all, they were about to graduate now, and in three or four months, these students would leave the school!

Xingchen asked for leave at this time, and it was still a long vacation. During this time, he couldn't hurry up and train. By the time he graduated, his strength would definitely not be able to keep up!

Xingchen also knows that the instructor is doing it for his own good, but someone is looking for trouble for him, if he doesn't leave, then he probably won't be able to leave!

Saying goodbye to the annoyed instructor, Xingchen took advantage of the slackness of the watchers and slipped out of the school!

Then took the afternoon commute back to the scrap yard!

But this time it was a temporary decision to come back, and Dangdang didn't come to pick him up!

Stardust had no choice but to fly back home on the hoverboard!

When I got home, it was already late, and the temperature had dropped to close to zero, which made Stardust cold enough!

But Xingchen has no choice, who doesn't want to live comfortably, it's not that others force him to run away, he doesn't want to work so hard!

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