It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter 66 Empty The Inventory Of Spaceship Parts

Saying goodbye to Brother Guard, Xingchen did not return the small cards that were sold!

He spent money on this brand, and can set up a booth for three days in total. But it's only been half a day, so it's a bit of a loss to withdraw now.

Xingchen thought about finding a farming planet to buy some goods and sell them later. If the road is not too far away, this brand can still be used!

But there's still work to be done!

When selling the goods, the old man left Xingchen his communication number, but Xingchen himself doesn't have the communication method here, he does have the number of Junk Star, but it doesn't work here.

Stardust's current plan is to stay on this planet Amaya for a while, so it is necessary to get a local number.

Another one is that there are hundreds of spaceship accessories in the rhubarb space.

This thing has to be sold quickly, otherwise it will take up space and cannot be used to store goods. If those objects are placed on the spaceship, it will consume more energy of the spaceship, and the cost will be much higher by "820"!

And these hundreds of spaceship accessories are also worth one hundred and eighty thousand, which is also money. How good it is to sell and buy finished products, it is better than putting a bunch of accessories and not earning interest!

These two matters are relatively urgent at present, Xingchen thinks that he should finish these two matters first before buying goods.

Of course, these two things are not complicated. The problem of communication numbers can be solved next to this market.

Next to a main road outside this market, there is a specialty store selling communication equipment and various phone numbers!

Xingchen arrived at the door of the store in a few minutes on the suspension car.

There is also a special receptionist at the entrance of the store, and there are two young ladies who are not bad in appearance as welcome guests.

Seeing Xingchen got off the car outside the store, one of the young ladies went up to greet him with a smile, asked Xingchen to buy a number, and then led Xingchen into the store graciously.

There are all kinds of communicators in this store, including communicators of various grades and produced by various planets.

There are several different grades of this communication number.

The low-end number can only be used on this planet, and it only costs about a hundred dollars a year.

The mid-range number can cover more than 200 nearby planets, and it costs about 1,800 rals a year.

There is also a relatively high-end number, which is said to be able to be used in the entire universe without restriction, but the usage fee is as high as more than 80,000 Lal.

Moreover, this high-end number cannot be used directly by purchasing it, and some contribution points are required to apply for it. Common people are not eligible to use it!

After reading the introduction, Xingchen naturally chose the mid-range number.

He is not short of such a little money now, so he naturally chooses a larger range. If anything happens on the alien planet, you can get in touch in time!

Of course, Stardust doesn't have any acquaintances anywhere now, having such a number is just a precautionary measure!

There is nothing to choose from the numbers, they are all a long series of codes, whichever is the turn.

Stardust paid the fee and received a number that belonged to him!

He now has rhubarb as a communicator for communication, and he doesn't need to buy a new one. Directly bind this number with rhubarb to use permissions.

The store here sells energy bars with high energy density, and such a bar can hold up to 50 times that of the Common bar.

This kind of high-density energy bar is quite practical for rhubarb.

In the past, Stardust used Common sticks to charge Rhubarb. One can only charge about 1% in ten minutes. If you want to fully charge it, it will take a long time!

At this moment, buy a high-density strip and go back to recharge, so you don't have to spend so much effort!

Of course, the price of this kind of high-density energy bar is also very high. A box is twenty strips, and the selling price is 8,800 Lal!

Xingchen touched Lal in his pocket, ah! This price is still acceptable. Although the price of this box is quite high, but the rhubarb can last for a few years, it is considered relatively worthwhile. Buy a box of high-energy strips, and if you need rhubarb to detect something in the future, you don't need to pick and instigate!

Asking the clerk to pick up a box of high-energy bars, Xingchen paid the money and took the goods, then left the store by car!

The communication number is settled, and the rest is to sell spaceship accessories.

Xingchen returned to the small spaceship in the hover car, took out the small sign given by the toll collector, and completed the handover procedures with the inspectors.

Hula has already disassembled the suspension vehicle and put it back on the spaceship. Naturally, Xingchen greeted the younger brothers to get on the spaceship, and then drove the spaceship straight to a special shop that buys and sells spaceship accessories and repairs spaceships.

This shop is the address that Xingchen knew after asking the inspectors just now. According to what the inspectors said, this shop should be regarded as one of the second on this planet, with strong strength, complete accessories, and a wide range of business, so it can definitely meet Stardust's requirements!

Xingchen didn't bother to find out whether these situations were true or not. Anyway, as long as the stores were bigger, they could meet their needs!

If it's a small and pitiful repair shop, it doesn't have the strength to make the patrol officers work so hard to help advertise!

The spaceship accessories business site is about 3,000 kilometers away from this mooring point. It looks quite far, but for the spaceship, it only takes ten minutes to get there. This is still flying inside Stardust, so I dare not drive too far. fast results......

When he arrived at the shop, Stardust parked the spaceship at the parking position.

The size of this shop is less than three square kilometers. Dozens of spaceships, large and small, are parked in the yard, and they seem to be here for maintenance.

Seeing Xingdust coming down from the spaceship, a receptionist went to serve him.

Stardust explained to the receptionist the purpose of his visit, that is, he wanted to sell a batch of second-hand spaceship parts, and see if they would accept them here.

After hearing Xingchen's intention, the receptionist recruited another little leader in uniform.

This little boss is probably a person who specializes in evaluating and purchasing second-hand accessories. After exchanging pleasantries with Xingchen, he asked Xingchen to take out the accessories!

Stardust returned to the spaceship and asked the younger brothers to move all the accessories of the spaceship to the open space next to the spaceship.

Of course, this accessory is still in the rhubarb space.

Stardust took out the accessories from Dahuang's space, and then the younger brothers moved the accessories down.

After working for a while, more than 600 spaceship accessories were lined up on the open space.

The little head used equipment to inspect the accessories in detail, and marked the prices of the accessories according to different grades.

Xingchen took a look and found that the price here was about half ten percent lower than that in the previous store.

This may be due to the different quality of accessories, so the price is high or low. But even if the price here is low, Xingchen is not going to take the accessories and sell them in the original store again.

The main reason is that the distance is too long. It will take six or seven days to go back and forth. With this time, wouldn’t it be good to make two extra trips for business?

Seeing that Xingchen agreed to the quotation for the accessories, the little boss quoted the total price to Xingchen, which was 373,000 rals in total.

The next thing is Stardust collects the money, and there is a robot worker over there to pull the accessories away!

After collecting the money, Xingchen asked the price of some missing accessories.

The little boss also quoted the price. The price of new accessories here is about the same as the previous store.

However, Xingchen is not going to change the accessories right now. It will take half a day to replace them after buying the accessories.

This accessory is not in a hurry to change, but you can buy two energy columns for the spaceship first. Stardust's small spaceship has traveled such a long distance, and the original energy column has also been used up a lot, while it is on sale here, buy two for future use!

After buying the energy column, Xingchen asked the coordinates of the location of Lin Xing, so he drove the spaceship straight to Lin Xing!

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