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“Are you stupid?” Song Jia’s eyes are very grudge, and his face is iron for not becoming steel.

“But if someone bullies Jiajia, I will help you beat him.” Hu Feifei said quickly.

“Feifei, it’s a fight … it’s not right. Get along well with your classmates, others want to quarrel with you, don’t say you should let others, but you can ignore others.

Your big brother is a guard, so I will say these things to you. Actually … star martial artist cannot use offensive star martial skill to ordinary person, but pure defensive is okay. Moreover, as long as the star martial artist does not use the star martial skill to attack the ordinary person, it does not matter if he punches 2 punches.

I ’m not instigating you to fight, I ’m telling you not to be bullied casually. Although Jade Country’s school management is the best in the world, such things as campus bullying also exist objectively. We do not bully others, but we cannot be bullied by others. “

“En! I’m understood.” Hu Feifei responded obediently.

“Today’s New Year’s Eve, Feifei stayed with us for dinner. I have already ordered a meal and will deliver it in about half an hour.”

“Thank you Aunt, I don’t need it anymore. Just now the big brother sent me a message, and he will come to pick me up immediately after work.”

“Come together when you come,” Wang Lan said. “So, I will call your brother.”

With that, he took out his phone and dialed it.

Hu Qing is driving, but having a car phone does not affect driving. Hu Qing knew that Feifei went to classmate’s house today, but didn’t expect this classmate is Wang Lan’s cousin.

Fate is really amazing. Hu Qing all didn’t expect this World is so small.

Wang Lan’s eyes flicked when he saw Hu Qing. Hu Qing now looks very gloomy, the cheeks on both sides are deeply sunken, and his eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes. With 2 beards under his nose, Hu Qing added a touch of maturity and fierceness.

The last time I saw Hu Qing was a month ago, but when I saw it again, it changed so much?

“I said Brother Hu, what are you doing?”

“Oh?” Hu Qing at first was a little stunned, but when I realized it instantly, he seemed to change his face and showed a smile. When the smile appeared, the gloomy and cold moment on his face was melted away by the fire.

The same face turned into two people in an instant. The face changed for a second, and Wang Lan watched stunned.

“How? Brother isn’t superb in acting? I practiced camouflage when I was in the army. The clues you provided last time were dug deeper by us. It turns out that all the triads we can see are fucking. , The water inside is deep.

I am now instructed to break into the enemy, my identity … I just borrowed Brother Lang. My younger sister’s illness was cured, but it wasn’t you who saved it, but I promised to sell my body to a boss to get cured by the black technology.

Now I have a few guard lives, and a dozen others, I can’t look back. Just now my expression doesn’t look like the kind of extremist who went all the way to the black, the anti-social inhuman? “

“Fuck … I was wrong. You were supposed to be an actor.”

“Hahaha … I think so too. Don’t say, you can close the net after the New Year, when the time comes to invite you to dinner.”

Wang Lan covered Hu Qing’s mouth, “Don’t you know you can’t stand FLAG casually?”

“I said Little Lan, do you still believe this?”

“Countless martyrs used something to prove badly, let’s be careful. I heard that undercover is very dangerous.”

“It’s okay, it’s under control.”

Now that Hu Qing has another status, Wang Lan is really not suitable for inviting him to come in for dinner, say goodbye, and see Hu Qing’s car leave.

Back home, Song Jia obediently cleaned the living room she built for a day at home. The disappointed expression makes people feel distressed. Wang Lan quickly grabbed a broom, just preparing to help, but was stopped by her aunt.

“Let her sweep alone, come over and talk to me.”

“Auntie, don’t punish her. In fact, I think she did good, you can do things so beautiful at such a young age. She promises not to lose money in the future.”

“I didn’t punish her, and doing housework is also a life skill that she must master. You were already living in a new hostal building when she was as old as her.” The aunt changed her uniform and put on a home casual suit. Very cool kind.

Although there is no such thing as heating in the south, for rich people, it is not a matter of heating and air conditioning as long as they have money. The outside temperature is close to zero, but the indoor temperature is absolutely seven-eight, even if you wear short sleeves, you don’t feel cold.

The aunt sat on the teacup sofa on the balcony and put out a long breath.

“Why? Are you tired?” Wang Lan asked with concern.

“Tired, but also excited! The company’s genetic agents have made breakthrough progress and are now in clinical trials. Expect good news to come in the past few days.

When the results of clinical trials come out, people can use gene coding to treat most of the disease in the human body. When the time comes, genetic diseases and most cancers can be treated thoroughly. “

“Really? So powerful.”

“Of course great …” When the younger sister said this, her eyes revealed not only pride, but also a touch of sadness.

“It took me eleven years to fully understand what your little uncle left ten years ago. Compared with him, I am like a mentally handicapped person. If he is alive, human biotechnology must move forward at least 50 years …… “

“Little uncle … is a real genius.” Wang Lan sighed regretfully.

In fact, Wang Lan doesn’t know much about Uncle. At a very young age, Wang Lan had only seen Song Zifeng a few times. It’s a youngster who is a little angry, and usually doesn’t talk much.

But listening to mother Wang Ling once commented that Song Zifeng is the rare peer of Heaven’s Chosen she has ever seen. Song Zifeng’s talent is not inferior to any great scientist in human history.

Unfortunately, Heaven is jealous of heroic genius. Song Zifeng, who is only 2 16 years old, die an untimely death because of the failure of the experimental instrument.

In the past, Wang Lan did not understand how high the evaluation of mother was, but now, after Wang Lan understood Wang Ling’s identity, he even felt sorry for Song Zifeng’s death.

Auntie is already a Peak scientist in the field of biotechnology in China, but it took her ten years to begin to fully understand Song Zifeng’s research results ten years ago.

After Song Jia’s cleaning is almost done, the takeaway ordered by Auntie is here.

Three people celebrated toasting at the New Year’s Eve at home. While dinner was in progress, the fireworks in Suzhou City suddenly filled the night sky.

ding dong ——

Xie Sisi sent a blessing message, “Wang Lan, Happy New Year, the fireworks outside are so beautiful.”

ding dong ——

Jiang Xinyu sent a text message, but only two words, “Cheers.”

Later, Xu Xiangwen also sent a long series of messages on the goods, but at the end of the end, he did not repost, and was single all his life …

It really is the style of this product.

Originally, the aunt wanted Wang Lan to stay, but Wang Lan chose to leave.

After a small year, Suzhou City’s new year has become stronger. Songs played in supermarkets are also New Year’s songs, and everywhere they go is booming.

Although Wang Lan is a person, one’s New Year must also be full of ceremony.

Dusting, going to the year-old, and decorating the house, all these have to be operated by Wang Lan himself. And only at this time of the year, Wang Lan feels how extravagant and wasteful it is to live in a house of 4 square meters.

It’s tiring to clean.

It took a whole day for Wang Lan to clean the house. This is still the case when Wang Lan uses the Nebula dance. Otherwise, he changed to regular cleaning and did n’t even think about it for 3 or 4 days.

Wang Lan went to the supermarket again and bought some Spring Festival couplets, Fu characters, fireworks, safe knots and so on, filled with a shopping cart.

Driving home, by the end of the year, the roads in Suzhou City were very empty and basically no who could be seen. Slowly came to the underground parking garage.

The railing was raised and Wang Lan was about to go down and suddenly a foot brake was applied.

Through the mirror, the afterglow in the corner of the eye saw something lying in the flower bed at the entrance.

Wang Lan got off the bus and came carefully to the flower bed. A person just lies in the flower bed and wonders whether it is dead or alive.

Carefully extend the hand and touched the man’s neck. There is still pulse beating on the neck, although very weak but the person is alive. Wang Lan carefully turned the man over, the man’s face was full of blood, and there was blood everywhere on his body.

When Wang Lan saw the man’s face clearly, his face changed suddenly.

“Hu Qing!”

Hu Qing quickly got into the car, while driving into the underground garage, one hand pressed Hu Qing’s chest to give him treatment.

When Wang Lan parked the car, Hu Qing’s fatal injury basically stabilized.

Wang Lan quickly picked up Hu Qing and took the elevator to get home.

“I haven’t seen you in 2 days, and something happened if I didn’t think about it? I said you shouldn’t have established FIAG, you don’t believe it! Fortunately, you met me, otherwise you will only burn incense next time you chat with you.

All the clothes on Hu Qing’s body were removed, but it was horrible to see printed on the eyes. In addition to the knife wound, Hu Qing suffered dozens of gunshot wounds. A good person almost became Ma Honeycomb.

If it were n’t for the star martial artist ’s physical defense, it would be perverted. In addition, Hu Qing has Earth Element star martial skill as a defense, and it ’s been cool to withstand so many gunshot wounds.

There are more than a dozen eye-catching, but all did not break the meat layer and hurt the internal organs. But even so, the excessive blood loss Hu Qing has reached a precarious position.

Wang Lan did not hesitate, healed quickly to heal, healed for 3 minutes, and consumed half of the star force to repair Hu Qing ’s injuries. But the blood lost from the serious injury, Wang Lan is no choice.

Is Hu Qing’s undercover mission exposed? Or something else happened? Wang Lan guessed. However, to know the exact situation, you have to wait for Hu Qing to wake up.

“Student Wang Lan, the situation is a bit bad.” Suddenly, Xiao Ai’s voice remembered.

“what happened?”

“Someone who has not been authenticated enters the building.”

“how many people?”


“It should be someone who came to kill Hu Qing, link the camera, and lock everyone.”

The TV in front of it lights up, and a dozen grids are divided on the TV. Some people are going up the stairs, some people are going up the elevator, others are coming to the underground garage and are planning to destroy the protective door of the underground 2-Layer garage.

“No one else in the building?”

“Everyone is off work.”

Wang Lan’s new hostal building is leased to some high-end high-paying companies. These high-end companies strictly abide by the national labor laws during work hours and hardly work overtime. Even if you work overtime occasionally, you must be off work after 6 o’clock.

Although there are few people in a company, there may be dozens of them. But the annual profits of these 30 companies are more than 100000000 million. The Wang Lan who watched was all jealous, and even thought about raising rents.

“Turn off all floors below the top floor.”


Bang, new hostal building except for the top floor instantly became dark.

7 8 are trapped in the elevator.

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