After the meal, the two of them were very busy.

"Auntie, you probably haven't eaten yet, I bought you one too, let's eat together."

Hearing this, Chen Hua saw Nanyuan carrying three large bags of breakfast, and An Xin's words just now made her realize something immediately.

She quietly covered the trash can with her side, then took up the trash bag inside and tied it tightly into a knot, saying:

"Xiao Nan is thoughtful, thank you, but Auntie has to go to the market to buy vegetables now, so she won't have time to eat."

Nanyuan was about to say [You can go buy more after you finish eating], but Chen Hua had already picked up the key and picked up the trash bag in the blink of an eye, and left the barber shop quickly.

Nanyuan: “???”

No, is it necessary to be so nervous when buying groceries? Didn’t you even have breakfast?

Suddenly, Chen Hua, who had walked outside, rushed back and said something meaningful in the surprised eyes of the two:

“That... Xiaonan, I put all the things you might need when you go out... in Xiaoan’s white backpack. Of course, it would be best if you don’t need them. It’s best to wait until you go to college before using them.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Hua left again without waiting for the two to react.

Nanyuan: “???”

Anxin: “???”

Things they might need when they go out?

Nanyuan thought about it. The socially anxious girl should have told her mother that she would treat him to a meal, so she must have stuffed a lot of money in her backpack, right?

“Let me see your backpack.”

Anxin turned around obediently, with her butt facing Nanyuan and her backpack facing him.

Nanyuan unzipped the large compartment, and a lavender scent wafted in his face. Inside was a set of school uniforms and a set of...pure black and slightly larger underwear neatly stacked?


What did this idiot bring these things for?

He was a little confused, but he planned to ask after he had seen them all.

The zipper of the small compartment was just unzipped, and through the gap he saw a pack of unopened sanitary napkins and a stack of neatly folded hundred-yuan bills. A little further inside was a pack of tissues, and under the tissues was a box of something unknown.

The zipper was not fully opened, and the light was a little dim, so Nanyuan couldn't see clearly for a while.

But it was enough to see this. The things in this small compartment were obviously more private, so Nanyuan didn't plan to open the zipper completely to search.

The stack of red banknotes inside should have been put in by Anxin's mother, right?

At a glance, there were at least ten bills, and it was quite a lot.

[It would be best if you don't need to use it. It's best to wait until college to use it.]

These ten hundred-yuan bills may take a month of haircuts to earn, and they are all hard-earned money.

It is normal for a mother to let her daughter save money and save it for college, after all, college is the time to spend the most money.

After all the inspections were completed, Nanyuan asked, "Why did you bring clothes?"

The socially anxious girl turned around and proudly replied with her head held high:

"Didn't you say that if you don't understand, you can search online? I searched online and many replies said [Remember to bring an extra set of clothes when going out with boys], so I brought them!"


"Then do you know what it means to bring an extra set of clothes?"

The socially anxious girl was slightly startled and shook her head gently.

"I don't know why you brought anything!"


Even if you know what it means, you don't need to bring it!

Nanyuan sighed and said, "Put the clothes back. You don't need to bring them today."


"Also, don't learn anything online when you have nothing to do in the future!"


Anxin ran to the room upstairs quickly and took out all the school uniforms in her backpack. However, she thought about it and decided to keep the underwear in it.

Because she remembered a message on the Internet: [You don't have to take the clothes, but you must remember to bring the underwear. ]

Yeah, I must bring this.

Then she opened the small compartment and checked the stack of 100-yuan bills inside. This was what she had taken from the bank early in the morning in case her phone ran out of power and she couldn't pay.

Anxin made sure that everything she brought was intact, and prepared to zip it up...


What is this box?

The socially anxious girl curiously pulled out the mysterious box that was pressed under the tissue -


Strange, what is this English word, why have I never seen it before?

Is it Nanyuan

Did you put it in just now?

If you are unsure about anything other than studying, ask Nanyuan or search online.

Well, I'm not sure, let's ask.

The socially anxious girl ran downstairs.

Nanyuan heard the sound of the stairs and said without raising his head: "Eat quickly, I have to take you to do business after eating."


The socially anxious girl tilted her head and was a little confused.

Is there any business besides treating you to dinner?

Could it be that...

This box is another business you mentioned?

"Nanyuan, is this box the business we will do later?"

"What box...ah?!"

Nanyuan looked up and saw a scene that made him tremble with fear-

The socially anxious girl's soft, white and tender little hand was holding a box of elves, looking at him stupidly.


The chopsticks in his hand fell directly on the table.


What the hell did I see?

Before Nanyuan could speak, the socially anxious girl continued to ask:

"Nanyuan, is this what you put in my backpack just now? Do you want to open it now?"

Huh? ? ?

Nanyuan was stunned. He wanted to severely criticize Director An for his incorrect thinking, but at this moment he found that things didn't seem so simple.

According to the meaning of this sentence...

This thing must not be prepared by this idiot, and I didn't put anything in it just now, so...

Excluding all options, there is only one person who can touch this white backpack-

An Xin's mother.


Thinking of this answer, Nanyuan was even more shocked.

What the hell?

[Things you may need when you go out], [It's best if you don't need it, it's best to wait until you go to college]

So this is what Auntie was talking about just now?

So, the box in the small interlayer that he didn't check carefully just now is this thing.

Thinking of this, Nanyuan was numb.

He thought the two old men in his family were outrageous enough, but he didn't expect there was a master!

"Nanyuan, are you going to tear it down? Then I'll tear it down now."

The socially anxious girl said, and the next second she sat down on the chair heartlessly, stretched out her slender and smooth fingers and began to pull it excitedly.


Nanyuan grabbed the magical box.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Anxin was puzzled, and pursed her lips, indicating that she was a little dissatisfied with Nanyuan's snatching behavior.

"Not now... No need to tear it down!"

Nanyuan looked at Anxin with a puzzled face, and continued to add: "This thing is not something that children can tear down, you know?"

"But I'm 18 years old today, I'm an adult!"

Yes, the socially anxious girl is legal from today...

Wait a minute.

I can't think about it anymore.

Nanyuan was extremely tough and held out his hand to show that there was no room for negotiation: "Anyway, I can't demolish it for you now, thank you."

The socially anxious girl blinked her clear and bright eyes in grievance:

"Then when can I do it?Ծ‸Ծ"



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