When I woke up, it was all over.

All the undead that occurred in Serende were disposed of due to the support rushed from Mejs.

It was Masetta who called for backup, and now she's being treated with Hark Doc. The only wound Masetta has received is a simple stab wound, but Hark Dock seems to have a particularly bad injury around his right shoulder and in some cases needs to spread the devil's parasitic range. I was trying not to think about Hark Dock's life and death then, but I was a little happy to hear he was alive.

"Wolfe, you were here? How's your arm?

"Ah, 'purple'. Uh, it's a strange feeling... but it looks okay"

Look at your arms alternately. Black arms stretching out of elbow area, still not getting tight after standing for a few days.

Now on both my arms I parasitize the demons under Mr. 'Purple', just like Harkdock.

Moorsht's attacked left arm was judged to be difficult to recover as an arm, and to the right arm was elbow to tip missing. I thought there would be a price for that blow over the limit, but when it's no longer beautiful, it doesn't give me any emotions.

These two arms are free to move, according to the same procedure as during Mr. Ekdoyk's special training in magic manipulation using chains. The limits of the magic you can put in are insignificant, but these past few days have been amazing everyday life without any problems.

"Enough for a sneeze on the spot, huh? I think if we can negotiate with the" Bea "opponent, we'll get back to normal..."

The meaning of that silence is understandable. There is no such thing as warmth in Bea's Demon King. I'm going to need the right price to get these arms cured.

I might be able to negotiate with him if he's going to be a demon tribe or something like that, but this arm is fine as long as he leaves the side of Shige.

"With half my expectations, I'll also be ready to live with these arms"

"Yes...... I'll help you with any improvements, so feel free to say it, okay?

"Yes, thank you! Uh... how was Lachra?

"I've already paid my allowance, and now I'm sealing my powers and putting them to rest. Not so much blindness as blindness, but I suppose you'll still have some visual impairment, huh?


I met with Lachra yesterday. He remained fine, except he was bandaged in the eye, and he just cared about my arm. I thought you were making it seem more serious, 'cause this is a good opportunity to be spoiled by the scribbler!' He was laughing.

"You were the most seriously ill one, so you just have to worry about yourself, okay? Well, I just don't have any lost parts, and in terms of the severity of the injury, Ilias was probably... that's an exception, isn't it?


I also heard that Ilias broke bones everywhere in his body, broken ligaments and a tragic situation, but he walked flat before I woke up. I just saw that look. Mix pissed me off and I'm being self-discreet.

Grandpa Kara said he was dying in the battle against the Scarlet Demon King, and that the Knight of Tays is also top notch for injuring. I can feel the meaning now. If I could have been hurt a little better, too, I might have been safe with my left arm or so.... but I'm going to be aware that my arms are different, okay, now.

"By the way, is he at King Serende's now? Because I want to make sure before I leave this country... but I really want that guy to be most at peace."

"Yes... right"

When I woke up, Shizu sat right next to him in a chair and slept. At first I was horrified, but when I woke up, I noticed the tragedy.

Shizu wasn't hurt, but his mind was past the limit. Even when he was apologizing about my arm, he seemed to have even lost his temper to hide his mental state.

Is that why I didn't care about my arm? The only thing that happened was remorse for failing to protect Shige's heart.

Mourscht said. He said that by killing Shige, he would engrave himself in Shige's heart forever. With his own life, he made Shigemi realize that this world is a reality no different from the world he was born in.

Shige liked this world for me. But still, Shige wasn't trying to give up going back to the original world. That's because this world was a dream for Shizu, and she felt the glare, the dignity.

I thought that would be good. Because I used to wonder if being beside Shige was as dazzling and disproportionate to me as Shige.

Thanks to all of us I could accept that it would be good to bite this happiness. So I'm sure Shizu will someday accept this world I yearn for, and I thought you'd decide to stay in this world.

But Moorsht broke that dream. It completely awakened Shige's eyes to the reality that those who loved themselves became enemies and some harshness had to take their lives.

"... 'Purple'. Do you think Ginger will choose this world?

"Stupid question, it will be up to you to let them choose. If you want him in this world too, don't just imitate giving up, okay?

"... Yes"

A world far superior to civilization and not having trouble living? A world where magic that only you can't use spreads and you continue to be exposed to the danger of life? If it's the same reality, Shige wants which world...... just thinking scares me.

I hate, resent, and envy the man who disturbed Shige's heart and engraved himself deeply into it, regardless of what it was about us who wanted to disconnect him.

I was ashamed of myself for being envious, and I just regretted it.

The sighting with King Serende will now take place in an unusual place: the infirmary. King Serende, discovered in a search since the disturbance subsided, was debilitated and in a situation that would have been difficult to even meet, but 'you deserve to speak to your father', Lord Noufsa persuaded him to surround himself and set up a special place for him.

In a situation where King Serende has only an upper body on his bed, the debilitation is obvious, but Pierce still survives as the king who ruled this country.

"Let's start with a word of gratitude for saving this country. It would have been worthless."

"Right. Speaking of the former, this is what the way this country was invited to do. It's only a good nuisance if you get involved."

Your friend has no respect for King Serende, no appearance of hostility, just a quiet stare at King Serende.

"... let me finish my question first. Is Hilmera dead?

"Unfortunately, I'm alive. I didn't have to kill myself for this country."

Lord Washekt is currently fleeing with Princess Hilmera to the Kuama demonic world. If there's a lot of undeveloped land in Kuama, there's plenty of room to escape and hide.

Princess Hilmera, but she's broken. Though consciousness returned, many memories were lacking and I nostalgic for Lord Washekt as if he were a toddler. I guess I put more load on my mind than I needed to, trying to forget the sights of that time.

Lord Washekt looked at the changed Princess Hilmera and looked just a little lonely, but overflowed with 'maybe it's just right for us to live together as one family, not as princes and princesses'.

"Right. If that's the choice, I won't pursue it any further. Let Hilmera report to the people as dead.... you may want to rely on Noufsa if Washekt needs help"

"I'll tell him. That and the magic guide to using the necromancy that Hilmera was using, but that was retrieved by the Reals. You can act on your own if you want."

The first person to find your friends after the settlement was Lord Ekdoyk, who was coming to the castle with Lord Yasteto. According to that story of Lord Ekdoyk, Lord Yasteto recovered a book from the treasure trove owned by Princess Hilmera.

It would be more convenient for Lord Riyal to keep the original Lerheit stuff and such drama drugs. It could develop into trouble with Judaism if your friend has it.

"Then I won't ask you any more. Let's answer that question. The truth that only Serende knows, do you want that confirmation?

"I don't need to hear that you used 'me' as a lube to make the princes compete... right. There were other people in this world than Yugra-Naliyah."


There were other worlds besides the brave Yugra...... is that possible?

Contrary to me, who cannot hide the upset, King Serende returned his words with a quiet expression.

"... have you noticed the ruins"

"Among the ruins was Chicu's culture and thoughts. These ruins were there before the demon king appeared and before Yugra-Nariah came to this world. Then it is possible that other worlds outside Yugra-Naliyah were trying to spread civilization in the far past. Serende, no, the subordinates, starting with the elves, have been trying to escape Yugra's alteration and keep its history."

"Exactly. The brave Yugra was trying to hide the past of this world when he defeated the Demon King and recreated the order of the world. Our ancestors were surprised by it and tried to keep it historical. But Yugra didn't seem to care about our resistance."

Is the reason Serende was more exclusive against Yugra than any other major country is that he was trying not to be affected by Yugra? So he said it wasn't particularly compatible with neighboring Mezis......

Yugra remembered that it was in the teachings of Yugra that he forgot the ugly history of humans who had contested in the past and were trying to cut and explore a new future.

But its forgotten history had been intervened by a third otherworlder...... You do feel suspicious about this.

"It is the teachings of his ancestors who make the princes fight and leave behind their brilliant blood muscles."

"... Run. But that history seems to be coming to an end."

"Unlike you, Noufsa will be a king who can live in times."

"... Young otherworlders, I am responsible for everything. If that's what you want..."

"There's nothing you want. Please help Noufsa at best."

Your friend turned his back on King Serende, put his hand on the door to get out of the room and stopped moving just a little.


"One last thing, have you ever been interested in the ocean?

"- No, there isn't."

"Right. Good luck with that. Oh, you had one. I hope we never see each other again."

Following your friend who left the room, I also left the room in a courtesy to King Serende.

Your friend's attitude remains the same as before he came here. I'm worried you're not trying to hide what you're wearing... but you have to hold on tight here.

"Friend, what was earlier..."

"It's a story where one of the hypotheses just meshed. That's not why I want to do something. I'm not even willing to..."

"... there was a lot going on. Yes! Come on, my friend, you should get some rest!

"I agree with that. But first you do something about Wolfe's arms and Lachra's eyes. Negotiate well with the Demon King of Bea..."

"Your friend? Are you listening to people?

Pinch your friend's cheek and pull left or right. This person must be praised if he does not try to rest until he has solved the problem, and if it still seems to be too much for the boulder.

"No, because"

"It's certainly something I want to do for you. But if that makes your friend even more impossible, that's what makes those two extra stubborn if they don't need arms or eyes!


"It's the result of following your friend, so I know your friend feels the draw. But we've chosen that path willingly, too. I hope you don't ignore that will!

"... bad"

It's still a serious illness to easily apologize for being pressed by a hot valve about me. Um, I still have to support your friend's difficult life of peace here.

"For Lord Ratzel and Wolfe's sake too, keep me company. Those two have been trying to protect your friends against monsters beyond the realm of men. These two are quite dented in this case."

"... that would be Mix too, wouldn't it?

"Of course it's dented, but it's blown out in a bad way. It's odd that your friend's opponents are just demon kings and brave classes in the first place! Be my protector, too!

I regretted my battle with the Scarlet Demon King, gained strength, and thought it was finally taking shape in my battle with Larheit. In my case there is also one solid case, well thanks to that I hope it is blown out.

"You're right..."

"Um, you can be honest! Get some rest so everyone can smile first. Then let's solve the buildup problem together!

Is it only around here that I can do it? If you stab the nail with this much, you'll make a big deal out of it for the moment. From here on out, leave it temporarily with her who can face your friend from the front.

My turn is after your friend gets better again.

A sigh leaks at Mix for losing sight of himself until he skipped the heat. It was' me 'who decided to face Moursht, and I should have been prepared for this to happen.

I knock on my cheek and knock on the door of the room if you're satisfied with the five bodies and you're not going to imitate them any more.

"Ilias, it's 'me'. Can I come in?

"- Oh, yeah."

Upon entering the room, Ilias was in the midst of getting up on the bed. A few days after that, his injuries in the battle with Moursht did not last until he was fully healed, but he had recovered by the time he could return to his escort duties. But I was about to return to duty shortly after I could move, and Mix had given me an order to rest.

Mix's orders are no different from those of Marito's. Ilias kept sleeping in discipline to fully heal as soon as possible.

Hold still with your hands the Ilias you were about to get out of bed, take the chair that was nearby, and transport it to the nearby bed to sit down.

"Well. It's been a long time since I've spoken to Elias without armor."

"... right"

"Is your body okay now?

"Absolutely. You..."

"Hmm. I don't know. I'm fine with my body, but I'm tired of rocks."

You'll be able to hide it from me here, but the act doesn't make sense. Ilyas already knows how much 'I' has been beaten.

"... right"

"I was just hoping to sort things out for a moment. Will you listen to me?

"- Of course."

"Thanks. I've told you before, 'I' lived sensitive to hostility. I have understood them, prepared them for hostility, and have sometimes maliciously discredited them. But, well, it was just a young creation, and there was nothing I could do to cross with the people who were on the way to power or worse."

Eyes in the eye, teeth in the teeth, if we continue to live that way, the scale of the dispute will increase, and there will be effects around it. There's no way anyone could fight through to the end, and 'I' was even betrayed by my people. No, I'm the one who was imitating being betrayed.

"I kept swinging my people and making them betray me. So I felt all kinds of limitations, avoiding people and living secluded. If I had, I would have come to this world."


"I felt a lot of inconvenience, but 'I' liked this world. Many were able to live upright and feel dazzled yet cozy. But there was some kind of delusion against me."

This world is different. It's not like that world. So I'm sure I can do it well. If I didn't give up, if I went through to the end, I would surely have pushed my expectations into this world on my own.

But whenever I turned to someone who was hostile or malicious, I realized that this world might be the same. This world is still sparsely populated, and there have just been so few such problems. Eventually, just like Earth, I was beginning to realize that I would be the same world that 'I' had become a pioneer. 'Me' didn't try to face that, he even kept ignoring it.

"It wasn't bad if you just lived positive." I "was moving forward, turning away from this world. Then one day I will destroy myself. I guess Moorsht noticed around there. That's why I poked reality at 'me'. Don't ask for fantasy in this world. He told me to face it straight as a real person."

"... is it a bad thing to ask the world for an ideal?

"That's one way of life. It won't be absolutely bad. But 'I' isn't strong. If I keep adhering to my ideals, one day I'll get bored. That would be the same result as the world you were in."

If you look back at your chosen behavior objectively, you have chosen only the path of misery that seems very insane. But this is the right thing, I'm the one who's progressing paranoidly that this is the only way. Mix is right. Why is' I 'letting his benefactor fight the Demon King and the Brave Reserve, now he would have beaten himself up in the past.

"I don't think your chosen path is wrong. No, there's no right answer to the path you choose in the first place. Doesn't going that way without regret mean living?

"... is a good thing to say"

"Don't tear it up."

"Bad, bad. Believe it or not, in my case, it was a matter of going blind."

It didn't turn out as I thought. This wasn't supposed to happen. I absolutely regret 'me' when that happens. It would have pushed the world to take that responsibility and ended the same way again. Forget about the people who believed in me and followed me.

"That's a tough question."

"I woke up. Moorsht gave me a binta."

"... are you thankful for him?

"There's no way you can. There's more to forgiveness than that. Trauma confirmed. It's not about killing yourself just to wake people up or anything that's too heavy."


The feeling of stabbing and killing Moursht in the last few days continues to be repeated in dreams. That's so much so that Zucchio doesn't even hesitate to solemnly proclaim the nightmare of being tortured. I can't let go of the sleeping pills that Barastos prescribed me to keep me awake in the middle of the night.

- But you want to thank me.

"... in time, I hope."

Moorsht had simple thoughts and understood all the behavioral philosophies, even at the top of them alone. That's why I didn't have to understand all of his thoughts. Understanding the kind of love that makes you kill yourself without hesitation for someone you love can change you more than understanding a guy who has suicidal aspirations.

Had I understood everything on that occasion, it would have been the worst expression of affection in the history of which would have made me kill myself first. No one gets it.

However, if I get a little more room in my mind, I want to face the feeling that he was pointing at 'me' until it's acceptable. That's how much you should pay for it.

"Seriously ill, but you just said it was milder than I thought"

"Elias, that's pretty awful, isn't it?

"If you don't cover it up, I'll just do the same. I thought it was the worst possible outcome. I wonder if you would even cut out for this world and try to leave it."

"You've just put a cut off on every world, and you've got nowhere to go. I don't want to kill myself."

"Is it still safer than this world?

"... because I have you guys to protect me. It's gonna be awkward."

If it had been too late, would it have been acceptable to have Elias and the others on the side? I might have thought Earth was better yet.

"Which way, huh? You still have a wish to go home."

"I don't think it's a good idea to throw it away."

"I want you to throw it away. I want you to choose us for this world."

I unconsciously missed my gaze from Ilias, as I dazzled by the sun's rays. Can you do anything about this mess? Can't you, right?

"He's a weak guy who's reminded of reality and cries like no other."

"You're a strong man who cry and cry like no other, but accepted reality."

"- Huh..."

"Hey, why are you sighing"

You can't beat that good-looking, because your pride as a man is broken. Well, it was originally hectic, so it's cheap pride.

"Anyway, I'm tired. I don't think about it for the moment, I want to get sloppy"

"Do that. We all hope so."

I must apologize firmly to everyone who has followed me so far, convey my gratitude and repay my gratitude.

After the days of Serende, there is something about this world that I have come to know, and there is still a lot to think about.

But let's do that a little later. Because we have finally settled to take shape for the cause that has been spinning one after the other since we came to this world.

Now I want to enjoy the peace that Ilyas and the others have grabbed so far. That's good, Moorsht. And please, when you're dreaming, do it outside of the last minute, really.

This is how the tragedy caused by the poor boxed princess is complete. It's the end of a human being with his feet in contraindications. Aren't you the one with the warmth?

"Steady, did you lose Archreal followed by Moorsht too? You mean the dropper who was given only one talent."

Archreal and Mourshto's talents are among the talents Yugra has divided and become a major threat in terms of combat capability. That alone was a transcendent force that worked all the way around Scarlet Beast... I wonder if you mean the extent to which humans beat you if it's anything other than Haiya's talent.

Even so, Moorsht was completely using his talent, not to mention the chronic arcreal. Would it have been different if that homosexual had been seriously blocked as an enemy?

"So love overshadows the consequences at any given time. Beautiful talk...... haha"

But you don't fall for it. As a previous tendency to observe, a sway was occurring in the magic of the inner trace black sister when the spirit of the man was strained. What is derived from this is that there is a black sister's will in that man.

But even though that 'Earthlings' heart was shredded for a long time in this one case, there was not much change in the magnitude of the sway. The biggest change here in the first place was a while before Moursht made contact with that 'Earthlings', wasn't it?

"I don't know the right conditions to make the sway bigger. I just thought if I came close to seeing my black sister, I'd resonate..."

Actually, I'm shaking, but you're sedating quickly. It's like being intentionally contained. When... Hmm? No, wait, wait, wait. What was that 'Earthlings' doing when I assumed they were? I didn't do it when I was dreaming... oh.

"Uh, you know what? Damn, this theory sticks the most."

If there's a problem around him, the sway gets bigger. That's true, but at the same time, the conditions for sedation were met. I don't think that 'Earthlings' did that intentionally, but this doesn't make it any more of a development than I want it to be. Wang Chang, I was hoping you might be able to meet my black sister again!

It's not like there's no way, but that guy definitely sees through where I plotted it. It's so conscious in the first place, it's not weird if that guy is aware of how this works.

"Are you kidding me? Yo! I knew it wasn't shit, this world -! Ah, I don't want to perish anymore!

"You still sound like a retard talking to yourself."

"- Huh!?

He took out the great sickle and set it back in the direction of his voice. There's no way there's anybody here but me. This is the space I created, and he can reach it on his own.

"I guess it's too serious for a dodgy reaction. Can't I pop more eyeballs or spit my heart out of my mouth or something?

"... I hear that reaction is old in your hometown... yugra"

A cloak that makes me wonder how my clothes are going to wear out that far. The luminous white hair, similar to that of a subhuman kid, stretches much longer than before and even tries to reach the ground. But I can't read the child's face and what you're thinking. My eyes are the same as before... my bears are hissing. And more importantly, so much pressure that I'm confronted and my body trembles can't be contained.

Yugra-Nalijah, the White Demon King who transcended reason, was there.

"That, is it? I was going to incorporate a sense about a hundred years away."

"It's been a long time since that hair came back, hasn't it?

"Hmm...... yeah. It was back quite a while ago. Good."

Yugra magically cut it off as she cluttered her hair. You refreshed yourself to the point of reaching shoulder length at once. I think it's really cluttered to watch this haircut.

What bothered me more than that was that it had come back to life. If you're back quite a while ago, why didn't you show up before? No, how could I not observe?

I was watching the whole world so that whenever Yugra was back, I could pick him up right away. If you were in this world, you'd never miss anything. All I can think about is being in a space that I created independently, like this place.

"What were you doing?

"The answer came right out, but it was a waste of time before I could give up. Well, it was the time I needed to shut the fuck up."

"What the fuck... dude, were you working with 'God'?!? And I mean safe... no way!?

"No, no, because you can't kill God or anything. I'm not a creature in the first place."

Yugra falls into my principal-seat couch with a big stretch. I'd like you to take off that worn cape for once because I like it pretty.


"Hmm, let me get some sleep. I haven't slept in hundreds of years because of that son of a bitch."

"Hundreds of them - what were you really doing!?

If you apply the same power of "governance" as Golden Daughter, you can do long hours of activity in spaces with different passages of time. So the mental load shouldn't be the norm in the course of hundreds of years. What makes you sleep that... no, it's yugra... do I have to convince you?

"It's useless to just talk about what you were doing. I'll wake up after a month's sleep, so I'll do what I do when I wake up."

"No, no, what do you mean, do -"

"You said that earlier, too. You're going to bye this shitty world. Gu......"

"Ha!? No, come on! Yugra!... Seriously, I'm gonna fall asleep..."

I thought I'd made a series of shitty remarks, and now I'm gonna fall asleep like a kid. Seriously, it's a selfish one.

More than that, you mean destroy this shitty world...? Sure, that might be possible for this guy, but so... no, no, you can't do that, can you? This guy will never wake up once he's asleep. Suppose I question you in a month...

That's why I gently created the futon and covered it over Yugra.

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