Watch the yarn flowing into the river and be drunk by the warmth of the sunlight. I had fished with him several times in Japan, but I would not have thought about it myself at the time to try and enjoy fishing spontaneously in this way.

"Friend, are you fishing?

"Mix. Well, it's a bummer. The rivers in this world are beautiful except near the mines, so many fish will help."

"Ho. That's certainly not a bad catch. By the way, the people who are sitting there..."

Three people are currently sitting in the front seat behind us: Ilias, Lachra and Ekdoyk. As a Mix, I know you wanted to go through it if you could, but I guess you couldn't keep ignoring the gaze that could be directed at Mix.

"The three of them are not fishing rods along the way, but chains of magic by swords, so start catching them. It's dried over there, and for some reason it's getting wet, until my clothes are naturally dry, and I'm sitting there as a punishment."

"That's why your friend is wearing Lord Ekdoyk's jacket and Lord Ekdoyk is equipped with his own clasp... Aside from Lord Lachra, what are Sir Ratzel and Lord Ekdoyk doing..."

"I'm sorry. Stirred by Lachra, followed."

"I'm sorry. Stirred by Lachra, followed."

"Lord Lachra..."

"I've already been scattered angry, so please don't..."

Lachra has lived with 'blind eyes' sealed since one incident in Serende. The effect had led to an extreme loss of vision, a situation that could not be corrected by eyeglasses or the like.

If you don't act with someone at all times, you will also be hindered in your daily life, but the injury to your honor means that you will be treated with pay for the time being from Judaism. We enjoy the current situation for what it means to have a sweet excuse for someone, making it easier than usual to get on with things.

I can't say strongly as this one, which is supposed to be responsible for one end of the cause, but I have signs that the person wants to be angry with the wax, so I try not to forgive that heap. I know it's a lackluster care, but what about getting in trouble with it?

By the way, Mr. Masetta is getting the same rest. That her injuries have already been completely healed and that she is now helping Jestuffs work in the Kuama Demonic Realm with Harkdock.

This surveillance mission has been assigned to one Mary, but while this one is on bone break at Tays, some Mary will be there.

"So, I guess it's not like I came all the way out here to watch you fish?

"It's not the best thing to want to see your friend. According to a message from Lord Purple, the Demon King of Bi will be in Tarz in a little while."

"Oh well. Do I have to go to Tays Castle then? Ekdoyk, get your clothes dry."

Bi's demon king told me to show my face as soon as I got back to Tayz, but it seems that either demon king was telling me this story that he hopes to get some rest. So it was like, "I'm going out of here the next time I wake up."

From everyone's point of view, he's not the person I want you to see much of. But, well, there's something I'd like to tell you over there.

"We're dry, brothers. By the way, Mix. Why is the Purple Demon King telling you this?

"Lord" Purple "is helping Nora with her research. I've been promoted to a free man. Something bothering you?

"There's also a 'pale' there, so I was wondering if a flying bellard would have been faster."

"If it was Lord Bellard, I would have shown a firm willingness to help Luco make snacks."

"As was the case when Gugugegderestav, maybe the devil is surprisingly gourmet"

The reason Duvreoli with tongue peculiarities in it doesn't show much restraint in his diet...... isn't it because he doesn't want to share his thoughts on the 'purple' dishes he's eaten in the past? The culinary arm of 'Purple' is high enough already, so he said he'd better get honest.

Heading to the castle and showing his face to the office where Marito was, there was a figure of Barastos clinging to Marito and wasting his time.

"Hey, hey, hey! I want Kale! That kid's not a dick, either, okay?

"That's why you're telling me not to ask! Kale and your problems are solved between us!

"Because! She's not quitting here! Look, all you have to do is hang up on the king's orders!

In fact, it is a dialogue between the great sages and others, but people who excel in some talent, such as university professors, are mostly strong personalities somewhere. Instead, I guess these honest points about my desires can be factors that have reached the realm of the Great Sage.

"Oh, my friend. Can you say something to this guy, too?

"Even if they say so...... Hey, Barastos. Nothing. Don't you need Kale to quit the knight?

"'Cause you're not that kid's sword talent! If you have time to wave your sword, paint my picture.

I can say whatever I want. If Kale himself had listened, he would have a dry laugh. But Barastos relies on Marito, not himself, because Barastos raised a white flag saying he couldn't convince Kale. The boulder is Luco's brother, saying it's still possible to persuade King Xian.

"I don't think it's important to compromise with each other. The Knight's Way was an admirer for Kale."

"Bu. It's not good. Because if you become mine, you give me everything."

"You don't look bad trying to get to your admiration, do you?

"I don't care about that stuff, compared to my eyes staring at me when I paint -!

All right, let's give it up. If you step in any further, you will definitely eat the entanglement. Kale chooses the path he wants to take anyway, and the trouble is with Marito, who keeps getting tangled up. Let's just say this place goes in the direction of not getting involved.

"My friend. I feel a strong will to abandon me from your face."

"I'm delighted with my heart. More than that, I'm guessing the Demon King of Bea is coming, huh? Don't you have to get ready that way?

"I don't even want to entertain him."

It is indeed a dialogue between the wise kings and others, but if the faces, voices and preferences go hand in hand, fellow haters will be considerable. It's not that I didn't do anything, Luco's baking treats for hospitality, but that seems to be what's fuelling extra jealousy.

As for Luco, Marito and two melons, that doesn't mean he can't treat the demon king of Bi, the ancestor of the Royal Tays. He finally understands that, although it is a deal, he is someone's benefactor in life. It is more adult than Marito's response to Bi's Demon King.

"What, are you coming Bea Demon King? Hey, I took a look, too.

"I just stroke my nerves...... no, that's not bad. Allow attendance."

This guy... wants to piss off Bi's demon king, but he's just trying to get Barastos to be present. Because I am frustrated, I am certain that the Demon King of Bea will also be frustrated. Is that good, King Xian? According to the case, the most powerful demon king in the world will be the enemy.

But with such concern, Barastos stumbled upon Kale and went that way. He is indeed a whimsical great sage.

That's how as I prepared myself, Bi's demon king appeared with Neil Lyates. Bea's demon king such as Marito, who always looked grumpy, and Neil Lyates, who was happy to be out with him. There's a difference in the air so far. The mainstay is quite... Is it similar to 'gold' and Mr. Ludfein?

"Looks like you got some rest."

"Thanks to you. You waited a long time for me to show my face when I left."

"Who do you think I am? You think someone understands the value of rest more than I do?

That's oddly convincing, says the Demon King, who sleeps all year round. I was just wondering if you were going to sleep too much.

"You must be oversleeping."


"You can work in your dreams, even if you don't move your hands and feet as much as I do. Still take the brush, and don't be with the primitive people heading for parchment."

"Wow, that's kind of jealous." Me, if you're working late at night, you're often pissed off. "


"You're a human being, so work like a human. If you ever become a demon king, I'll tell you how."

"Can you not invite your friends to the path of the outside world?

But listening to these two conversations alternately, it feels like I'm watching a single play and my brain is just a little paralyzed. Let's get Marito to wear it on the surface.

"- Let me start by thanking you for the Necthar thing. I did receive the consideration for treating you."

"Some of the results of the resuscitation magic research are still being held by troublemakers."

"The man who binds the dropper, Ritial-Zentry? It is the role of this world to face the fallen child who continues to be born into this world. It's not what you were charged with."

"It doesn't mean I shouldn't be involved, does it?

"Right. If you try, I'll give you some respite."

A watchman to make this world survive in reason. That's the role Bi's demon king imposed on himself. As far as humans are concerned, I guess this demon king, who cannot be abandoned, believes in this world somewhere in his heart.

Well, this is a better time to cut out new negotiations than we have done with previous deals...... should we stop now? I'm going to draw on that will more than Wolfe or Lachra wants this mental care to heal their injuries.

"Oh well. Thank God."

"- I'm also hearing about this battle. I hear your controlled dropper lost both arms. Why didn't you bring me negotiations?

"Well, that can't be free, can it?

"Whatever. Negotiations can only be made if they are worthy of parity."

"There are more heartbreaking people than 'me' when you can't do it to prepare that reciprocal value."

"... Hmm. If it's going to be a fruitful deal, I'll always have a seat or so. It's about feeding English at best."

This story didn't feel very good for Bi's demon king either. But I knew this guy looked like Marito, and I could reassert that he was a demon king with a core, so let's be good.

"Oh, I expect it to be a good business meeting then. Bea's Demon King."

"'Bea' is good. That would be more of a return of interest to both 'gold'."

"Yes. Surely you'll look disgusted."

Marito and Nielyates already look amazing too, but let's go in a direction we won't touch there.

"I'll change my mind about the magic of 'black' in you... but you seem to be in control."

"If you know the trend, it's a boulder. I don't want to dream about other people, and I deal with them regularly."

Black Demon King who invited 'me' to this other world. Her magic still existed in 'me' body, interfering with my consciousness from time to time. A remarkable example of this is the memory of the Black Demon King I dream of.

It was disgusting inside to have a real feeling as if I had been going through it, the will of the Black Demon King taking root in me.

"That's okay. It's a wreckage of an unselfish will, but" all-powerful black "would take your body from it."

"I knew it was a curse like that."

The purpose for which the Black Demon King summoned 'me' to this world. I guess that was to summon a man without magic, get him out of the Black Demon King killing mountain, and then act to take that human self and regain his original body.

"That woman who makes it has no luck. To escape demon eating, he dragged his own spiritually compatible existence from other worlds. I didn't know you'd chosen someone with a countermeasure of erosion."

It was a bad bet of minutes, but she won the bet. He was just a fragile man, but the man escaped the Black Demon King killing mountain brilliantly and was protected by a nearby Tays.

Now if only I had succeeded in taking over myself, the Black Demon King would have had the opportunity to resurrect to this world again...... But the man who drew him from the other world was, by extension, a 'me' who was fatally incompatible with the plan.

"Well, I don't want to be taken over. Be careful, at best."

"Do that. I don't want to deal with 'black' again, either.... it fits. We're done talking. We're leaving, Neil Lyates."

"... What!? Ha, yes! Copy that!"

Neil Lyates stands up in a hurry against 'Bi', who suddenly rose. How long has this guy been mocking me?

When they tried to leave the room, Luco came in through the door. The sweet smell of baked confectionery enters the room and makes my stomach almost beep.

"Shh, excuse me. I'm late for prep..."

"I don't mind. It must have been wrapped for souvenir and delayed. That's all we'll have."

This guy's been waiting a long time for Luco to bring the treats... no, maybe he is. I thought you said it would suit you earlier.

Speaking of which, I see her wondering what Neil Lyates thinks about Luco. Neil Lyates was in Tayz for a time. Then I must have seen Luco a few times or so. There are some things you might wish 'Bi' had turned a slight but conscious eye to someone you've seen in the past.

"... no"


"... no, nothing! She looked a little nostalgic."

"Oh yeah...... Oh, here's your share too..."

"Eh. No, no! I'll have the same souvenir as my king."

"Keep it for reference. You're the only one who can bake sweets for me in my castle."

"-! Yes, yes!

Neil Lyates looked happy somewhere and received a bag of sweets from Luco. As in Mix's time, I thought it might include hostility, but apparently it ended up worrying.

All I could feel from Neil Lyates staring at Luco was the sadness and slight disloyalty, including intimacy.

If you regret it, you have as much. That I have empowered you and given you the opportunity. That I don't like it when you stop calling me names, and I've chosen a replacement consideration. That I have been so proud of my potential that I have plunged you into despair.

I just wanted to give it to you, but I just took it from you. I just want to see your smile again. [M] That's all I've done for you, and the world won't try to forgive you for it.

It's the world you're in, the world I met you in, so it was the world I tried to leave for you. Oh, how could I have cherished such a thing? How could I not give priority to you alone? [M]

I don't care anymore now. Everything's gone bad, so there's nothing left for me to do in this world. So...

"... n"

I realize that my consciousness is awakening in the midst of the meltdown. You should still be sleepy, but this way consciousness returns to reality probably means that your body has had enough rest.

I like to enjoy this aftertaste. I can calm my mind without relying on alcohol or medicine. The feeling of a blanket touching the skin also feels like a superb treasure only at this time.

"Hey, are you awake, Yugra?

"- Trashy voice."

"All right, wake up. Or I'll punch you!

The blanket is peeled off and the warmth that was wrapping itself scattered outside. I remember reality in its vanishing senses and my consciousness gradually becomes clearer.

"... good morning. Tedral."

"Ooh... It's been a long time since they called me by that name."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Because I had an old dream. Thank you for leaving me, 'no color'"

"Don't get annoyed with that attitude."


I miss this exchange too. But I still don't see her here. He can't even be here. Because I'm the one who took her place.

"- Hey, the words I said when I got back... are those serious?

"Yeah. I can't save 'black' in this world anymore. That's why I decided to start all over with space-time magic."

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