Now that there is a buyer, Stardust will not delay any longer.

Greeted the younger brothers from a distance, gave an order, and the three younger brothers started work.

The vines here are far less thick than those by the lake, so after ten minutes, Dangdang opened a big hole directly to the location of the vine treasure.

Because the big hole was on the main vine of the vine, the vine treasure also began to lose energy.

But now that the vine treasure has been exposed, Dangdang drove the removal vehicle and cut the vine treasure directly from the main vine, and it didn't take much time.

Another eight minutes passed, and Tengbao arrived.

Xingchen asked Hua La to drive Tengbao and Dika instructor back to the dormitory, where Dika instructor would use his own suspension vehicle to send Tengbao there.

Of course, the coverings that should be on the rattan treasure are also tightly covered, so as not to show the horse's feet.

Done the same thing again.

But to Stardust, this is just a small business.

Next, the cultivation of Stardust is still going on. Now he has learned more basic martial arts and martial arts, and he needs to spend more time practicing them.

This practice lasted until the afternoon.

Instructor Dika didn't come back until late in the evening. According to him, the student who bought the rattan treasure didn't know how to use it, and he wasn't ready at ten o'clock.

After this Vine Treasure was brought over, that student was in a hurry. It was because Dika instructor 577 borrowed some resources from other students to give him some resources, so that this student could use Teng Treasure to rush to the steps in time.

Of course, the problem after the Tengbao is sold is none of Xingchen's business, he just needs to charge the selling price of the Tengbao of 300,000 lahrs.

This time, Tengbao is much smaller, so Instructor Dika only assessed the selling price of 300,000 rals.

When Instructor Dika came over, he also brought money, which happened to be enough to buy a large box of spirit beast meat. Of course, Xingchen didn't lack the capital to sell spirit beast meat now.

Next, Instructor Dika was still pointing out Xingchen's various incorrect postures and methods of exercising Qi during cultivation.

When it was time for dinner, Instructor Dika still invited Xingchen to dinner, um! This time it was to thank him for finding another Fuji treasure.

Stardust has eaten so many times, so this time is not bad.

After dinner, Xingchen was doing some less intense exercise in the open area of ​​the dormitory to digest his food. At this time, Uncle Pafu rushed over again.

After getting out of the car, Master Pafu said to Xingchen: "Boy Xingchen, I've been resting for two days now. It's time to stock up. The restaurant doesn't have too much spirit beast meat in stock. You should go earlier this time."

To avoid the shortage here, you have to go to the market to buy high-priced ones. "

"Okay, then I'll (cfec) leave at night, is it still the main spirit beast meat this time?"

"Damn, spirit beast meat has been sold very fast recently, and the price of this thing is high. If there is no discount from outside, the cost will be high. You should bring back six large boxes this time, and the spirit fruits will still be enough."

"Okay, sir, do you still want the little spirit beast meat? If you want it, I'll bring two more boxes back directly this time."

"Okay, that kind of small box is pretty good, give me two whole boxes."

"Success, then I'll bring you two small boxes. I'll leave at night, so as not to waste time."

After Master Pafoo gave Xingchen instructions, he drove away.

Stardust still arranged for two robots to guard the portal, and then stayed behind in the dormitory, taking them out to clear the plant forest during the day.

Dangdang and Huala followed themselves to buy goods.

It was still twelve hours on the road this time, and it was nearly noon when Xingchen arrived on Duolin Xing.

This noon refers to the area where the trade fair is held at noon.

It was daytime right now, so there was no need to find a place next to the hotel.

Xingchen asked Hua La to assemble the suspension car, and then took the younger brother to the trading area by car.

Because the official exhibition here has ended, most of the merchants from all over the world have returned to their own planets, but the merchants here are still selling products in their respective shops.

Xingchen still looked for spirit beast meat from that shop last time, of course he was looking for the same receptionist as before.

This time the reception met Xingchen, and the enthusiasm was a little bit more.

But no matter how enthusiastic he was, Xingchen would not buy a few more boxes of meat, the capital was enough, but the spaceship was too small to transport it.

Not long after, the transaction of the six large boxes of spirit beast meat was completed. The price this time was the same as last time, not cheaper again, but it didn't matter to Xingchen, his profit was quite high, and there was not much difference whether there was a discount or not.

Coming out of this shop, Xingchen found another shop that sold small boxes of spirit beast meat.

It's still the same process here.

But the small box of meat that Xingchen bought was not only the two small boxes of spirit beast meat that Uncle Pafu wanted, he bought a total of six small boxes of assembled spirit beast meat.

Through these two encounters with the small box of spirit beast meat, Xingchen could see that if he bought too little of this small box of spirit beast meat, he would only buy the two boxes that the uncle wanted plus the two boxes he wanted, making a total of four boxes , I am afraid that if he goes back to Ameiya, he still won't be able to get a box.

I'm afraid the uncle will find a reason to buy the small box of meat.

So this time Xingchen bought six boxes directly, and now even if the uncle wants more, he can still keep two boxes of meat to eat by himself.

The next step is to buy spiritual fruit, the same procedure, 20 boxes of spiritual fruit are needed by the Martial Arts Hall, Xingchen bought another box of spiritual fruit, the last time the spiritual fruit has not been eaten, so he will not buy more .

This time, the spiritual fruit that Xingchen ate himself bought a different variety, and he also wanted to change the taste.

After Xingchen collected the goods, he also returned along a passage he hadn't passed through before, and then he saw a shop selling spirit tea.

This store is relatively small, and it doesn't look very eye-catching, and Xingchen discovered it by accident.

Spirit tea is also a good thing.

Stardust walked into the shop.

The entire shop is only two to three hundred square meters in size, which is pitifully small compared to the tens of thousands of square meters of the shops here.

There were only four or five receptionists in the store, and when Xingchen came in, one of them hurried forward to say hello.

Xingchen looked around, there were a lot of boxed goods in the store, and the total number didn't seem to be too many. Such a small number of goods couldn't be compared with the goods outside that sold for tens of hundreds of cars.

However, he only wanted to buy some spiritual tea for himself when he entered this shop, and it had nothing to do with him how much other people had.

The receptionist introduced many types of spiritual tea to Xingchen, the brewing methods and utensils of various spiritual teas, etc.

Xingchen listened to a lot and couldn't remember the contents, but Rhubarb had written it all down, just look back at the notes.

After carefully comparing the differences of the various spirit teas, Xingchen picked out five kinds of spirit tea, and bought one box of one.

These spiritual teas are not too expensive, a box of about 10,000 rals, and the weight is about half of the weight of the spiritual fruit box.

Hmm! Judging from the weight, this thing is indeed a bit expensive, but this thing does not use much each time it is brewed, such a box can last for a long time, on average, it is acceptable.

After buying the spirit tea, Xingchen returned to the spaceship. Loading is also a skillful job. After a while, Xingchen packed up the goods and set off to return.

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