Dangdang is still digging hard at the end of the passage, and the other two younger brothers are also taking turns dumping the waste out of the passage.

Time passed just like that, and the tunnel was dug another ten meters away. Seeing that there was less than ten meters left before digging to the position of the Vine Treasure, Xingchen gradually became excited.

This is hundreds of thousands of Lares.

If the money is in hand, at least a few months of living expenses will be settled.

Think about the life where you can eat the spiritual meal every day, it is wonderful.

Although Instructor Dika discovered the act of digging the vine treasure privately this time, judging from the instructor Dika's attitude towards this matter, the Budokan does not think it is wrong to dig the vine treasure privately.

That being the case, Xingchen was not so worried.

However, it is better for fewer people to know about this matter. If more people know about it, many things will be difficult to handle.

In this case, if a master who is not so easy to talk to comes, he may be busy in vain.

Xingchen thinks so, but in life, things are often unsatisfactory, nine out of ten!

Xingchen is still chatting with Instructor Dika.

The sound of a suspended car in the distance came from far and near.

From the appearance of the sound to the time when the car stopped and followed, it only took more than ten seconds.

With such a fast suspension car, no need to ask, it must be an old driver.

The person who came was none other than Uncle Pafu, the big man who bought Yuan Xingchen's goods twice.

"Boy Stardust, you didn't clean up the dormitory well, why did you suddenly want to dig treasures? Are you so free?"

Uh! These two are quite shrewd, one can see what Xingchen is doing here by looking at the posture on Xingchen's side!

"Master Pafu, I just saw that there should be good products here, so I came here to try."

"The vine treasures here are not so easy to dig. If they were easy to dig, they would have been dug away. You are 227 trying in vain. Why don't you clean up the vines over there in the dormitory!"

Before Xingchen could reply, Instructor Dika spoke.

"How do you know that boy Xingdust is wasting his efforts in vain? He has a secret, and he might be able to get Dubao easily!"

Uncle Pafu showed a hint of contempt: "How can there be so many secrets? If there is any secret to this thing, it will be a bad street."

"What do you know? Xingchen's family has a long history, so why doesn't he have any secrets? I'll surprise you when Tengbao digs it up."

"Stardust boy, do you really have a secret?"

"Master, it's not really a secret, it's just something I've analyzed after carefully checking the growth of these vines."

"Oh! It seems that you are very likely to dig up Vine Treasure!"

"I don't know, who dares to guarantee the ticket, I can only say that there is a chance, and whether you can find it depends on luck."

"Just dig it out if you have the chance. Mmm! Boy Stardust, let me tell you, this land belongs to the Budokan. These vines grow in the lake of the Budokan. When it comes to the ownership of this vine treasure, the Budokan will take the majority." .”

Huh? What does this mean? If you dig it up, it will become the property of the Budokan. So if I don’t dig it up, it’s still okay?

Xingchen was thinking like this, but he didn't speak yet. The Dika Church nearby spoke.

"I said, old man Pafu, you have to save face. Although the vine treasure in this lake belongs to the Budokan, it is naturally raised. Whoever digs it is the owner. The Budokan thinks it is not worth digging and give up. That’s right, the boy Stardust has worked so hard to dig out the vine treasure (cffe), and now you’re in the possession of the Martial Arts Hall, why don’t you go grab it?”

"Dika, why are you in a hurry? I just said that the land belongs to the Budokan. This Fujibao Budokan should have a share. I didn't say that Fujibao would be confiscated. Why are you shouting so loudly?"

"You old man, you just want to take advantage every day, and now you see that Xingchen is going to dig out Tengbao, so you jump out to take advantage?"

"You two gentlemen, stop arguing. It's not worth it because of this little thing. At worst, I won't dig this thing. It's not worth much anyway. It's not worth arguing about it."

"Don't, you have to dig if you have to. I said that the land is the land of the Budokan. It doesn't mean anything else. Is the rattan treasure you dug out for yourself or do you want to sell it for money?"

"I didn't intend to use this, I just dug it up and wanted to sell it for some money. The cost of living here is too high, so I can live a more relaxed life by saving more money."

"Well! It's good that you dug it to sell money. When I said that the place is the Budokan, I didn't mean to take your vine treasure for nothing, but that you sell this vine treasure to me, but you have to call me. Discount, how about a 50% discount, even if I take advantage of it, I bought it myself, and it’s for my grandson, it’s not paid by the public.”

"Oh! Grandpa, if you use it for your own use, then I'll give it to you. What's the cost? Anyway, I just use the cleaning truck for a day or two, and it doesn't cost much."

"Pafu, you see that Xingchen is very authentic in his work. He is looking at you, and he wants to take advantage of the little guy. Although the value of this thing itself is not high, but at this time of year, every family spends a lot of money to go to the mountains If you collect this from here, the money spent is much higher than the price of Tengbao itself. You still want to buy it at a discount, or 50% off, and you say it’s not a grab, I can’t stand it anymore!"

"Dika, you have been arguing with me, do you want to buy this Vine Treasure too, don't say no, I know that a few students you know are also stuck. They need this thing to level up.

"As long as you know it, you don't just want this thing, those few students must also want it. Are you still thinking of buying it at a discount? They can buy it at a higher price, and they say you are not robbing.

Seeing that Dika had told the truth, Uncle Pafu blushed.

"Xingchen, you should sell this Vine Treasure to me. Like this, don't give it 50% off, 40% off, 30% off! I'll buy this Vine Treasure at 30% off, what do you think?"

"The main reason is that my grandson happened to be stuck in the late stage of the third level of the prefecture level and couldn't make it through. In three months' time, it will be the Martial Arts Ranking Tournament. More than 30 Martial Arts Halls on the entire planet will each send five students to participate in the ranking. Great battle. This ranking battle is related to the ranking of the Budokan this year and next, and it is also crucial to the future development."

"If my grandson can use the rattan treasure to break through the barrier and reach the fourth level of the prefecture level, then he will definitely get a better ranking in the ranking battle, and the martial arts hall can also get more resources. This is also very good for the students in the hall. helpful."

Instructor Dika did not refute Master Pafu's words, and it seems that these are also true.

But Dika still said: "There is not only one student of your grandson in the Budokan who needs to step up, there are several students who are also in the late stage of the third level of the prefecture level. Those students can also get good rankings in the ranking battle!"

Uncle Pafu saw that Dika wanted to compete with him for the treasure, and he was a little anxious, he pulled Xingchen and said: "Master, I have taken care of your business twice, and even helped you find a house to live in. You will help me this time." Help me, uncle, sell this rattan treasure to me!"

Uh! These two haven't seen Tengbao being dug out yet, so it's time to compete.

Although Xingchen himself knew that he would definitely be able to dig out the Tengbao, the two of them didn't see what was dug up, so they fought here, and they were confident enough in themselves.

Both uncles want it, one offers 30% off, and the other can buy it at full price. I am afraid that the price difference between them will have to be more than one hundred or two hundred thousand.

But Mr. Pafu is his regular customer, and he will be relied on to take care of the business in the future. If he doesn't sell it to him this time, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing in the future.

Xingchen couldn't bear it, so he could only agree to sell it to Mr. Pafu.

The uncle got Xingchen's approval letter, and immediately became happy, as if Tengbao had already been obtained.

Instructor Dika was not too disappointed about this, probably he bought it for other students, and it’s okay if he can’t buy it, so he just stood aside and said nothing.

More than two minutes later, Xiaoxiao finally opened the passage.

The meaning of opening up means that Dangdang opened the passage all the way to the side of the rattan treasure.

This vine treasure grows on a thick vine, which is probably about 1.56 meters in diameter.

The so-called vine treasure is a protrusion growing on the vine.

From this, it can be seen that this rattan treasure is about the size of a bathtub. According to Rhubarb's investigation, most of the space in this meaning is filled with a liquid, and only the most central part has a hard ball the size of a football.

The most active part is the hard ball the size of a football. Of course, the activity and energy contained in those liquids are also quite a lot.

These are all seen by Dangdang, received by Dahuang, and projected in Xingchen's mind.

Now that the place has been dug, the next step is to take it down and get it in your hand.

Dangdang didn't hesitate, and immediately started cutting the vines on both sides of the vine treasure. Only by cutting off these two sides can the vine treasure be taken out.

At this time, a vacancy has been opened up where Tengbao is located.

Qiliu drove the smaller suspension vehicle in, and when Dangdang was cutting the main vines, the suspension vehicle stopped under Dubao.

After more than ten minutes of harsh noise, it stopped.

That rattan treasure has landed firmly on the suspension car.

Seeing things getting on the car, Ba Liu drove the suspension car out of this passage without hesitation.

The three people outside the passage had been waiting for a long time, and this meeting finally saw the real thing.

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