I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 319: , Lin Xiao shot to destroy the Zerg Queen

, I am the fastest to update immortality for thousands of years, and I am yearning to expose the latest chapter!

No, it is not abandoning the physical body, but evolving the physical body into a quantum form. Each is a quantum, and each is an independent individual.

Shenzhou nodded: "Very well, you didn't attack me, spare your life."

The Zerg queen swallowed.

A look of horror.

I was uneasy.

"We are not an adult's opponent, what do you want? Our Zerg queen, like you, is also in quantum form."

Shenzhou said: "Contact your Zerg queen! I know you have an independent method, no matter how far apart, the queen will know."

The Zerg queen was surprised: "What do you...what do you want to do?"

do what?

Naturally it is devouring your mother.

The Zerg Queen.

The only way to advance the quantum form is to swallow the other party.


Wyatt planetary system.

The Wyatt planetary system and the Milky Way have gathered 13 million light-years. At this time, they have passed through the wormhole. Through the eyes of the Zerg Queen, the Queen saw the Divine State and the Spirit.

The Zerg queen was taken aback.

"That's the **** on the blue star? The people around me swallowed my daughter. God **** it. I will make you pay. You offended the great Zerg, and even more offended me."

The Zerg was furious, and his body entered the wormhole.

In one step, it was in the mothership.

Shenzhou looked at the Zerg queen.

The two looked at each other.

The queen knelt on the ground: "Mother."

"Well, I already know, you can withdraw and let me talk to this Master Shenzhou."


The Zerg queen looked at Shenzhou and then at Ling.

The Zerg queen said: "My daughter, are you trying to betray me? Shenzhou did it if it was out of my control?"

Ling shook his head: "I am no longer your daughter, my name is Ling."


"Well, grandpa got the name for me."

"Your grandpa?"


I'm your mother, isn't he my father?

The queen sneered and looked at Shenzhou: "Well, I didn't expect you to have this kind of method. It seems that I must swallow you, control this ability, and rule the universe."

Shenzhou smiled: "Actually I am your father!"

"court death."

The queen was furious.

As the Zerg queen, who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, this **** Shenzhou dare to humiliate her.

The Zerg Empress emits a beam of light.

Shenzhou pulled the spirit and disappeared instantly.

This beam of light instantly destroyed a big hole.

The Zerg queen sneered: "I want to escape through the space node? Killing so many daughters of me, how can my Zerg queen let you leave."

The Zerg queen disappeared instantly.

The two teleported out and stood in the void.

The Zerg queen also came out and said indifferently: "You can't escape."

Shenzhou Road: "I don't want to escape, but to fight, and I can't let go in the interstellar battleship, let me learn the ability of the Zerg queen."

"Hmph, I have lived for hundreds of millions of years, and I have long understood the ultimate power. Take it to death. This is the price of killing my daughter. With spirit, you will make you my daughter again."

Shenzhou Road: "Ling, you slid aside."

"Understand, Lord Shenzhou."

The Queen was stunned.

Isn't it your grandfather, how do you call the Lord Shenzhou?

Is Grandpa someone else?

The Zerg queen abandoned this idea, stretched out her blue arms, countless tentacles appeared in her body, and instantly attacked Shenzhou, the space vibrated, splashing waves of waves.

The surrounding warships instantly disintegrated, shattered and floated in the air.

The space is like a calm lake. The Zerzu queen's ability instantly disintegrates the space, and everything placed in the space is instantly shattered.

Even a star will become fragments.

Matt led the alien race, feeling the space torn apart.

His face changed drastically.

"No, this is a broken space. Could it be that Shenzhou has already fought against Her Majesty the Zerg Queen?"

An alien commander asked: "Master Matt, what is space shattering?"

Matt explained: "Space is like a flat piece of paper. We are on one side. They use powerful force to tear the plane apart. Anything on the plane will be torn apart."

"Even black holes can only distort space, and cannot tear space apart. They are worthy of being gods. They immediately retreat. We can't participate in the battle between the strong."

Matt's face was solemn, never expected that the battle between gods and gods could tear the space apart.

This power has completely exceeded their imagination.

The alien race was shocked. Is this the power of God?

Tearing the space.

The most powerful black holes can also distort space and cannot tear space apart.

But God sat down.

At this moment.

Shenzhou nodded with a look of admiration: "Yes, every blow can tear space apart. She deserves to be the queen of the Zerg race and has lived for hundreds of millions of years."

The Zerg queen snorted coldly: "You are not bad, you can actually resist my attack, even if it is in quantum form, it will be torn apart by space, who are you, why have you never heard of you."

The Zerg queen did not expect that China would actually resist it.

In the three-dimensional world, there is communication between every Xeon in quantum form, and there is also a guardian of quantum form **** in the Virgo cluster.

Otherwise, the Zerg had already invaded the entire Virgo cluster.

Shenzhou stretched out a hand: "Destroy."

In an instant.

Every inch of space is cracked and turned into nothingness.

You can only break through the space, and I can destroy everything.

The power of terror spread, and the Zerg queen was shocked.

What power is this?

Even the space can be destroyed.

The space around the Zerg Queen collapsed, a destructive force spread from the Zerg Queen, and the quantum in her body disappeared in an instant.

The Zerg queen secretly said that it was not good.

How can this be?

Who is this guy, and why is there such a terrifying power to destroy everything in the world, and destruction represents the end.

The Zerg empress was frightened.

But at this moment.

Shenzhou had no power and stopped abruptly.

It's a pity that Shenzhou's secret path is not that God is not enough to control the power of God, but he is the only one who makes the move.

The Zerg queen laughed for the rest of her life.

"Haha...you can't destroy me at all, but your strength is just that!"

At this moment.


Lin Xiao and the others were still drinking tea, feeling the changes in the clones.

Lin Xiao said, "You continue to drink, Grandpa is going out."

Zifeng was stunned.

"Grandpa Lin, where are you going all the time?"

"Destroy the Zerg Queen."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he stepped into the space and disappeared...

"Grandpa Lin finally made a move."

"Destroy the Zerg Queen? Isn't the Lord Shenzhou enough to destroy the Zerg Queen?"

"It's a pity that I can't see Grandpa Lin taking action, it's a pity."

"It seems that the little zerg is quite powerful, and Grandpa Lin wants to do it himself."

"Hey... it's the honor of the Zerg Queen to die in the hands of Grandpa Lin. I don't know how many Zerg Queens there are in the universe."

"With Grandpa Lin, you can sleep at ease. All Zerg queens are bullshit."

There was a discussion in the live broadcast room.

At this moment.

Lin Xiao arrived in front of Shenzhou and looked at the arrogant and domineering Zerg queen.

Ling said, "Grandpa, I want you to go out of the way."

Lin Xiao just nodded faintly~www.readwn.com~ The Zerg Queen was blinded.


Is this God?

Why is it still staying in the realm of the physical body? The physical body has not yet been quantized.

There is no quantum form.

The Zerg queen didn't pay attention at all. In her cognition, quantum form is the ultimate evolution and the strongest existence. There is no form higher than quantum form in this universe.

The Zerg queen snorted coldly: "It's just a mortal, and dare to stand in front of me."

Lin Xiao smiled.

This little bug is very arrogant and domineering.

Lin Xiao raised his arm.

Simply said two words: "Imprisoned."

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