Lin Xing is about 140 light-years away from Amaia, and it takes Stardust's small spaceship at least thirteen hours to fly there, including the time required for acceleration and deceleration.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so Xingchen settled his accounts. Before he went to Axi Lin Xing to buy goods, he had about 230,000 lahrs in his hand.

After going to Axilin, I picked up a leak in the head covering sale, and bought nearly 310,000 spiritual fruits for only 72,000 rals.

With just one vote, Xingchen doubled his capital.

After that, I used the remaining money to buy other products. Those spiritual fruits and the like can only be regarded as normal purchases, and the profits are not so high.

However, after these shipments arrive at Amaya, at least 30% of the profits will be made.

So in the end, after all of Stardust's goods were sold, he had 620,000 Dorals in his hands.

In addition to the payment for the business of the uncle, there is also a payment of more than 20,000 Lal from the previous retail sale.

Later, Stardust bought energy bars, communication numbers, and high-energy bars used by Rhubarb. These things cost nearly 20,000 rals.

However, Stardust sold the remaining spaceship accessories and received another 173,000 La25.

Calculated in this way, Xingchen has 770,000 rals in his hands, which can be used as capital to buy goods.

Stardust's spaceship is very small, and the load capacity is not large. Even with the storage space of rhubarb, the money is still enough to buy goods!

After finishing the calculation, Xingchen still gnawed a spiritual fruit, and then reclined on the control chair to read all kinds of information saved by Rhubarb.

Although there is no cargo on the spaceship at the moment, there is a space of about ten square meters for Stardust to move around, but such a small area can't move around, so it's better to learn things honestly!

When the voyage was over and the spacecraft decelerated, the Lin Xing had appeared in front of Xingchen.

It seems that what the big guard said about the activity here is true.

During the ten minutes that Stardust flew towards Duo Lin Xing from not far away, seven or eight spaceships were also flying towards Duo Lin Xing in the distance.

Of course, these seven or eight spaceships are not all large cargo spaceships, but such a large number of spaceships also means that the excitement here is not small.

Stardust arrived in front of Duo Lin Xing, and parked the spaceship in the designated area according to the parking guidance of the planet.

Thousands of spaceships of various types have been parked in this area.

It is said that there are several such berthing areas, and they are all counted according to the number of berths. This time, the competition on Duo Lin Xing may be very fierce!

Fortunately, Stardust didn't buy much, and a little slag flowing out from other people's fingers was enough for him to transport a spaceship, so he was not in a hurry, and decided to check the situation here first.

After Xingdust got off the spaceship, he still asked Hua La to assemble the hover car for later use.

At this moment, the manager of the parking area also came to ask Stardust to pay the fee. It was still the same procedure. He paid the parking fee of 300 lahrs, received a small sign indicating the identity of the ship owner, and then used this sign to enter the arena to pick up the spaceship.

Of course, this fee is only a parking fee for three days, and if you want to park for a longer time, you have to pay the fee again.

It is said that this activity must be carried out for at least five to seven days, and it is not enough to pay the constellation for only three days.

But he didn't come here for fun. Others wanted to join in the fun, but Xingchen came to buy goods. As for his small spaceship, the goods might be ready in half a day. How could it take several days?

After finishing the formalities, Xingchen still took the two little brothers Dangdang and Huala to the direction of the venue in the hover car.

The parking area here is only more than ten kilometers away from the venue. It seems that there are still patrols on duty on the way to the venue, so there is no need to find the merchants of the brigade to act together.

Xingchen saw that other scattered merchants were doing things on their own, so of course he followed suit and went directly to the venue.

On the road of more than ten kilometers, Xingchen saw more than ten waves of patrols passing by.

Anyway, nothing unexpected happened along the way, and we arrived at the main venue smoothly.

From the outside of the venue, the area is about a hundred square kilometers in size.

There are several fixed large buildings in the central area of ​​the home field, and other places are temporary buildings assembled with building materials such as movable steel plates.

Of course, in the interstellar era, this kind of temporary steel plate building is also very solid and reliable, even if it is blown by a hurricane, it cannot be easily damaged.

And once danger comes, this kind of building can be protected with a protective cover, and the defense value will be even higher.

In addition to these buildings, some small business associations used different numbers of modified suspension vehicles to form some stalls selling goods. At this time, Stardust saw some performing teams dancing outside these small stalls while attracting customers.

Hmm! Looking at the situation, the trade fair on Duo Lin Xing is much more lively than that on Axi Lin Xing!

When Xingchen entered the meeting place with the spaceship parking sign, he realized that what he saw just now were all pediatrics.

These ways of performing and soliciting business, the more you go to the center of the venue, the more tricks there are.

Not only is Stardust walking while watching, moving slowly, so are the merchants in the show.

Anyway, the aisles between the vendors are often crowded together. This is because the performance groups of some merchants have put out more attractive programs, attracting a large number of customers to watch.

Of course, Stardust has been tested by various programs on the earth, and he has some resistance to Duo Lin Xing's performance here, but the traffic flow on the passage is slow, so he has nothing to do

Fortunately, walking slowly is also beneficial. Rhubarb checks from time to time, and finds out the prices of various commodities here in Duo Lin Xing.

Duo Lin Xing is different from Axi Lin Xing. The main business here is animal husbandry, and there are many kinds of meat with good quality.

Because there are three relatively large animal husbandry breeding areas on Duolin Xing, and the cycle of slaughtering various livestock in these areas is different, so the Ten Realms Fair is held here every ten years.

However, the fairs are held in different places, and the three regions are held in turn.

This year's trade fair happened to be held in the largest breeding area, and the scale was naturally the largest among the three.

The largest scale means that the most livestock are slaughtered, and more meat of various varieties can be supplied.

In addition to the large amount of meat, which is the main business here, various spiritual fruits and spiritual foods are also supplied, and the quantity is also quite large.

When Xingchen came to Lin Xing this time, he was mainly buying meat products. Of course, if there are good spiritual food and spiritual fruits, and the price is right, you can also buy some!

When Stardust was approaching the central area of ​​the venue, he encountered a large chamber of commerce holding a promotion meeting.

This business belongs to the kind of large scale and strong strength.

Therefore, as soon as the dance performance started on the display stand built outside the store's main building, it attracted a large number of merchants to watch!

Xingchen is not very interested in performing, but who let him pass by the display stand? With this dance, he was dragged to the display stand by the merchants attracted from everywhere, and then he couldn't move. Obediently watch the show and wait for the promotion to end.

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