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All night carnival, all night fireworks, all night wish.

New Year’s Eve is just overnight, and the arrival of the New Year is only overnight.

There was only a wave of waves in my heart, and the New Year’s Day arrived.

On New Year’s Day, most shops and stores will be closed. This will only happen in Jade Country, and only Jade Country will hold such a religious attachment to a festival.

But the entertainment category is not in the ranks of closed doors, after all, everyone wants to play when they are idle? Usually so hard and busy, do not take advantage of the New Year to play happily?

Movie theaters, theme parks, and playgrounds have become the best places for people to stay in Suzhou City for the New Year.

Wang Lan did not intend to go out, but Jiang Xinyu called to go out to play, Wang Lan still could not bear to refuse after careful consideration. In the past six months, she was so disappointed to have released her pigeons so many times.

When meeting Jiang Xinyu, Jiang Xinchen was walking face to face with Jiang Xinyu’s arm.

“En? How are you? Xu Xiangwen and Gong Feiyu?” Wang Lan asked doubtfully as he approached. In the past, a group of 4 people went out to play, usually together. And these two goods have always been positive to play, and each time is the first one.

Even the girls who need to dress up and dress up earlier than they came, wouldn’t the 2 goods still be asleep?

Jiang Xinchen looked at Wang Lan desperately, covering his forehead deeply. In the impression of Jiang Xinchen, Wang Lan is a genius of IQ. But it seems that genius can’t escape a law, IQ is extremely high, and EQ is urgent.

And this one is particularly prominent in front of Wang Lan, and the brain circuit is so amazing.

“Both of them are going to kiss Qi Family for New Year’s Eve, there is no time.” Jiang Xinyu lightly saying, handing a cup of milk tea, “I just ordered it for you.”

“Thanks.” Wang Lan took over casually. “There are few places to open the door on New Year’s Day. Where are you going? There is no place to go even if you go shopping with you?”

“Will you guys go to the movies?” Jiang Xinchen suggested, “The white eagle nation’s sci-fi blockbuster has just been released, and the myth of the Western Indian country has a good reputation.”

Movies …

Wang Lan was a film industry worker in his previous life, but after this World, he changed his body as if his soul had been affected. It doesn’t seem to be interested in anything false.

TV is rarely watched, and movies are rarely watched. In the past, it was still possible to use the excuse of studying in order to complete the task, but now, Wang Lan knows himself. It’s just an excuse. He just doesn’t like this kind of entertainment that doesn’t help life.

Wang Lan hobby learning … Why did you say no one believed it?

“Xinyu, what do you think?”

“Anyway, I’m bored … just watch a movie, Xinchen, and buy 3 tickets.”

“2 pictures, I will have a classmate appointment later, and leave immediately.” While talking, Jiang Xinchen blinked at the elder sister.

Ruzi can be taught! Jiang Xinyu expressed satisfaction.

“The school is about to start in ten days or so … Provincial grade martial gathering is less than 3 months away. The three years of hard work will soon be clear.”

“I have always heard that Provincial grade martial gathering is more important than the college entrance examination, but the information I got from the official information is that Provincial grade martial gathering is only an athletic event held by the Ministry of Education for the third grade of high school every year. nature?”

“It is declared that this is the case, but it is not. Xingwu Academy from all over the world will send special inspectors to 20 provinces across the country to investigate and evaluate the strength and potential of the contestants.

If they are seen by them and think you may be a personal talent, they will send an invitation letter for admission. “

In this way, Wang Lan immediately understood. Isn’t it a guarantee!

“The reason why it is more important than the college entrance examination is because the 4 Star Academy Academy will also send inspectors. You know, the 4 Star Academy Academy does not enroll students every year.

If the quota for their independent enrollment is already full, he will not cross the line that year. If we are out of luck and they do not recruit students this year, we will be useless even if we do well.

And the 4 Star Academy has a quirk, either to recruit students together, or not to recruit students together. So if your goal is 4 Star Academy, this time you have to participate in Provincial grade martial gathering. “

“Join and join, don’t you have to tell me so seriously?” Wang Lan’s mentality is very good, that is, Jiang Xinyu’s serious expression makes Wang Lan feel a little uncomfortable.

“You are the Star Radiance Realm! Provincial grade martial gathering, almost all dare to participate in the top experts of the third grade in cities in Jiangxi province. Do n’t say anything else, Tong City, Zhen City, Jin City, the overlord cities, the ten-person team Almost all Nebula realms. “

“Shouldn’t it be a problem? I’m not an ordinary Star Radiance Realm, and the Nebula realm that died in my hand is not one or two. Are you under a little pressure? You can calm down and play with stability.

“The pressure is really great! My goal is to be the 4 Star Academy. It is really difficult to get in. The 4 Star Academy is only enrolling 1000 students per year. National high 3, crouching tiger hidden dragon, so many experts Pick 1000.

Moreover, many real geniuses have received invitations very early. Perhaps there are 4 places in the 300 Star Academy, and there may not be 1 remaining. Thinking about this terrifying elimination rate, I have no idea. “

At this time, Jiang Xinchen came running and stuffed 4 tickets into Wang Lan’s hands. “My classmate called me and I’m leaving—”

“Wait, why are 4 tickets?”

“You and my sister, 2 people, 2 tickets for 4 movies, is there a problem?”

“2 games?”

Wang Lan looked at the time on the eye ticket, a blockbuster for 2 hours, two films with a 2-minute interval between them, and both were special effects blockbuster. Is this a spit?

“Brother Lan, sister, I’m gone, have a good time—” Jiang Xinchen waved goodbye, leaving Wang Lan feeling a little bit pitted.

“It’s coming soon, let’s go.”

“En!” Jiang Xinyu whispered, his cheeks were red and cute.

There are many people in the cinema, and perhaps the entertainment on New Year’s Day is really lacking. Just sitting down, the phone bombed a message.

“ding dong ——”

“ding dong ——”

Jiang Xinyu sat down next to Wang Lan, holding popcorn in his hands. Gently flicked her hair, and the scattered hair wafted a delicate fragrance. Brushing Wang Lan’s nose tip suddenly touched Wang Lan’s heart.

In the dim environment, Wang Lan sideways looked at Jiang Xinyu’s profile. It seems that it has been a long time since I have watched this girl who has known each other since I was little and grew up together. She is no longer the little girl with a ponytail in her impression, who likes to wear a floral dress.

“ding dong ——”

Wang Lan took out his phone, but Xu Xiangwen sent a message.

“Little Lan, save me quickly … It’s boring … Come on personally … Accompany the poor child …”

“Little Lan, are you at home? I’m bored to death … Feiyu that guy was asked by her sister to go out and play. On New Year’s Day, learn a ball, go out, hi, I’ll treat you! I’m all inclusive …”

“Little Lan, give me a word. If you don’t speak, you will be the default. I will come to your house. We will go barbeque, go fishing, or go bouncing.”

Looking down one by one, Wang Lan’s expression became more and more weird.

Wang Lan secretly looked at Jiang Xinyu before, how could she conceal her perception. The heart is ecstatic that this wood is finally a little bit enlightened? But unhappy for 3 seconds, he stared at the phone and looked at it … grotesquely.

“What’s wrong? The movie is about to start.”

“Don’t you say that Xu Xiangwen is going to kiss Qi Family, are you free?”

“Ah? What happened?”

Wang Lan put his phone in front of Jiang Xinyu, “He is on his way.”

“He was like this in previous years.” Jiang Xinyu grabbed Wang Lan’s mobile phone and directly sent a positioning to Xu Xiangwen.

Xu Xiangwen just stuffed a bunch of things into his trunk, fishing rod, barbecue equipment, and coquettish fur coat. Before the car started, the phone rang.

“Finally, I thought you brat was missing.” Look at the coordinate information. Suddenly frowned …

Weilong Cinema? Wang Lan, did n’t the kid never watch movies? Will he go to the theater alone?

Suddenly there was a crisp rattle in my heart, just like a knock on the teeth.

A message was restored in a heavy mood.

“Are you watching a movie in a cinema? With whom? Song Jia Little Sister?”

“With Xinyu, 2 people, do you want to come again?”


Xu Xiangwen’s heart shattered on the spot.

In my mind, Wang Lan like a Q version laughed proudly.

“Single dog … single dog … single dog …”

wa’ed … Xu Xiangwen wailing on the steering wheel!

So lonely, so lonely, so boring …

“ding dong ——”

It is preparing to return the phone to Wang Lan, and a message pops up again. Xie Sisi sent a text message.

“Classmate Wang Lan, happy new year, what are you doing?”

Jiang Xinyu’s mouth twitched slightly, and this smile rarely appeared. Two thumbs pressed quickly, and a message flew out.

“I’m watching a movie with Xinyu, just opened.”

In the distance, Xie Sisi, wearing a beautiful new dress, was turning around and turning around in the mirror. The phone rang, and she quickly picked it up. After a glance, his eyes slowly dimmed.

“Sisi, don’t you want to go out and play with your classmates today?” Xie Sisi’s mother asked in confusion as she watched the daughter change out her clothes.

“not going……”

The movie … was wonderful, and the laughter of the cinema seemed to have not stopped anyway. Wang Lan’s feeling … okay.

In the two consecutive movies, the seat on the buttocks is a little bit numb. It has been 2 pm from the cinema. Jiang Xinyu in the front seemed very excited, walking on high heels like a deer.

“Xinyu, are you mischievous? Your walking posture makes me a little uneasy.” Wang Lan’s understanding of Jiang Xinyu is not much worse than her younger sister. 9-year classmates have known each other for 5 years.

“Do you want to eat?” Jiang Xinyu teleportation topic.

“I’m already hungry, I thought you weren’t hungry.”

At this moment, Wang Lan’s cell phone ringing sounded.

“Wait a minute, I will answer the phone.”

The phone call was from Song Jia, and Wang Lan answered it easily.

“Wang Lan, come here soon … Mum was captured by the guard … wu wu wu … hurry up.”

“Jiajia, don’t cry first, what’s going on?”

“Just now, a lot of guards came … they took my mother away … wu wu wu … I was so scared …”

“You are waiting for me at home, I will come over immediately.”

Hearing Wang Lan ’s words, the smile on Jiang Xinyu ’s face collapsed, “Wang Lan, what happened?”

“I don’t know yet, did you come by car? Take me to Fragrant Hall Bay.”

“it is good!”

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