After the 100-day oath-taking ceremony, two days passed. Zhang Xiaoping, with a big belly, was ready to come to the classroom to say the last words to everyone. Because she had to go to the hospital to give birth tomorrow, and she might not leave the hospital until Nanyuan and others finished the college entrance examination. Even if the birth was successful, it would take one or two months of confinement. So if I don't explain some things now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to say them again in the future. During the evening self-study, Zhang Xiaoping came to the podium in the classroom from the window in the eyes of all the students. She stood on it and didn't speak at the first time, but silently looked at the students below. At this moment, everyone silently stopped writing and looked up at the head teacher who had been with them for almost 3 years. A head teacher who has been with them since the division of liberal arts and science in the second semester of high school.

In the world of Guangdong people, summer comes after winter, and it comes early and suddenly, just like the countdown to the college entrance examination, quietly and silently reaching double digits.

The countdown seems to be saying.

The summer that belongs to them.

The midsummer that belongs to them to fight hard has arrived.

The atmosphere is sometimes so strange.

There is no wind and sand in the huge classroom, and it is not raining.

But when the classmates looked at the eyes of the head teacher, they couldn't help but feel a blurry vision.


It seems that something has slid down my face, and it seems that something has passed the corner of my mouth.

So salty.

Some of the more emotional female students couldn't help sobbing at this moment.

This sound is like a fuse, and the next moment it ignited the whole classroom.

Some people chose to turn their heads and look at their best classmates in high school, looking at each other and crying.

Some of them lay on the table silently, trying to hold back their tears, but they secretly looked in one direction from the corner of their eyes, looking at the direction of the person they secretly loved...

Zhang Xiaoping's eyes were red, but before she could turn around, tears had already slid down her cheeks.

She raised her palm to wipe away her tears, picked up the list of students she had prepared long ago, took a deep breath, slowly relieved her inner emotions, and choked up and shouted: "Nan... Nanyuan."

Nanyuan, who was sitting in his seat, was slightly startled, and the next moment he raised his hand to signal, and then put it down again.

"Wang Tao."

"An Xin."

"Wen Hanyu."

"Ma Qin."

"Li Jinming."

"Wang Guixia."

"Wu Fan."


Not long after, all the names in the class were read out by Zhang Xiaoping.

"Classmates, do you remember the first time we met? I held this list in my hand and called out all your names..."

"To be honest, I am very happy and relieved. You are the first batch of students I taught after becoming a teacher. I have accompanied you through the most important three years of my life. You have also accompanied me through the most important three years of my life..."

"From this moment on, I know that the students I teach in the future will have more or less your shadow..."

Zhang Xiaoping touched her belly and continued:

"I will be in the hospital starting tomorrow... I am very sorry that I can't accompany you to complete your high school journey. As a class teacher who got off the bus early in your high school career, I feel very guilty..."

"The teacher hopes that your grades can illuminate this whole summer, and take your future expectations to see the scenery you have never seen..."

"Finally, I wish all the students can get their names on the list of successful candidates and have a bright future!"

Ding ding ding~

The moment Zhang Xiaoping finished speaking, the bell for the end of the evening self-study get out of class rang immediately.

The students in the class felt that the one-minute speech was so fast that before they could react, the head teacher had already walked out of the classroom, wiping her eyes.

Most of the female students in the class chased out of the classroom with small bags of tissues.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaoping was surrounded by students who helped her wipe her tears.

"Teacher, don't cry..."

"Teacher, remember to have a good rest, we will visit you later..."

Some students tried not to cry in the classroom at first, but when they helped the head teacher wipe her tears, they could no longer hold back and tears flowed down their faces.


Nanyuan and Wang Tao did not follow them out and cried loudly.

An Xin would not do that either.

Before, she was a lonely and socially anxious girl, not familiar with the people in the class, and she was not exaggerated to the extent that she needed to look at each other and cry.

Now, in her world, there is only Nanyuan besides her mother.

If Nanyuan doesn't cry, she won't cry.

Wang Tao glanced at the scene outside the window, and then turned back to say to the person next to him:

"Brother Yuan, I think I will remember the scene just now for the rest of my life."

He is not a person who is good at expressing emotions, but the scene just now really touched him.

Only those who have really worked hard in high school will resonate with Zhang Xiaoping's words.

Wang Tao admitted that he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Nanyuan turned his head and looked at his good brother beside him.

In his memory, Wang Tao in the previous life would never say such words.

He not only changed Wang Tao's grades invisibly, but also changed his way of looking at things.

"Just remember it, Sister Ping is indeed worthy of being remembered by us."

Nanyuan looked out the window, looking at the woman who was surrounded by a group of students wiping her tears.

Zhang Xiaoping is indeed a rare good teacher.

It is really lucky to meet a good teacher in one's life.

Sometimes, it can really change one's destiny.

"Nanyuan, are you going home?"

While he was in a daze, a soft question came to Nanyuan's ears.

He nodded: "Let's go."

At the school gate, Wang Tao waved to the two of them, and after watching the ghost fire go away with a rumble, he turned around and left alone.


After the first mock exam, as the countdown to the college entrance examination on the blackboard decreased day by day, the depressing atmosphere in the classroom became more and more intense.

Students who did well in the exam, of course, hope that they can perform as usual in the next mock exam, and it would be best if they can perform exceptionally in the college entrance examination.

Students who did not do well in the exam and performed abnormally are even more anxious, and their hearts are easily touched. They are afraid that there will be mistakes in the college entrance examination, and they have to work hard to make up for it by doing crazy questions.

In the whole classroom, except for An Xin who was still leisurely reading the novel, everyone else was writing with pens. Even Nan Yuan and Wang Tao didn't know how many refills they had emptied.

Youth is an adventure that has no return. Not everyone has the opportunity to be reborn.

Once you miss it, you really can't come back.

It's hard for people who are still in the third year of high school to understand this feeling. They often only realize it after leaving the campus.

The rest of the time is like a gust of wind in summer. When it blows, you can definitely feel the coolness, but when it disappears, there is no trace. You want to find it again but you lose your direction.



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