Stardust followed the caravan all the way back to the berthing area!

As soon as he arrived at the place, this Mo Sha jumped off the caravan's suspension vehicle with a smile on his face, and came to Xingchen's suspension vehicle in a few strokes!

Xingchen felt a little helpless when he saw the opponent so closely following her! This lady is not weak, if she really wants to fight, she is no match for her!

If she is really allowed to follow him on the spaceship, then the spaceship and himself will be able to confess!

But this turned around when the hover car entered the gate of the parking area!

At the entrance of the berthing area, there are sergeants stationed by the universe country on guard. If you want to enter and exit, you must rely on the sign issued when you park. No license allowed entry!

The caravan vehicles in front of Stardust all have uniform models and logos, and even the members of the caravan have uniform clothing, so those people went in directly!

When it's the turn of Xingchen and other individual travelers, the inspection is very strict. People and vehicles who don't show their pass are not allowed to enter, and unrelated people are also not allowed to enter!

When it was the turn of Xingchen's hover car, Xingchen naturally took out the pass card, and after checking it was correct, he could go in!

At this time, Mosha wanted to go in with Xingchen!

Seeing that the woman was not sitting in the car, the guard asked, is this woman with you?

Xingchen wasn't stupid at this time, upon hearing this question, he immediately replied: "No, I don't know her! It has nothing to do with me!"

Hearing what Xingchen said, the guard immediately stopped the woman!

Mo Sha was originally grinning and preparing to enter the berthing area, but when she heard Xingchen say this, she froze.

Seeing that Xingchen's hover car drove into the parking area, the woman came to her senses and shouted at Xingchen: "Little brother, didn't we just agree to go shopping together? Why did you suddenly change your mind now?" ! I didn’t offend you, did you? Are you playing tricks on me?”

At this moment, Xingchen was no longer surrounded by brown sugar, and immediately felt a lot easier. Now that he really can't get in to meet the other party, it's also difficult to make a card!

"This big sister, you just went to the exhibition stand with those two hooligans, did you pretend I didn't see it? My brain is not broken, can I believe what you said?"

After listening to Xingchen's words, Mo Sha also knew that she hadn't been able to deceive the other party before. The hateful thing is that she just helped Xingchen bargain and buy goods to save money! This is the spaceship and belongings that want to cheat Xingchen back, Xingchen Saving more money is because they have more money in their pockets, and this is what they do!

Unexpectedly, Xingchen played with her from the beginning to the end, knowing her bad intentions all the time, but he didn't expose it, but used his tricks to trick himself into bargaining.

If we go back here, and everyone sees that this big sister took a lot of time and effort, she didn't even shed a single hair in the end, and she was still being played around by a young guy, then she would laugh out loud!

Under this anger, Hei Sha no longer covered up, and directly cursed!

"You little bastard, you actually made my old lady blink. I didn't expect that I've been in the market for so many years, but today I stumbled at the hands of you!"

"Don't think that this matter will end, as long as you still come here to buy goods, let's see what I think of to deal with you! Then don't pee your pants!"

Of course, Mosha's big sister is big like this, and she curses fiercely, but under the watchful eyes of the two guards at the gate, she dare not step into the parking area!

Before this Mo Sha continued to scold, a guard couldn't stand it anymore, and directly shouted: "Where did you come from, get out of here, or you will be arrested and punished as a crime of disturbing order. Don't blame us for being cruel!" !"

Mo Sha was so frightened by the guards, so she didn't dare to stay any longer, she didn't even have time to say harsh words, so she left in a hurry!

When she came, she was riding in a caravan's suspension car, but when she left, she didn't have a ride. How did she get back to the trading area? Stardust couldn't care much about it!

The guards scolded the big sister and left, and they didn't have a good look at Xingdust, the troublemaker!

However, Xingchen is a merchant who came here after all, so he can't be too harsh, so he can only wave his hand to tell Xingchen not to block the door, and leave quickly!

Seeing that the disaster has dissipated, Xingchen is also in a good mood!

Although the two big guards didn't like me very much, they really helped me a lot!

If these two hadn't stopped that female evil spirit, it would have taken a lot of effort and money to invite this great god away!

Others helped him, and Xingchen is not a child who doesn't understand the rules, so he naturally wants to show it!

The things on the suspension car, the fruit value is too low, not worth giving away!

As for the spiritual fruit, I can't bear to bear it if it's too expensive, it's the capital to establish myself in the future!

After thinking for a moment, Xingchen took the two boxes of spiritual fruits given by the vice president of the Marketing Management Association, put them on the ground beside the guards, and thanked the two guards:

"Thanks to the two big brothers for helping me with the matter just now, otherwise I really don't know how to get rid of this sloppy entanglement! These two boxes of spiritual fruits are my brother's wish, so I leave them to the two big brothers. Eat a spiritual fruit during the break Quenching your thirst is also good!"

……… Ask for flowers…

Seeing Xingchen being so upbeat, the two of them looked a little more relaxed, but at the moment there are still some individual travelers entering the gate of the berthing area. Seeing Xingchen put the spiritual fruit box on the ground here, someone noticed it!

Probably this berthing area still has some disciplinary rules and the like, these guards are not allowed to collect things!

So the two guards still shouted at Xingchen: "There are a lot of cars coming and going at this gate, don't put your things here [in case you bump into it and have to find someone to pay for it. Take it away quickly!"

But it was said that Xingchen took it away, but this person's eyes drifted to a table behind him!

Xingchen immediately understood that it was not easy to collect things at the gate, so don't let the gifts be too conspicuous behind the counter!

So Xingchen said loudly: "Brothers, I just noticed some defects in these two boxes of spiritual fruits, and I plan to go to the seller to exchange them later, put them at the door first, and I'll come out and take them away later." !"

Then Xingchen placed the two boxes of spiritual fruits next to the guard behind the table, and now it's not so eye-catching!

The guard glanced at Xingchen approvingly! Mmmm! This little guy has sharp eyesight, and his shots are generous, not bad!

Since Xingchen is giving face so much, the guard brother also mentioned a few words about Xingchen!

The general idea is that those rogues in the trading market are all well-connected, either they are related to a certain boss in the market management, or the management of the patrol team guarding the market has taken their benefits!

In short, these people are not very easy to deal with, let Xingchen be more careful in the future!

Another one is that the reason why these individual travelers want to act together with the big caravan is because on this road to the trading area, there are often cases of individual travelers acting alone and then disappearing, and then there is no one alive or dead!

Maybe this corpse was buried somewhere as fertilizer!

Stardust naturally accepted the guard's suggestion with an open mind.

The guard elder brother nodded, and felt that Xingchen's performance just now was not bad, but in the future it is better to be careful, there are too many bad things in this world, no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful!

After thanking the two guards, Xingchen returned to the spaceship with the levitation car. The next thing is simple, the goods on the car are loaded on the spaceship, and the car is dismantled and loaded on the spaceship. After that, you can go out up!

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