The girl was so angry that she almost opened the box to teach her how to use the things inside.

Nanyuan looked at the aggrieved girl and almost couldn't help but open the box to teach her how to use the things inside.

But the next second, reason prevailed.

She is really too eager to learn.

But... don't learn everything!

Seeing that the person in front of her was silent, the girl continued to ask: "Nanyuan, when can I open it?"

"At least it's the same as what your mother said, at least I can open it after I go to college."

Nanyuan thought to himself that he was right, and his aunt did tell him so before she left.

"Ah? Then I have to wait at least half a year..."

Nanyuan: "???"

What's wrong with your disappointed tone?

Nanyuan felt so angry that he stretched out his hands and pinched the white face of the socially anxious girl.

You idiot, do you know what this is? You keep yelling to open it!

I let you open it! I let you open it!!

Nanyuan looked at Anxin's little mouthful of resistance and was immediately satisfied.

"Don't dawdle, eat breakfast quickly."


After taking two bites of rice rolls, Anxin couldn't help but glance at the box that Nanyuan had placed on the other side of the table.

"Nanyuan, can you tell me what's inside?"



Hum Ծ‸Ծ, anyway, I have memorized the English words above, and I will know it by searching it secretly on the Internet when the time comes, so I won't ask you!

It took ten minutes for the two to finish both breakfasts, leaving only one on the table for Chen Hua.

The socially anxious girl bit off the last bite of the fried dough stick, then sucked all the soy milk into her mouth, stretching her mouth and showing a satisfied expression while chewing.

Breakfast was finished, but Nanyuan still had a problem.

He silently glanced at the magical thing in his hand.

Who can tell me where I should put this box?

Nanyuan thought that the head teacher Zhang Xiaoping's nonsense was outrageous, but he didn't expect that Anxin's mother was even more exaggerated.

He reflected on it and felt that it might be because he had been too close to the socially anxious girl recently, otherwise there wouldn't be so many rumors.

It doesn't matter if I am thick-skinned, whoever wants to say it can say it, but...

Where is Anxin?

Nanyuan glanced at the socially anxious girl who was wiping her mouth, and immediately realized that these gossips had no effect on her at all.

As long as there is food, the socially anxious girl is too lazy to pay attention.


Should I put this box back in the small backpack?

Thinking of this, Nanyuan felt that it seemed to be the safest way. After all, according to the current situation, this thing must have been prepared by Anxin's mother.

If her action of taking it out was discovered, who knows what strange fantasies her mother would have...

Wait a minute.

Nanyuan seemed to have thought of another very important question.

Since her mother chose to put this thing into the white backpack of the socially anxious girl, doesn't it mean...

She has already agreed to their two things about that aspect by default?

What the hell? !

Nanyuan, who realized it later, was stunned, his throat was dry, and he couldn't say a word.

"Nanyuan, I'm ready, I can go!"

"Oh... Oh, wait a minute, put this back."

"Huh? Didn't you say you don't need it?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just put it away if I tell you to!"


Nanyuan looked at the box returning to its original interlayer position, and felt a little inexplicable in his heart.

Forget it, just pretend you don't know.

Nanyuan felt that he and the socially anxious girl were innocent and did not need to say anything more.

Those who are innocent are innocent!

After calming down his heart, Nanyuan took Anxin's hand and walked out the door.

"Where are we going?"

It may be a habit brought by study. Anxin always wants to get to the bottom of things she doesn't understand, just like chasing Nanyuan to ask about the box in the backpack.

Nanyuan turned the will-o'-the-wisp key and patted the back seat: "There is no time to explain so much, get in the car!"

"Here we go!"



Half an hour later.

A will-o'-the-wisp stopped in front of the big business city in the city center.

"Nanyuan, do we still need to buy snacks?"

After all, we just finished breakfast, we can't go to lunch now

Right? And...

I also had two breakfasts, one was the rice noodle rolls I bought in the morning, and the other was the soy milk and fried dough sticks that Nanyuan brought. My stomach was full now.

"What are you thinking about? I just bought a big bag not long ago, and you ate it all?"

Of course, the bag of snacks I bought before could not be placed in Nanyuan's house, so naturally I was [forced] to throw it into Anxin's small room.

Nanyuan still clearly remembers that sentence: [I am the snack director, of course I have to manage snacks 24 hours a day, so it is necessary to put it here]

It makes some sense, but it is obviously a perverse logic, but Nanyuan did not refuse, because it was originally bought for her.

"Then what are you doing here so early in the morning..."

Before the socially anxious girl finished speaking, Nanyuan had already stretched out his palm to cover someone's little head.

"Come here to [change] you."

An Xin: "?"

Nan Yuan rubbed the hair on his head and continued:

"Have you ever heard of the saying [Girls change a lot when they grow up]? Today you are just 18 years old, so you have to make some changes?"

After he finished speaking, he took the little hand and walked forward.

An Xin was a little confused at first, not knowing where Nan Yuan was going to take her.

[Make some changes]?

What should I change?

The next second, she saw herself being taken to a large barber shop by Nan Yuan, and she instantly understood what was going on.

At this moment, Nan Yuan also felt that the usually obedient little hand began to become restless at this moment, trying hard to break free from him.

"Nanyuan, I can cut my hair myself, there's no need to come here."

"Of course I know you can cut it, but..."

Halfway through, Nanyuan reached out and grabbed two handfuls of Anxin's hair that almost covered her entire face, and continued: "But according to the length of your hair, you only cut it once a year, right?"

The socially anxious girl pursed her lips and said nothing.

She muttered in her heart, I obviously cut my hair twice a year!

Nanyuan had predicted the current situation a long time ago, otherwise he would not have kept the truth from her.

If he had told her the destination at the beginning, the socially anxious girl would probably stay at home.


Now that people are here, it's not up to you!

"Director An!"

The socially anxious girl was originally thinking about how to escape from here with her head down. After being suddenly called seriously, she subconsciously replied:


Nanyuan stretched out his hand to pinch Anxin's little face, and lifted her head up, saying seriously:

"Do you know? The matter of cutting your hair is not just your business, it even involves the future of the studio!"

Anxin: "(・◇・)???"

Can your hair be involved in such a serious matter as [the future of the studio]?



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