It doesn't matter if you start from here, Xingchen drives the spaceship according to the direction indicated on the ground, and it rushes out of the atmosphere with an acceleration!

Stardust is not going back to the previous planet this time.

That's just a repair point in the middle of the interstellar channel, similar to the service area every few tens of kilometers on the highway on the earth!

Now that Stardust has bought the goods, it is natural to go to a more prosperous planet to sell the goods!

Before coming here, Xingchen had already thought about where to sell this batch of goods!

Amaya, a habitable planet more than 850 light-years away from here, is the most economically developed and most populous place among dozens of nearby planets!

It is also the location of the administrative capital of this star field.

Stardust's spaceship is too small, and the cargo it pulls is too small! If you go too far away, the transportation cost is too high, and no one is too "250" to know the price situation there, and it will be possible to make money or lose money at that time not sure!

So after comparing the surrounding situation, Xingchen decided to go to this Amiya to sell goods!

This time, because the spaceship carried a lot of cargo, the acceleration time was extended to 6 hours before entering the dimensional space!

The voyage in the entire dimensional space is about three days, and Stardust has nothing to do in the spaceship. He can only lie on the operating position and look at the various data of Rhubarb Data Curry!

This process is a bit boring, but the space in the small spaceship itself is small, and now there are dozens of boxes of goods piled up, the area for Stardust to walk around is less than two square meters, and he can only nest in the seat!

The goods take up a lot of space. This is because Stardust put the large and small bags of spiritual food in the rhubarb space, and there are also 20 boxes of fruits in the rhubarb space. Otherwise, this spaceship would not even have the space for this affluence. !

Fortunately, space is tight, which means three or four days. When Amaya sells the goods and gets the money, the spaceship will be empty!

These three days were not short. When Xingchen was hungry, he opened a box of six or seven thousand rals of spiritual fruit, and he dealt with it like this with two or three spiritual fruits a day!

Originally, Stardust still had more than two dozen packs of Common rations to satisfy his hunger.

But after living in the hotel for the past few days, Xingchen's sense of smell and taste began to return to normal. When he smelled the standard rations he ate before, he always felt a strange smell, which was hard to swallow!

Therefore, these standard rations were put into a small corner of the rhubarb space, and they would not be eaten unless it was absolutely necessary!

When it got there, the small spaceship began a 6-hour deceleration process.

Stardust is still looking forward to this new place. According to the introduction of the planet, this Amaya planet has a diameter of more than 21,000 kilometers and a population of about 700 million!

It seems that the population is a little less, but it is different here from the previous earth!

Although the total planetary area on the earth is not large, the population has exceeded nearly 8 billion!

But this planet is different. If the residents here want to live a normal life, they must have corresponding conditions. Sufficient nutrition and accommodation conditions are just one of them!

These residents want a better life, and cultivation resources like spiritual energy are even more indispensable!

The available resources such as aura on a planet are always limited. If there are too many people, the resources that everyone can get will be even less!

In order to obtain enough resources for cultivation, the human beings on the planet will definitely resort to various methods, such as fighting and fighting to kill opponents, etc., all of which will reduce the population of the emperor.

When the population decreases to a certain level, this kind of fighting will decrease!

Such a thing would keep the total population of the planet under a certain number!

Over time, for the safety and stability of the planets, Cosmos Nation introduced various policies, such as interstellar immigration, developing new planets to attract residents of old planets, and reducing the birth rate, etc.!

Anyway, under the guidance of these measures, the number of inhabitants on each planet is maintained within a certain number!

The residents on the planet Amaya have always remained at more than 700 million. This is a number that allows the residents of the planet to enjoy basic cultivation resources. more words

Maybe the planet is not so peaceful anymore!

When the deceleration of the spaceship is completed, it has come to the vicinity of the planet Amaya!

After ten minutes of low-speed flight, Stardust came to the side of the planet Amaya!

Here, Stardust received a guide command from Amaya, which is to direct Stardust to where to park the spaceship!

Anyway, you can choose where to park. If you come here to do business and sell goods, you can fly to the commercial area to park!

The spaceships used by each family and sect [Just follow the usual flight route to your own area!

If you come here for travel and looking for people to play, there are places with more accommodation and hotels, and there are special parking areas there!

The primary purpose of Stardust coming here must be to sell goods, so he obediently flew the spaceship to the business district!

On a planet as big as Amaya, there is naturally more than one business area, but most of the other business areas are internal, that is, the big wholesalers go there to ship to the distributors on the planet!

There is only one Xilin business area that receives alien traders. Here, alien traders can wholesale their goods to wholesalers inside the planet, and they will supply the next-level commercial firms!

Of course, there are also some commercial firms with strong strength, who can purchase goods from alien planets and wholesale them on their own. This is all based on the strength of each company!

Stardust is just a small alien supplier, he doesn't even have one percent of other people's goods, let alone wholesale, maybe a bigger sect force, he doesn't have enough goods for others use!

But this is also a helpless matter, who let him just come out to play, so little strength!

Stardust landed the spaceship at the mooring point in the business district...  

There are also corresponding toll collectors who come here to collect fees regularly, and then hand over a card to Xingchen!

After completing the parking procedures, 4.4 Stardust will start selling goods!

The first thing is to let Huala unload the suspension car and assemble it.

This is the key equipment for shipping and selling goods, an indispensable thing!

After Hua La finished assembling the car, Xingchen arranged for a few younger brothers to unload all the cargo on the spaceship onto the hover car!

These goods include all spiritual fruits, fruits, spiritual food and other things. Anyway, the goods I bought before are put in the car, these are all money, and the income is earned from selling them!

After loading the car, the spaceship is arranged to stay behind and let it close the door of the spaceship. It is not allowed to open the door to pick up passengers unless Stardust comes back!

Xingchen asked Huala to drive, while he and Dangdang sat in the specially reserved seats in the car, and flew all the way to the sales area!

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