Taking advantage of the time when the ship repair yard was replacing the engine and other accessories, Xingchen sent a message to the uncle's number, which meant asking the uncle to write to himself after he was busy, talking about renting a house.

When the old man left, he specifically explained this matter, so Xingchen naturally had to go to the old man to have a look.

Regardless of whether he will rent a house from the uncle or not, since the uncle said this, Xingchen can't put it aside, otherwise it will make the uncle unhappy, and then he will lose the customer of the uncle next time he sells goods.

Of course, when it comes to renting a house, you can't put all your hopes on the uncle's side. Xingchen still has to check the renting market on Ameiya's side.

If it is suitable, it is also possible for Stardust to buy a house here, as long as the price is acceptable.

Stardust made Dahuang connect to Amaya's information network with the previous number.

Although the information network here is not as rich as on Earth, and various information and information are distributed randomly, it is okay to check some basic things.

After spending tens of lars for information, Xingchen found out about the rental situation here.

On the Amaya planet, if you just rent a room that can live in people, and there are no other requirements, you only need two or three thousand rals per month for an Amaya.

This price is around the city, closer to the city. Because of the convenient transportation, there are all kinds of shops in these areas, and it is convenient to do everything, so the prices are higher.

If you don't care about the distance from the location to the city, then the cost of renting a house will be lower, and you can rent it for six or seven hundred rals.

But these houses are not suitable for Stardust to rent, because he still has a spaceship to berth.

On this planet, the cost of parking a single spaceship, even a small spaceship, is not low.

Near urban areas, the rental fee for mooring a small airship is about 7,000 to 10,000 rals per amaya month.

Although this fee is quite high, Stardust can still accept it.

However, because such an area requires a large area for parking spaceships, the population is small, and various robbery incidents are prone to occur.

It is not very safe to park the spacecraft here.

There is no insurance company here, and if your spaceship is damaged, it can still compensate you. It is all bad luck.

Merchants who rent out space to park spaceships are only renting out space, and don't care about other things, so there is no chance of stardust, but I really don't want to park spaceships here.

Of course, the berthing point in the Xilin Business District here can also dock spaceships. It only costs a few hundred rals for three days, which is quite cheap.

However, the low parking fee here is to take care of the merchants who come here for business.

In addition, this place is far away from the urban area. If Stardust wants to live in the urban area, if he parks the spaceship here, some people will run away. It is possible to spend several hours on the road.

Of course, on such a large planet, there is also a suitable area to rent Stardust and park the spaceship safely. It's just that the rent is much higher. Generally, it starts at 20,000 lahrs, and there is no upper limit.

Because the houses that can park small spaceships and are also very safe are usually places like the good villas on the earth.

Stardust can't afford such a place at the moment, and he doesn't know how long he will stay here. If the cost is too high, it's obviously not worth it.

In addition, there are some places, such as on the ice field near the cold zone, near the desert, and on the Gobi stalls, there are some houses that can not only park spaceships, but also live in people. There has never been a danger in the past.

But such a place, considering the environment, is obviously not very suitable for people to live in for a long time.

Xingchen came to the planet Amaya to earn some money, train his body well, and try to upgrade a few levels to reach the earth level.

In this case, it will be easy to mix between the stars in the future.

If he had to stay in an environment like a desert ice field, it would be a real pain. He came here for training, not to suffer.

After looking around, there is still no suitable place.

At this moment, the uncle sent a reply letter, to the effect that his things have not been delivered to the place, and he is still on the way! After about an hour, he will finish his work, and then let Xingchen go to a city called Minxinchuan Nearby, there is a Shinkawa Budokan where he waits for Stardust.

The coordinates of the meeting place are also attached at the end.

Xingchen checked the information of Xinchuan Budokan on the Internet. This is a relatively large training venue, covering an area of ​​more than 30 square kilometers. At its peak, there were scenes where more than 80,000 students were taught to train together at the same time.

Now the number of students taught here is much less, but there are still more than 30,000 people training here.

His 30,000 students don't count young children and teenagers together. According to the division of strength and age, these 30,000 students should be at the stage of high school and university.

Such students, as long as they have completed their studies and graduated, they are at least prefecture-level fighters.

Think about the annual graduation season, thousands of prefecture-level combat forces come out of the Budokan, and then disperse to all walks of life.

Hmm! It's actually nothing.

This is a very prosperous star field, and the students who study and train here are not only people from the planet Amaya.

Parents with good family conditions on the surrounding planets will always send their children with some potential to be trained on planets with better cultivation resources.

This has made the number of students on the planet Amaya, who can cultivate to the strength above the earth level, increase many times.

So it's not surprising that there are so many prefecture-level fighters in each issue.

After checking the information, Xingchen felt a little better. Here I sent a message back to my uncle, to the effect that it will take an hour or two for him to repair the spaceship here, and when it is repaired, he will go over there to meet the uncle.

After replying to the message, Stardust is waiting here for the replacement parts of the spaceship.

There are more robot helpers in the ship repair yard here, so it doesn't take too much time to replace the engine and other accessories, which is much shorter than Stardust expected.

After the replacement was completed, the ship repair yard gave Xingchen another spacecraft maintenance, which was a special maintenance robot to clean the surface and interior of the spacecraft.

Even on the surface of the outer shell of the spaceship, these maintenance robots sprayed some kind of liquid. After drying, the spaceship looks very shiny, which is a bit more beautiful.

Hmm! In fact, it doesn’t do much. Anyway, if the spaceship travels faster than the speed of light in outer space, the outer shell will return to its original appearance. It’s a waste of time.

But they didn't ask Xingchen to pay, so Xingchen didn't say anything.

After the entire spaceship has been maintained and repaired, Xingdust asked Hua La to drive the spaceship to outer space for a test voyage to see if there are any problems with the various components.

Of course, this test flight is just a routine test of the engine, and it has not entered the superluminal flight, otherwise the time spent will not be over in a few (Zhao Dezhao) hours.

While Crash was going to test the spaceship, Stardust talked with the ship repair yard's director of recycled parts about recycling the replaced parts.

There are quite a few accessories replaced this time. Although they are all second-hand, some of them are in good condition. Anyway, they can be sold to others after recycling.

After checking all the accessories, the supervisor of the pipe recycling calculated a price.

Stardust calculated roughly, and the recycling price of accessories this time seems to be one or two points higher than last time. Of course, this is not much more, but the other party has a little sincerity.

The total value of this batch of accessories is about 210,000 rals.

After deducting the recovery payment for these parts, Stardust still needs to pay the ship repair yard 587,000 rals.

At this moment, Hula has completed the test drive, and the spaceship did not find anything abnormal, so Xingchen counted the money and handed it over to the other party.

After completing the repair of the spaceship, Xingchen will go to meet the uncle.

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