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There was a frenzy with Jiajia for a while. Suddenly, there was a whistle outside.

Wang Lan was standing by the window on the second floor, and an elongated Hualong business luxury car came slowly.

“Are there any guests visiting today?” Wang Lan walked out of the balcony, the luxury car stopped on the parking yard outside the aunt’s villa, the door opened, and an old man with white hair walked out of the door.

The old man looks very old, at least 70-80 years old, holding a cane in his hand, the leading of the cane is made of pure gold. He wore a light gray suit and black shoes with shiny black hair.

Full of silver wire, meticulous comb, and gold-framed glasses on his face made this old man look extraordinarily elegant and learned. Analyzed from all aspects, the identity of the old man is extraordinary.

It ’s 30 years old today, and it ’s time to come … and the aunt obviously does n’t know that someone will come to visit.

Auntie was still in her home uniform and doing witch chemistry experiments in the kitchen. If she knew someone would come, she would definitely not be like that.

At this time, the door of the cab was opened, and a woman with heavy makeup came out of the cab. The woman is dressed in a black lady’s suit, her hair is randomly scattered behind her head, and her lower body is a short skirt, exposing a pair of slender straight thighs.

The woman helped the old man to the aunt’s house step by step, and then reached out to ring the doorbell.

“Who? Coming–” Aunt’s voice rang from downstairs.

“Teacher?” Suddenly, the aunt downstairs cry out in surprise.

“Kiki, haven’t seen you for more than ten years?” The downstairs remembered the old man’s full voice.

“Teacher, please sit here!” Auntie’s tone was polite and respectful, but Wang Lan felt a touch of alienation in her tone. If it is Teacher, the tone should be more casual and kind.

However, the aunt’s tone has a strong sense of courtesy, which makes Wang Lan a little curious. Moreover, Wang Lan has never heard her aunt say she has a Teacher in Suzhou City. At the door, the license plate number is the license plate of Suzhou City.

“It’s gone for more than ten years, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, things have remained the same, but people have changed. The innocent and romantic little girl that year has now become a famous scientist and entrepreneur at home and abroad. See To your present achievements, Teacher is pleased … “

“Teacher has won the prize! Isn’t it Teacher? You have changed the most in ten years. You are now not only an internationally renowned scientist, spanning multiple fields such as biology, chemistry, and medicine, but also a world-renowned entrepreneur, World 500 The founder of the strong company Sema Pharmaceuticals.

I heard that Teacher is on the list of the richest in this year, and students congratulate Teacher … “

“It’s not my interest to make money, you know. My interest is still doing research. Making money makes me have better research conditions. Twelve years ago, it’s a pain I don’t want to remember for you . I do n’t want the same thing to happen again. “

“Teacher, you said you don’t want to remember, why should you say it?” Aunt’s voice became cold.

Wang Lan frowned, hesitating for a while, pats Song Jia’s head, “I go down to accompany my aunt.”

From these few conversations, the old man came badly. The younger aunt was downstairs alone, and appeared vulnerable. Wang Lan had to sit by the younger aunt and imposing manner for her.

imposing manner, although it is invisible and intangible. A person, no matter how imposing the aura is, he can’t be stronger. But if one or two people are standing by, the imposing manner is different.

Is n’t it all in the movie? A boss and a person walking on the street are down, followed by two younger brothers, the aura is completely different.

Wang Lan walked slowly down the stairs, and suddenly, a sharp eye came.

Wang Lan looked up alertly, this line of sight was cast by the professional lady. The average person will not have such a sharp eye, this woman is a star martial artist!

Almost instantly, Wang Lan concluded.

Moreover, this sharp eye is very aggressive. Not the kind of hostility, but when you see yourself, it is like looking at prey.

Wang Lan went downstairs on his own and came to the aunt but not at all sat down, but stared at the lady standing beside the old man.

“This lady, do you know me?”

“Don’t know!” The woman looked away, indifferently said.

“But your eyes tell me you know me!” Wang Lan’s voice was very soft, but the imposing manner was so strong. Actually, Wang Lan would like to take another sentence, it doesn’t matter, I have remembered you, be careful.

However, the provocative meaning is too strong, Wang Lan still refrained.

“Xiaoxue, no rudeness is allowed.” The old man was black and shouted lightly.

Then he looked at the aunt apologetically, “This is my niece. This child is …”

“My nephew! My sister’s son. I never heard that Teacher has a niece …”

“I never heard that your sister had a son.” The old man laughed said.

“Teacher won’t go back to have a reunion with my teacher today, will you have something to do with me? Tell Teacher to speak bluntly.”

“Your master died 7 years ago, Kiki, I know you are studying the genetic coding formula left by Zifeng, but genetic technology is a very sensitive subject. If there is no authoritative expert to escort, it is easy to be public opinion. The attack was also not accepted by the public. “

“Teacher is bothered. I don’t worry about all this. In addition, the genetic coding I study is not a taboo subject.”

“You are still so confident! What do you think about the strength of the Teacher?”

“Teacher’s strength is certainly beyond doubt. In the fields of biology, chemistry, and medicinal chemistry, you are a well-deserved Peak scientist. In the past ten years, the thesis students published by Teacher have read and benefited greatly.”

“If we join forces, I believe that within 3 years we can overcome all the technical difficulties and let this technology really benefit all mankind. I don’t know what you mean?”

My aunt seemed to have expected it, not at all with a surprised expression on her face, but a slight look at the head, “I believe in me and my team.”

“50 billion!” The old man suddenly lowered his body and spit out a number gently, “I made 50 billion, only 50% of the shares.”

This figure, even Wang Lan who had never felt like money, couldn’t help but beat his heart.

50 billion, jade coin, what is the concept? The valuation of the world’s first company is only 30000 100000000. Although the little aunt’s Jiayi Biotechnology Company is a little famous in Suzhou City, looking at Jiang province is just a small company that is not well known. Not to mention looking at the whole country or even the whole world.

50 billion, enough to build a World 500. 50 billion, maybe it is the entire Semir Medicine.

The younger sister looked at the old man in front of her with doubt, “You are going to exchange my entire Semir for 50% of my shares?”

“Teacher is old, what do you want money for? I told you before that making money is just to facilitate my continued research. It doesn’t matter how much money I spend if I can participate in research that interests me.

I have brought the contract, and the merger of Sema Pharmaceutical and Jiayi Biotechnology will change the future of humanity and lay the foundation of biotechnology. Is there anything more meaningful than this? Xiaoxue, take out the contract and show it to Wang Qi. “

“No need.” Auntie shook the head lightly, “Although the Teacher’s conditions are very attractive, Jiayi Technology is mine and also Zifeng. I will not allocate a little share. Don’t say 50%, it is 1 % will not.

I can only apologize for Teacher’s good intentions. “

“Are you no longer thinking about it?” The old man asked tightly knit lowly.

“I won’t think about it, sorry.”

“Then … okay.” The old man stood up, and there were no folds in the clothes on pats. “It’s a pity that I’ll say goodbye to that. But I still hope you can think about it again. Teacher is old and after Teacher’s death , The shares I hold are also yours. “

“Don’t the Teacher have a son?”

“I have made a will long ago, and all the money I earn will be donated to the country after I die. Wealth must be created with my own hands. If I do n’t even have the ability to feed myself, giving them money will only let them live. More depraved. “

“Teacher high wind festival!”

“No need to deliver, the car is at the door.” The old man leaned on crutches and left step by step. The younger aunt stood smiling at the door and watched the luxury car leave.

After the luxury car turned around and could not see, the smile on the aunt’s face was put away. He returned to the living room indifferently and sat down on the sofa.

“Auntie, do you … conflict with that Old Mister?”

“No! I still respect him.” The aunt’s expression was calm, and she was sighed against the sofa for a long time. “His name is Ma Bo, I was my mentor when I was reading Court Academecian.

At that time, he took me and your little uncle 2 students. He is a very talented person, but he is not smooth enough, and his mouth is easy to offend the person.

Later, that happened. The test equipment failed, and the laboratory exploded. Your uncle was killed in the trial … Teacher also disheartenedly left the school and founded Semir Medicine.

After the teacher left, I also graduated, and I never contacted again. By the way, Teacher’s Semir Pharmaceuticals is also developing anti-cancer drugs. It seems that it has completed clinical tests and will be available in the market in a few years. “

“That’s it?” Wang Lan curiously asked.

How to see the relationship between Auntie Ma and Ma Bo is not just a commercial competitive relationship.

“Just like that, what else can you do? Do n’t ask, anyway, my aunt ’s bio-coding technology will come out. When the time comes, my treatment will fundamentally solve cancer, and his medicine restraint will not be My opponent. “

“Okay! But … the woman next to him … I think there is a problem.”

“what is the problem?”

“She is a star martial artist! Although it is not uncommon to say that an entrepreneur has a star martial artist as a bodyguard. But this person … I always feel that the imposing manner is very strong, not like that … I am tired of fighting to return to the city. star martial artist. “

“You are a student, where are there so many doubts and ghosts? Instead of thinking about so many things that have nothing to do with you, you might as well think about it and you will take the college entrance examination in a few months.

Your mother was admitted by Imperial Capital Academy at that time. My aunt is not very demanding. I do n’t ask you to test Imperial Capital. But for the 4 major Academy, you can just take one. “

“Isn’t this demanding high?” Wang Lan screamed with wide-eyed eyes. “The 4 Star Academy Academy are ranked in no particular order, is there any difference?”

“Yes, different regions, different teaching methods, and different styles. So many different, there is always one for you.”

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