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As soon as the breakthrough Nebula environment floated? Wang Lan said that the labor and management can show the star martial skill casually, which can make you recognize the reality. The current Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu are, at best, Jiang Xinyu half a year ago. It may not be as good.

The strategic goal has been achieved, but there are 4 days left. Well, with 4 days left, it is natural to expand the results.

Although Wang Lan has saved more than 2000 skill points in the system. But how many skill points are there? The skill points in Phoenix Form are only 800, which is not too much to add 1000 to it.

After a 6-hour rest, Wang Lan and the others left the original battlefield and detoured to the back of Vajra Mantis, continuing to hunt Vajra Mantis from another angle.

This wave of operations by Wang Lan and the others made some Vajra mantises who had escaped from the opposite area go crazy on the spot. I am a strange beast that is nothing nothing in Heaven or Earth, but you are forced to face you, but you can still meet you?

Can’t bear it, brethren kill—

Then, he easily removed his head and took out Soul bead.

Soul bead +1.

After just 2 hours of hunting, Wang Lan suddenly noticed that at the distance of two hundred meters behind him, 3 people were also hunting Vajra mantis.

Wang Lan’s change Jiang Xinyu naturally noticed.

“Or are they?”

“Three of the group yesterday, a Nebula realm, and two Star Radiance Realm.”

Wang Lan’s brow furrowed and slowly opened the mouth and said, “If they were coincidence yesterday, then today we can be sure that it was coming to us.”

“Come at us? You have to see if you have such a good mouth.” Xu Xiangwen disdain said with a sneer.

“We have 3 Nebula realms here, do they dare to move?”

“This … Wang Lan, what are you talking about?” Xie Sisi asked doubtfully. The first time she entered the trial field, it was still very simple, and she did not know the real danger in the trial field.

“Sisi, in the trial field, the real threat is not a strange animal, but a self who is also a star martial artist. It is not only the trial field, but the same in the heterogeneous space of Scouting legion.

Do you know why Scouting legion has its own team, small group, large group, etc.? If they do not condense into a regiment, they will not be able to give their backs to their unknown comrades in peace. “

“This … this kind of thing?”

“This kind of thing is definitely there, but it will not be disclosed. Old Xu, you pay close attention to the surroundings. The three of them must not dare to shoot us. I guess there will be other people.”


Wang Lan and the others continue to scrub monsters as if they did n’t know, rest, and scrub them again.

The group of 3 people on the opposite side also seems to be the one to wipe monsters away from Wang Lan and the others, killing one by one.

It lasted about 5 hours and suddenly Xu Xiangwen stopped.

“Little Lan, something is wrong.”

“They started?”

“I ’m not sure. There are 800 star martial artist teams on the left and 2 meters on the right. There are 3 formations in the area. There is also a team coming two hundred meters away from the side of the team. The speed is not fast, but the goal is absolutely This is it. “

“That’s right, they want to make us dumplings. The strength of the other party?”

“Visually see 4 Nebula realms, 2 3 Star Radiance Realm. Mother, if it wasn’t for Feiyu breakthrough me and yesterday, I’m going to suffer a big loss today. Now we have 1 Nebula realms, and Wang Lan. You are afraid of asking , Dare to try it! “

“3 to 4 is a bit difficult. They are not rookies. They are all experienced elites. And there are ten or two Star radiances, which are not easy to handle.” Wang Lan is not as optimistic as Xu Xiangwen and objectively analyzes.

“With Little Lan, you are here, and the next ten Nebula are all rubbish.” Xu Xiangwen hadn’t figured it out yet.

“My star martial skill does not need to be used unless it is spelled by circumstances. It will never be opened. And I analyzed that the reason why they dare to do it is definitely not knowing that you two has broken through Nebula, so that we can beat the difference.”

Jiang Xinyu’s face was right, “Wang Lan, you mean, start with the strong first?”

“Wait … they haven’t made an attack on us yet, so start first … Okay?” Xie Sisi asked nervously.

“Their attack intention is very clear. They are surrounded by 3 sides and guard the exit. Once they have finished piercing their pockets, they will be blocked here or they will get through the old nest of Vajra Mantis. Break through. “

“Which direction?”

“In the direction we see now, if I remember right there is a lake one kilometer over there, and there can still be an ambush there.”

Xie Sisi looked at Wang Lan with a shocked face, wow, this man is so handsome, the tactics used are amazing, and he has already thought about how to kill the enemy after he came after him.

Instead, Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu showed fear in their eyes and raised their thumbs to Wang Lan.

“Old Wang, or you are very ruthless !, are you trying to destroy them? I didn’t remember you being so ruthless before?”

Indeed, when they first entered the trial site with them, Wang Lan was still very young, a good baby with harmless to humans and animals.

But after several incidents, Wang Lan’s psychology has grown rapidly. Especially after Zhang Zhiyun was shot immediately, Wang Lan also began to reflect on his consciousness.

Such scum, Zhang Zhiyun, must have been shot heavily in the legal verdict, and it was almost enough to close for 5 years. But killing such people is absolutely beneficial to society and harmless.

In the same way, this kind of star martial artist who can fight against his own companions, do you expect them to help Human Race in the time of national crisis and fight for the enemy? Stop dreaming, it’s a miracle if you don’t make a traitor.

Therefore, since the opponent is destined to shoot, the other party is also destined to chase, then just kill it.

After making a plan, Wang Lan entire group is no longer intriguing, and turned and evacuated the same way.

This is the last chance Wang Lan gave them. If they do not move and let Wang Lan evacuate successfully, then this Rank 1 alert state will automatically dissipate. If the other party leans over and tries to obstruct, then …

Opportunity, Wang Lan gave it. It’s a pity that the other party obviously didn’t realize Wang Lan’s kindness.

Deliberately made a look that could not withstand the attack of Vajra praying mantis, and gradually came closer to Wang Lan 5 people.

“Brother, do me a favor … we can’t stand it …” The other 3 were in a state of embarrassment, shouting about 30 metres near Wang Lan and the others. And quickly rushed to Wang Lan 5 people.

“Okay, you guys hold on for a while, we’ll be here soon.” Wang Lan quickly replied, and the 5-person squad charged to 3 people in an instant.

“Hehe …” Nebula Jing, headed by a group of three, sneered.

“The chick is a chick in the end, it seems to be a student.”

“Brother Qi, we are going to get rich this time.”

“That’s a must. In the past few days, they collected at least 5000 Soul beads. I drop Niang, are the students so fierce now? If they can live, they will definitely be awesome.”

“Only the ones who survive are the best characters, and the dead are the garbage. Xiao Cai, are you soft-hearted?”

“Heart is soft! I did this one or two times? Last time the lady kneeled and begged me to let her go. When did Laozi feel soft?”

“When you are stupid, you are soft-hearted, when you are soft, your heart is hard, scum!”

“They’re here, don’t talk, acting is in place. The child is smart now.”

3 people instantly changed their surprise expressions, and the expressions and acting skills were superb. A pair of friends from other countries see their old friends, and the feelings of seeing their fellows show their faces.

“Brother, thank you …”

Before the words were finished, Jiang Xinyu’s star martial skill was launched in an instant, and his face was covered by the group of three. Time, not even a second. The star martial skill has long been mobilized, and once launched it is earth shattering.

The 3-player team didn’t realize that their clumsy strategy had long been seen, and they didn’t even have a hint of caution. Directly blinded by Jiang Xinyu’s star martial skill.

But even so, the experienced Soldiers are still the experienced Soldiers, and instantly 3 people made an effective dodge.

The star martial skill of Jiang Xinyu is not a killing class. In order to hide the fluctuation of star force, she can only display the star martial skill of the frozen class.

3 People’s movements froze instantly.

In the battlefield of 10000 changes in an instant, the moment of life and death, the momentary rigidity is the limit of Life and Death World.

Nebula’s star martial artist hasn’t had time to react yet, and Wang Lan’s silhouette has passed by his eyes. Blazing blade brushed his throat and removed the tactical backpack behind him.

Complete all this, just one second up and down.

Wang Lan’s body style flew across his side, and the man’s head fell from his neck.

“Skipping grades to kill, reward experience value 300, skill points 20.”

Only 20 points skill points? Rubbish!

One second after Wang Lan finished, Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu also solved two other Star Radiance Realm star martial artists and finished the licking package.

The 5-person squad, from contact to shot, to the completion of the licking package withdrawal, the whole process does not exceed 5 seconds. At the moment of breakthrough, 5 people went straight to the bank of the river not far away.

At this moment, Xie Sisi’s head is still in a state of coercion.

What did he see?

In a flash, a Nebula realm and two Star Radiance Realm were cut off their heads. The movements are precise and sharp, without any slight drag. Even, Xie Sisi did not see them hesitate.

Xie Sisi couldn’t do it, at least she couldn’t.

In Xie Sisi’s thinking, they are all human star martial artists. How can human star martial artists kill each other? But the precocious Xie Sisi can figure it out. In this case, there is only a spicy killing, a little hesitation, it may be the one who died.

But understanding is one thing, and doing it is another.

At least, Xie Sisi didn’t do it.

Even at the moment when Jiang Xinyu shot, she was still hesitating and entangled.

A face ran for one kilometer, less than ten minutes.

This is a lake, and there are thick grass forests on the banks of the lake.

When he arrived here, Wang Lan gave a slight breath and turned his head to look behind him, “Xiangwen, check it out, have they chased it?”

“Not yet, but they have begun to gather together.”

After talking, Xu Xiangwen smiled on his face, “Perfectly cooperate, come, unpack, and see how much is there?”

As he spoke, he quickly opened the tactical backpack in his hand, “Garbage, Soul bead?”

“There are only 100 of them in my bag, and I am too lazy to count.”

“This bag is quite heavy, and it feels a lot.” Wang Lan opened the bag. Sure enough, the bag was full of Soul bead. There are 1000 of them.

“Hey? What is this?”

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