The second mock exam in April passed in the blink of an eye. This time, the difficulty was simpler than the first mock exam and closer to the difficulty of the college entrance examination.

Needless to say, Anxin remained unshakable and broke a new high of 702 points this time.

Nanyuan's score increased by 10 points compared with the previous mock exam, and the total score reached 650, but the grade ranking did not change.

Wang Tao still has a lot of room for improvement. At the end of this exam, his score actually soared to an unprecedented height of 580 points, directly becoming the goalkeeper of the top 100 in the grade.

The reason for his rapid progress, in addition to his own hard work, is also attributed to the teaching of Nanyuan and Anxin.

The two gods of learning taught him everything they knew and pulled up his grades.

Fortunately, Xiao Wang did not disappoint the two people's expectations. He knew that he was different from the two of them. He was not a god of learning, and he could only rely on 200% effort to win the score on the test paper.

When the results of the three mock tests came out, time was speeding up like a clockwork. This was also the last large-scale test before the college entrance examination. The next step was to go to the battlefield.

When the ranking of the results of the three mock tests was posted in front of the announcement wall, the students did not rush to watch as they did in the past.

After all, the three mock tests were recognized as the easiest of the three unified examinations, mainly to help students who were about to take the college entrance examination regain some confidence.

After the evening self-study that day, the three people in the studio came to the familiar announcement wall.

This was also their last time here.

An Xueshen was still at the top.

Nanyuan's handsome photo came to the sixth place in the grade.

Wang Tao's score was like a rocket and could not be stopped at all. This time he continued to refresh his own record, with a total score of 590 points, only 10 points away from breaking 600.

Nanyuan was very happy to see his good friend's results, but...

He glanced at Wang Tao, who had two dark circles under his eyes, and advised:

"Taozi, that's enough. Don't stay up late. Your score is stable. You can get into a key university."

The girl with social anxiety also turned to look at the tall man: "Xiao Wang, you should rest."

"It's okay, I can do it."

Wang Tao stared at his grades and said this firmly.

Studying is really strange. It is really addictive, just like playing games.

When you see your grade ranking improve and your grades rise, the dopamine secreted in your brain really feels different.

Playing games and getting a pentakill to destroy the team is only a momentary pleasure. When you start the next game, the pleasure of the previous game is almost gone.

Studying is different. The feeling of trying hard to solve a difficult problem, the feeling of filling the test paper, and the feeling of seeing your grades rise wildly...all these will make people addicted.

Wang Tao did plan to just get a bachelor's degree at first, but what he didn't expect was that when his grades improved, not only he was happy, but his parents at home were also very happy!

Wang Tao's mother and Queen Liu were also card-playing friends, but since she saw her son studying hard and improving his grades, she simply stopped playing cards and chose to leave the business of the boxing gym to Wang's father alone.

She was responsible for preparing three meals a day for Wang Tao, and even when Wang Tao stayed up late to study, she stayed up late with him, and from time to time she would bring some fruits and sugar water to Wang Tao's room.

For such a scene, Wang Tao had never dared to think that it would appear in his home and on himself.

Even now, he felt a little unreal.


Time flies, and it has come to the last day of May.

The day before Children's Day, the senior high school students received not early holiday gifts, but admission tickets.

Yu Nu No. 1 Middle School itself is the college entrance examination venue, and almost most of the students of this school were assigned to their alma mater for the exam.

The three people in the studio were also very lucky. They all took the college entrance examination in Yu Nu No. 1 Middle School, but not in the same classroom.

Nanyuan looked at the classroom and location on the admission ticket and was slightly startled.

Although he didn't remember how many points he had in the college entrance examination in his previous life, he clearly remembered that the examination room was not in Yu Nu No. 1 Middle School, but in a different school.

From the moment of rebirth, the gears of fate have begun to turn. The gust of wind that the butterfly wings fanned a few months ago has really changed a lot of things now.

Nanyuan took a deep breath and stuffed the admission ticket into the long-prepared

In a good transparent pencil case.

There are only two days left before the college entrance examination.

In this last period, the senior high school students have a short vacation. The next time they come to school, it will be time to go to the battlefield.

Most people will not choose to practice questions desperately in these two days. After all, it is too late to cram.

Two days are left for candidates to adjust their mentality and face the most important exam in their lives in the best state.

In Guangdong Province, if there are children preparing for the college entrance examination in these two days, they will generally go to the temple to burn incense and pray to Buddha for a good fortune. At the very least, they will burn some paper money to ask the Buddha for blessings.

June 5th.

The morning sun is very gentle, and it is warm and not painful when it is exposed to the body.

Nanyuan came to the door of the barber shop early in the morning, looking at the burned banknotes in the red iron bucket at the door, and felt helpless for a while.

Auntie, there is no need to do this. After all, taking the exam is easier for Anxin than drinking water.

As soon as Nanyuan entered the barber shop, the socially anxious girl had already rushed towards him with her small backpack on her back, and then stopped when she was only one step away from him.

"Nanyuan, it's okay, let's go!"


Nanyuan said to Chen Hua who was sitting on the chair: "Auntie, then I'll take Anxin with me."

"Go, go, be safe on the road, remember to drive slowly, okay?"

"Okay, Auntie."

Today's itinerary was specially arranged by Chen Hua, and they needed to go to the temple to pray for good luck.

Nanyuan would not refuse Anxin's request, and he would not refuse Anxin's mother's request.

After all.

This is an aunt who is closer than her own mother!

The socially anxious girl did not wear a pure desire JK suit today, and still wore a school uniform as usual.

Because she also knew that today was not to play, but to do business.

Anxin was still very happy to carry out the tasks assigned by her mother.

Especially the sentence [You can ask Xiaonan to go with you], she was even more happy.

The socially anxious girl sat behind Nanyuan, raised her hands above his head, and joked: "Xiaonan, go!"

"Hold on tight, ready to take off."

The next moment, two white and tender little arms immediately wrapped around Nanyuan's waist: "Ready!"

With a rumble, the two drove towards their destination.


Half an hour later.

The two arrived at the destination - Putuo Temple.

As long as people in Yu Nu City want to burn incense and worship Buddha, most people will think of going to this place first.

But for Nanyuan, even in his previous life, he had never set foot here.

He parked the ghost fire, looked up at the crowded Putuo Temple in front of him, and his mouth twitched a little.

I'm afraid that all the college entrance examination candidates and parents of Yu Nu gathered here.

Nanyuan held the little hand of the socially anxious girl and shuttled through the bustling crowd with difficulty.

From today on, the candidates and parents in the temple have become devout believers.

However, the shelf life of this "devoutness" is estimated to be only one month at most.

After the students finish their exams and check their college entrance examination scores at the end of the month, it is estimated that they may not come to Putuo Temple again for a year or two......



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