The old man was very happy.

Buy a Nissan and a two-hundred-to-two-hundred-thousand-dollar car, can it save fuel and worry?

Nanyuan thinks it is unnecessary.

After rebirth, he is really afraid of death. Let alone buying a car, even if he buys something else, safety is always the first thing he considers.

If he buys a fragile car like Nissan, once an accident occurs, he is afraid that he will be forced to travel to another world by accident.

Domestic products have not yet taken off, so the first choice must be German or Volvo.

Another point worth mentioning is that the two elders showed their cards last night,

Nanyuan's budget has suddenly changed.

After all, he originally planned to move a million or eight hundred thousand yuan of royalties to pay off the debts of the two elders, but now he has saved this money all at once.

Thinking of this, Nanyuan no longer hesitated, grabbed the hand of the socially anxious girl, and walked towards a 4S store.

Anxin didn't know much about cars. After all, this was not an area that a god of learning should control.

But since Nanyuan chose to buy it, she would not have any objection.

Walking into the store, the socially anxious girl saw the unique car inside and expressed her curiosity. She shook Nanyuan's arm and asked:

"Nanyuan, this car looks like a frog. Do you like frog cars?"


However, the front of the Porsche does look like a frog.

"Well, I'll buy you a frog car."

The socially anxious girl's eyelashes trembled: "Okay."

Sooner or later, the studio will become bigger and stronger, and it will definitely involve other business sectors in the future, so it is still necessary to buy a good car to support the director of the studio.

Therefore, Nanyuan plans to do it in one step.

Go straight for the Panamera!

He is different from other reborn people. Others are stingy and save this and that. Is this really necessary?

It might be reasonable for others, but he is not the kind of person who wants to hold on to the money until he dies.

The person is gone, but the money has not been spent - this is the biggest regret of Nanyuan's previous life.

To be precise, he reopened before he had spent money to enjoy it for a long time.

Now that the college entrance examination is over and the novel is finished, it is normal to enjoy it with the director, right?


Nanyuan was even too lazy to test drive the beggar version of the car in the store. He just took the option sheet and started to tick...

The ordering process was not dragged at all. The sales girl was even in a daze, but he had already dragged the socially anxious girl to the finance department to start paying the deposit.

It will take at least 3-6 months for the personalized car model after the optional configuration to arrive.

It is only the beginning of June now. If you are lucky, you may be able to drive it some time before the start of school in September. Otherwise, you can only let the two elders at home handle the subsequent trivial matters such as license plate registration.

Seeing that she was ready to pay, the socially anxious girl turned her white backpack in another direction, unzipped it, and took out a bank card from it and gave it to the person next to her.

"Here, Nanyuan, here you go."

Nanyuan was stunned and asked:

"Do you know how much it will cost?"

"Ah? I don't know, but I have a total of 880,000 yuan in royalties in my card, is it enough?"

Nanyuan: "Why are you paying for the car?"

The socially anxious girl tilted her head, "It's normal for me to pay, didn't you say you bought it for me?"

At this time, the girl at the cashier was dumbfounded after hearing the conversation between the two...

A boy buys a car for a girl, and the girl takes the initiative to pay?

What kind of fairy plot is this?

Nanyuan frowned slightly: "Director An, do you know how much 880,000 is for you and your aunt?"

An Xin nodded: "I know."

"Then why did you take out all the money to buy a car?"

"Nanyuan, but... this is what you bought for me! I am willing to pay no matter how much money it is."

"What if you have no money?"

"If I have no money, you can let me write again."

"The novel is finished, what do you have to write?"

"Then you can write another one for me."


For a moment, Nanyuan was speechless.

The next moment, he stuffed the bank card in the hands of the socially anxious girl back into her small backpack.

"Although the car is bought for you, it is the studio's bus. Why are you rushing to pay for it? The public supplies of the studio, of course, I, the boss, should pay for it!"

After speaking, Nanyuan took out the bank card from his pocket and handed it to the little sister who was still in a daze.

The socially anxious girl blinked:

"Nanyuan, does the studio's bus need to be pink? I just saw you in the column for the body color

Check [Pink]"

Nanyuan sneered:

"Director An, you don't understand this. Pink is a color that no man or woman can refuse. It symbolizes youth and vitality! When the time comes, it will be very suitable for both male and female drivers."




The total price of the whole car is 1.8 million, which is indeed a bit expensive.

But it doesn't matter. Money is earned to be spent.

After paying a deposit of 500,000, Nanyuan took the socially anxious girl away.

The remaining balance will have to wait until the car is inspected. After personally checking and confirming that it is correct, it can't be paid in a hurry.

The purchase of the car is settled, but there is still an important thing to be settled.

There is no driver's license yet!

This summer, Nanyuan plans to get a driver's license in addition to preparing for the new book.

Well, the two employees of the studio must keep up with the progress.

Otherwise, the boss will have to drive for the employees?

This is too It's no longer cool.

Thinking of this, Nanyuan picked up his phone and sent Wang Tao the information about the driver's license...


Internet cafe.

In a private room.

Wang Tao hasn't been to this place for a long time. Now he suddenly feels a little uncomfortable sitting on the gaming chair.

Why come to the Internet cafe again?

Mainly because it's too boring at home.

After the college entrance examination, there is no need to study. After the novel is finished, there is no need to write. As a result, I can only think of coming to the Internet cafe to kill some time.

But after playing two games, he suddenly felt bored.

Wang Tao even began to doubt himself. How could he stand the common Are you playing such boring games all night long?

You even feel uncomfortable if you don't go to the Internet cafe for a day?

Is the person who was addicted to games really you?

Boring, leave.

After walking out of the Internet cafe, the next second, he turned back and glanced at the people wearing headphones and playing games.

In a trance, he seemed to see the self who was once confused, now sitting in front of the computer and playing like crazy...

After a long time, Wang Tao chuckled, turned around and left.

A sentence popped up in his mind-

I want to buy osmanthus flowers and carry wine together, but it's not like a young boy's trip.

He thought that this place should be the last time he came to , let's say goodbye to my past self today.

Goodbye, that fallen me!



Wang Tao had just returned home when the phone in his trouser pocket rang.

He took out his phone to check——

[Evening Breeze: Taozi, get your driver's license as soon as possible, do you understand me? ]

[Evening Breeze: I'm going to take Director An to register at xxx Driving School, the one in front of Xia Chong Village, you guys should hurry up, don't waste time! ]

After reading the message, Wang Tao's mouth curled up.

He was still worried about having nothing to do, and getting a driver's license could really kill some time.



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