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If you change someone else like Wang Lan, Wang Qianfeng must deduct an unorganized and undisciplined. But if it is Wang Lan, Wang Qianfeng is afraid. Think about what Wang Lan has done over the past six months … this guy will always give you a big surprise when you do n’t expect it.

Last midnight 3, I went to the Penguin Company and packaged the whole Mozu elite spy group directly for Wang Qianfeng.

This time … will there be a big breakthrough?

Reason tells Wang Qianfeng, impossible, Wang Lan is not really a chosen person, who has always been so lucky.

Sensual but constantly bombard Wang Qianfeng’s intellect, you are a sane ghost, think about Wang Lan’s discovery in the past six months, he is so lucky, he is so unscientific.

Take Hu Qing’s car and go straight to Jinghua Manor.

Jinghua Manor is a relatively high-end campus in Suzhou City Park, as can be seen from the greening of the community. In the low-end community, the building spacing is relatively close, and the sunshine will be blocked by the tall buildings in the front. It is good to have 6 hours of light a day.

The distance between buildings on Jinghua campus is at least 8 ten meters, even if the distance between buildings is at least 50 meters. There are car lanes and non-motor vehicles around each building, and there are charging stations, carports, vending machines and medicine boxes everywhere in the community.

Hu Qing walked all the way, his eyes scanning the community, his face faintly showing up.

“The average price of this community is above 50000?” Hu Qing sighed softly with a wink.

“It was 50000 5 when it opened. It’s been 4 years. It should be 7-80000 now.”

“Did you even investigate this?” Hu Qing was curious. Why did he sigh casually and Wang Lan could take the conversation? And Wang Lan is not just guessing, at least knowing the opening price.

“When the community opened, my economic agent encouraged me to invest in 2 buildings here. I looked at it and felt that the income was a bit slow, so I gave up.”

“Has it been slower to halve in 4 years?”

“How can there be a double profit every year?”

Hu Qing shut up … too hurtful.

Enter the unit building and take the elevator directly to 2 17 layers. After entering the elevator, the two people’s expressions became serious.

When the elevator opens, two people are on high alert. Room 2 is the west side of the house, two people came to the door, “Hu Qing, you first feel, is there anyone in the house?”

Hu Qing immediately experienced a faint wave of star force, and the star force was transmitted through the ground. After a half minute, Hu Qing shook the head.

“no one!”


“Click-” The sound of unlocking sounded, but it was not the door in front of Hu Qing, but a unit door behind him was opened.

A young girl wearing a white down jacket and wearing cute rabbit earmuffs walked out of the house.

The girl was shocked to see Wang Lan and Hu Qing 2 on the spot, “You are …”

“Xiao Cui Teacher? Do you live here?” Hu Qing exclaimed in surprise.

“Uh? Are you … student parents?”

“I am Hu Feifei’s big brother Hu Qing, and my younger sister is in your class.”

“Oh! I remember, you are Feifei’s big brother who is a guard! Hello, nice to meet you, you are …”

“This is the case. We are performing official duties. This is my colleague. The resident of Room 2706 is suspected of a major crime, so I will investigate. Do you know this family?

“I don’t understand. I have lived here for 3 years, but I have never seen this family. Even, maybe the house has never been bought here. I am afraid that you will come to the survey for a trip.”

“Have you not seen anyone in 3 years?”

“No, not once. That … nothing else. I’m going out …” Xiao Cui Teacher asked with a cute smile.

“Ah, yes, yes …”

Hu Qing watched Xiao Cui Teacher enter the elevator. Until the elevator door closed, Hu Qing reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

“It’s really pretty. Don’t wait if you want to chase. Such a girl must be chased by a lot of people.”

“Oh … A girl in this condition, can I think of a poor guard?”

“You are a star martial artist. What are you afraid of? Star martial artist has no advantage in front of an ordinary person?”

“Don’t say it, open the door first!” Hu Qing’s hand pressed on the lock, star force surged, and the door lock was scrapped.

The lock is something like a gentleman and not a villain since its inception. I really want to unlock you, and the safe can’t stop the violent unlocking.

The door opened and the room was dark. It can be seen that no one has been here for a long time, and the sofa in the house is covered with a dust cover.

“Did it really come in vain?” Wang Lan groaned in his heart. If the other party hadn’t lived for a long time, or hadn’t come for a long time, it would be difficult to get her hair etc. for DNA identification

The houses of Jinghua Manor are all well-decorated and cleaned and then handed over to the owner. 2 people stepped in, covered with a thin layer of gray on the floor, 2 people walked by, leaving a light footprint.

“I go to the bathroom to see if there is any hair falling.” Hu Qing said.


Wang Lan turned to the kitchen. The kitchen utensils and stoves were all complete, and the pots and bowls were not brand new. At least they were used. In the huge kitchen, there is a vertical refrigerator and a horizontal freezer.

Suddenly, Wang Lan noticed an abnormality. The refrigerator was connected to a power source and was still in operation. Normally, if there is no one for a long time, the householder will turn off the power. Not only is the issue of saving electricity costs, but also security considerations.

Wang Lan opened the refrigerator, and suddenly, Wang Lan’s face changed.

It was all internal organs. Although not filling the entire refrigerator, there are at least 5 6 livers, heart and so on. What exactly is this Ma Xiaoxue’s taste?

Turn off the refrigerator and open the freezer on one side. When the freezer is opened, the whole person of Wang Lan is not good.

The freezer was full of dismembered people. There are arms, legs, and ribs with the chest removed. Reminiscent of the internal organs in the refrigerator, Wang Lan suddenly churned in his belly.

At this step, where can I still be sure that there is a problem with Ma Xiaoxue? Picked up the phone and dialed Wang Qianfeng’s phone.

“Hello, Wang Lan, did you find anything?” Wang Qianfeng impatient on the phone asked.

“Secretory Wang, I am now at Mabo’s female bodyguard Ma Xiaoxue’s home. Her refrigerator is full of human organs, and her freezer is full of human hands and feet. She feeds on people.”

When Wang Lan spoke, his throat knotted constantly.

Murder, Wang Lan killed. But treat people as ingredients, and stuff them in the refrigerator. This picture caused Wang Lan’s discomfort.

Especially in the freezer, this is called human hoof, this is called ribs, this is called … I can’t stand it anymore.

“Well, I will come right away.”

Hearing Wang Lan call, Hu Qing next door also came over, “What did you find? His face is so ugly?”

“The things in the freezer made me feel very uncomfortable.”

Hu Qing chuckled and reached out to open the refrigerator.

“Don’t look, it’s all broken hands.”

“My innate talent is not as good as you, and my strength may not be as good as yours, but my brother has been on the battlefield and killed people. There are some small scenes of broken hands and broken feet, maybe I can find some clues …”

With that, he opened the freezer and just glanced at it, Hu Qing closed it again.

“How? Any clues?”

“Vag–” Hu Qing suddenly vomited at the sink.

Who said it just now? Small scene?

“What’s she doing abnormally?”

“Not necessarily perverted, for the Devil, aren’t we the ingredients? What did you find there?”

“No, there is no hair in the bathroom, just don’t know if there is in the room.”

“Go, go see it together.”

After leaving the kitchen, two people pushed open the door of the room, which should be the guest room, and the bed was covered with dust cloth.

After searching a circle, I found nothing and went to another room.

At the moment of opening the door, a scent came out. This is a perfume smell, but very strong. In Jade Country, few people use this perfume, generally Westerners.

When smelling this perfume, Wang Lan and Hu Qing’s faces changed almost simultaneously.

Hu Qing fiercely lifts the head, staring at Wang Lan’s eyes, two people with four eyes facing each other, in-depth communication.

“is her?”

“How is it possible …” Hu Qing’s face was pale, just at the door, this perfume smell was smelled on Xiao Cui Teacher’s body. Although the taste is not so strong, the fragrance is the same.

“Not good!” Wang Lan rushed out of the room and came outside.

At this time, the elevator door happened to open, and Wang Qianfeng and the brethren of the intelligence office rushed out of the elevator to meet Wang Lan.

“Secretory Wang!”

“Wang Lan, where is the evidence?”

“It’s open in the freezer in the kitchen.” Then, he took the Blazing blade and slashed it to Xiao Cui Teacher’s house.

With a sharp knife, cut the lock. Wang Lan pulled the door lightly and the door opened.

“What are you doing? Is there any problem with this household?”

“There should be a problem.” Wang Lan walked into the house, which was more popular than the next door, and the family was also filled with dangdang. Turn on the light and Wang Lan went straight into the bedroom.

On the bedroom desk, the table lamp was still on, and on the table was a stack of student workbooks, one of which was opened. Just now, Xiao Cui Teacher should be correcting his homework, and then suddenly went out.

In the bedroom, a scent similar to the next bedroom fills the entire space.

“Who lives here?” Wang Qianfeng came curiously asked behind Wang Lan. Xu Shiyun and a group of brethren have found it next door, and Wang Lan pointed out the evidence they certainly saw.

Ma Xiaoxue had problems and was really hammered. As a result, Wang Qianfeng immediately thought of Ma Bo. Ma Xiaoxue has problems, how can Ma Bo escape? If there is a problem with Mabo, then the guy from Jiayi Biotechnology, the manufacturer of the Demonization Pharmacy … is of course coming out.

“In Ma Xiaoxue’s room, Hu Qing and I smelled a perfume. And this smell, I also smelled it in the head of this household. I hope it is not a coincidence, but it is a coincidence that we just arrived here While investigating. She was out … if she and Ma Xiaoxue were together, she might have run away now? “

“Who is he?”

“Cui Xiaolu, Teacher of Class 4, Grade 3 of Tangzhen Primary School,” Hu Qing said from the door.

Wang Qianfeng took out his mobile phone and dialed the number. “Take the communication office. Hello, this is Wang Qianfeng. Check the whereabouts of a person for me. Cui Xiaolu, Teacher of Tangzhen Primary School. Yes, I live in Jinghua Manor.”

When Wang Qianfeng called, Wang Lan had quickly rummaged through Cui Xiaolu’s home. In the drawer of the desk, Wang Lan suddenly picked up a workbook and revealed his thoughts in his eyes.

Liu Jia …

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