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“what happened?”

“Isn’t that a fool who accidentally touched the electric box?”

“Will it be a jackal?”

“Impossible, he ate so many guns, he was almost dead now. But anyway, something must be found.”

Wang Lan listened to the distribution of enemies broadcast by Xiao Ai with Bluetooth ears. Walking to this floor, Wang Lan doesn’t need Xiao Ai to broadcast anymore.

Suddenly turn off the lights, such an obvious abnormal situation. If you want to change the really elite Soldiers, you should immediately find a hidden place to hide yourself. Not only did they not do this, but they were still in a mood to chat?

Say mob is to exalt them, simply is a group of idiots who don’t even know how to write.

In an instant, Wang Lan’s figure appeared as a stream of light and appeared at the stairs.

“What?” There was an exclaimed sound in the corridor opposite.

The star martial skill is good for everything, but there is one thing. Wang Lan does not know what is going on with this light and shadow effect, unless you bring your own hidden, martial skill or innate talent like stealth. Otherwise, once the star martial skill is turned on, not only will the spirit strength fluctuate around the body, but the light and shadow effects of the star martial skill will also be as dazzling as the Fire Insect in the night.

When Wang Lan rushed out of the stairs, the other party was not blind and naturally saw it all. But it’s one thing to see, but it’s another thing to react too late.

Almost as soon as they had time to pull out their guns, Wang Lan’s body seemed to pass through the middle of the four people in front of him like a butterfly wearing flowers.

One punch, 4 people were knocked out by Wang Lan without even saying a word.

Wang Lan turned off the star martial skill in an instant, and his figure appeared ghosted as several ghosts.

The four intruders are inexperienced, but Wang Lan feels like he also made a common sense mistake. Is it necessary to use the Star Moon Sword martial skill to deal with this group of ordinary people?

Under the cover of the night, is it bad to knock the sap?

Thinking of this, Wang Lan instantly adjusted his tactics. There was a voice in his ears, and someone came up on the handrail of the stairs, just downstairs on his second floor.

Everyone holds a flashlight in his hand, the kind of tactical flashlight.

Wang Lan nodded on his toes and quickly went downstairs without making a sound. Then hide in a corner. The three people downstairs made noises from time to time as they went upstairs.

“His–grass the grass, kick the armrest!”

“Couldn’t the fuck coin be forced? Let Laozi jump.”

“Fuck, don’t take a flashlight to my eyes, you can’t see anything in black paint, where is the shutter, in this case, you can’t even find the exit and expect to find someone?

“Bèng bèng bèng–“

3 The sound is muffled and World is quiet.

From the 7th floor to the underground garage, Wang Lan is like a ghost dancing in the night. The 30 people in the Xiao Ai broadcast were solved silently by Wang Lan in the dark. Going downstairs all the way, fast as lightning, the whole journey through the clouds and water, it took less than half an hour.

“Lights up!”


In the underground garage, all lights are on.

In front of Wang Lan’s eyes, 4 scattered 5 or 6 people. All of them are the ones that were punched into a deep coma by Wang Lan. The flashlight in his hand was scattered all over the ground.

“Ding—” The elevator suddenly opened in the underground garage 2-Layer, and 7 or 8 people foul-mouthed and ran out of the elevator.

“Fuck, it’s scared to death, why is there a sudden power outage. Almost stuck inside …”

“Bèng bèng bèng–“

One came out, stunned one, no more than 3 seconds, all 7 or 8 were knocked at the elevator entrance.

“Pa pa pa ——” When Wang Lan was going to do something, crisp applause sounded.

Wang Lan complexion greatly changed, turned sharply, staring at the middle-aged man behind him in a big winter shirtless in a jacket.

The middle-aged man had a crossed scar on his face, and his flaming hair stood tall. The stout arm is covered with azure tattoos.

The other party joked at Wang Lan and walked step by step. As he stepped closer, his surrounding body exuded the imposing manner of the Nebula state, very strong.

This is an expert, at least for Wang Lan at this moment. Without opening Phoenix Form, Wang Lan may not be able to play. But to open Phoenix Form, Wang Lan is a bit reluctant.

Moreover, Wang Lan cannot guarantee that there is another person hidden in the building.

Such a person, Xiao Ai didn’t warn Wang Lan at all. When Wang Lan was tangled, how to deal with this guy, the other party spoke first.

“I can’t think of it, I accidentally bumped into a star martial artist. Seeing your young age, you should still be a student? If you are a student, you should study hard every day, what heroes do you play at night? Hero blockbuster? “

Wang Lan’s eyes flashed, and the other party obviously didn’t expect that he would appear. He may not even know his existence before entering the new hostal building.

It’s no wonder that those who were hit seemed to enter the building without fear, and were so blatant.

“What you said is unreasonable. A group of unidentified people broke into my house. Why? If I can’t see it?”

“Your home?” The other party looked at Wang Lan in doubt.

“The new hostal building is mine. Is it reasonable for you to break into my house?”

“That’s really sorry. We were looking for an enemy. We saw him running in, so we chased it in without thinking. Can Little Brother help me, if you can give that person to me, today’s thing It just didn’t happen. How? “

“Have you never happened? Then I can’t have happened. Today’s thing is clearly that you are responsible. Even if you kill all these Muggles, am I a legitimate defense?”

In an instant, Wang Lan changed his attitude and turned into a person who did not want to cause trouble but was innocently involved in a trouble.

“How do you want to solve this?”

“You broke into my house for no reason and caused considerable damage to the new hostal building. Is it okay for you to pay a few 1000000?”

“Don’t say a few 1000000, I will give you 10,000,000. But you have to give me the person we are looking for.”

“I do n’t know who came in for my home. I just wrote my homework just now. You broke the alarm system. What does the person you ’re looking for look like? I do n’t want to worry about it. You lose money and take the person away as you Never been. “

“What does he look like? I have a picture here.” As he said, the other person reached into his pocket.

At this moment, Wang Lan’s figure instantly turned into a streamer and rushed towards the other party. Butterflies wear flowers and burst in an instant. Ten meters do not need to be 5 seconds.

The other party is digging a picture, simply didn’t expect Wang Lan to launch an attack so suddenly. By the time he realized it, Wang Lan had hit the door.

The other party is worthy of being experienced expert, in such a situation, he made a counterattack instantly.

A concrete wall rose from the front, as if two separate funny eggs wrapped him in the middle. Normally, in the case of a sudden attack, the other party’s coping style can be described as flawless.

It is a pity that he encountered Wang Lan who could not be described by common sense.

Almost instantly, Wang Lan had switched the star martial skill, and the Blazing blade instantly rose from his hands, his palms interlaced, and a vertical Blazing blade stood in front of Wang Lan.

Wang Lan’s figure skipped by the funny egg as if it were a streamer, and the Blazing blade drew a straight and slender scratch on the ground.

Blazing blade went out, and the funny egg behind him suddenly made a strange noise, and then really fell like a broken egg shell.

Among the funny eggs, half of the other party’s body had sunk underground. It’s a pity that he dived into the ground too slowly. He also didn’t expect Wang Lan to exhibit the vertical Blazing blade in an instant.

So this Blazing blade skipped and cut his upper body directly from the middle.

From the establishment of tactics to a sudden attack, there is no sign of it. The other party’s means of attack on Wang Lan were not expected at all. The spike was achieved in an instant, with Wang Lan’s luck in it, and the opponent’s light enemy in it.

He wouldn’t think of killing him. A normal middle-school student not only has the strength of Star Radiance Realm, but also masters two kinds of A-Rank star martial skills with great lethality.

What makes him even more unexpected is that these two star martial skills have already been cultivated to a high place.

Therefore, the Earth Element of Early-Stage in Nebula lost very badly and died miserably.

Even at the moment of being cut open, the other party’s face showed incredible disbelief. Why are you using a vertical Blazing blade? Isn’t the Blazing blade horizontal?

“Complete the leapfrog kill, reward 1000 experience points, skill points 20.”


The prompt in my head sounded almost at the same time as the gunshot in my ear.

Wang Lan’s body shuddered, bowed his head in amazement, and an eye-catcher suddenly appeared at the heart of his chest, and then blood sprang out.

Covering his chest, Wang Lan’s face with a stunned expression stumbled down.

Blood, flowing out along the finger slit oh la la.

Firearms can still cause fatal damage to the star martial artist. At least before the Star River, the lethality of the rifle is comparable to B-Rank pure attack star martial skill.

Wang Lan didn’t expect a killer in secret, and this killer also successfully avoided Xiao Ai’s camera surveillance. When Wang Lan was completely unprepared, he suddenly put a cold gun.

At the back of a load-bearing wall in the garage, a black-clothed youth came out slowly. Black clothed person seems to be able to change the rules of gravity, walking on the ceiling is like walking on the ground.

Clear steps, remembered from the ceiling. When he came to Wang Lan’s head, the young man fell from the ceiling and was killed by Wang Lan. Half of his body was still in front of the middle-aged star martial artist underground.

He slowly planted his hat, and a deep voice floated from the young man’s mouth.

“Although I already knew that your character will die of light enemies sooner or later, it’s just that didn’t expect this day to come so early. But I have already avenged you. After finishing this last vote, it is better to go together Although it’s gone, we can’t be together. “

Suddenly, black-clothed youth suddenly lost weight under his feet, and his whole body seemed to fall down the steps.

Suddenly, appeared on the face of black-clothed youth.

Do n’t remember a pit under your feet? Why did it suddenly fall into the pit?

But in an instant, he realized that it was not a pit under his feet, but his legs were all cut off along the thigh.

A stunned expression still appeared on his face. In an instant, he once again saw a flame pass by his eyes. 2 arms are scattered in the distance like broken toys thrown out.

At this moment, the pain from the 4 limbs hit the mind of black-clothed youth, and his face became terrible because of the pain.


A black shadow enveloped the face of black-clothed youth, Wang Lan, who had fallen to the ground, appeared intact in front of his eyes. Even, he even looked at Wang Lan’s chest wound.

Fuck … didn’t even have a broken skin? But what was the situation like the blood flowing just now?

There is only one MMP left in the minds of the young people at the moment.

“It seems that you are also dying on a light enemy, and you have to walk together.” Wang Lan remembered in a deep voice, with a strong killing intent in his words.

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