It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter Seventy-Four: What About This Lonely Grave In A Barren Hill?

The place the uncle mentioned is more than 7,000 kilometers away from the factory where the spacecraft is repaired.

But Xingchen drove a spaceship, and he arrived near Minxinchuan in a short time.

The Xinchuan Budokan is outside Minxinchuan City, next to the edge of a mountain range.

And there is a small river flowing by, which is a good place with mountains and water.

Xingchen found the location according to the coordinates sent by the uncle.

This is the periphery of a large building complex, but the function of this building cannot be seen from the appearance.

Xingchen sent another message to the uncle, telling him about his arrival.

Within a few minutes, the uncle's reply came.

"I'm right below, you can see it when you lower the spaceship!"

Xingchen lowered the spaceship, and sure enough, he saw the uncle walking out of the building.

The open space around this place is not small, and some suspended vehicles are parked in the marked area.

There is also an aircraft that looks like a spaceship parked in another area. That aircraft looks much larger than Stardust's spaceship, at least it can hold a hover car.

It is said that it is just like a spaceship rather than a spaceship, because the hull of this thing does not look thick, and it cannot travel at the speed of light in the starry sky.

In addition, the overall layout of this aircraft is different from that of the Common spacecraft.

In general spacecraft, the main power engine is relatively large, which will occupy a lot of space in the spacecraft. In addition, the energy tank and other system components will take up a lot of space.

Therefore, the space that the entire spaceship can be used to load and load the suspension vehicle will not be more than half of the entire spaceship.

But this aircraft is different, two-thirds of its space can be used for cargo, which is very unreasonable in the design of the spacecraft.

With such a design, unless it does not need to fly out of the atmosphere at all, the engine power will not meet the requirements at all, and the energy tank will not be able to fly too far.

But what this thing is for, it has nothing to do with Xingchen, he just glanced at it and then ignored it.

Since the uncle was waiting, Xingchen naturally quickly landed the spaceship on the ground.

There was also a parking space next to the aircraft, and Constellation parked its own spacecraft there.

After the spaceship was parked, Stardust descended from the warehouse door to the ground.

This time the uncle also came over. The uncle's actions at this time were not in a hurry, and he looked very calm. It was obvious that the spirit beast meat had been delivered on time.

"Master, will this be over?"

"That's right! I was in a hurry just now, but I finally came back before the meal time, and I didn't miss the time for the dinner!"

"This time I was able to successfully handle this matter, thanks to the spirit beast meat you brought back, you really happened to be lucky this time!"

"It's because my spaceship is small, and I can't transport too many things. Otherwise, it will take a long time to buy and load the goods. I'm afraid it will take three or four days for the goods to come back!"

"Small spaceship has its advantages. Your goods sell quickly, and you make more trips. Every time the goods are fresh enough!"

"That's true, but I've only shipped the goods twice, and I asked you to wrap them all up. If you don't think it's new, it won't work!"

"Master, I have a lot of goods here, and your little goods are nothing."

"Let's not talk about this, you said renting a house, what kind of house do you want to rent, you tell me, I have a lot of houses here, I have to find one that meets your requirements.

"I live alone (cfaf), and I brought a few robots with me. I don't need a lot of houses, but my spaceship is troublesome and needs a parking place. It's better to be safe. I only have this valuable item. If If it is stolen or damaged, I will lose my job."

"Your request is not too high. I don't say anything else here. There is absolutely no problem in terms of safety. Petty thieves come here to do things, and they will definitely be beaten and crippled if they can't get out of the gate."

Hmm! This should be

This place is a martial arts gym, the usual training is so hard, if a thief comes here, it is not illegal to beat someone in a clear and proper way.

"There are quite a few houses here where people can live, but the place where the spaceship can be parked is a bit out of the way. There is a lot of open space in the old staff dormitory near the back mountain. It is no problem to park your spaceship, but it has been a long time there. It’s cleaned up, it’s probably a bit deserted, let’s take you there to have a look!”

After finishing speaking, the uncle drove a suspension car over, and then called Xingchen to get on the car. He ejected and drove the car to a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour. In a few minutes, the uncle and Xingchen arrived at the foot of the mountain eight kilometers away.

Uncle drives this car with a standard, but Xingchen is used to the high speed of the spaceship, but he is still not used to it.

But Xingchen was young after all, so he recovered after taking a breath in the car.

In front of Xingchen is a stone house, judging from the weathering of the shape, these houses have been built for some years. However, how many years ago the object is, Xingchen has not done archaeological work here, so it is impossible to estimate it.

Not far from these houses, there is a very dense plant forest, and various plants that cannot be named are all over the area.

These plants grow extremely vigorously. According to Stardust's estimate, the height of six to seven meters is only considered as the common level among them. Some plants may be as high as ten meters.

But this is nothing, the ones that grow so tall are at best considered to be bamboos, which are not uncommon on earth.

What is more scary is that some plants grow like vines, which are as thick as a bucket. Looking at the distribution of these thick vines among those plants, I am afraid that the area below is full of vines.

I really don't know how the plants on this Amaya planet grow so vigorously. The fertility of this land is also too good.

Stardust looked at the surrounding environment, and was quite satisfied. Although the plants here are too prosperous, it also shows that the air here should be better. Judging from the perception just now, the psionic power is also better than that in the trade area. Stronger.

Living in such an environment, there is still a lot of open space around where you can exercise, so I'm afraid it won't be too difficult for you to rush to the ground level.

"Master, there are quite a lot of open space here, and it is very convenient to park the spaceship. Which house are you talking about? I think these houses are not small. How much is the rent?"

"Well! This is the original instructor's dormitory. Later, the gymnasium was refurbished. The older and retired instructors live here."

"As the instructor's dormitory, the accommodation conditions can't be bad. There are seven or eight rooms in a dormitory. But don't worry, the rent is only 15,000 Ral a month, which is very cheap, right? !"

"This price includes the parking fee of the spaceship, so it's not too high, so thank you for taking care of me!"

"It's not a big deal, it's a trivial matter. But you have to do the cleaning yourself!"

"Oh! That's natural. Anyway, there are robots helping to do it, so it's not a big deal to clean up!"

"Well! I just like young people. It's not a big deal to do some work!"

"Grandpa, tell me which house it is. I've memorized the location, and I'll let the robot clean it in a while, otherwise it will be too late to work!"

The uncle nodded, and then pointed in the direction.

Xingchen took a look and was stunned, because the place the uncle pointed to was the plant forest.

"Master, you made a mistake, it's a plant forest, how can there be any house!"

"I'm not confused yet, how could I remember the wrong location! That's where I said I would rent it out to you. But it hasn't been taken care of for a few days, so there are more plants growing!" The uncle said with some dissatisfaction.

"You call this neglected for some days?" Xingchen looked at the plant forest that took up the space in front of him, and was a little speechless. It must have been neglected for some years.

Where is there a house here? The whole thing is full of plants, okay?

The houses next to it are five or six meters high, and the ones over there should be about the same. But now there are all kinds of plants growing there, and there is no shadow of a house, let alone living there, and even entering a person is not allowed!

Xingchen couldn't believe it, and walked to the plant forest to look inside.

Well, through the dense branches and leaves, I can see a small piece of wall, but if I want to get into that room, I'm afraid I have to drill hard through the gaps of various plants, maybe I can get into that room.

Thinking about that situation carefully, isn’t this the same as living in a tomb, where the uncle is taking photos of barren hills and wild tombs? Every day when I come out of the house, it’s like getting out of a tomb!

Thinking of this, Xingchen felt a little cold sweat running down his back!

"Master, can't people live in this place?"

"Why can't people live in it? Isn't the dormitory next to this place full of instructors? It's just not cleaned up here, otherwise the environment is the same as here.

"But there are too many and too dense plants here, and it may not be easy to clean them out!"

"Hey! It's just a matter of effort. How about it? I'll give you a better rent. I only charge you 12,000 rals a month. That's enough!"

Is this a matter of money? This is a matter of being unable to live, okay?

Stardust was speechless for a while.

But in the final analysis, it is still a matter of money. The rent here is cheap enough. It would cost a lot to find such a large parking place elsewhere. The safety here is also higher, so it is a good choice to live here.

But there are too many plants here!

Stardust had a headache.

We can only try to clean up this matter first. If these plants can be cleaned up, it will be a good place to live.

If you really can't clean it up, you can only find another place to live.

Seeing that Xingchen nodded and agreed to clean up, the uncle gave Xingchen a small card, which is the key to enter the dormitory.

Of course, if you want to enter this dormitory, you have to clean up those plants first.

Then Grandpa came back to the building just now with Stardust.

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