It's Reasonable For Me To Save A Spaceship To Regenerate A Waste Star

Chapter 96 Exploration And Treasure Hunting Activities

Just after Stardust came back to hand over the goods, Instructor Dika ran over to treat the guests again.

Hmm! From the looks of it, this guy mainly wants to find someone to have dinner with, but he still thinks of various names to invite him every day.

But Xingchen brought two boxes of spirit beast meat this time, and when he goes back to learn how to cook, he can ask the instructor Dika to rub it for a good meal.

Now that he was able to return the invitation, Xingchen was not so stingy, and went to the dining hall with Instructor Dika.

Xingchen still eats the spirit meal of 1,500 rials now, but this time it should be different kinds of spirit beast meat, so he won't get tired of eating it.

After dinner, when Xingchen and Instructor Dika went back to the dormitory, he heard him talk about something.

It is just recently that three rattan treasures have been released in a row, allowing three students to successfully pass the ranks. This matter has attracted more attention from the students in the Budokan.

A few students with strong connections found out that two of the three vine "203" treasures were obtained by the instructor Dika, which immediately pushed the instructor Dika into the limelight.

Now several students have come to Instructor Dika through their connections, and want to buy another treasure to go to the next step.

But Instructor Dika doesn't have that stuff. Those two Vine Treasures were obtained from Xingchen, and he has nowhere to look for them.

Moreover, Instructor Dika also knew that these three vine treasures were all dug out by Xingchen from the large open space in the Budokan, and it would be useless to dig another one.

So the instructor directly refused.

But some students have wild relationships. For example, there is a student who is a junior of a retired instructor in the dormitory area, and they are relatively close. This time, the retired instructor also came to ask for help. Rejected.

Another student also invited a character that the Dika instructor could not directly refuse.

Now that this matter is causing trouble, Instructor Dika is also difficult to deal with, so he will come to Xingchen to find a solution.

After listening to Instructor Dika's words, Xingchen couldn't imagine.

Tengbao is not so easy to find, otherwise everyone would go outside to look for it, who would pay for it.

This time, there are three rattan treasures in the Budokan, and it is also a benefit that has been accumulated for decades.

Now this benefit has been dug out by Stardust, allowing the three students to successfully pass the ranks.

If you want such an opportunity to appear again, you may have to wait for some years.

In fact, Instructor Dika also knew about this situation. After all, the three rattan treasures were all dug out in front of his eyes. He knew more about the inside story than others.

It's just that the two recruited this time are not very easy to refuse, and the instructor Dika can only think hard about recruiting.

Instructor Dika saw that there was no way for Xingchen to find Tengbao, so he could only talk about the method he came up with.

The way is to look outside.

Hmm! In fact, this method is the same as not saying anything.

It's not in the Budokan, so you have to look outside!

But the outside world is getting bigger, and most of the ordinary places are owned by owners. Each family is usually noticed by someone, and there are easy to dig, others will not keep it for you.

There are those that are not very easy to dig, you go to dig them out, that is someone else's territory, and it is not so easy for you to take it away.

Most of those unowned places are areas that are difficult to enter, like the mountains behind the Budokan. There are countless beasts and raptors in the mountains.

Stardust listened to Instructor Dika's thoughts, even though he had eaten a few free meals from him recently, and his mouth was short, he could only wave his hands and say, "Instructor, look at me with my strength.

If you want to go to the mountains to find rattan treasures and dig them out to sell, you are too high to look at me! Not to mention searching in the deep mountains, even in the outer areas of the mountains, I think it is dangerous to enter. "

"Of course I know your strength, but this time I'm going to find Tengbao, it's not for you to take risks alone."

"I discussed with several instructors. This time, the Budokan will lead the team, and the students who need the treasure will contribute to form a search team."

"This team is led by five experienced instructors, and the few funded students can organize more than 30 second- and third-tier students at the prefectural level to join. With such strength, as long as they don't enter particularly dangerous areas, they can be safe. It's not a big problem."

"I'm here to find you right now, and I just want you to go with me. You have some experience in finding Tengbao, and if you act with the team, the chances of finding Tengbao will naturally be higher."

"Of course I didn't let you go for nothing. If you find a rattan treasure, I'll give you 300,000 rals as a reward. What do you think?"

Uh! Three hundred thousand rals, not much! Now that Xingchen goes out to deliver goods, it only takes about two days to get 800,000 rals.

If you agree to look for Tengbao, let’s not say if you can’t find it, I’m afraid it will take a few days to go, the income is not worthwhile compared with the time wasted...

Moreover, going to the mountains is not as simple as digging for vine treasures in the Martial Arts Gym, various dangers may appear suddenly.

Thinking about it this way, Xingchen didn't want to go.

But before he could refuse, Instructor Dika saw what he meant, and immediately said in a loud voice: "You boy, you just went to the mountains to find something, why do you look reluctant, instructor, I invite you Those who have eaten several spiritual meals, won’t you give me this bit of face?”

Xingchen said in his heart, I know you have invited me to a few meals, but I also bought a small box of spirit beast meat, and I plan to invite you back, and I didn't want to eat your meal for nothing. The villain is the same.

But before Xingchen wanted to explain, Instructor Dika put out one reason after another, persuading Xingchen to join the search team in different ways.

This persuasion made Xingchen's head hurt.

Hey! Let’s go then, I’ve eaten other people’s meals in vain, it’s really not free, you can’t take advantage of it!

For these few spiritual meals that cost less than tens of thousands, Xingchen had to risk his life to join the search team, but it was not worth it.

But the rice has already been eaten in the stomach, and if you want to return it to others, others will not ask for it.

Seeing that Xingchen agreed, Instructor Dika also heaved a sigh of relief, although it may be easy for these people to organize, but the real difficulty is to find the location of Tengbao.

Such a large group of people went to the mountains, 0.4 Without the guidance of experienced people like Xingchen, the chance of finding Tengbao is very slim.

The chances of finding Tengbao are small, so go around more places and spend more time visiting me.

But in this way, the chance of encountering danger in the mountains will be even greater. With such a large group of people, it will be difficult to explain to the family if anyone is injured.

Now that Xingchen agrees to go together, it is much easier to find the treasure, and he can find the needed vine treasure in as little time as possible.

Instructor Dika made an appointment with Xingchen. Tomorrow, about nine o'clock after sunrise, they will gather in the dormitory area here, and then set off to hunt for treasure together.

Xingchen nodded, and went back to the dormitory. I'm not in the mood for activities today, so I'd better have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's adventure.

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