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Although Wang Qianfeng also reported to Lu Zhao on the phone before, the report on the phone is very simple. Wang Qianfeng is only the most important part of the report. Ma Bo ’s niece and bodyguard are the Devil, and there are many human bodies hidden in his freezer .

Ma Bo and the female bodyguard get along day and night, so Lu Zhao will order the arrest if he knows that there will be pressure. In Lu Zhao’s heart, he hopes that Ma Bo is innocent. A great human scientist, betraying mankind will be a huge loss for mankind.

But now, looking at Wang Qianfeng’s complexion, Lu Zhao suddenly felt that things seemed to be much lower than his expectations.

“Yes! Wang Lan gave a different speculation from my guess, and it is more evidence-based than my guess.

He believes that it is not Song Zifeng who makes the Demonization potion, but Ma Bo. Ma Bo is the teacher of Song Zifeng and Wang Qi. At that time, he had the opportunity to come into contact with the gene coding formula.

Mabo’s Life One has a natural competitive relationship with Wang Qi’s Life Elixir. Moreover, Life Pharma is one field ahead of Life One. If Life Elixir and Life One come out at the same time, Life One will exit the competition stage directly.

Therefore, Mabo visited Wang Qi’s house on the afternoon of the New Year’s Day and was willing to exchange the valuation of Semir Pharmaceuticals for 30% of Jiayi Biotechnology. The purpose is to obtain the manufacturing technology of life medicine. “

“Wait!” Li Weixin raised his hand suddenly. “Don’t you say that Demonization Potion was made by Mabo? Life Potion and Demonization Potion are made in the same way. What you are talking about is not inconsistent?”

“No contradiction! Ma Bo must conform to his personal design. The genetic coding formula is known only by Song Zifeng and Wang Qi. He doesn’t know it. At least, this can make others think he doesn’t know.

If anyone has doubts about him, this move will also prove that Ma Bo is not a Demonization pharmacy maker. However, what Wang Lan investigated next has overturned Ma Bo’s conclusion that the gene coding formula will not be.

First of all, on 2nd day, Jiayi Biotechnology broke out the experiment abnormality, the time point is very coincidental. Later, Life One was also released in high profile after Wang Qi was arrested.

On the side of the superintendent, another clue was discovered. The former wife and daughter of a researcher in Jiayi Biotechnology were kidnapped by a gang of underworld forces, and the kidnappers were instructed to be their primary target for raids.

The crow has been confirmed that he has a direct relationship with the Demonization potion. And the crow threatens Jiayi Biotech’s researcher to blame Jiayi Biotechnology, which also benefits Semir Pharmaceuticals, and they must have an interest.

In addition, Wang Lan used this as a speculation to verify, and found that she was a Mozu evidence in Mabo’s female bodyguards. Based on this, Mabo’s backing from Mozu can basically be finalized.

Ma Bo Neng started from scratch in ten years and founded Semir Medicine. This is a commercial miracle. Is there a reason for the support of the secret forces? Otherwise, how can a person who is too old and sparse to do such a big career in 2 years?

In today’s pharmaceutical industry, there are no gaps. Opening up new territories was completed without economic and technological strength combined with impossible.

We are gathering clues now, and there will be new breakthroughs in the future. “

After listening to Wang Qianfeng’s report, the faces of supervisors including Lu Zhao showed some confusion.

What Wang Qianfeng said is not so unimaginable, it is a set of logic. But … the meaning behind this matter is completely different.

What is the first task of the National Heavenly Sword Bureau right now? What is the biggest concern of the Ministry of National Defense at present? The origin of the Demonization star martial artist, the source of the Demonization agent.

Have you found this?

New Year ’s Day, the first day of the beginning of the New Year, so unexpected?

The so-called opening door, the hottest one is also just this?

“He he he …” Lu Zhao suddenly chuckled. “At this moment, I suddenly remembered a sentence my granddaughter often complained about. You never know which one of the accident and tomorrow will come first.

For me, I really don’t know which surprise comes first. The last Wang Lan’s award order was still on the side of the Jin City headquarters, and asked when I would issue it. I said at that time how to get a Mystic Moon medal, and now it seems that they have to press it again. The speed of Wang Lan’s merits is too fast, and the speed of rewards cannot keep up with the speed of his merits. “

“Hahaha …” Conference Hall, with a lively laugh.

“Then … Secretary, our pressure …”

“I will report to the Ministry of Defence later, and there will be no pressure after noon today. This battle is cool!”

At dawn, Song Jia fell asleep in Wang Lan’s arms. Wang Lan took Song Jia back to the room again. Jiajia can sleep, but he can’t yet.

Get up and drive to Heavenly Sword Bureau.

“ding dong.”

A message popped up on the phone, which was sent by Xie Sisi.

“Wang Lan, I heard that your aunt is in trouble? Does it matter? I am worried about you.”

Wang Lan laughed, let Xiao Ai replied that everything was under control, it was fine.


Xu Xiangwen called.

“Little Lan, do you want to help?” The phone was just connected and Xu Xiangwen’s voice came from the other end.

“No, nothing.”

“Don’t be polite with brother, brother’s skill is not there, let the silence be a bit sure. And Gong Feiyu is also the same, I am with him.”

“It’s okay, don’t believe you ask Xinyu, she knows, things are not what you think. My aunt is just protected.”

“Oh, is it okay? I’m fine.”

What happened yesterday, the news began to spread this morning. For Xu Xiangwen, they came to care about Wang Lan early in the morning and it was very useful. Brother did not admit it.

To change the plastic brother, this time has long cleared the relationship. Being caught by the Heavenly Sword Bureau, things are definitely not going to be small.

When I came to Heavenly Sword Bureau, the 100 surnames who were seeking to speak at the door were gone. On New Year’s Day 2, the entire Heavenly Sword Bureau seemed very busy.


“Come in!” There are 3 people in Wang Qianfeng’s office reporting.

“You are here, just listen together.”

“Yes!” Wang Lan stood straight.

“Secretory Wang, the limbs brought back were tested and all of them were missing in the past year. Some people even not at all reported the disappearance, maybe their loved ones did not know that something had happened.

Among them, we found a leg of the little girl Liu Jia. From the inspection point of view, Liu Jia was killed in May at the latest in the first half of the previous year.

It can be speculated that Liu Jia, who has been attending school for more than a year, has already become the body of the Demon Race. It can be inferred that a demon spy, or a higher demon spy, has at least 2 hidden identities. They are interchangeable.

And we also found a diary in Liu Jia’s home. The last diary of the diary was May 7, 5. “

“Where is that diary?”

“Here!” The other party placed a diary book carefully holding the bark on Wang Qianfeng’s table.

“It is reported that we interrogated Mabo overnight last night, but he was very uncooperative and asked 3 unknown. Especially when we revealed that his bodyguard and niece were Mozu spies, his expression was surprised, as if really do not know.”

“Do you think he didn’t know?”

“No, I think he must be informed. But his identity is special and we can’t impose a punishment on him. The enquiry came to a deadlock. He only said that he refused to answer all questions before his lawyer did not come.

“Ridiculous! What about a lawyer … is he a superintendent here?”

“But we cannot impose a sentence on it, and the interrogation cannot continue.”

“What about fine Divine Seal?”

“Mabo is 80 years old, and the cerebellum has already begun to shrink. The Divine Seal will cause irreversible damage to its brain. If the truth is found, it is okay, but 10000 one … we dare not take all on one throw. adventure.

Fine Divine Seal engraving Major Wu also said that it would be too risky to wait for more evidence and more certainty before proceeding to fine Divine Seal engraving. “

“Reporting Secret Wang, we searched the entire Semir Pharmaceuticals, including its related subsidiaries, foundry companies, and even companies that have cooperated, and found no signs of Demonization gene manufacturing, even the equipment.”

“Secretory Wang, big brothers,” Wang Lan said suddenly. “I remember my aunt and I said that the experiment of life pharmacy requires very high equipment. The requirements for manufacturing equipment are also very high. The equipment of my aunt’s company is all Can it be imported from foreign sources? “

After listening to Wang Lan’s words, the eyes of the three people suddenly lighted up, “Yes, many thanks Wang Lieutenant. This kind of cutting-edge equipment is definitely rare. Let’s go back and check.”

“En! You go out and continue to track down.”

After the three people left, Wang Qianfeng faced Wang Lan laughed, “You sit! At this time, you did well.”

“Secretory Wang is ridiculous, and humble is just what it does. Secretory Wang, can you show me this diary?”

“take it.”

Wang Lan took the diary and opened it.

Liu Jia’s handwriting is very beautiful. I can’t see that it was a child who was only in 2nd high school and not in grade 3 at the time. Obviously, Liu Jia ’s parents are very attentive to this child ’s education, and have at least studied hard-writing calligraphy for many years.

Wang Lan flipped from the back of the diary, and the important clues must be only on the following pages.

“That Ma Xiaoxue and the Cui Xiaolu you found were not caught, which is the biggest regret in this case. If they are caught, this case will be less troublesome.

We used all strengths that we can use, and these 2 people seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. Possibly, returned to their hidden lair. “Wang Qianfeng sighed to himself.

“I met Cui Xiaolu at the time, but I wasn’t vigilant at that time. It is indeed a bit careless to think about it now. I should let Cui Xiaolu stay to assist in the investigation. I think I said more at that time, Cui Xiaolu might It was exposed on the spot. “

“This can’t blame you. Under such circumstances, who would doubt Cui Xiaolu for no reason? We are not Divine Immortal, nor can we pinch.”

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s movement to read the diary stopped. brows tightly frowns up.

“What’s wrong? Did you find something again?” Wang Qianfeng suddenly stared nervously at Wang Lan’s face. Perhaps since yesterday, Wang Lan has also transformed into Wang Qianfeng’s heart.

In the past, Wang Lan was still a Junior in Wang Qianfeng’s heart. It’s just that this Junior has a lot of luck and a lot of credit.

But yesterday, Wang Qianfeng suddenly realized how underestimated Wang Lan’s assessment was.

Seemingly good luck, but not completely good luck. Wang Lan can always find the details that they did not find, and the details are often doomed.

“Secretory Wang, you see, this diary seems to have something.”

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