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From the backpack, Wang Lan took out a small blue bottle, like a perfume bottle, but the substance in it was creamy again.

star martial artist generally does not bring anything irrelevant into the trial field. All the cumbersome things such as mobile phones will be stored in the lockers. But in addition to Soul bead in the backpack, there is such an invisible thing.

“Tell him anything, count it quickly, how many.”

“You count, Xiangwen, watch closely, don’t overturn the ship.”

“Understood, I didn’t see my Heavenly Eye keep opening like this?”

Gong Feiyu quickly took the package and counted it, and it was very fast. Counted in less than a few minutes, “1000.”

“Obe, get rich. It is said that Ma Wuye grass is not fat, no one is rich without wealth, and the ancients will not bully me!”

One kilometer away from the repaired place of Wang Lan, 3 people gathered around the 3 people killed by Wang Lan. The way they fell to the ground, and the shock that remained on their heads were still deeply fixed in place.

“The opponent started quickly and Qi Ge didn’t have time to respond. It should have been succeeded by a sneak attack …”

“With Qi Ge’s strength and experience, he turned over in the hands of several students? I don’t believe it. Brother Lei, is there someone else?”

“Laozi has no one else. Ah Qi is my brother … he must be reported. Where are the five students?”

“Judging from the direction, they should go in that direction.”


On the other side, Wang Lan and the others renovated the shore of the lake, 5 people have absorbed Soul bead and supplemented the star force to ensure the best condition to face.

“Little Lan, they came.”


“Thirteen! Three Nebula, ten Star Radiance Realm. They are not fast, they are searching for our footsteps along the way. They are all old birds, very cautious.”

“Inadvertently, I would have died long ago. Act according to plan!”


“Footprint analysis came out, and it was determined that there were 5 people, 3 men, and 2 women.” Star martial artist, who is good at intelligence analysis, said lowly in the team of 3 people.

“It seems that there are no other people, that is, the five students. They must have used the identity of students to pretend to be close to Aceh and succeeded in the unexpected sneak attack.”


Thirteen people accelerated in an instant, and came to the lake in the blink of an eye.

“Whiz whiz whiz–” Suddenly, several arrows were shot from the forest. This change shocked the 3-person team, but instantly discovered that although these arrows came suddenly, they did not at all lethal.

With no difficulty avoiding arrows, most people sneered.

“Damn it, which one stepped on their warning trap so carelessly?” Brother Lei drank fiercely into the triangular eyes.

“I …” A person raised his hand.

This is a Nebula star martial artist and one of Brother Lei’s brothers.

“Alai, are you coming back more and more? Such low-level traps can all be stepped on? The other party has been alarmed and is hiding in the dark to observe us.”

“Just a few students, Brother Lei, don’t be so troublesome, we just kill it.”

“Don’t underestimate a few students. Aceh’s head has been picked by them. And, can you set up an early warning trap that even you are recruited. Are students like ordinary students?”

“How dare ordinary students come to the intermediate test site? But what if they are geniuses? After all, there are no weaning children. The experience is definitely not enough. As long as we get together, we will closely warn them that they can’t turn over flowers.

Brother Lei thought about it, nodded, “Okay, just pass by.”

In an instant, ten or three people formed a three-corner formation like a sharp knife and wanted to rush by the lake. And at the moment they left, five silhouettes rushed out of the grass beside the river and turned into residual images and ran towards the lake.

At the moment of jumping off the lake, a white light illuminates on the lake, and the lake freezes at the same time as 5 people land.

“Ice attribute star martial artist, it’s them.”

“Be careful in ambush and keep up.”

“It’s 5 people, all are there, no one is in ambush. Chase!”

The lake is very large, reaching about one kilometer on the opposite bank. Wang Lan and the others hurriedly fled to the other bank without even looking back, posing like a panic escape.

How can they miss this opportunity. Coupled with the wide view of the lake at this moment, there is no obstruction around. When Wang Lan and the others fled to the center of the lake, the three Nebula star martial artists led by Brother Lei sped up in an instant.

The distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer.

“Brother Lei ——” The strength of the ten Star Radiance Realm star martial artists behind was not enough, and was pulled away by ten meters from Brother Lei 3 people.

“Boom–” Suddenly, there was a loud noise behind him, and the ice underneath broke instantly. At the same time, the frost that exploded seemed to be alive, turning into ice snakes. swallowed by martial artist.

At the moment behind the loud noise, the three Star Radiance Realm star martial artists in front have been reflected and quickly turned around.

But the brothers brought are ten meters away from them, even if the distance is too late to rescue. So the 3 people could only watch ten Star Radiance Realm men sent away by Jiang Xinyu.

The heavy frost fell, and a heavy snow fell instantly.

Jiang Xinyu stepped on Bing Xue and walked slowly, at this moment Jiang Xinyu justified her nickname.

Real Ice and Snow Queen gesture.

“Good! Good! Beautiful ambush!” Brother Lei looked at Jiang Xinyu gnashing teeth. “You were hiding under the water early in the morning … One of your squads has the ability to do so. You changed clothes with him to confuse us.

Originally, I have been wary of you, but I never thought of your way. I saw them jumping off the lake just now, and the lake instantly freezes and you are believed to be among them.

But I forgot, even if you hide under the water at first, you can freeze the lake. It’s just that you cooperated well, let us think that one of them frozen the lake.

Little girl, young age, so old. If you grow up, it is definitely a blessing to humanity. “

“This sentence can be said from your mouth, enough to prove that you have no medicine to save.”

“Hahaha ……” Brother Lei laughed in the sky, “A word passed directly in the star martial artist World. Only the genius who grew up can be called a genius. Those who died before they grew up, we call it inferior. Goods.

The existence of people like us is to help human civilization to eliminate inferior products, but we can contribute to humanity again … “

“The ultimate in shameless!”

“Little girl. Your tactics are very successful, but unfortunately, you shouldn’t put the target on my hands. They are just Star Radiance Realm. If you just sneak attacked, you killed one of us immediately, you still have to escape. opportunity.

Now … our three Nebula realms, how do you win? “

“Wow, we’re so scared! What about the three Nebula realms …” The joking voice sounded from behind.

Xu Xiangwen Gong Feiyu locked the middle three of them in a clip, and Xie Sisi and Wang Lan stood farther from them to take action.

Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu’s star force surging around them, the Star Palace above his head rises, and a mass of Nebula rotates slowly in the middle.

Brother Lei 3’s face flashed in an instant.

The information is wrong, shit, those 2 are not Star radiance Peak, especially Nebula.

At this moment, Brother Lei understood. The little girl in front of her was not a tactical mistake at all. She didn’t want to escape from their hands. She wanted all of her and her team to stay.

Now the child is really amazing!

Those 2 should be the latest breakthrough? Otherwise, star force fluctuations will not be so disordered.

From whom to break through.

The three experienced Nebula Soldiers instantly moved, but their goal was not Jiang Xinyu in front of them, but Xu Xiangwen behind them.

But in an instant, the Brother Lei among them suddenly body flashed and rushed to Gong Feiyu on the other side. This move of Brother Lei instantly made the faces of Allai 2 dark.

Brother Lei did this to make them attract 2 Jiang Xinyu who did not know the strength behind him. Because 3 people rush to Xu Xiangwen and 2 people rush to Xu Xiangwen, the result is the same.

Xu Xiangwen, a rookie who has just broken through the Nebula realm, must be impossible to withstand the two Experts in the Nebula realm, and it is possible to complete the kill in an instant.

Therefore, Jiang Xinyu behind him will definitely shoot, the goal is definitely two of them. Brother Lei rushed to the opposite side alone, although it may not be able to complete the beheading. But he will not be attacked and will remain invincible.

Although this approach is the result of maximizing benefits, it is indeed unethical.

So many ideas for 2 people were all completed in a flash. At the moment the idea ended, they had rushed to Xu Xiangwen.

Jiang Xinyu behind him instantaneously launched the star martial skill, but the goal was not the 2 Alai who Brother Lei thought. It’s his back.

“What? How is it possible!” Brother Lei’s face appeared shocked.

Do you ignore the life and death of that companion? Did the target I chose happen to be your boyfriend or ye? Obviously it was the boy’s fate, OK? Are you coming to me?

Although Brother Lei was in shock, his physical response was extremely fast. Almost instantly, Brother Lei’s body was surrounded by a tsunami, and the Wind Attribute conversion was completed at 1 second before the frost attack hit.


Also at the moment when Jiang Xinyu launched his attack, the ice behind Allai 2 burst out. While bursting, a silhouette emerged from the frost.

That silhouette is hidden in Bing Xue, and you can’t see clearly. The only thing that made two Nebula star martial artists who turned around in a hurry to see clearly was the purple flame of both of his hands.

Wang Lan cut off with two swords, like a road that cut the lightning in the sky. When you see this lightning, it has already fallen.

“And … the sixth … man?” Alan asked blankly as Wang Lan murmured as he fell back onto the ice and looked cold.

A trace of blood, slowly overflowing from the forehead, dripping meanderingly.


a light sound, that is the sound of the companion’s head hitting the ice. It was also the last voice that Allai could hear in his life. The next second, Allai’s body slowly separated from the middle and fell to the two sides.

“Skipping grades to kill, reward experience value 3000, skill points 30.”

“Skipping grades to kill, reward experience value 3000, skill points 30.”

“Kha–” thought of a burst of ice.

A group of green shadows fell quickly, turning into Brother Lei on the ice. But at this moment, Brother Lei was covered with frost, as if he had become an old man for several decades.

The scene where 2 people were killed in Alai, he really saw it. And it was because he was really watching, so his heart was full of panic.

Who are these people? What are monsters … you told me they are students? Middle school student, fart, old monster?

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