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Wang Lan didn’t think he had found Li Ge’s secret and was guilty. The last time Li Ge suffered a large burn was still cured by Wang Lan.

However, the last time was skin burns. Maybe the system judged the skin as a whole without regionality. Wang Lan pressed Li Ge’s face to transmit the star force to Li Ge’s whole body skin.

This avoids the embarrassment of touching Li Ge all over the body, otherwise Wang Lan could discover Li Ge’s secret last time.

After curing Li Ge that time, I didn’t see Li Ge to thank you. The sudden visit at this time caused Wang Lan some doubts. No, did you really come to Xingshi for guilt?

Get up and freshen up, and then let Xiao Ai open the elevator to let her in.

When the elevator doors opened, Wang Lan had just sat down by a small table on the balcony, soaked a cup of black tea, and enjoyed the afternoon sun.

The first time ordinary people come to Wang Lan’s house, they will take a look at Wang Lan’s huge living room. But Li Ge didn’t, but after just one sweep, he saw Wang Lan on the balcony.

Come straight, “Comrade Wang Lan, take the liberty to come and disturb you to rest.”

The tone is polite.

Wang Lan smiled indifferently, “Everyone is a colleague, there is no need to earn so much, just call me Wang Lan, please sit down from Captain.”

“Thank you.”

“any drinks?”

“black tea.”

Wang Lan asked Xiao Ai to bring in another cup of tea, and the fragrance was overflowing. Li Ge is also a very tasteful person. The posture of serving the tea cup is elegant, and the movement of tasting tea is also very aesthetic.

“Is there something to tell me from Captain?”

“I’m here to pay a special thank you. Last time you should heal my wounds. This time you saved my life.”

“Huh … thanks, even if everyone is a colleague, all for official business. And, am I not a part-time medical soldier?”

“Although I said that, you saved my life after all. I also apologized for the offense.”

“Offensive?” Wang Lan wondered.

“It was the day you came to report. I shouldn’t think that you were late without asking. You shouldn’t be put into the Heavenly Sword Bureau because you didn’t take part in the regular assessment and thought you were going through the back door.

You have a strong medical ability and a combat capability that is not too bad. Talents like you really should be admitted. Comrade Wang Lan, I sincerely apologize to you. “

“It’s been a long time, I have forgotten.” Wang Lan took a sip of his teacup.

“Since that’s the case, then … I’m leaving.” Li Ge suddenly stood up and said a little stiffly.

From the moment he entered the door, Wang Lan felt her stiffness. In fact, Li Ge ’s purpose was understood from the first sentence he spoke.

Special thanks? Just kidding, if you really made a special thanks, you should have come last time. The real reason for saying such an excuse must be difficult for Li Ge to tell.

From the moment of sitting down, Li Ge still lingered for a few times, and Wang Lan knew what she was doing. I really don’t understand, why can’t you just pick it up? Do women have to be so hypocritical?

Li Ge turned around and left gently.

“From Captain, I will not tell you your identity, you can rest assured.”

Li Ge’s footsteps suddenly stopped, but Wang Lan clearly felt that at that moment, Li Ge’s tight body suddenly relaxed.

“Thank you!”

“Can you take the liberty to ask? There are many lesbians in Heavenly Sword Bureau. There is almost no difference between men and women in the world of star martial artist. Why are you doing this?”

“It has something to do with my family. My family is a little bit old. The thought … is even older.”

“Okay!” Wang Lan shrugged, not interested in the private affairs of others.

Heavenly Sword Bureau, laboratory test report also came out.

“Secretory Wang is long, and the DNA matching results are out. This bloodstained DNA belongs to a person named Li Mingxue, but this Li Mingxue was killed 8 years ago. Together with Li Mingxue’s team, a total of thirty two were killed in skeleton doesn’t exist. “

“Are you sure you are dead or missing?”

“It was missing at the time and was judged dead 1 month later.”

“Is there any information about Li Mingxue?”

“We’ve checked, and it happened that Li Mingxue was a shadow assassin. Her stealth ability is particularly special. Her awakening innate talent is the heart of nature, which can integrate her breath, body, and the surrounding environment perfectly. .

But her record is far less powerful than she is now, if she is really the killer who hunted our Heavenly Sword Bureau colleagues in Lianshi 3 years ago.

The progress in those eight years was too fast. She did not go to Nebula when she disappeared. In addition to her Innate Ability, other innate talents are not high. “

“Then it shows that she is not the original one, it should be replaced by the Demon Race. And from this analysis I can draw a conclusion.” Wang Qianfeng paced to the window lightly saying.


“That unsolved mystery? At first, Chang Yu Mingming had been replaced by Mozu, but her DNA could not be detected by us? Even if Mozu has advanced civilization, they belong to 2 time and space. Their civilization may not be the same as ours. Civilization overlaps.

Some of their means are legends to us, and our technology may also be legends to them. To fool our sophisticated testing equipment, in theory they cannot.

That time Chang Yu, I have been thinking about this problem. Later, I learned from the mouth of Chang Yu’s colleagues that Chang Yu not at all revealed something abnormal. Think about it, Chang Yu is a nurse, and a superb nurse.

Don’t underestimate the nurse, puncture the needle, and hang it. It’s a technical job. After replacing Changyu, the Demon Race can perfectly integrate into Changyu’s life. Even the people who get along with it have not found anything abnormal.

I think that the demon is not just a replacement, but a fusion.

You should know insects? “

“of course.”

“What is the difference between larvae and adults of insects?”

“Insects are a completely metamorphic species. It seems to the outside world that larvae become adults when they grow up. But in fact, adults parasitize within the body of the larvae. The larvae continue to eat supplementary nutrients, but in fact these nutrients will become within the body nourishment for adult development.

Until one day, the adults eat the larvae clean, and then drill out of the larvae within the body. The so-called cocoon breaking is actually the corpse of larvae. If insects also have human perception, then larvae should always live in fear and pain.

Secretory Wang means that the demon is the adult, and the person he replaces is the larva? Before the Devil did not break the cocoon into a butterfly, the person was still a person. It’s just that those people’s minds and wills have been controlled by the Demon Race. They are Trojans, and the demon hide in them within the body? “

“Is this explanation persuasive?” Wang Qianfeng asked with a slightly black humor.

“From a scientific point of view, this is impossible. But the Demon Race itself is not a scientific thing, or as Secret Wang said. The unscientific in our eyes may be reasonable in their eyes.

Similarly, our science is unscientific in their eyes. At least, the demon can’t get a nuclear bomb. In their view, the powerful formidable power of nuclear bombs should not be grasped by our weak life. “

“So, technology is our last resort. Maybe when the technology of humanity reaches a higher level in the future, we can rely on technology to completely eliminate the Devil.”

“Hopefully, then … Does Li Mingxue’s line have any value to continue to trace?”

“Hope is slim … If the Demon Race is really this way of sneaking in … We can hardly talk about technology to find them. If they dormant, we will be very passive.”

“I will report to the Academy, hoping that they can invent the detection equipment. If it is true, we can scan their genetic code. In the insect’s genetic code, there is this abnormal genetic code itself. It ’s how insects survive. “

“En! Hard work.”

“All for Jade Country!” The other party stood up and saluted, then turned away.

New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve.

Early in the morning, my aunt called and asked Wang Lan to have a reunion dinner. Wang Lan came to the little aunt’s house in the afternoon. It is rare that the little aunt did not go to the company at home today.

Auntie’s products may really have reached a critical point, from the beginning of the New Year’s Eve, every day early and late. If it weren’t for Song Jia who now has new friends, he would have rebelled long ago.

Wang Lan changed his shoes into the living room skillfully, and the aunt was busy in the kitchen. Wang Lan glanced over, the whole kitchen was filled with smoke.

“Auntie, don’t force it! In this era, you won’t be able to cook anything. Don’t hurt yourself 10000000 million.”

“No, I cook once a year, I am a Court Academecian, and I can still be stumped by this thing? Don’t come over, I can do it!”

“Are you sure? Then I opened the window for you.”

“it is good……”

Wang Lan took another step back and said, “Sister-in-law, forget it. 10000 A neighbor thought that my house was on fire and called the police. The Chinese New Year, and the fire alarm of the family is also about the Chinese New Year. Haven’t you decided to reunite dinner?”

“But it’s also a Chinese New Year. It’s a little ceremony. Even if you only make one dish, that’s your own hands. Coke chicken wings recipe is very simple, why is it paste … the recipe must be wrong.”

“I think so too. Turn off the fire. The windows of the meeting are full of smell.” Wang Lan calmly opened the windows of the living room, kitchen room and bathroom.

My aunt can’t cook, nor can Wang Lan’s Mother. This thing may have genetics there. You will learn as soon as you can cook, and you won’t be able to enter the kitchen when you turn over. Wang Lan has learned how to calmly clean up the accident scene since he was a child.

After finishing the finishing work for my aunt, I washed my hands now, “Where is Jiajia?”


Wang Lan went upstairs and gently knocked on Jiajia’s door.



“T virus is rampant, S-Rank alarm, for safe refuge room, refuge will not be opened.”

“The alarm has been lifted and the report is complete.”

“Ka-cha!” The door opened, and Song Jia, wearing a cute rabbit pajamas, pulled Wang Lan into the room and quickly closed the door.

“Wang Lan, why do you say this woman in menopause is so stubborn. Isn’t this piece of material not counted? You have to toss about it, and it’s the same every year.

“Did you say your mother’s that?” Wang Lan tapped the head of this girl.

“Quick, pay me to play VR games, it’s boring to play alone.”

“What a boring game to play … Let’s play brushing questions?” Wang Lan said happily.

Song Jia fell on the spot and said, “Oh my god … who are my family …”

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