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“Captain–” The other two Fiends shout out loudly in unison.

This call made Wang Lan look at the dead body of Fiend who had fallen completely to the ground. Is my luck so good? Pick the strongest of the 3 people at a glance?

“Shuangshuang Longxiang–“

“Purple light thunderstorm–“

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Qianfeng and Li Weixin opened at the same time, and the two had been brewing for a long time, waiting for the opportunity to kill the enemy. At the moment when Zhang Jixi Fiend was killed by Wang Lan with an injury in exchange for life, there was a slight pause in their movement.

In the face of 2 veteran Star River realm experts, a little pause is enough for them to sign to eternal damnation.

“Assist in beheading, reward 500 experience points and ten skill points.”

“Assist in beheading, reward 500 experience points and ten skill points.”


The terrifying aftermath exploded and instantly blasted the top of the Formation, turning into a beam of light straight up to the sky.

In the turbulent aftermath of the aftermath, the three peerless powerhouses were faintly discernible in the wind. All the soldiers of Heavenly Sword Bureau looked at the 3 powerhouses that gradually appeared in the wind and roar.

Three high-level demon spies, any one may cause unpredictable damage to humans.

In the past, even if the Mozu spy was caught, it was Little Yu Shrimp. The advanced Mozu had never been there except for the last time in Xinyi Jiayuan. And this time, it killed 3 directly.

What kind of credit is this? It is conceivable that everyone who took part in the operation today will make a note in the credit book.

Wang Qianfeng and Li Weixin were also very excited. On the first day of the beginning of the year, the source of the Demonization agent was cracked. On the beginning of the year of the beginning of the year, a spy group composed of advanced demons was caught to catch everything in one net.

Such credits don’t talk about the excitement of the brothers underneath, even the two of them are smiling with joy.

Facing the respectful eyes in front of him, Wang Qianfeng felt he should say something.

Just beginning to brew, Wang Lan around him fell down straight under the eyes of everyone.

It lasted 3 minutes … 3 minutes of Phoenix Form.

When 3 minutes Phoenix Form was closed, a strong negative state like a mouthful of mustard rushed to the head.

Wang Lan fell down with a grinning smile on the corner of his mouth.


Everyone’s eyes were staring at Wang Lan who was falling to the ground, his body was still twitching unconsciously.

“Little Junior Brother, this is … was it calculated by the demon?” Asked a female guard in the intelligence office hesitantly?

“It’s okay, it’s too much overdraft and muscle cramps.” Wang Qianfeng lightly saying after checking. In this case, he got the information as early as half a year ago.

“Successfully dismantled the elite spy team of Mozu, rewarding experience value of 30000, skill points 1000 …”

In Wang Lan’s trance, the system hint sounded.

However, 80% of the experience slots had already passed, and was instantly impacted by this experience flow, which directly broke the table.

The character level changed from Star radiance 5 to Star radiance 6 in an instant, and the experience slot has passed 30%.

“Virtual Captain, you carry Wang Lan back …” Wang Qianfeng didn’t have time to finish his speech, and his teeth twitched to his tongue.

A clear wave of star force fluctuated from Wang Lan’s body.

On the silent night, when everything was settled, suddenly there was a wave.

Xu Shiyun had just planned to reply, and the steps he stepped out came to a halt. Looking at the humanoid beast on the ground in amazement … When was the last Wang Lan breakthrough? Seems like … November?

This is just over 2 months? Breakthrough again?

Do not! Is this the point? Absolutely not.

Last time, Wang Lan breakthrough was after a fierce battle. At that time, this article explained to myself that he had killed a demon high-level spy with his own hands. I was so happy and excited that I was so excited that I broke through.

At the time, Xu Shiyun felt that this was a beast, and the breakthrough could still be after a fierce battle and under the condition of consuming star force.

But compared to this time, last time it was still an individual.

At the moment, the expression on the faces of many Heavenly Sword Bureau brothers is distorted. That kind of what the fuck, the expression of international jokes is fixed on the faces.

You are so overdrawn to collapse! How did you break through from overdraft to collapse? Can normal people do this?

“Secretory Wang …… or … take Academy Research and Research?” Xu Shiyun whispered facelessly.

“Um … you send it over, I don’t know if I have the right?”

“Isn’t that a joke …” Xu Shiyun pointed to Wang Lan who was still twitching on the ground. “In this state, it can break through? Although the breakthrough level is very small, it has improved a little. But this is after all a breakthrough … star force is consumed Overdraft, the whole person can still break through in the case of smoking, you do n’t want to cut open to study? “

“Think, so I agree with your proposal?”

“Don’t you approve the note?”

“I approved the note, how can you get me back?”

Xu Shiyun shut up, so if you say so to have no shame, you will be Secret Wang.

Wang Lan opened his eyes and sat up slowly as if he got up in the morning, extending the hand, a long lazy waist.


“Cool your mother!” Xu Shiyun slapped Wang Lan to the ground with a slap. “Stretcher, stretcher—”

“No, Big brother Xu, I’m fine, I can stand up without a stretcher.”

“No, you can’t! Lie down.”

“No, well me …”

Xu Shiyun held Wang Lan with one hand and pinched the neck of the goods, “Are you waiting for the first prize?”


“3 merits, standing collar, 2 merits, lying collar, first grade, collar after death. Do you still want to stand first grade? Lay me!”

“The stretcher is here–“

Then, a classic scene appeared. Two Heavenly Sword Bureau brothers carried Wang Lan and walked vigorously, as if the person who walked slowly disappeared. And Wang Lan, picked up the tablet that the girl has always been obsessed with, so he did not hesitate to expose it.

Take out the keychain, pull out the USB flash drive and insert it into the tablet.

“Student Xiaoai, wake up.”

“Xiaoai 120 reports, Hello Wang Lan.”

“Check my computer carefully for hidden files.”


“Wang Lan brother, put the tablet down first, come and take a picture.”


“Eggplant you are a ghost. Pretend to be half dead!”

“Oh!” Wang Lan instantly understood, his body twitched, his feet stretched out, and his head was crooked.


Back to Heavenly Sword Bureau, Wang Lan actually doesn’t want to recuperate. After the successful upgrade, the negative effects of Phoenix Form have been washed away by the character upgrade. However, the organization cares for the meritorious officials and hopes Wang Lan to stay in the Heavenly Sword Bureau dormitory.

In fact, I was afraid that Wang Lan would be dragged out and killed by a group of irritated brothers.

Wang Qianfeng has been busy with a group of brothers involved in the operation. Even if the three Mozu spies were in place, the evidence had to be collected. What remains now is to dig out the production workshop of the Demonization agent from Mabo’s mouth to completely solve the Devil’s ant den plan.

“Secretory Wang! The hair collected from Ma Xiangru’s home has been successfully tested. The DNA matches Ma Xiangru’s and his wife’s daughter. The three demons are not disguised as Ma Xiangru’s, but replaced Ma Xiangru’s.”

“So, Ma Xiangru’s family is dead?” Secretory Wang asked in surprise.

“should be.”

“Does Mabo know?”

“Unclear, maybe don’t know, do you want to interrogate?”

“Go, I will interrogate myself.”

In the lounge, Wang Lan held the tablet and quickly tapped the code on the laptop.

Originally, this tablet should be used as a witness to a professional evidence analysis expert. But I don’t know if they are too busy today, or if they didn’t see it as if they were.

From the end of the fight to the present, no one came to take the tablet in Wang Lan’s hands, and Wang Lan did not think about turning it in. Intuitively told Wang Lan that there must be a secret in this tablet.

The most loaded in the tablet is fun casual games. Xiao Ai also thoroughly searched for it. There are indeed no hidden encrypted files in the tablet.

“Small love student, call up her most commonly used software.”

pa pa pa ——

More than a dozen small games, all very naive. And these games are also downloaded from the official channel of the application store.

“Analyze her interaction with who in the game?”

“The data has been deleted, you need to go to each game company to extract the data.”

“Dozens of small games, and they are all over the country, so I can’t find them …”

Wang Lan held the tablet and looked at it carefully. There should be a secret. The Mozu was so nervous before, there must be something hidden in the tablet.

Suddenly, a trace of wear on the screen was caught in Wang Lan’s eyes.

Wang Lan constantly switches the screen. On page 7, a rare game icon appears on the screen corresponding to the handprint wear mark.

Wang Lan try to click.


The game opens quickly and basically belongs to the Lianliankan game.

“Student Wang Lan, this game is a private server game.”

“Private game? Not a stand-alone game?”

“No, there is a remote server behind the game. Do you want to track down the location of the server?”

“Track down.”

Xiao Ai classmates can run most of the Jade Country in one minute, and this game is also connected to the other server. The network of the other server is like a dummy in front of Xiao Ai. Less than 3 minutes, Xiao Ai locked the location of the other party’s server.

“In Suzhou City, Changxiang District.”

“Mark on the map.”

On the tablet, the penguin map opens. In an instant, a remote coordinate 42 km away from Wang Lan, near the Yangtze River, lights up.

Seeing this, Wang Lan stood up on the spot. Not surprisingly, there is either a Mozu base hidden or another Mozu spy group hidden. Otherwise, who would open the studio in such a remote and deserted place?

Okay, pull out the radish to bring out the mud, 7 melons on a vine.

Stand up and open the door to get out of the dormitory.

“Marbo, do you still refuse to explain? We already have solid evidence to prove that you have betrayed Human Race and collusion with the Devil. If you continue to resist, then we can only use spiritual imprint to extract your memory.”

“My brain does not belong to me alone, it belongs to the wealth of all mankind. If you want to destroy the wealth of all mankind, then you can do it. I am all old, and I don’t care about life and death.

“But your mind has become the sin of all mankind.” Wang Qianfeng opened the door coldly shouted, “I just returned from Tianhong Garden, guess who we went to catch?”

Ma Bo’s lifts the head looked at Wang Qianfeng hesitantly.

“You hit Ma Xiangru a few 10000000 million a year. In your statement, it was money for your son. But when we went to inquire just now, we found that your son, daughter-in-law, including your granddaughter, are all demon spies.

You spend so much money every year, in fact, to fund the demon espionage. I have video evidence of all the processes in my hand, do you dare to deny it? “

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