The words were so strange that they were not heard.

Not only Zhou Xiaoxin was dumbfounded, but the other two roommates were also confused.

Zhang Wenhao opened his mouth and smacked his lips repeatedly, wanting to say something but unable to.

Lin Ye Shen came to Nan Yuan's bed, put one hand on the bed frame and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose with the other hand, and sighed softly:

"Brother Yuan, it's okay to lie to me, but don't lie to yourself."

Nan Yuan looked at the person in front of him in surprise.


No, you look honest on the surface?

"Okay, since you have found out, I can only reveal my cards. I was just trying to make sure my family was safe."

Don't try to refute the facts that others have determined, because no matter how you explain, they will just quibble.

Since it is useless to say more, Nanyuan had to follow their thoughts.

Zhou Xiaoxin patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Hey, look, isn't it good to face the reality calmly? It's okay, I understand you."

Nanyuan continued to cooperate and nodded in agreement: "Brother Xin, you still understand me."

Boys get familiar with each other very quickly. When one person calls him brother, everyone's relationship immediately becomes harmonious.

Zhou Xiaoxin smiled and said: "Of course, who told us to be from the same province."

Lin Ye Shen continued to express his own views:

"Brother Yuan, although you are very handsome, I feel that you must be a good student in high school. From the first to the third year of high school, you are the kind of good boy who studies hard."


This sentence really made Nanyuan laugh.

He calmly suppressed his smile, and finally spoke after a few seconds:

"It has to be you, Brother Shen, you are really good at judging people!"

Lin Ye Shen heard this and immediately looked at Zhang Wenhao who was making the bed, and pointed at Nanyuan.

Zhang Wenhao had just made the bed, and his bed and Nanyuan's bed were facing each other, both at the bottom.

He sat on the bed and shook his head gently: "Brother Yuan, honest people can't hide things. Look, we have only met for a short time, and your ID number is almost found out by us."

Nanyuan nodded heavily and did not object.

Yes, yes, you are all right.

My roommates are a bunch of talented people!

Which idiot said that people who go to top universities are all nerds?

It's really misleading!

Heizi is talking!

Next to the bed is a connected table, and several people started to take things out of their suitcases and set them up.

Zhou Xiaoxin fiddled with the power strip and asked casually:

"Brothers, did you have a relationship in high school?"

Besides games, sports, military affairs, and history, the most talked about thing among boys is girls.

No matter what age group of men get together, as long as they have just met, they will ask about how many times they have been in love.

Hearing this, Zhang Wenhao sighed and made a comment first:

"Oh, I am a very loyal person. I only had three relationships in high school, which means I changed one a year. The last one just broke up with me not long ago. He just called me and asked me to get back together, but I refused."

Lin Ye Shen pushed his glasses: "I only had two relationships, and we broke up in the third year of high school because of studying."

It was Zhou Xiaoxin's turn. He took a deep breath and looked relieved.

"I didn't date much in high school. I just wanted to study at that time. But every now and then, a bunch of yanderes would chase me and confess their love to me. They would act like Shura in front of me from time to time. It was really tiring... But fortunately, I went to college and finally got rid of them."

Nanyuan saw that the three of them had finished talking, and he was about to speak.


But before he could finish his words, Zhou Xiaoxin interrupted him with his hand: "Hey, Brother Yuan, you don't have to say anything. We all understand you."

Nanyuan was slightly startled, thinking, you understand again?

Then he looked at the other two roommates who showed the same expression, and chose to shut up the next second.

Forget it, let them understand.

Zhou Xiaoxin looked at him and said, "Brother Yuan, you must have never dated once in high school, right?"

Nanyuan sat in a chair and thought about it.

Well... when he was with the socially anxious girl, it was not considered high school, after all, the college entrance examination was over.

To be precise, he did not have a single relationship in high school.

Not only that, Nanyuan had never been in a serious relationship in his previous life, and his first time was only this summer.

If you look closely, this guy really understands...

Thinking of this, Nanyuan

Nodding: "I really didn't have a boyfriend in high school."

When Zhou Xiaoxin heard this, he was immediately delighted.

Look, he's so handsome but he's never had a boyfriend. It seems that girls really pay attention to boys with interesting souls!

He reached out and patted Nanyuan's shoulder:

"It's okay, Brother Yuan, go ahead, buddy, we won't laugh at you. You look just like me, and I'll take you to pick up girls when the time comes."

Nanyuan's mouth twitched: "Okay."

After Zhou Xiaoxin connected the power strip on the table, he took out his mobile phone and continued to greet:

"Come on, brothers, add v first and create a group together."


Nanyuan was stunned for a moment.

That's right, v was not popular in 2012, and it was not really popular until 2013. At this time, most people started to switch from QQ to v.

But Nanyuan was only focused on studying hard in his senior year of high school, so how could he have the time to pay attention to these aspects?

Moreover, if we really count his social circle, it is actually just the socially anxious girl and Xiao Wang.

Zhou Xiaoxin turned his head and glanced at the person next to him: "Huh? Brother Yuan, you don't have a v? Hurry up and register one. Who adds QQ to flirt with girls now? They all add v."

"Well, I'll be the next one."

Nanyuan nodded slightly without refutation, and entered the app store to install the software.

404 The other three people sorted out the things on their desks, and only Zhang Wenhao was still fixing the power cord of the power strip:

"Wait for me, you add first, I'll fix this cord."

The seats in the dormitory were lined up from the door. Zhou Xiaoxin was at the front, followed by Nanyuan, Zhang Wenhao, and the last one was Lin Ye Shen.

After Nanyuan registered the v, he first added Zhou Xiaoxin and Lin Ye Shen as friends.

Zhou Xiaoxin was responsible for setting up the group, after all, it was his suggestion.

Not long after, Nanyuan saw Zhang Wenhao next to him also finished his computer, and said:

"Come on, Brother Hao, add one."


Just as Zhang Wenhao turned on the screen of his mobile phone on the table, the speaker immediately rang with a song ringing throughout the dormitory-

"♪ And you are quite satisfied with the present,

♪ So there is no reason for me to stay..."

The familiar scene was staged again, and the next second the song stopped abruptly.

The eyes of the three people immediately gathered towards him.

Nanyuan: "?"

Lin Ye Shen: "?"

Zhou Xiaoxin: "?"

The person in question immediately coughed violently:

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."



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