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For this action, Heavenly Sword Bureau attaches great importance. Ten or five vehicles rushed towards the target Tianhong Garden.

Wang Lan sat in the back row, swiping straight and straight at his side, as if he was uncomfortable with Li Ge.

Unfortunately, five people in this car, Li Ge, Xu Shiyun and Wang Lan, all sit in the back row. Li Ge is sandwiched between Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun, and the atmosphere is particularly embarrassing.

“Do you see what I do?” Li Ge couldn’t stand Wang Lan’s tentative eyes, opening the mouth and said faintly.

“You participated in the operation, who protected my aunt.”

“In the dormitory inside Heavenly Sword Bureau, what is the danger of your aunt?”

“If you are not afraid of 10000, you are afraid of 10000. There is no place of absolute safety in the world. Generally speaking, when you think it is safe, you may be in danger …”

“Zeng Xiaomo is protecting Ms. Wang Qi, do you have anything to worry about?” Looking at Wang Lan’s long-selling trend, Li Ge blocked Wang Lan’s words with one sentence.

“No more.” Wang Lan didn’t overdo it decisively.

“In the end it is the apple of one’s eye in the action department … you can put down the task to participate in the action when you have a task. Poor Xiaomo’s sister worked hard in the action department and became greedy early, and was promoted to captain after so many years of birth and death. That ’s why it ’s good to have strength and background. “

“You don’t talk and nobody thinks you are dumb.”

“I was said to fly into a rage out of humiliation?”

“Did I not be born or die? Did I work hard?”

“Also, unauthorized action, almost died, be considered dead from birth.”

“I said two people, can you stop arguing?” Seeing the two people’s medicinal smell getting more and more fierce, Wang Lan quickly began to persuade the frame, “What are the Lords arguing about? Try not to beep.”

“Che, if not Heavenly Sword Bureau has discipline, you can bear me until now?”

“After the action is completed, I will accompany you at any time.”

“Can stand after the action is complete, don’t let our little mascot continue your life.”

Wang Lan silently covered his ears.

Came to Tianhong Garden and drove directly to Ma Xiangru’s door.

Tianhong Garden is a comprehensive community. The front row of villas, the rear row of residential houses, and the back are more than 30-storey high-rise buildings. The distinctive ladder ladder symbolizes the extremely realistic gap between rich and poor.

Ma Xiangru’s home is naturally a villa community. When Heavenly Sword Bureau killed the door, Ma Xiangru’s home seemed to be eating at home.

Fifty Heavenly Sword Bureau soldiers in military uniform jumped out of the car and immediately surrounded the villa.

“Formation Seal–“

“Hey? Who are you? What are you going to do?” A middle-aged man opened the door and yelled at the door.

“Heavenly Sword Bureau …”

“Boom–” With a crunch, the door of the villa was shut decisively.

“Hey, you still have a temper?” Xu Shiyun’s ridicule sounded from behind the crowd.

“I’m coming!” The words landed, and an electric light rushed to the door instantly.


With a loud noise, the door flew away.

Wang Qianfeng, led by Li Weixin, a dozen people rushed into Ma Xiangru’s house. Ma Xiangru, his wife, and the little girl Zhang Jixi were shivering and shivering in the corner.


In an instant, Brother Heavenly Sword Bureau rushed into every corner of the villa like a jackal.

Wang Qianfeng looked at Ma Xiangru with a smile on his face, “Mr. Ma, I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m Wang Qianfeng, Director of the Intelligence Department of Heavenly Sword Bureau. There is a case about the Demon Spy that requires your cooperation in our investigation.

“What Demon Spy? I do n’t know, you caught my dad yesterday, and I do n’t even let me go now. What do you mean by Heavenly Sword Bureau? Do n’t allow cancer medicine to come out? Are you helping those who suck bone blood from patients? who take the side of the evil-doer … “

“Don’t make yourself so great, Heavenly Sword Bureau will never do things for nothing.” Li Weixin disdained coldly snorted.

“Report, no!”

“Report, not here either.”

“Report, not found.”

A loud report sounded, and the atmosphere in the villa became more and more depressed to reach the freezing point.

Wang Lan stood beside Wang Qianfeng, but his eyes kept staring at the girl held in his arms by Ma Xiangru’s wife. Zhang Jixi looked scared, but she didn’t face mother and buried her face in mother’s arms, but kept glancing at Wang Lan and other brothers of Heavenly Sword Bureau.

If there are no children at home, this abnormality may not be found. But Wang Lan realized that this was not the reaction of an eleven-year-old child when he was afraid.

In particular, the little girl’s eyes swept across the sofa more than once.

“Secretory Wang, what are you looking for? My home does not have what you want, please leave.”

“It seems that Mr. Ma doesn’t know much about his situation …” Wang Qianfeng faintly smiled. “It is only polite to let you cooperate with the investigation. If you are polite, it is arrest.”

“Why did you arrest me? What did I do?”

“Is it enough to participate in the Demon Spy operation? Take it away!”

Six Heavenly Sword Bureau brothers immediately bullied him and subdued Ma Xiangru.

“Wait, even if you want to catch it, just catch me alone. It has nothing to do with my wife. My daughter is only eleven years old and has nothing to do with her.”

“I haven’t asked anything yet. Did you excuse your wife and daughter first?”

“No matter what, it has nothing to do with them.”

At this time, Wang Lan moved. Slowly came to the sofa.

As the brethren arrested, the little girl’s eyes swept across the sofa again. At this time, Wang Lan can be sure that there must be something on the sofa.

Wang Lan picked up a piece of clothing with a tablet computer under it. Wang Lan slowly picked up the tablet, and in an instant, there was a scream behind him.

“Things not allowed to touch me–“

The moment the exclamation sounded, Zhang Jixi broke away from mother’s arms and hurried towards Wang Lan.

In an instant, a strong sense of crisis hit my heart. Almost subconsciously, Wang Lan opened Phoenix Form.


A horrible wave of star force swept through. When approaching Wang Lan less than 2 meters, the little girl instantly transformed into a Fiend with a height of 2 meters.

With a punch, Wang Lan’s vest was bombarded with the pressure of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. In an instant, Wang Lan turned sideways, punching threefold strength, and fiercely bombarded the attack behind him.


The air wave rolled, and a ripple exploded toward all around centered on Wang Lan and Fiend. The surrounding furniture shattered under the ravages of star force.


Wang Lan’s hand bones cracked once again, and the other Fiend’s entire arm shattered under Wang Lan’s this fist.

Wang Lan instantly turned into a streamer and flew in the crowd.

All these changes are only within a second.

The appearance of this scene, although unexpected, was reasonable, so Wang Qianfeng and Li Weixin and a group of Heavenly Sword Bureau experts instantly switched the battle mode.

star force is boiling, the stars are everywhere.

There are 2 Star River borders, the other is the same as Nebula border, and Nebula Peak is as many as 7.

Not installed, showdown!

Ma Xiangru and his wife swelled in an instant to complete the transformation, and three demons with a height of 3 meters appeared in the encircling circle.

At this moment, all explanations became pale.

“Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau, it really is extraordinary …” Fiend, who first shot Wang Lan, said that an arm grew back from the cut.

“You are not Zhang Jixi, should you still be Cui Xiaolu Teacher?” Wang Lan walked out of the crowd, burning bright red energy around him.

“And Mrs. Ma is not just Mrs. Ma, but also Mr. Maiden Xue Ma. Ma Xiangru did not come to Suzhou City three years ago. Secret Wang, hands on, I am in a hurry now.”

The moment the words hit the ground, Wang Lan turned into lightning and went to the opposite Fiend strikes.

Last time, Wang Lan killed a high-level demons in seconds, but that was because the demons had already lost their strength and had fallen off the realm long ago. At this time, Wang Lan needs to kill a high-level demon with complete strength in a limited time.

It was only after the match that Wang Lan realized that Fiend’s strength was not blown. Under Phoenix Form, Wang Lan ’s speed strength has reached a horror level. He dare to say that on pure speed strength, Wang Lan can throw Wang Qianfeng several streets at the moment.

But the opposite Fiend was able to easily keep up with Wang Lan’s speed, punching and punching, even with Wang Lan evenly.

At the moment when Wang Lan shot, Li Weixin and Wang Qianfeng also rushed up. The six Star River realm showdowns made the entire villa instantly burst into horrible star force.

An air pressure suppressed to the extreme exploded in an instant, and the entire villa seemed to be erased by a bunch of disappeared.

If it weren’t for the formation outside, this explosion would make the whole community tremble.

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Wang Lan’s Blazing blade seemed to be thundering lightning, and the rapid and relentless strikes were the key points of Fiend’s whole body. The strength of Fiend in front is also beyond Wang Lan’s imagination. Every time you can avoid Wang Lan’s Blazing blade attack, you can counterattack instantly.

Wang Lan cut Fiend’s throat with a knife. Fiend’s figure moved to Wang Lan’s back like a streamer, and the nail thorn pierced Wang Lan’s vest like a streamer.


Wang Lan’s body exploded and countless streamer remnants appeared in Fiend’s field of vision. Fiend’s sash is divided into 2 halves, and a horizontal Blazing blade passes across Fiend’s waist.

But after being hit so hard, Fiend’s imposing manner hasn’t changed at all, the separated bodies are merged again, and a punch intact hit Wang Lan’s heart.

The time seemed to freeze in a flash. In front of Wang Lan’s eyes, Fiend’s nail thorn was just a few centimeters in front of his chest.

In an instant, an Extreme Yang Origin Wheel appeared in front of Wang Lan, the nail thorn stabbing the sharp Extreme Yang Origin Wheel, separated from the middle. Extreme Yang Origin Wheel’s high-speed rotation brings unparalleled cutting power, and Fiend’s arm is divided into two in an instant.

When Wang Lan was about to hit Fiend’s chest, Fiend’s figure disappeared. A strong crisis dared to come from behind.

Nebula dance started, Wang Lan instantly avoided Fiend’s attack again, the backhand was a sword piercing Fiend’s throat.

The sword entered the throat, but Fiend still didn’t stop attacking.

Wang Lan’s short sword was cut horizontally, and Fiend’s head flew into the sky, but in an instant, his head seemed to be equipped with GPS navigation and returned to Fiend’s neck again.

Undying Body ?

impossible, if it is Undying Body, then there should be no evasion in Fiend’s combat style. Fiend has evaded several times for Wang Lan’s attack.

In my mind, the scene that Fiend dodges repeatedly appears. Suddenly, the picture in the mind was frozen, and a chest light like a ruby ​​was fixed in Wang Lan’s mind.

哧 ——

With a sword stabbing, Fiend evaded again. While evading, Fiend’s nail spike once again pierced Wang Lan’s chest. But at this time, Wang Lan did not evade unexpectedly.


The nail thorn deeply penetrated Wang Lan’s shoulder.

Joy, before coming to the level, Fiend suddenly shivered. Stiffly bowed his head, Wang Lan’s Blazing blade, penetrated deeply into the gem-like inlay of Fiend’s chest, and the green blood spewed out of the chest from zi zi.

“Skipping grades to kill, reward experience value 3000, skill points 50.”

This is the way of fighting meat. You beat me, I’m fine, I beat you, you can go back.

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