The two of them were very close, but they were still very close.

When they arrived at the gate of the girls' dormitory, Nanyuan was stopped just as he was about to take the suitcase from Anxin's hand.

"Nanyuan, I can go up by myself."

Nanyuan tilted his head and asked, "Hmm? Don't you need me to carry it up for you?"

The socially anxious girl shook her head and said, "No, I can do it by myself."

Nanyuan glanced at the dormitory aunt sitting in front of the gate, thought about it, and decided to follow his girlfriend's opinion.

Although they were boyfriend and girlfriend, it was not good for him to go to the girls' dormitory alone.

Nanyuan finally said, "Then send me a message when you are done, and I will go to dinner with you later."

"Yeah, I know!"

The socially anxious girl nodded and answered obediently, then walked into the dormitory gate with her suitcase.

Nanyuan watched her disappear into the stairs before turning back to the playground.

Queuing, registering, and getting the dormitory key, all these operations were done in one go.

Nanyuan didn't waste any extra time. He glanced at the note on the key -


Hmm... Just this dormitory number, it's obvious that talents gather here.

The boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory are not in the same direction, Nanyuan walked towards the destination.


At this time, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took it out and took a look.

[A girl with no social phobia: My dormitory is 303. ]

Nanyuan smiled. He had seen this stupid dormitory number a long time ago.

[A super socially phobic boy: Yes, mine is 404. ]

[A girl with no social phobia: ٩( 'ω' )و Got it! ]

Putting the phone back into his trouser pocket, Nanyuan picked up the suitcase and continued to move forward.

After climbing up to the 4th floor with the suitcase, he looked for a while along the house number and finally came to the place where he would live for the next 4 years.

Nanyuan wanted to open the door with the key, but when he saw that the dormitory door was ajar, he gave up the idea.

Well... a roommate had arrived early.

He pushed the door open with a creak and saw someone sweeping the floor with a broom.

The air was a little quiet when their eyes met.

The boy sweeping the floor wore glasses, looked gentle and had a fair complexion. A word popped up in Nanyuan's mind instantly - good boy.

Well... As expected of a top university, the roommate looked like a very honest person from childhood to adulthood.

He took the initiative to clean the dormitory the first time he arrived!

Look, look, what a treasure roommate!

The boy with glasses was the first to say hello: "Hello, my name is Lin Ye Shen."

Nanyuan smiled and replied: "Hello, my name is Nanyuan."

He thought, this way of greeting is so shy, it seems that his guess should be correct.

There are four beds in the dormitory, only one of which is occupied.

Seeing this, Nanyuan knew that there should be two roommates who have not arrived yet.

He didn't care about where to sleep, so he chose a lower bunk near him, and the next second he opened the suitcase to arrange the bed.

He had just made the bed when a new figure appeared at the door of the dormitory.

Nanyuan turned his head and saw a show-off wearing sunglasses.

The boy in sunglasses also noticed the person looking at him, and immediately reached out to take off his sunglasses, exclaiming:

"What the hell? Why are you so handsome?!"

When Nanyuan heard this, he immediately knew that he had met a fellow countryman, and he replied in the same vernacular:


The next second, the boy in sunglasses was stunned for a moment: "Fuck, you are also from Guangzhou?"

Nanyuan nodded.

It is indeed very exciting to meet a fellow countryman in a foreign school.

When the boy in sunglasses saw Nanyuan admit it, he immediately threw the backpack on his back onto the bed board above Nanyuan.

Before he could continue to speak, a burst of singing came from outside the dormitory door-

"♪ I will no longer contact you,

♪ I hope you don't mind,

♪ If you want to blame someone, blame it on not being together in the first place..."

The singing stopped abruptly.

Then, the voice of a boy came from outside the door-

"I've already said that we've broken up. Don't call me anymore, okay? You were the one who proposed the breakup. Why are you crying now? Block me. Let's not contact each other anymore!"

After the voice ended, a boy with a guitar and a suitcase appeared at the door of the dormitory.

The boy with the guitar nodded to the people in the dormitory, as a greeting.

He sat down on the only empty bed-the lower bunk of the boy with glasses.

But he didn't open his mouth like the others at the first time.

Instead of making the bed, he looked at the ground in a daze, with a slightly melancholy look.

The four of them briefly introduced themselves.

Nanyuan quickly got to know his roommates.

The gentleman with glasses who met at the beginning was Lin Ye Shen, a local of Shanghai.

The boy with sunglasses who was also from Guangzhou was Zhou Xiaoxin, who was wearing branded clothes and looked like he was probably rich.

The boy with dull eyes playing guitar sitting on the bed was Zhang Wenhao, who lived in Jincheng.

Zhou Xiaoxin saw that Zhang Wenhao looked absent-minded, and he jumped down from the bed as soon as he made it, and then sat on his bed board.

Zhou Xiaoxin reached out and patted the melancholy little prince on the shoulder, comforting him:

"It's hard to forget, right? I understand your feelings. I'm the same as you. I just experienced this kind of thing not long ago."

Hearing this, Zhang Wenhao looked up at his roommate beside him as if he had found a confidant, and then nodded heavily.

Zhou Xiaoxin sighed lightly:

"Well, send it all, buddy, I won't say too much. Let's go to the food street at the school gate tonight. I'll pay for everything. Just think of it as accompanying our brother Hao to drink a few cups to relieve his worries and forget the past."

Lin Ye Shen put the broom away, pushed his glasses and said, "I have no objection."

As for Zhang Wenhao, it goes without saying that he was so moved that he patted his chest and called it loyalty.

When Nanyuan heard that there would be a dormitory dinner tonight, he subconsciously wanted to refuse, after all, he was still a little worried about the socially anxious girl.

Although An Xin is much more cheerful now than in high school, that is only in front of acquaintances. Once she meets a stranger, she will immediately turn back to the cold goddess An.

However, the socially anxious girl dares to speak even to strangers, but her tone is as cold as an iceberg, and her main feature is a coldness.

According to this kind of personality, Nanyuan is very afraid that she will cause some unpleasant incidents in the dormitory.

After all, he had heard rumors that it was normal for a four-person girls' dormitory to have seven or eight groups.


He was about to say no to his roommate's dinner proposal when his phone rang in his pocket.

The next moment, he took it out and took a look.

[A girl with no social anxiety: Nanyuan, our dormitory said we're going to have dinner together. Should I go? But I really want to have dinner with you. Ծ‸Ծ]

[A boy with a lot of social anxiety: It's okay. Just go and have dinner with the people in the dormitory. You have to get along well with your roommates. OK?]

[A girl with no social anxiety: Okay, I'll listen to you. Nod.jpg]

The other two had no objection to Zhou Xiaoxin's dinner proposal, but Nanyuan hadn't responded yet. He just kept tapping on the screen.

He asked: "Brother Yuan, what's going on? Is tonight's dinner okay?"

Before Nanyuan could speak, he emphasized again: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhou will pay for all the expenses tonight, and it can be regarded as a celebration of our first meeting in 404!"

Nanyuan nodded: "Tonight's dinner is okay, I just replied to my girlfriend's message."

Zhou Xiaoxin: "?"



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