After dinner, Xingchen went back to the dormitory. It wasn't very interesting to stay here, and he didn't have a mobile phone or a good network, so he couldn't sit idle.

When he was bored, Xingchen noticed that the area of ​​plant forest cleared by the younger brothers these days was not small, so he planned to make a patrol to see how much area of ​​plant forest still needs to be cleared.

This inspection does not matter, Rhubarb found another vine treasure.

The dormitory that Xingchen lives in can be regarded as the periphery of the entire dormitory area, which is close to the side of the mountain. From Xingchen's courtyard to the outside, there is a stone floor of about 30 meters, all of which are paved with large stone slabs.

As a result of the cleaning by the younger brothers in the past few days, there are no traces of vines on most of the stone slabs, and even a large area of ​​dirt on the outside of the stone slabs has been cleaned up.

Those vines in the past took root from the side of the mud and grew vines, and then spread all the way to the dormitory area. Although they can’t take root on the stone slab, these vines are not afraid of this, as long as there are enough vines hovering on the slate , In rainy days, enough water and dust can be stored, which can bring nutrients for the growth of vines.

Now that the little brothers of Xingchen have cleared away the vines on the slate, we have to come and see where the vines on the muddy ground take root, where are the denser ones, and where they need to be cleared intensively.

Xingchen went out in a levitating vehicle that rattled away, and first took a look at the dormitory area.

The vines here have been cleared well, except for some fish that slipped through the net in some edge areas, and some cut-off vines and plants in the yards of some dormitories, and other areas "basically all


After leaving the dormitory area, besides the slate floors, they cleared out a four to five hundred square meters of dirt.

Although the vines here are relatively thick, they are obviously not as thick as the ones in the lake.

Looking at the thickness of the vines, it seems that someone has cleared this side before, and the vines extending from farther away have been cut off and removed, and the vines that grew out later are not so thick.

Going out from the mud cleared here, there are thicker vines. The other plants here are not so vigorous, but the vines grow stronger and stronger.

Stardust looked into the distance, and farther away was a hill four to five hundred meters away. There were various plants densely covered there, not only the vines growing amazingly, but also various other plants, all of which were not young and not too old. If you know what kind of plant it is, you can compete with this kind of ground-growing vine.

Xingchen saw that various plants were denser in the distance, so he asked Hua La to drive the hover car over to have a look.

This area of ​​a few hundred meters is covered with vines and various plants that grow in every stitch. Looking back, I really have to look up the introduction of various plants on Ameiya. There are so many varieties, I am afraid that there are many edible spirit grasses and the like, and I can pick them later to cook with spirit beast meat. .

While patrolling, Da Huang said: "Master, there is a low-lying land in front, and there is a particularly thick vine inside, and a vine treasure grows at the root of it, but this vine treasure is a bit small, not as big as last time. Those two mushrooms are half the size!"!"

"Huh? Found another vine treasure? This is a good thing. I have to go and have a look."

Xingchen asked Hua La to drive the car to the location Da Huang said.

This side is indeed a depression, but the area here is not large, only about 200 square meters in size, and the lowest point is only two meters deep, but you can't see the depth of the depression, because there is a long Full of vines.

Those vines have already covered the entire depression, and the thick vines are still stacked together to form a solid structure the size of several rooms.

But maybe there is not so much fertilizer, so there is no huge mountain structure here.

In addition to the vines growing in this depression, there are more than a dozen thick vines extending two to three hundred meters away from here, almost covering the open space of tens of acres.

Hmm! The scale of this vine is not small. If there is a chance, it must be removed. Otherwise, with such a large growth area, the energy reserve must be very strong. It will grow out in a few days.

But this is not a question of whether to clean it up or not, but that this vine has grown a vine treasure in the depression. Although this thing is a bit small, maybe someone will want it.

Xingchen decided to tell the Dika instructor about the vine treasure here tomorrow, if someone from the instructor wants this smaller vine treasure, then Xingchen will arrange for the younger brothers to fetch the vine treasure and sell it.

After all, this is also Tengbao, seven or eight hundred thousand can't be sold, two or three hundred thousand is always worth it. This money is the same as picking it up, but it's just a matter of hours for the younger brothers.

After thinking about this matter, Xingchen looked around again, but found nothing else.

Hmm! It's not bad that one vine treasure can be produced in this area, so don't expect to find several treasures. The people in the Budokan over there are not blind either. If this rattan treasure is so easy to find and get, no one would spend hundreds of thousands of Lars.

All right, go back and rest.

Have a good night's sleep. The next day, Xingchen got up, washed up, and went to the open space outside the dormitory, and began to practice the 18 moves of static exercises.

Of course, Stardust's younger brothers thought they were going to clean up the plant forest.

Xingchen practiced for two hours. In addition to practicing the static and dynamic exercises, he began to practice the basic exercises and moves learned yesterday.

While practicing, the Dika Academy came over again.

The instructor usually doesn't know what his work and rest time is, and he will only appear around this point every day.

Instructor Dika watched Xingchen practice for a while, and when he saw what was wrong, he also gave advice.

After Xingchen practiced the basic skills and moves for a round, Instructor Dika stopped Xingchen and prepared to teach him the basic sword skills.

Xingchen wants to learn sword skills, but he still needs to tell the instructor about discovering Tengbao yesterday.

That rattan treasure is in the open space behind the dormitory, although no one has noticed it for so long, and it may not be noticed for a while.

But not afraid of 10,000, just in case, who knows who will pass by there, suddenly notices that the vine grows better, digs it casually, and this vine treasure will become someone else's.

So when it comes to discovering Tengbao, it is better to talk about digging first.

After hearing what Xingchen said, Instructor Dika was quite surprised to find another Vine Treasure.

It is usually extremely difficult to find one when searching for rattan treasures.

But now in the Budokan, it is a bit ironic to find Tengbao appearing one after another.

Dika didn't quite believe that there were actually three vine treasures growing in the Budokan, so Xingchen had to take Dika's school to take a look at the scene.

Seeing that the vines in that depression were really unusual, the Dika Church was a little convinced.

Of course, there is also a more credible method, that is to dig out this vine treasure directly, and if you see it with the naked eye, it must be real.

However, as long as this vine treasure is excavated, the energy and activity inside will start to be lost, so it is better for the instructor of Dika to find a good buyer first, and then excavate the vine treasure.

This time the buyer was found more smoothly.

There were probably two examples of using Fujibao to advance smoothly, so it took less than five minutes for the instructor Dika to find a student who was willing to spend money.

Of course, Xingchen also asked Dika's instructor to confess that this time Fujibao is relatively small.

But the buyer is quite satisfied, because the price of the small-sized Tengbao is also low. With the money on hand, it is more suitable to buy the small-sized one.

Hmm! Well, this student was lucky, Qian Shao happened to meet a small rattan treasure, which was just right for him.

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