Xingchen had a good night's rest, and when he woke up the next day, he was full of energy, but then he had to go wandering in the mountains, Xingchen was still a little worried.

I don't know the way to go out this time, Xingchen's weapons haven't arrived yet, so I can only make up the number with the previous knives and guns.

If you want to go to the mountains, you don't know whether to walk directly into the mountains or take a suspension car. Yesterday, the instructor Dika didn't make it clear, which also made it difficult for Xingchen to arrange.

But after Xingchen washed up, he waited outside the dormitory for a while before the others arrived.

When the appointment time came, Instructor Dika also came out of the dormitory, and another old instructor came out from another dormitory. These ten were probably the ones that Todica's godmother helped.

There are more than forty people gathered here in the dormitory area, unlike the thirty or so students plus five instructors that Dika instructor said.

In addition to about thirty young students, there were also a dozen or so older monks, and their clothes didn't look like people from the Budokan.

Seeing that everyone was almost there, some instructors at the 25th position began to form a team.

Instructor Dika didn't care about that side, and came to Stardust with another old instructor.

"Stardust boy, why did you come out with a broken blade, this thing is useless.

"Instructor Dika, I didn't come here to buy weapons urgently, so I can only make do with this."

"This blade of yours is not very useful, so don't bring it with you. I'll find you a Common knife first, and return it to me after you buy the weapon later.

Having said that, Instructor Dika went back to the dormitory and took out a common-looking knife.

This knife is said to be Common, but judging by the material of the blade, it is much better than Stardust's blade.

Xingchen didn't talk nonsense, but it was just for temporary use, and it wasn't a particularly expensive item, so he reached out and took it and carried it behind his back.

Instructor Dika introduced the name of the instructor next to him to Xingchen.

The old instructor who lived in the same dormitory area was named Qi Lun, and it was the first time Xingchen saw him. Probably Xingchen hasn't stayed here long enough. Of the several instructors living here, Xingchen has only met Dika, and this instructor Jielun just met today.

Stardust greeted the other party.

Then Instructor Dika introduced the situation to Xingchen.

There are quite a lot of people going to the mountains today, including five full-time instructors, two retired instructors, thirty students, and eleven bodyguards brought by the students.

In view of the relatively large number of people this time, they were divided into two search teams.

Instructors Dika and Qilun are voluntary to help, so they form a team with the other two full-time instructors.

This team has two full-time instructors, two retired instructors, thirteen students, four attendants, and one Xingchen!

The other group of students had more followers, but the relationship with Instructor Dika was not close enough, and Xingchen didn't care about him.

This time I did not go into the mountain by walking. The forest here is not very easy to enter. The plants are too tall and dense, so everyone enters the mountain by suspension vehicle. The speed is fast, the forward and backward are faster, and the safety is better. . Secondly, there is a suspension vehicle, and more supplies are carried, so that you don't have to suffer in the mountains.

In addition, this time I was looking for Tengbao. These things are quite large, and once they are dug out, they will start to lose energy, so they must be used as soon as possible. If someone carries them out of the mountain, I'm afraid that when they return to the Budokan, the energy inside will almost flow.

Seeing that Xingchen could bring the levitation car into the mountains, he let Hua La drive the big levitation car.

The speed of the large suspension vehicle is fast enough and the load capacity is large, so it is naturally the best choice for entering the mountain.

Xingchen asked Dika for his opinion, and asked Dangdang to install a professional cleaning vehicle into the suspension vehicle.

It is not allowed to use this thing in the mountains.

The students over there also borrowed three cleaning vehicles from unknown places, and they were also mounted on suspension vehicles to be taken into the mountains.

It takes a lot of work to go into the mountains, so Xingchen brought three powerful little brothers with him.

All three robots got on the suspension vehicle and drove with a splash, while the other two were on standby.

In addition to these personnel, those students also brought a few robots as assistants, but depending on the situation, those robots were mainly for coolies.

After the people here have assembled, there is no one who is the leader, so there is no need to shout slogans or say something like departure, and they set off directly.

Xingchen originally wanted to go on his own suspension vehicle, but Dika instructor took him to ride on the instructor's own passenger and cargo suspension vehicle, the one over there was more comfortable.

In addition, there are two masters who are not bad in the instructor's car, and the safety is better, so Xingchen sat on it. Then let Hua La and the others move with the car.

There is no risk at the beginning of entering the mountain, and there is not much danger on the outskirts of the mountain.

However, because the danger was not great, the vines in the outer area were frequently searched and excavated, leaving no good news.

Instructor Dika's team crossed this area and headed directly deeper.

Of course, the other team did the same, but they chose another way to enter the mountain, at least tens of kilometers away from here.

Along the way, Xingchen also asked Dahuang to be careful of dangerous situations. If there are any powerful beasts, report them in advance, lest Xingchen be weak and run slowly, and don't be shot to death by the beasts in the mountains.

Fortunately, along the way of Dahuang's investigation, all the less powerful beasts appeared one after another, and there were also some winged flying beasts, but the numbers were not many, and they did not bring any danger to this small team of 117 monks.

Rhubarb along this road is also a place where more attention is paid to the growth of vines, but the vines here are not known to be suppressed by other plants or animals, and they have not grown very vigorously, so naturally there will be no vines.

If there is no harvest, naturally we have to go to the deep mountains.

The team consisted of 22 people, and they drove a total of eight suspension vehicles out. Along the way, these eight vehicles moved forward side by side, with a distance of seventy to eighty meters between each vehicle, in order to search for larger objects. area.

During the period, I also found some relatively large vines, but when Instructor Dika drove the car over, Xingchen took a look and shook his head directly.

The vines here are really not very thick. Probably the instructor of Dika watched the scene where the three vine treasures were opened, and had some experience in the conditions for the growth of vine treasures, so these vines are only as thick as a bucket, and it is unlikely that they will bear vine treasures.

Instructor Dika also told everyone to report when they found thicker vines, and stop talking about these small things.

Those students are not very familiar with vine treasures, so it is even more impossible to know how thick the vines are to bear vine treasures. This time, after listening to the instructor Dika, they know that not all vines can bear vine treasures.

Next, the students began to pay attention to the thicker vines.

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