The car was a bit awkward, but the owner was very careful.

It was still very convenient to get a driver's license in 2013. In order to get a driver's license faster, Boss Nan and his two employees directly chose C2 automatic transmission.

This was also Nanyuan's experience in his previous life. He got C1 in his previous life, but after getting the driver's license, he really didn't touch a manual transmission car for more than ten years.

Oh? It looks cool when you shift gears?

It's really cool, but then again.

When you are stuck in traffic, your frequent gear changes are really embarrassing, and your foot will cramp when you step on the clutch.

After the three people in the studio signed up, they immediately arranged to register for the driving school for the first subject test.

In this era, let alone registering in advance, as long as you stuff enough money, you can sit at home and wait for the driver's license to be delivered to your door.

However, Nanyuan does not intend to do this. He does not care, but Wang Tao and An Xin still have to go through a systematic process to learn vehicle driving knowledge.

For students who have just finished the college entrance examination, it is too easy to take the first subject, so Nanyuan plans to prepare for the first and second subjects at the same time.

Under the arrangement of Hongpiaozi, the three people in the studio came to the training ground of the second subject to practice driving on the same day.

"Very good, reverse, reverse, reverse... there!"


The driving school car, which was originally moving backwards at a snail's pace, suddenly rushed back, and the rear wheels of the two cars rushed directly through the lower limit iron bar before stopping.

Driving school coach: "..."

Wang Tao: "..."

Nanyuan really couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

The person in the main driver's seat stuck his cute little head out of the window and said angrily:

"Nanyuan! Why are you laughing at me!"

Nanyuan continued to hold back his laughter: "Director An, you know me, I usually don't laugh out loud unless I really can't help it."

"Humph! [○・`Д´・ ○]"

The driving school coach sighed. It's okay that half of the car body was out of the frame when reversing into the garage, but why did the car rush out?

He looked at the limit iron rod and felt lucky in his heart. If there was no such thing, the car might have rushed to somewhere else...

"Ahem... beautiful girl, I just said [arrived], why didn't the car stop, but accelerated?"

The driving school coach asked Nanyuan and Wang Tao's doubts.

"Oh... sorry... I stepped on the wrong step when I was nervous..."

Three people: "..."

After laughing, Nanyuan calmed down and thought, should he let the socially anxious girl give up the driver's license test?

After all, it was outrageous when practicing driving, so would it be outrageous when driving on the road?

It seems that even the almighty socially anxious girl couldn't escape the three words of female driver.

This is also the first time that Nanyuan has seen Director An's weak field since they met for so long.

Thinking of this, he came to the driver's window and persuaded in the tone of the two elders:

"An An, why don't you just stop taking the driver's license test? Anyway, I and Xiao Wang are here, and you just need to take the car..."

But he was interrupted by the socially anxious girl halfway through his words:

"No! No! That's my car, I must drive!"

Nanyuan continued to smile:

"That's the studio's car, thank you."

"I don't care."


Seeing this situation, Wang Tao took out a box of Huazi and slapped it on the hand of the driving school coach next to him:

"Coach, I'm sorry, I have to work hard during this period."

The driving school coach looked at the box of Huazi in his hand, and his mood improved a little at the first time.

Young people nowadays are quite sensible, worthy of being students of Yu Nu No. 1 Middle School. People who study well have flexible brains.


How come this box of cigarettes has been opened?

The driving school coach laughed secretly in his heart.

Tsk, young people are still a little bit behind. Who would give something they have used?

Forget it, this is a kind gesture after all. It is not good to ask so much of a student who has just grown hair.

He pushed open the lid of the box with his fingers and was about to take out a cigarette to relieve his inner depression, but he was stunned when he saw the contents of the box the next moment-

In addition to the half-smoked cigarette in the cigarette box, there were two red bills stuffed in it!


Young people nowadays are really not bad at all!

The driving school coach gave up the action of taking out the cigarette, calmly stuffed the cigarette box into his pocket, and vowed:

"What are you talking about, classmate Wang? You are practicing driving here just like studying in school. I am also half of your teacher. As a teacher, I will definitely do my best.

Try your best to teach attentively, it's not hard or troublesome at all! "

Wang Tao smiled and said, "The coach is right."

In terms of social skills, although Wang Tao's level has not reached the level of Nanyuan, he can learn it!

This trick [Really accurate in judging people] is what Nanyuan used when the two went to Shenchao Bar before.

Besides, his family originally opened a boxing gym for business, and the customers inside were of all kinds, with all kinds of roles and status.

Wang Tao has been exposed to various scenes and reception dialogues since he was a child, and learning these things is as easy as picking them up at hand.

When he was addicted to games before , he had never paid attention to these details, or rather, he simply disdained them.

Now that he has studied hard and opened his mind, he realized that many precious life treasures are actually around him, but he just doesn't know it.

Normally, if you go to learn to drive, there is no need to pass cigarettes and buy water, let alone offer sacrifices.

But the current situation is different. The three of them don't plan to waste too much time in the driving school.

And according to Director An's situation, it may be difficult to teach well in a short time.

The coaches in the driving school just work for money, and you will get commissions if you pass the test , it doesn't matter if you fail the exam, you are not the only one left.

If I can't teach you, I'm too lazy to teach you so hard, just go through the motions and that's it.

After all, if I have the time, why don't I teach a few more people who can pass the exam?


Then at this time, it's time to ask for help from others.

As long as you ask someone to do something, no matter in which era or place, you can't avoid the saying of offering.

As the saying goes, if you eat someone's food, you will be soft-hearted.

In many cases, the amount of offering is not important, and the things offered are not necessarily good, it just depends on [having] and [not having] 】.

The main thing is to have the right attitude, then everything will go smoothly.

Nanyuan just saw Wang Tao's operation and the ever-changing expression on the driving school coach's face.

Originally, after he saw that he couldn't dissuade the socially anxious girl from practicing driving, he planned to find the coach to [reason], but he didn't expect Xiao Wang to get things done in advance.

Seeing this, Nanyuan opened the main driver's door, unbuckled the socially anxious girl's seat belt and pulled her out, then turned around and said:

"Coach, I have to trouble you to drive the car back into the limit iron bar, sorry!"

"No trouble, no trouble! "

The driving school coach heard this and responded while jogging into the practice car.

What's the trouble?

Just drive! Go hard!

With a bang.

The practice car returned to the limit iron bar.

Seeing this, the socially anxious girl wanted to rush in before the coach opened the car door, but she was held down by Nanyuan after just two steps.

"Hey, wait a minute, I, the boss, haven't started practicing yet, don't be impatient!"

Wang Tao immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, Director An, you take a break first, the sun is shining now, Xiaonan and I will practice first, and it will be your turn later."

The socially anxious girl turned around and looked at the hopeful eyes of the two people in front of her. After hesitating for a moment, she replied:

"Okay. "

Hearing this, Nanyuan quickly gave a look to Wang Tao behind him.

The latter immediately understood and hurriedly stepped forward past the two and came to the practice car.

The driving school coach got out of the car, opened the door, and made a gesture of invitation:

"Come on, Xiao Wang, come in."




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