Here, under the supervision of instructor Dika, Xingchen worked hard to practice the eighteen movements of the movement and stillness exercises. It took about two hours before the whole training was over.

This end is only the completion of the dynamic and static exercises, and then Instructor Dika asked Xingchen to carry out daily physical training.

It is said that after practicing dynamic and static exercises and absorbing the corresponding spiritual energy, physical training will be more conducive to the body's utilization of spiritual energy.

Xingchen usually also does physical training, so he is used to these and doesn't find it difficult.

He was training vigorously, only to hear the whistling sound of the suspension car, and then Uncle Pafu came running with the car.

Uncle Pafoo's car drove up to Stardust, and got out of the car.

"Xingdust boy, this is the beginning of cultivation, umm! Your strength is a bit weak. This is because I know that my grandson has successfully passed the 4th step of the earth level, and there is pressure so work hard! Your news is still full. You are well-informed. However, in terms of cultivation, you can’t rush for success overnight, you’d better sign up at the Budokan and study formally.”


Did I just say something? Why would Master Pafu think that I practiced because of his grandson?

Instructor Dika couldn't see Master Pafu's behavior in 920, so he said: "I said, old man Pafu, if your grandson succeeds in the ladder, it's a big deal, maybe someone else will succeed in the ladder tomorrow." .It's nothing to brag about."

Uncle Pafu raised his head, "Hmph! Is it so easy for you to become a stepper? Someone else will succeed tomorrow. My grandson's strength has arrived, and with the help of the newly acquired Tengbao, he succeeded No one else has such an opportunity.”

"It's not certain, Pafoo, I heard that there are other people who have made the leap recently, and I don't know if they succeed or not!"

"Crossing the ladder is not so easy. People do it every day, but there are very few successful ones."

"Let's not talk about this. Stardust boy, your place is ready, when are you going to buy it?"

"My grandson succeeded in rushing to the ranks in one fell swoop, and a large group of students who made trouble are full of self-motivation, and they are all ready to fight in the near future. These students need to redouble their cultivation and strengthen their strength, and this good meal is indispensable. So the spirit beasts that entered the cafeteria Meat will be out of stock.”

"No, I need goods here, and I thought of you first."

"Then thank you, Mr. Pafu, but I just rested for two or three days, can't I wait a few days before buying goods? I remember that some big merchants should have come back from Dolin Xing in the past two days, and they didn't work there. Animal meat?"

Uncle Pafu coughed lightly and said: "Of course they have the spirit beast meat in stock, but when I go to buy it, they are not willing to give a discount, and they also said that this time the new spirit beast meat has just arrived, so there is no discount for fresh goods You have to know, sir, I buy goods in several large boxes. If there is no discount, the price difference will be tens of thousands of Lares.

Uh! It's because I want a bargain that I thought of me!

Xingchen was arguing endlessly, but when others came to ask for goods, it was profitable for him.

"Master Pafu, what kind of goods are you planning to order this time? How much do you want? I'll see if you can bring them all back!"

"Well! This time, we need to buy more spirit beast meat. Five boxes and eight boxes are fine. You can transport as much as you can. Spirit fruits can also be imported. Spirit food takes up more space, even if the discount is not much less. Er, don't go in."

"Okay, then I'll pack up and set off. It will take about two days to go back and forth."

"Two days, just two days, these two days I will take less goods from those merchants, and wait for your batch to come over!"

"Okay, this time I'll bring the goods back and bring them directly to the Budokan, instead of going to the market!"

"Okay, just send me a message when you come back. Hurry up, there is a shortage of goods in the restaurant. W

Having said all this, Uncle Pafu got on his suspension vehicle and roared away again.

"Hmph, I think Pafu can be proud for a few days. The student who bought the Vine Treasure will probably succeed in a day or two. Let the old man know that he is not the only one who can succeed in the step!"

"Instructor Dika, that student used the Vine Treasure to jump up the steps, don't let it out that (cfei) I dug the Vine Treasure, lest Master Pafu will get annoyed and come to trouble me. I'm still counting on Master Pafu How many more shipments do you want over there!"

"Okay, don't worry, no one knows about this."

After Xingchen told Dika to keep the secret, he was ready to set off and Lin Xing bought the goods.

Duo Lin Xing, Huala and Dangdang are naturally to be brought back this time. It is useless for the two guard robots to go outside, so they should stay in the dormitory to guard the door.

There is also this little guy, even if you go with Duo Lin Xing, it is of little use, so I won't take it this time.

Stardust asked Dangdang and Huala to disassemble their small suspension car and put it on the spaceship, and then told Qiliu to stay here. During the day, they can clean up the plants outside the dormitory.

I go back to the dormitory at night, and I can't work and make noise.

After arranging the chores, Xingchen said goodbye to Instructor Dika, and boarded the spaceship with Dangdang and Huala.

The small spaceship has just replaced many new parts, and even the main engine has been replaced with a new model with more powerful horsepower. This time the spaceship is full of power.

Stardust started the spaceship, much less noise than before, the main engine blew lightly, and the spaceship flew out of the atmosphere.

It seems that the performance of the spaceship has improved a lot this time.

Outside the atmosphere, Xingdu drove the spaceship to point at Duo Lin Xing's position, then the engine accelerated, and the spaceship rushed forward. A few minutes later, the shadow of Xingdu's spaceship disappeared outside the atmosphere.

Of course, it is impossible for Stardust's small spaceship to fly to Duo Lin Xing so quickly. Although the spaceship has been upgraded a lot this time, the acceleration and deceleration time has only been reduced by about one hour.

That is to say, the small spacecraft originally needed 6 hours to accelerate to the speed of light and then enter the dimensional space. After the upgrade, it still needs a little more than 5 hours of acceleration time.

The time it took to go to Duolin Xing last time was a little over thirteen hours, but this time it took less than twelve hours to get there.

The road is still very boring, Stardust is still the old rule, lying on the control chair to read information.

When I arrived at Duo Lin Xing, it was almost night here, and Xingchen didn't want to buy goods overnight, and others didn't necessarily welcome them.

So after Stardust parked the spaceship, he completed the parking card. From the administrator, I asked about the address of a hotel that specially accommodates merchants at the venue.

Xingchen asked Hua La to assemble the suspension car, one person and two younger brothers sat in the car, and flew towards the hotel in a hurry.

The hotel is located in the center of the whole venue, and it is a very large building.

Because this is a temporary meeting place, the building of this hotel is also temporary, but it looks similar to the big hotels on the earth, except that the floors are not high, only about four floors.

Stardust has gone through the accommodation procedures, and he can stay here for only one day, but the accommodation fee is not cheap, 3,000 rals a day, only including one meal.

Xingchen brought his two younger brothers to his room under the guidance of the receptionist.

Hmm! There is only a place to rest and take a bath? Don't think about it, this hotel should have a centralized large bathhouse, but Xingchen was too lazy to take a bath, so he just took a rest!.

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