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Wang Lan must have heard the name Liu Jia. And there is a homework as a search condition, and a little girl appears in Wang Lan’s mind.

“Secretory Wang, look!”

“Homework? Is there any clue about this?”

“This child is called Liu Jia. Do you remember Xinyi Jiayuan? At that time, Qin Jiaqing used Golden Cicada’s shelling method, and the girl who was replaced by Qin Jiaqing was called Liu Jia. In this way, Cui Xiaolu is Liu Teacher, all the students in her class … “

Suddenly, Wang Lan was soaked with sweat behind his back.

The horror feeling I have never experienced, instantly filled Wang Lan’s internal organs.

Cui Xiaolu is not only Liu Jia ’s Teacher, but also Song Jia ’s Teacher …

Hu Qing behind was also scared to face pale. If Wang Lan had not seen Cui Xiaolu’s identity today, Hu Feifei has always been in danger?

Wang Qianfeng’s hand holding the chair suddenly exerted force, and in a burst of crunch, the chair’s hand shattered.

Damn demons, so ruthless, so poisonous!

“Ding Ding Dang, Ding Ding Dang …”

Wang Qianfeng’s cell phone rings.

“Hey, it’s me.”

“Secretary Wang, the Cui Xiaolu you said just bought the high-speed rail to Xu City, but I just tracked the high-speed rail, she didn’t ride the car at all. We tracked her whereabouts through surveillance and she was lost. She She has anti-reconnaissance ability. May I ask her whether she is looking for the danger. “

A comprehensive search is not just a search within the authority of Heavenly Sword Bureau, but through all aspects of appearance monitoring, shopping mall monitoring, store monitoring and so on. As long as there is a camera, all the summary search needs multiple sections to cooperate.

“Full search, she is a hidden Demon spy.”

From the home of Cui Xiaolu, Xu Shiyun was over. Xu Shiyun’s complexion is not very good, no, to be precise, all the brothers’ complexion is not very good.

They can accept the killing of the demons, and they can also accept the killing of their compatriots, but they cannot accept that their compatriots are treated as food and are generally placed in the refrigerator, and become the ingredients they want to eat.

“Report Secret Wang, all sorted out.”

“Take it back for identification.” Wang Qianfeng said, taking out his phone again, “Li Weixin, are you ready there?”

“Old Wang, why are you so serious? I’m ready.”


“Is the evidence available?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, catch people, especially his close female bodyguard, never let go.”

“Good! Why are you so angry?” At the end of the phone, Li Weixin smiled and hung up the phone. When the phone hung up, his face became black on the spot, “Hands on, grab people.”

“Director, is there any evidence in the intelligence service? It’s a barrel horse honeycomb that grabbed Mabona.”

“If it wasn’t for something that annoyed Wang Qianfeng, he spoke to me that way. Catch! Even if he caught it wrong, it was also his backing. Remember, Ma Xiaoxue, the female bodyguard next to Mabo, must win.”

Following Wang Qianfeng’s return to Heavenly Sword Bureau, the laboratory analysis team has started to be busy. Maybe they did this, and the acceptance was better than the intelligence department. They calmly classified and sampled their arms and legs.

Not long after Wang Lan returned, Li Weixin also returned home.

“So fast? No trouble?”

Li Weixin just came in, Wang Qianfeng hurriedly asked.

“They all cooperated, but only Ma Bo was caught, and his female bodyguard said that she hadn’t come to work after asking for leave.”

“Bullshit, I saw her in the news when the new Life One drug was released today.”

“But we searched all over, no.”

“Take him to the interrogation room!”

Wang Lan wanted to follow up in the interrogation room to listen, but the phone rang, Song Jia woke up, clamoring for big brother and mother. The brethren couldn’t comfort, Wang Lan thought about it, and today’s business is basically done by Perfection.

The clues are there, and staying there wo n’t help. He told Wang Qianfeng and left.

Ask for a car and drive back to Fragrant Hall Bay. Just entering the door, Song Jia rushed to Wang Lan like a koala.

“Big brother … I thought you didn’t want me anymore … wu wu wu … my mother is gone, my big brother is gone … I’m so scared …”

“The big brother has caught the bad guy. The big brother has caught the bad guy. The aunt will be safe and she will be able to go home. Am I leaving you a note?”

“I …” Song Jia buried his head on Wang Lan’s shoulder. “Did the bad guy catch it?”

“Almost a bit, but the bad guys can’t run. The big brother has many friends, not one person. So many of us can catch the bad guys, we will definitely catch them.”


“By Jiajia, do you know someone named Liu Jia?”

“Liu Jia?” Song Jia lifts the head, brows tightly frowns, “don’t know …”

“What about you Choi Teacher? Do you know she is closer to those students? She often talks in private?”

“Speaking in private? No … She is better with class 7 students. Cui Teacher only became our class teacher this semester. She used to take class 7 before.”

“Class 7? Is Liu Jia the class 7 person?”

“I only transferred this semester. How do I know? Big brother, why did you suddenly ask Cui Teacher?” Song Jia lifts the head, staring at Wang Lan with small eyes, “No, you are going to catch bad guys today, and now you are Concerned about Choi Teacher … Are you talking about Choi Teacher? “

Wang Lan looked at Song Jia in surprise, is this little girl sometimes with an IQ online …

Later, Wang Lan carefully took a star force into Song Jia’s within the body. Although Wang Lan believes that the Song Jia in front of him is still his Song Jia. But when knowing that Cui Xiaolu is a Mozu spy and Song Jia’s class teacher, Wang Lan’s heart has been hanging.

There is another way to identify whether it is a demon or not, it is to use the star force test. Ordinary person will not respond to star force. The star force belongs to each different person. If someone’s star force invades into the body of another star martial artist, it will naturally produce an exclusion reaction.

If Song Jia has awakened star martial artist innate talent, or with the body lurking the Demon Race, it will automatically resist when Wang Lan star force invades. Just like foreign bacteria, viruses will be attacked by white blood cells.

This method is only valid for non-star martial artists.

“Big brother … what’s going on, my body is suddenly hot … you gave me medicine?”

Wang Lan decisively threw the baby on the sofa. I can’t bear it anymore.

“Giggle … Just kidding, is this angry?”

“I really doubt if there is something wrong with your school’s education. At a young age, what is in your head?”

“Blame me? Don’t look at the current TV series, just open one without those things? By the way, what kind of fiery stuff did you just send into my body? Is it your star martial artist’s star force?”

“En! I’m from Fire Attribute, so it’s hot. If Xinyu elder sister gives the star force, I will guarantee that you will be swayed by the cold.”

“What about the purpose of this?”

“Don’t tell you!” Wang Lan didn’t explain, Song Jia knew too much. At least, she was relieved if she was fine.

Originally Wang Lan wanted Song Jia to sleep for a while, but Song Jia did not want Wang Lan to have to accompany her to chat and watch TV.

At the moment, Heavenly Sword Bureau has already turned upside down.

Countless people and journalists gathered outside the Heavenly Sword Bureau and asked the Heavenly Sword Bureau to give an explanation. The arrest of Mabo this time definitely stabbed Ma Honeycomb, and this Ma Honeycomb spread to the whole country and even the world overnight.

The advent of Life One shakes the whole country.

Internationally and nationally, when it is planning to give Ma Bo an award or something, on that night, Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau arrested people? Moreover, there is not even a reason?

The people certainly don’t agree, and the reporter is of course the same as the chicken blood.

At the moment Heavenly Sword Bureau’s phone, it rings from upstairs to downstairs.

“Citizens, as well as media friends, are about confidentiality. I can’t disclose them. I also ask you to cooperate and disperse as soon as possible.”

“Heavenly Sword Bureau first arrested Wang Qi Court Academecian of Jiayi Biotechnology, and now arrested Mabo Court Academecian of Soma Pharmaceuticals, did they break a certain law?”

“Yeah, Jiayi Biotechnology had an announcement years ago that they had breakthrough progress on human genetic defect diseases and will announce the results in the next year. You haven’t made the announcement before you are caught.

Then Mabo’s Life One came out today, and he was caught by you again. May I ask if you want to eliminate everything that can eliminate cancer and let cancer continue to threaten our lives? “

This question can be stern.

The sharp eye of the foreign spokesperson was directed at the questioning middle-aged female reporter, “This lady, please pay attention to your remarks. We have obtained accurate information, and two outstanding Court Academecian have been watched by the demon.

It is not us, but Devil Races, who want the disease to continue to threaten our human lives. We bring them into the Heavenly Sword Bureau for protection. Heavenly Sword Bureau, all actions are classified, please do not dig into it. If things are resolved, we will naturally announce the details. I also invite you to leave now. If you are unwilling to cooperate, we will force an evacuation. “

In the Conference Hall of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, Lu Zhao’s face was also very ugly.

Of course, he didn’t blame Wang Qianfeng’s actions today. Wang Qianfeng’s actions were approved by him. Although he knew that there would be public opinion pressure to catch Mabo, he didn’t expect such pressure.

And not only from the pressure of the people, there is even pressure from other places in the official.

Cancer! Medicine that can treat cancer.

As long as it is a living person, who is not excited? Everyone is afraid of death, not only patients with cancer will jump, but people who are afraid of death will jump.

Until now, Heavenly Sword Bureau acts without explanation to anyone. Except to the Ministry of Defense and the No. 1 Chief, he can say nothing to anyone.

But this night, Lu Zhao saw another level of strength, so powerful.

“A Feng! Please introduce it to everyone.”

“The cause of the incident was a problem in Jiayi Biotechnology’s clinical trials, and all five patients who received treatment showed localized demonization characteristics.

On the other hand, the molecular formula of the sample submitted by Jiayi Technology to the Drug Administration is 9% similar to the molecular formula of the Demonization agent we obtained.

But I quickly ruled out the suspicion of Jiayi Biotechnology, because the 10% difference is the Mozu gene. In other words, the Demonization potion and life potion are made in the same way.

The difference is that the pharmacy of life is to edit and manufacture the genetic code of our human health. The Demonization agent is incorporated with the Demon genes, so as to achieve the purpose of invading our Human Race.

Therefore, we arrested Ms. Wang Qi, the maker of Life Potion, and obtained a clue from her mouth. If you want to make life medicine, you must know the human gene coding formula.

This formula is only known to her and her late lover Song Zifeng. So we guessed that it was probably her late lover Song Zifeng who made the Demonization potion, and developed a bait plan based on it.

But this plan has not yet been implemented, but was rejected by one person. He not only denied it, but only found the truth overnight. “

“the truth?”

“Yes, in my opinion, this is already the truth.”

“That person is Wang Lan again?” Lu Zhao’s expression this time can already be used as an expression package.

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