After returning home, Xingchen just rested for a while, and then began to make preparations before running!

There is no way, although I don't want to go out so unprepared, but those people who are eyeing me will not give me much time!

The spacecraft needed for travel is basically ready, and there may be some lack of safety, but it should be okay to carry yourself to a planet that is not too far away!

Diet is not a big problem. I usually bring a lot of food and water home, but now I have to run away. Naturally, there is no need to grow vegetables!

Pack these materials for backup first, maybe how long it will take on the road!

The most important thing for running is money, but just bought a lot of spaceship accessories a while ago, now Xingchen doesn't have much cash in his hand!

To say that tens of thousands of rals may be considered a huge amount of money for Stardust before, but for Stardust who has built a spaceship and needs to add many accessories, this amount of money is only a small amount!

Fortunately, the spaceship is ready to sail, and those accessories can be added slowly!

Now Xingchen still has a lot of vegetables in his hands, and these can be exchanged for money.

But Huff's place is not very safe, and Gilland's place is also very dangerous. Stardust's shipping channels are blocked, and there are so many things in the sky, but they can't be exchanged for cash!

There are still some pure metals that can be exchanged for money in Xingchen's house. After so long of collecting, some types of pure metals have almost been collected to a unit!

You can receive one piece of these, and exchange them with others in the storage area tomorrow, maybe you can make a few pieces and sell them for money!

Normally, Xingchen would probably look down on this small amount of money, but after the other sources of money are cut off, he can only collect some small money first!

There are quite a lot of vegetables grown now, but there is no place to sell them, so Xingchen collected some first, this is to go to the storage area tomorrow to exchange things with others!

Of course, other people can also buy it if they pay!

In the evening, Xingchen went to the warehouse where the small spacecraft was placed to check again, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, Xingchen asked Huala to put the energy column into the energy warehouse of the spacecraft!

Then start the engine of the spaceship according to the procedure!

There was nothing wrong with starting the engine, but after starting, how to get outside is still a bit troublesome!

Although the exit and passage of this warehouse are relatively large, the spaceship must be enough to enter and exit!

But this time, the spaceship is to fly out. The newly installed spaceship has not been debugged yet, and the main control system has not yet been able to control the operation of various components, so the operation of each part of the spaceship will be a bit different.

In order to prevent the spaceship from flying and crashing, Xingchen could only change the posture of the spaceship little by little, and then move towards the exit of the warehouse little by little!

That's really moving, it only moves a few meters a minute!

Slow down, it's better than going too fast and crashing the spaceship!

Fortunately, the place where the spaceship was placed was not far from the entrance of the passage, so after spending 20 minutes, the spaceship flew outside, and now I can let myself go!

Of course, it didn't fly very far, Stardust just drove the spacecraft to try out the acceleration and deceleration of the operation! Then check all the system components installed on the spacecraft again!

After such an inspection, Xingchen felt relieved!

Although the parts used in this spaceship are all second-hand, when collecting such parts, Rhubarb helped to check the quality, so the quality of those parts is not bad, and there is nothing wrong with assembling the spaceship for test flight!

After checking the spaceship, Stardust didn't park the spaceship in the previous warehouse!

Those who are staring at themselves don't know what's going on, in case the other party finds any clues, they don't sleep at night to block themselves, if they still live in the house on the other side of the passage, there is really nowhere to run!

So tonight, Xingdust slept directly on the small spaceship at the entrance of the passage!

Although the outdoor temperature is very low and the outside environment is relatively bad, the spacecraft can navigate in space, and thermal insulation and safety are only one of the very common functions. Spending the night on this planet is not a big deal!

Fortunately, nothing happened tonight!

When he got up in the morning, Xingchen kept the spaceship on guard at the entrance of the passage, and sent Dangdang to wait on the spaceship, and drove the spaceship to a height of several hundred meters, looking around for any outsiders coming!

I brought Huala to the warehouse at home, and asked Huala to drive out the suspension car piled up with a lot of pure metal and spaceship accessories.

Those spaceship accessories are not suitable for small spaceships, but they usually collect so many, they should not be left here to waste!

Not all the spaceship accessories on the hover car, there are a lot of spaceship accessories piled up in Rhubarb's space! These stardust are ready to be taken to aliens to sell!

Xingchen went around the house by himself, and finally thought about it, and put the compost bin and the vegetable box for growing red eggplants into the rhubarb space! Of course, the seeds were also packed in a small bag, and they were divided into two small bags with the green vegetable seeds!

Xingchen thought for a long time before deciding whether he could try to sell these things with Gillander. Although he had to take some risks, he didn't have much money with him when he went out, so he really didn't feel safe!

After finishing everything, Xingchen took a last look at the house, turned around and left the place where the original body had lived for more than ten years, and where he had lived for several months!

Once outside, Xingchen asked Dangdang to drive down the spaceship, and then put the spaceship accessories on the hover car into the small cargo compartment of the spaceship!

It is a small cargo warehouse. For such a small spaceship at that time, this cargo warehouse can only store a few pieces of the owner’s luggage. The total volume is only seven or eight cubic meters, which is not as big as that of rhubarb!

There are about five or six hundred pieces of those accessories, and this small warehouse is full!

There are more than 300 pieces in the rhubarb space! These are the things that can be sold for money after going to an alien planet!

As for those vegetables and red eggplants, they are probably relatively scarce and valuable on this planet, but on alien planets, they are probably better than the weeds on the roadside!

After finishing all these tasks, Xingchen asked Hua La to drive the hover car to the storage area, while he drove the spaceship to follow in the air!

Arriving at the periphery of the storage area, Xingchen first checked the large area around the spaceship for any abnormalities and suspicious persons, and then landed, and took a few younger brothers to the storage area in a hover car!

Hula is driving a spaceship to respond outside!

The storage area is the same as usual, everyone is busy picking up waste, and the waste transport spaceship did not come today!

Stardust found a few acquaintances and exchanged some pure metals, this time enough for four units, and the other metals were not enough, so he simply replaced them with spaceship accessories and the like!

After such a long exchange, most of the scavengers in this area have accessories that are not suitable for the small spaceship. Xingchen picked out better quality parts and replaced them!

After the exchange, Stardust also has some more accessories, and several units of pure metal have been exchanged! Those green vegetables were not exchanged, there is no way, these people don't have much stock in their hands, so they can't give away other people's things for nothing!

Of course, those few were really familiar, and Stardust also gave each of them a few slices of green vegetables and two red tomato fruits! It's all about thanking the other party for taking care of me for so long!

After finishing all this, Xingchen asked someone for the location of the person who made the deal with him before.

This group of people is in another area. Although some parts of the engine brought out by the other party in the previous transaction were not usable, the transaction was established. In the end, there was still a batch of goods that were not given to the other party. I am not a person who is short of these things. Just send it to the other party directly!

Of course, even if these green vegetables were not given to the other party, the other party would not be recruited, but Xingchen didn't want to do that kind of unscrupulous thing, so as not to make people poke the spine and scold him!

Xingchen and Dangdang came to the outskirts in a suspension car, joined Huala and drove all the way to the scrap yard.

Stardust found someone to sell the pure metal here, and got more than 6,000 Ral! This is because one of the metals has a higher price, otherwise it would not be able to sell so much!

After selling the metals, Xingchen asked Hua La to disassemble the hover car.

The entire suspension car is too big to fit on the spaceship, and such a big thing cannot fit into the space of Rhubarb!

However, when disassembled, the volume occupied by this suspension car is much smaller!

Stardust brought this levitation car in case it was of any use in the future, so keep it for now!

After putting away the levitation car, Xingchen drove the spaceship to the area where he made a deal with before!

Those people are still picking up waste in a dumping area! Seeing a small spaceship approaching, many people stopped working and gathered together in case something happened!

Stardust lowered the spaceship, and after a search, he found the second child he was trading with.

The second-in-command in that gang was also shocked when he found out that the person who came was Xingchen who made the deal before!

How long has it been since the engine was traded before Stardust assembled the spaceship? How is this possible!

But Xingchen's small spaceship stopped in mid-air, he couldn't help but believe it!

Xingchen explained the purpose of coming, saying that he came to deliver the last batch of goods! After that, I will leave, and I will not be here in the future!

Then Xingchen said that he still has a lot of vegetables and red tomato fruits here, if they have good spaceship accessories, they can exchange some now!

Those people were naturally a little moved when they heard this, but it's not long since everyone started working, and there are not many ready-made accessories in hand! So many people greeted and hurried home, ready to pick up accessories and exchange things!

Stardust first handed over the batch of goods owed to the other party, and then exchanged things with the scavengers who came back one after another!

Of course, Xingchen was not that familiar with these people, so he had to be on guard, so the exchange was carried out by a robot hundreds of meters away!

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