I’ve Been Cultivating Immortals For Thousands of Years

Chapter 320: , Star Wars as a Chinese cabbage (four thousand characters

, I am the fastest to update immortality for thousands of years, and I am yearning to expose the latest chapter!

Suddenly, a force enveloped the Zerg Queen, enveloping the Zerg Queen.

The Zerg queen dismissed it, and enveloped me with space?

"Hmph, my power can shatter the space, so look down on me too much."

"Oh, then you try?"

The Zerg Queen burst out with a strong light centered on herself, and burst out with herself as the origin, a quantum explosion...

The space doesn't move.

The Zerg queen is still wrapped in space.

At this moment.

The Zerg queen was shocked.

This is impossible?

How can I not shake this space?

What power is this?

Why is this happening?

Lin Xiao said: "You zerg gods have to bow their heads when they see me. You, a descendant of the gods, want to shatter my enchantment, too ignorant."

The Zerg queen was furious: "I don't believe it, if it can't shake the power of this space, it will be crushed by me."

The Zerg queen was angry and attacked.

There is still no fluctuation in the space barrier.

Shenzhou shook his head: "Don't explode, you have blown yourself to death, and there is no way to break this enchantment. This enchantment space already belongs to the four-dimensional space, not the weak three-dimensional space."

The Zerg queen looked terrified.

"Four-dimensional space? How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. You really think you are a god. The quantum form is still thousands of miles away from the gods. It is a great honor to die in my hands. After all, killing a person who is not a god, my old face, a bit mad hot."

The Zerg queen was completely shocked.

At this moment, she was finally afraid.

Fear surged in my heart.

She has never been afraid of living for hundreds of millions of years, but now she knows that she might die here.

The Zerg queen knelt and begged for mercy: "I was wrong, respected god, let me go, I am willing to become a slave, and become your servant."

Matt came over with the battleship.

Saw a shocking scene.

The great Zerg queen actually knelt in the void and kept begging for mercy.

"My God, what did I see, the Zerg queen kneeling on the ground?"

"No way! Is that God?"

"Could that be the **** Kelly said, there really is a **** in this world."

"The Zerg queen kneels? How strong is this god's power?"

This scene deeply shocked them.

I couldn't believe this was true. The Zerg Queen brought the fleet to invade, and they thought about the death of the fish, and the net broke, but the result was a sudden move, and the Zerg Queen knelt down in fright.

Kelly said excitedly; "That's God, the real God."

Countless people nodded.

The whole galaxy saw this scene.

The galaxy really has gods.

Lin Xiao stretched out a dry arm: "Destroy consciousness."

The Zerg queen closed her eyes.

There is a special energy body left.

Lin Xiao grabbed it with one hand, grabbed the energy body in his hand, and handed it to Shenzhou.

"I will leave the rest to you."

"I know."

Lin Xiao complained: "It's a waste of time to delay my tea time..."

Turn around and step into the disappearance.

Regarding Matt's arrival, he didn't even look at it.

Shenzhou distributes part of its energy to the spirit: "After you swallow it, you will receive the Zerg Queen Fleet, and you will be the Zerg Queen from now on."

Ling nodded: "Understand."

Matt understands.

They successfully defeated Her Majesty the Queen of the Zerg. No, it was the **** who defeated the Queen of the Zerg. These two were only subordinates of the gods.

Not only that, but the woman in front of her is the current Zerg queen.

At this moment.

Ling's first issued an order, thousands of warships enter the solar system, and the rest find a planet to thrive, and the Zerg is born as a warrior.

And there is a constant flow of energy to give birth to soldiers.

Ling said again: "Master Shenzhou, Zerg is not the strongest race in the universe. Other galaxies have gods, but real gods."

Shenzhou nodded: "I know that these gods are also waiting for the blue star to open the high-latitude universe and enter through the blue star."


The chat between the two surprised Matt and others.

High latitude universe?

That is another world.

The two people from Shenzhou entered the headquarters and said: "The Zerg has been subdued, you don't have to worry about the Zerg invading."

Many races nodded quickly.

Seeing that the Zerg queen was swallowed, what was there to worry about.

Matt asked; "Master Shenzhou, I don't know if you are interested in joining the Galaxy Alliance, representing the Galaxy Alliance, and joining the Virgo Galaxy Alliance."

"The Virgo Galaxy Alliance must welcome you to join."

Everyone nodded.

An alliance of more than one hundred galaxies, the Virgo Supercluster, the Milky Way is one of them.

This is like the United Nations, where many countries are united.

The Milky Way represents an ethnic group.

The solar system revolves around the Milky Way, and the Milky Way revolves around the Virgo Supercluster. This is the rule of the universe, and no one can change it.

Shenzhou nodded: "As a member of the Milky Way, Blue Star will naturally join the Galaxy Alliance, join the Virgo Alliance, stabilize the wormhole, and establish space jumping sites with all the alien races in the galaxy."

Matt is overjoyed.

Establish a space jumping site and have the opportunity to visit that **** in the future.


Lin Xiaohui went to the courtyard.

Zifeng and a few people hurriedly gathered around.

Zifeng asked excitedly, "Grandpa Lin, has the Zerg Queen solved it?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "A little bug is a waste of my shot."


What can't be done with Grandpa Lin.

Annihilated the Zerg Queen with one hand.

Zifeng asked excitedly: "Don't you always say that each battleship is 10,000 yuan? Why didn't you see it?"

"Yes, Grandpa Lin, I really want to buy one!"

"I also want to buy one for fun."

"At that time, we will drive the interstellar warship out to roam."

Lin Xiao smiled.

Do you really want to go out for a fight?

Lin Xiao said: "This is definitely there, don't worry, I ask Ling to bring one million warships over, and then let each of you have one. Grandpa will give you a 50% discount."

Several people laughed.

50% off?

You always look down on us!

50% off is only five thousand yuan, five thousand yuan an interstellar warship, you can believe it.

"Fuck, what Grandpa Lin said is true?"

"Oh my god, actually started selling interstellar warships."

"Grandpa Lin, one million ships is definitely not enough. With so many people in China God Kingdom, at least one hundred million ships are needed."

"Haha, now Star Wars is cheaper than cars, what are cars? No more, I decided to buy a Star Wars to play with."

"I want to order a hundred ships."

"Grandpa Lin can't be a businessman. If you continue to do this, Grandpa Lin will soon die."

Countless people complained in the live broadcast room.

Really sell star warships as Chinese cabbage.

At this moment.

A message was interrupted in all the TV shows.

The figure of Tomoko appeared on TV: "Hello everyone, I am Tomoko. I announce that Blue Star has officially joined the Galaxy Alliance and will establish a wormhole crossing technology over Blue Star to establish a two-way channel with all civilizations in the galaxy."

"In the future we will be able to reach any civilization in the galaxy."

"And in a month's time, we will establish the cross-galactic wormhole technology. One day in the future, you may be a guest in the Andromeda Galaxy and participate in the grand movement of the Andromeda Galaxy."

The whole world is blinded.


Blue Star officially joined the Milky Way and became a member of the Milky Way.

It also establishes a two-way channel to link any high-level civilization in the galaxy.

This message shocked the world like an atomic bomb.

Shocked everyone.

"Oh my God, this is too fast, will we go to other civilizations in the future?"

"It's great, we not only stepped out of the solar system, but also joined the Milky Way."

"I really want to see other civilizations, I don't know what it is like?"

"Master Shenzhou is great."

"Shenzhou, 666..."

"As expected, he is the leader of China's Kingdom of God, who has opened a channel to link other civilizations."

People all over the world are cheering.

One day in the future, it will appear in the civilized world.

Tomoko said: "Now Matt, the Supreme Commander of the Galaxy Alliance, will introduce the entire galaxy."

The picture turns.

Matt waved and smiled: "Hello everyone, welcome to Blue Star to become a member of the Galaxy Alliance. Eighty-eight highly civilized galaxies welcome Blue Star. Let me introduce the members of the Galaxy Alliance first."

The picture changed instantly.

Become a plan view of the entire Milky Way.

Matt introduced: "The blue star is in the whole position, as everyone knows, it is Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces."

"They are the first to enter the race of quantum civilization."

"The rest are Centaur, Phoenix, Cepheus..."

Zifeng was taken aback.

Asked: "The Celestial Throne, is there a Celestial King living in it?"

I heard Zifeng say this in the live broadcast room,

Suddenly smiled.

"Haha... Sister Zifeng is so cute, the fairy king lives on the throne?"

"Impossible, as Grandpa Lin said, Xiandu lives in a high-latitude world, and there will be no low-latitude world."

"Sister Zifeng, have you ever eaten braised lion's head, do you really treat lion's as a dish?"

"I eat wife cake so much, why don't I have a wife?"

"The Celestial Throne is just a reputation, and it's not a real fairy king living on it."

Several people listened to Matt's introduction.

Suddenly came interest.

Teacher He smiled and said, "Don't think about it, this is just a title."

"But why do they speak Chinese?"

"Yes, is Huaxia language common in the galaxy?"

Lin Xiao said: "You think too much. This is a technology that can transform all languages. Every race has a language. This kind of chip converter must be used to communicate with each other."

To put it bluntly, it is a translator.

Two hours later...

Matt is still saying this tirelessly.

Everyone didn't understand, as the highest commander of the alliance, don't you need to work, a big guy came to introduce the entire galaxy.

Matt was eloquent and eloquent.

Naturally, it was in preparation for going to Blue Star and visiting Lin Xiao in the future.

That one is the real god.

Zifeng stared at the TV.

Lin Xiao said: "Okay, there is nothing good to see, isn't it just an alien? You haven't seen it before."

"We haven't visited the alien home."

"When we build the wormhole crossing technology, will we go live on an alien planet?"

Several people's eyes lit up,

This is a good idea.

The live broadcast room exploded.

"Go live on an alien planet, this is the rhythm of going to heaven."

"Originally thought that going to Mars to live broadcast was a fantasy, but now it is live broadcast on alien race planets."

"Just now Matt said that there are 88 alien races in the entire galaxy. These are highly developed civilizations and there are too many."

"Upstairs, do you know how many stars are in the Milky Way? There are 200 billion stars in the entire Milky Way. This probability is too small. It is equivalent to 100 million stars that have evolved a higher civilization."

"I don't know how the planet of the alien race is different from our humans?"

"I really want to go and see."

At this moment.

The screen turned around again, and three interstellar warships appeared, arranged in a triangle. At the same time, the interstellar warships sent out a beam of light to connect in series.

Within the triangle, a similar portal is formed.

Tomoko said: "The temporary wormhole has been constructed. There will be countless warships going into space and flying to the land of China, far away from 13 million light-years away."

"Most of these warships are used for interstellar mineral development and searching for ores in the void."

"These warships will be assigned by Grandpa."

The entire China God Kingdom was shocked.


Grandpa Lin assigned?

Is it true that what Grandpa Lin said is true, and is really sold at a price of 10,000 yuan per boat?

The live broadcast room burst again.

"Fuck, Grandpa Lin is awesome, are you really going to sell interstellar warships?"

"Is it really priced at 10,000? I want it all."

"Upstairs, don't think about it, there must be a limited purchase policy. I really thought you were a big boss!"

"My God, Grandpa Lin is not joking, where did these things come from."

"I don't know how many warships there are? Anyway, I hope I can line up to buy one for an interstellar expedition."

"Is this a benefit given to us by Grandpa Lin?"

Zifeng was stunned.

Exclaimed: "Grandpa Lin, what you always say is true?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said: "There are no fakes, it is naturally true. When did Grandpa deceive you?"

"But where did you get so many warships."

"Yes, so many warships do not know how many years it will take to build."

Lin Xiao said, "Just treat it as a car."


What are you always joking about, how can cars compare with battleships, one is running on the ground, the other is flying in the sky.

Lin Xiao said again: "The Zerg once occupied a galaxy. The entire galaxy was a factory for the production of interstellar warships. The spirit became the Zerg queen and naturally received everything the Zerg queen had."

"These things are all pediatrics."

Several people heard incredible things.

Occupy a galaxy and produce interstellar warships?

This seems to be the same as the production of cars on the Blue Star. Zerg is the entire galaxy. No wonder there are so many interstellar warships.


The spirit swallowed the Zerg queen, and now everything is spiritual.

Isn't it that Grandpa Lin also indirectly became the master.

They knew that the spirit was created by Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao said again: "Even if it is the entire land of China, everyone can send ten ships."

Zifeng smiled: "Grandpa Lin, we have such a good relationship, would you like to send us several motherships for fun?"

Lin Xiao smiled.

"Don't think about it, the mothership has a weapon system, these can't be sold, you girl, you still think about grandpa giving it away for free, your brother will settle the account, let alone you are my granddaughter, but there are several generations in between. Interviews. "

Zifeng was too stingy, too stingy.

Peng Peng smiled and said: "A 50% discount for Grandpa Lin is good enough, Zifeng, you want to go through the back door. Grandpa Lin is determined not to agree. I will buy ten ships first."

"This, I will also buy a few boats for fun first."

"I also order a few ships."

Lin Xiao said: "I don't know about this. Sophon is now the housekeeper, who decides everything. You can contact Sophon! The main reason for you is to let you go outside and have no other meaning."

It turned out that Grandpa Lin was for this purpose.

"Grandpa Lin has done a good job. At least 90% of the people can afford it."

"Then need to say, this is the full name welfare!"

"This kind of thing is not offensive, it's just a simple trip. It would be nice if it was offensive."

"Upstairs, do you want to rebel? The offensive interstellar warship will not be used by us~www.readwn.com~ just think about it."

"But where exactly is this thing parked! It's impossible to park in the garage!"

"Haha... Fortunately I have two garages."

"This thing has no wheels, how do you get in?"

Countless people in the live broadcast discussed that this interstellar battleship can be bought back, but where is it placed?


Obviously not.

It’s not good to put it outside, what if it’s stolen?

And there is no place to put it outside, it can't be put on the street!

Feng Xiaoxiao asked, "Where do you buy so much?"

Several people were taken aback.


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