The selling area here is not far from the parking area, within a few minutes, Stardust arrived there!

The whole sales area is not too big, only more than 20 square kilometers.

Some stores have fixed storage areas and storefronts here, and these are big merchants with strong strength. Naturally, small dishes like Stardust are incomparable to others!

Some other small-scale commercial firms will rent a temporary booth here after the goods arrive. Depending on the amount of goods you have, you can decide how big a booth you want to rent!

However, most of these merchants are wholesalers with hundreds or even thousands of vehicles, and it is really rare for Stardust to have only one vehicle!

Even Stardust's truckload refers to a small self-assembled truck, which doesn't even have half the transportation volume of other people's standard cargo suspension trucks!

After entering the sales area, Xingchen found the management office, paid 800 rals, and got a sign for the right to place the smallest booth!

With this card, Stardust can legally set up the smallest booth in this sales area, and can hold three Amaya Planet Days!

But you have to find the place to display the goods by yourself, these managers don't care!

Xingchen took a hover car around this sales area, and found that this place to set up a stall is really hard to find, don't worry about the big merchants, you are not allowed to set up outside their shops, even if you are far It doesn't work any closer.

There are also some merchants without fixed stores, but they have a lot of goods. Such merchants will circle a place as their temporary storefront and there will be some guards standing guard around it!

Near such a business, Stardust can't get through. Judging by the empty surroundings, clean and tidy appearance of those places, it is not a place where a small business like Xingchen can set up a stall!

Turning around, Xingchen saw a place suitable for a small business like him to set up a stall in a relatively remote area of ​​the sales area!

That is the place far from the gate among the more than ten large passages in the sales area.

Far away from the gate means less passenger flow, and less passenger flow means less sales!

But the places closer to the gate are occupied by those big shops. They pay high rental fees and sell a lot of goods, so they can naturally occupy the best locations!

Small businesses can only set up stalls and sell goods in this kind of location that others look down on!

It's just a small business, but the businesses that set up stalls here often have dozens or even hundreds of carts of goods. Each of these businesses can occupy thousands of square meters, which is the size of three or five basketball courts!

Of course, their booth should not be the smallest one like Xingchen, and Xingchen has no interest in knowing the exact price of the booth!

Stardust's own booth is the smallest, but according to the above, he can occupy a space the size of five suspension vehicles. Of course, the size of the five vehicles includes the booth area and the area for placing goods.

That is to say, the total area of ​​the place where you put the goods and the booth does not exceed the size of five cars!

This area is big enough for Xingchen, and all his goods may not fit in such a large space!

But people’s management doesn’t care about these things. The smallest size of the booth is like this. It’s up to you if you can’t fill it up.

Stardust turned for a long time and turned to an open space.

It is not accurate to say that it is an open space. This is a corner of the passage, and the position at the apex is a small guard pavilion.

The place more than 30 meters away from the small pavilion is an open space, and no one has set up a stall! Farther away, there are various stalls picked up by one business after another!

There are two guards standing outside this small pavilion, and there are also two guards in the pavilion, probably resting!

There are several such guard booths in this sales area, and they should be used to maintain law and order!

Xingchen turned here, and before he could carefully check if he could set up a stall here, a standing guard shouted from a distance: "That shopper, stay away from the warning area, don't stay over there stand!"

Stardust is speechless, I brought something to sell, how did it become a purchase!

I had no choice but to take out the small sign issued by the management office and walk up to the standing guard, saying that I was a merchant who came to sell goods!

The guard looked at Xingchen's sign, then at the small suspension vehicle behind Xingchen, frowning a little!

"You little guy, it's not troublesome to get such a small amount of goods to sell, you might as well learn some skills before you come out to mess around!"

"Brother, I don't want to come out now, but the family's conditions are not good. If I don't come out to make some money, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay the tuition fees or even afford to eat!"

The guard expressed his understanding: "Well! The conditions at home are poor, so you have to figure out a way for yourself! But you only order goods like this, even if you sell them, you won't make much money!"

There are fewer goods, but if you sell them all, it will be enough for a few months of living expenses!"

After hearing this, the guard nodded. Before he could speak again, a person came out from the pavilion. Judging by his clothes, he should be a small boss!

The little boss also looked at Xingchen, seeing that he was relatively young, probably not yet an adult!

Can't help but sigh: "It's really not easy for you to come out at such a young age. Although we maintain law and order in this market, there are also some bastards who often make trouble. You have to be careful!"

Stardust searched for a place around here, and there was no suitable place to set up a stall. This would strike up a conversation with the boss in the sales area and the guards who manage this area. Naturally, he couldn't let this opportunity pass by!

"Brother, you see, I'm new here and I'm not familiar with this area. Could you please give me some tips on how to set up a stall here? I've been around a few times just now, but I haven't found a suitable place!"

The leader waved his hand, "There are so many people who sell goods here, they are all from novices, and whoever has nothing to do is pointing this and that every day. You can find a place for yourself!"

Xingchen saw that this is not good, it is not good, people don't want to take care of it!

But this is easy to handle, Stardust gritted his teeth, and moved a box of six or seven thousand rals of spiritual fruit from the suspension vehicle, and put it on the table behind the guard:

"Brothers, it is hard work to guard this place in this hot day. This box of fruit is a little bit of my little brother's heart. It is also good to eat and quench your thirst in your free time. Please don't dislike it!"

The guard saw that Xingchen sent something, but he didn't refuse, he just went to the table and raised his hand to open the box!

Inside the box is a box of 6,000 to 7,000 rals of spiritual fruit bought on Axilin, but this is Amai 767 Ya, so the price of the spiritual fruit is naturally different from that there!

On Amaya's side, a box of this kind of spiritual fruit is estimated to cost 9,000 to 10,000 rals. Of course, this is the wholesale price. If it is retailed in various cities, the price may be five times higher. become!

The head guard is on duty here every day, so he naturally knows the prices of various spiritual fruits. Seeing that Xingchen sent a box of more than ten thousand lahr of spiritual fruits, he was a little moved for a while!

"You little guy, you don't do much business, but this move is very generous!"

Xingchen apologized and said with a smile: "It's just a little thought, the group of this stall also asks the big brother to help!"

The little head let out a hum!

"It's just a trivial matter. You don't need to look around. Did you see that green line? You can just put it outside the green line. Usually, you can't put it outside the warning line, but we don't care about it, so no one else will check it. Yes, you can go and put it there!"

Stardust took a look at the so-called green line, it looked like it was less than 20 meters away from the guard pavilion, and more than 30 meters away was someone else's stall, and there was at least ten meters between them to set up a stall!

Hmm! This space is enough for several stalls like his!

That's it, the business of the booth is settled, and the rest is to prepare to sell the goods!

Xingchen expressed his gratitude to the little boss.

The little boss just waved his hand to tell Xingchen to hurry up, and then turned back to the pavilion!

Of course, this box of spiritual fruit was also taken into the pavilion by a guard on guard!

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