It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter 85 I Didn't Say There Was Only One Rattan Treasure, Did I?

Seeing that the Tengbao dug out was such a big deal, the eyes of the two uncles showed surprise, and the corners of Pafu's mouth even grinned.

Stardust doesn’t matter, this thing is dug out for money, bigger and smaller is just a question of how much money, the difference should not be too big, anyway, it’s discounted by Master Pafu, and it’s more than 100,000 rials less. This thing will be bigger and won't cost much.

Qiliu parked the car in front of the three of them, and the two uncles immediately went forward to inspect it.

This thing had just been cut off from the vine, and there were vines more than half a meter long at both ends of Tengbao. At this time, the cut was still dripping with sweat, which made Uncle Pafu very distressed.

Hmm! What comes out is the essence!

Instructor Dika looked around and gave his opinion.

"This rattan treasure is so big, the juice inside is also very full, and the appearance is good."

"This Vine Treasure is not bad. What price do you want to sell for Stardust? Tell the uncle a price. I have to buy it quickly and send it to my grandson. If there is a delay, the essence inside will be lost."

"Master, please give it to me. I don't know much about the market price of this thing. I'm afraid the price quoted may not be reasonable."

When Uncle Pafu heard this, he thought of paying a price to buy the goods.

But Instructor Dika stopped him from talking,

"Pafu, don't underestimate the price, Xingchen has worked so hard to dig out the Tengbao, and he has already given you a 30% discount. If you quote a lower price again, it will be too embarrassing

Pafu's mind was broken by people's words, and his old face was a little red, but he still said bravely: "How could I do that, the price of this thing is relatively transparent, and the price of a rattan treasure like this is at least 700,000 rals ,am I right!"

"Bah! You also said that you didn't underestimate the price. For a rattan treasure of this size, at least 800,000 Lares, you only reported 700,000 Lares. If I hadn't been here to watch today, Stardust Boy would have been killed by you." How much is it going to be hacked!"

Uncle Pafu did not immediately refute after hearing Dika's words. It is estimated that such a big Fujibao does cost so much money.

"Okay, 800,000 is 800,000. Boy Stardust negotiated with me to give me a 30% discount. That's right!"

Seeing that Dika did not object again, Master Pafu continued:

"800,000 30% off, that's 560,000 Lares, sir, I won't let you wipe it off, so I'll give you 560,000 Lares!"

As soon as the words came out, Dika shook his head when he heard it, who is this, let others sell things with a 30% discount to get a big deal, and want to wipe away the change, hey!

Xingchen didn't care anymore, after hearing Uncle Pafu's bid, he nodded his head in approval.

Seeing that Xingchen agreed, Uncle Pafu immediately paid the bill, and while paying, he urged Xingchen to quickly move Xue Bao to his own suspension vehicle.

Naturally, Xingchen arranged for the younger brothers to move Tengbao to the uncle's car.

On the other side, after paying the money, Mr. Pafu drove away in the suspension car as soon as he greeted him, apparently in a hurry to send Tengbao to his precious grandson.

Dika was not surprised by this.

"Xingchen boy, you dug up the Vine Treasure and never thought about using it yourself? Although your strength is still a bit weak, you can still use the Vine Treasure to advance to the next level!"

"Instructor Dika, I haven't seen this thing before, and I don't know how to use it. Naturally, I haven't thought about using this thing to upgrade."

"Besides, my current strength is still very low, and I haven't encountered any bottlenecks in my promotion, so I don't need external force to help me advance!"

"That's right, your strength is low now, and it's actually not that difficult to advance."

"The price of this kind of vine treasure is not too high, because there are not so many people who can use it to upgrade. Generally, it is not that difficult for monks of the first to third ranks to upgrade. As long as they practice diligently and supplement with spiritual food, they will be able to upgrade." It just takes a little longer!"

"That is, from the third level up, until the fifth level and the sixth level, the rattan treasure will be used to level up. If the strength is higher, this thing will not be very useful."

"And this thing can only be used once, and it will not have the benefit of breaking through the barrier when it is used for the second time, so there are even fewer monks who want to buy it, that is, those who have better family conditions and are in this Cultivators at the lower stage will think of using it to open ranks."

"Pafu is in a hurry to buy Tengbao for his grandson this time. The bigger factor is that he wants to get a good ranking in the ranking tournament in a few months. His grandson will have the opportunity to inherit this martial arts gym in the future. I think If you want to convince the public in the future, you must have corresponding strength and record."

Xingchen nodded to show that he understands that if he wants to inherit property like the Martial Arts Gym, his own strength is the most important thing, if he can't convince all kinds of people in the Gym in the future, then who will have the final say in this Martial Arts Gym!

The vine treasures here have been dug, and the remaining passages can be left alone. These vines will automatically repair the damage. I am afraid that after a few days or more, the gap here will disappear.

Xingchen asked the younger brothers to pack up their own things, and then began to transition.

Seeing that Xingchen started packing up, Dika thought that he was going back to the dormitory, "Naturally, he chatted with Xingchen Eleven and waited to go together.

This is because Dika has been an instructor for a long time, and he has not changed his habit of being a good teacher. Now that he has retired and has no students to teach, he usually panics about being idle and bored. To pour out the goods in the stomach, naturally I don't want to let it go.

It doesn't matter to Xingchen, this Uncle Dika knows a lot of things. There are many things that Xingchen must not know if he is not a resident here. This will help him to popularize science, and he will be able to avoid many mistakes in the future.

After the younger brothers had brought all their things, Xingchen led the younger brothers around the lake and chatted with the uncle.

Although Uncle Dika was a bit surprised why Xingchen didn't go back directly from the lake, but went around the lake before walking, but anyway, nothing happened, just happened to go for a walk together, so he didn't ask much, just talked to Xingchen about some cultivation things.

This turn turned to another Tengbao location that Rhubarb had detected.

This side is a bit different from the location of the vine treasure just now. The bottom of the lake here is deeper, so the location where the vine treasure grows is deeper into the lake, at least two or three meters lower than the one just now.

In addition, the Vine Mountain here is not that high, but it is bigger. If the Vine Mountain over there was a strong man, then the Vine Mountain here is equivalent to a short and fat man.

...asking for flowers...

With such a mountain shape, it is more troublesome to dig, because to open a passage, the distance required to dig is longer.

Xingchen calculated carefully on the mountain, at least a passage of more than 130 meters must be dug here to dig out Kuobao.

Seeing that Xingchen walked halfway and then went up to play on the rattan mountain, Dika thought he was looking at the scenery, so he said:

"Xingchen, the mountain here is not high enough to see any good scenery, the scenery on the big mountain behind is interesting.

"However, there will be some common spirit grass growing on these vines. It has no great medicinal effect, but it tastes good when cooked with spirit beast meat. However, I haven't made meals here, so I haven't picked it. This thing, if you cook and eat it by yourself in the future, you can learn to recognize it and pick it up later.

"There are still spiritual grasses growing on these vines, then you can pick some and eat them later."

Xingchen responded casually, but he kept moving here, and began to demarcate an area for Dangdang and the others to clear the relatively tender outer layer of the tomb.

Uncle Dika saw that Xingchen had set up another formation here, and asked strangely, "What are you doing here?"

Xingchen was also a little surprised why Uncle Dika asked such a question, but he still explained: "Here, of course, we are digging vine treasures. We can't just want to clear up this mountain of vines, so my car is probably not enough to look at." , The ones that are cleared are not as fast as the regeneration!"

"Don't bother, it's impossible for this vine treasure to grow two in one area. This is the experience of those professional vine treasure diggers, and it can't be wrong."

Xingchen thought to himself: I found this out from Rhubarb's investigation, there is nothing wrong with it, but I can't tell you this.

"Instructor Dika, when I observed the vine mountain before, I found abnormalities in the growth points of the vines in these two places. I have dug out vine treasures over there, so I should be able to find them here too."

"If you observe abnormalities, there is a chance for Tengbao, but the experience of those professionals should not make mistakes, right?"

"Then I don't know. It may also be that there are too many plant-treated waste piled up in this lake. The fertilizer is too rich, so there are two vine treasures!"

"It's really possible to say that. By the way, if you want to dig out the vine treasure this time, you must sell it to me! I came first to the last vine treasure, but that old guy Pafu snatched it Go, he is your regular customer, I will not say anything. If this one is dug up, it will have to be sold to me!"

"Of course it will be sold if it is dug up. If you want it, instructor, you can. But I'm afraid that Mr. Pafu will come over and rush to buy it again, so I can't refuse."

"Don't worry about it, he won't be able to make it through these two days. If this Tengbao wants to fully use it, there is a set of procedures, and it can't be completed in a day or two. Just like Yi Pafu's baby and his grandson, it may be difficult in the next two days." They will stay with their grandson and watch over them."

"Master Pafoo will be fine if he can't make it through. If he doesn't come to fight, you can just sell this rattan treasure to Instructor Dika!"

"Good boy, it's not a bad thing. I treated you to dinner. I still remember the goodness of the uncle. That's all right. I will treat you to a good meal later!"

Stardust: ".

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