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A surge of star force waves hit. It is similar to the fluctuation of star force in each upgrade of Wang Lan. No wonder, as long as Wang Lan upgrades in front of others, no one thinks that Wang Lan is a breakthrough.

Feelings, this fluctuation of star force is the fluctuation of breakthrough.

However, Wang Lan was wronged. Wang Lan’s realm is not divided into the early Middle-Stage stage and the latter stage, but is divided into ten levels. Every realm must break through ten times.

It’s exhausting to think about it. For a person like me who is low-key, you give me such a high-profile setting.

“Um—” Xie Sisi groaned, and in an instant, Spirit Qi gathered above his head, and the Star Palace door opened. A shining star emits bright rays of light.

Xie Sisi eyes opened eyes, a little dazed, some could not believe it.

“I’m … breaking Star Radiance Realm?”

“Yes, it’s a beautiful Star radiance.” The smile on Wang Lan’s face was gentle, as if the smile of father’s love. I couldn’t tell the slightest. When she practiced her, she was so ruthless.

“Thank you … Thank you!” Xie Sisi was crying excitedly, facing Wang Lan, Jiang Xinyu, Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu.

It’s too difficult, the star martial artist of ordinary families is too difficult.

The social structure is already very close, and the allocation of resources has already been finalized. Ordinary person’s star martial artist has only two outlets, but in fact there is only one.

Because if your innate talent is at the top, and you still work hard, impossible will not show up until you formally enter the star martial artist World after finishing your studies. Civilian geniuses will show up before senior high school graduation.

After passing the college entrance examination, he entered a first-class university. In the university, when the wind took advantage of it, it fell into the sky. For star martial artist born in ordinary person family, the chance may be only 2 times. If you miss both times perfectly, it is hard to think about rising again, almost impossible.

And Xie Sisi is at the cliff of the first opportunity.

She is a genius, but a genius delayed by her own flaws.

Even if she has overcome the psychological obstacles, the actual combat strength soars directly to Professional grade. But because of the previous bad results, her last year’s rise was not enough for her to be favored by the first-class Xingwu Academy.

Now, with the addition of Star Radiance Realm Star martial grade, she is not desperate for her first chance at hand.

The breakthrough at this moment is a breakthrough that changes the trajectory of Xie Sisi’s life.

“This is your own hard work. We take a break here and take turns to spend 3 hours at night. After 6 hours, we will start again.”

How much Xie Sisi’s breakthrough has improved her actual battle strength not at all. She has no star martial skill, and her combat skills are still basic skills. It’s just that her speed is faster and her formidable power is also bigger.

5 days passed by quietly.

Wang Lan’s 5-person team seems to have identified Vajra Mantis, and is facing this fragile bone wool that seems difficult to eat in other star martial artists.

The more you deal with Vajra Praying Mantis, the more you think this kind of beast is better. In the eyes of others, the carapace of impervious to sword or spear, Wang Lan 5 cut more and more smoothly.

Even in sports, 5 people can instantly lock the gap between the carapace, and then with no difficulty, cut the knife in to dismember the Grandmaster Level.

In 5 days, nearly 8000 Vajra mantises died in the hands of these goods. In 5 days, Wang Lan’s group of 5 people advanced a distance of ten kilometers and went deep into the hinterland of the Vajra praying mantis population.

No way, the Vajra mantis outside was killed by them.

Changed to other elite teams, even if they are all in Nebula realm for 5 days, they may not be able to win half of them. In the past few days, there were also many star martial artist squads who came and left again.

In the past 5 days, some people tried to make a conversation, some people tried to get close to the bargain, and some people tried to team up with Wang Lan’s 5-person team.

But they were all dealt with coldly by Wang Lan, and consciously left consciously, and those who were not ignorant were also afraid of Wang Lan and the others’ powerful strength and unwilling to leave.

Maybe it was because Wang Lan and the others ate a lot of oil in recent days. Outside Wang Lan and they were about two hundred meters away, a team of star martial squad also learned Wang Lan and their routine brush Vajra mantis.

The routine is a routine, but it depends on who uses it. There are about 6 teams in the opposing team, and it is estimated that less than 20% of Wang Lan’s team can be touched in one day. But even this harvest can make Wang Lan judge that this is an elite star martial squad.

The ones I met a few days ago insisted on the longest 4 hours.

Returning to the rest cave again, Xu Xiangwen now counts Soul bead with a Shiba Inu-like smile like the old landlord.

“2100 pieces … all are high-quality primary Soul bead.”

“I have 1800 here.” Gong Feiyu said with a light smile.

“I think it’s enough?” Wang Lan asked after looking at the two.

“I guess it should be enough. If it is not enough, I have ten intermediate Soul beads, and Wang Lan also has five.” Jiang Xinyu lightly saying.

“What are you waiting for?” Of course, Xu Xiangwen understands the meaning of the two. Absorb, breakthrough, don’t you come to the intermediate test field for this purpose?

Moreover, the strength increase of breakthrough Nebula environment is completely different from that of breakthrough star radiance. Star radiance is still a low-level star martial artist. In Nebula, it is the backbone strength.

During senior high school, you can break through the Nebula environment, and you have to bear the name of a genius everywhere you go.

Xu Xiangwen Gong Feiyu started breakthrough, and Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu checked for them at the door.

Xie Sisi hesitated to pass, but in the end did not, silently closed his eyes against the wall.

“You are a little vigilant today, what did you find?” Jiang Xinyu suddenly asked at the entrance of the cave.

“I behaved so obviously?” Wang Lan looked at Jiang Xinyu in surprise.

“Not obvious! Most people can’t see it, but I can feel it.”

“Remember the star martial squad not far from us today?”

“Remember, why? They have problems?” Jiang Xinyu asked doubtfully.

“This squad is an elite squad. Although the efficiency of killing Vajra praying mantis is not as good as ours, it cannot be said that their strength is worse than ours. It can only be said that they are not good at restraining such strange creatures as Vajra praying mantis.

Their team consists of 6 people, 3 of which are long-range law systems, 2 of which are defensive-specialized meat shields, and 1 is a control assistant. Is such a squad suitable for killing Vajra Mantis? “Wang Lan asked with a smile.

Jiang Xinyu thought about it and shook the head, “Not suitable! Such a pairing should look for monsters with high output but relatively low defensive power. Although Vajra mantises are defensive monsters, they are all sensitive Soldiers and have flying ability.

It seems that the long-range attack of the legal system is very dominant, but once they are approached by Vajra praying mantis or are massively impacted, they have no resistance. “

“Vajra praying mantis is obviously not their dish, they are all experienced star martial artists and there is no reason not to know.”

“So you think they are suspicious? That’s why you let Xu Xiangwen Gong Feiyu break through now?”

“Be careful not to be wrong, and today I found that they looked towards us a lot more abnormally. This is not learning how we kill Vajra mantis. The way we kill Vajra mantis, they ca n’t learn it. Normal people are early. Just change the place. “

“Then … shall we change places tomorrow?”

“Other strange beasts are unfamiliar. There is a certain risk of choosing unfamiliar strange beasts. Moreover, Vajra praying mantis is very suitable. But tomorrow we will go around and hunt Vajra praying mantis.

We went too deep into the hinterland, and if someone pierced our pockets outside, we would be making dumplings. “

“it is good!”

The voice just landed, and the spirit strength fluctuations of Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu breakthrough came behind him.

Xie Sisi is from late star breakthrough to Star Radiance Realm, 100 Soul bead is enough. But from the late breakthrough of Star radiance to the Nebula realm, 1000 are not necessarily enough.

Therefore, in addition to the four major Xingwu Academy, the most freshmen in the nation ’s freshman class are Star Radiance Realm. These Star Radiance Realm students are guaranteed that there will be peerless genius hidden in it, and then they will be trained in the Academy’s discovery.

Anyone who can reach the Nebula state in the senior high school stage is all directed at the 4 Star Academy.

Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu broke through the Nebula environment before the beginning of the last semester, which also gave them the possibility to enter the paradise of star martial artist.

4 What are the future opportunities for the students of Daxingwu Academy? It will definitely make people drooling. Even the star martial artist who has climbed to the elite level will have jealous eyes red.


A roar rose from the top of the two people, under the star force surge, the Star Palace above the two people slowly became mature, and in the Star Palace, the stars danced like water vapor. A group of Nebula turns into vortex in a 2-person Star Palace, spinning slowly and steadily.

Wang Lan 2 people returned to the cave, Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu eyes opened at the same time. Feeling the surging movement of within the body star force, two people’s faces showed a stretched smile.

Originally wanted to pretend to calm down, it is best to pre-found mystery pretend.

But the inner joy cannot be suppressed at all.

Recalling Jiang Xinyu breakthrough at the beginning, it was called a full force.

“Hey, the concentration is too bad!”

“I also want to stretch, but as a result, I still grin.”

“Breaking through such a happy thing, why don’t you laugh? Come on, brother 2 laughs one.”

“He he he ——”

“be good!”

“Feiyu, Little Lan doesn’t seem to understand the situation. What do you say?”

“Take him chant.”

“Wait, what do the two mean? I understand what’s going on?”

“Little Lan, me, Nebula realm! This, Comrade Gong Feiyu, Nebula realm. Two Nebula realm lords are in front of you, don’t you converge with an arrogant attitude?

In the past, I 2 may not be able to beat you. If you are willing to lose, you will be damaged. You can bear it even if you are bullied. Now … hehehe … “

“Damn?” Wang Lan’s eyes widened and sighed, “Isn’t it the breakthrough Nebula realm? Look at how you are inflated. I thought the breakthrough was in the Star Sea realm.”

“Feiyu, what to do if Little Lan is unwilling to recognize reality?”

“What are you waiting for? A beat just fine.” Gong Feiyu stood up with a whimper.

“Hey, classmate Xu Xiangwen, classmate Gong Feiyu …” Seeing that the three were about to get up, Xie Sisi quickly stood up and said nervously.

Before speaking, Jiang Xinyu held Xie Sisi’s hand and stopped her, “Follow them, 3 fools.”

Wang Lan didn’t have 2 words, his hands fluttered with purple flames.

“This blade is called Ziyan Fireblade.”

With his hands interlaced, a dying purple flame fire knife stood in front of Wang Lan in an instant, as cool as magic.

“This is called a vertical Blazing blade.” The words landed, and Wang Lan’s hands were instantly interlaced on his chest again.

“This is called the level Blazing blade.”

At this moment, in front of Wang Lan, there was a cross-fired purple blaze, and the temperature emitted distorted the space.

“Cross-head guillotine, which guy wants to try it?”

“Fuck … I haven’t seen such a show in show operation …”

“Cannot afford to offend, cannot afford to offend.” Xu Xiangwen counseled obediently.

Wang Lan is no longer the Bronze who is driven by them and can be threatened by finding a small tree. In this wave of martial skill operation show, the 2 Nebula realms only feel the coldness of the scalp numbness.

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