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“What? My son is a demon spy? Don’t talk nonsense.” Ma Bo is still the one who refused to die. It seemed that as long as he refused, Heavenly Sword Bureau would take him for nothing.

This set may be useful to the Superintendent, but it is useless to the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

“Ma Bo … you may not know it. We got the exact news that your son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter were not protected by the Mozu, but killed by them.

The demon used you and killed all your loved ones. Do you still persist in your own wrong doings and do n’t you wake up? “

“What? My son … is dead? My Xixi … is also dead?” Ma Bo glared blankly and looked at Wang Qianfeng incredulously.


“You lied to me, you lied to me—”

“It is indeed dead. They ate your son, granddaughter and daughter-in-law and boarded them in their within the body. Only you stupid, still doing things for them. Say what you know, at least for you Son and granddaughter avenge. “

“I don’t know … I really don’t know. I don’t know anything … I just start my company and do my research … I don’t know that my niece is a demon, nor do they know my son … “

It was originally thought that Ma Bo would have explained after the death of his understood son. But he underestimated the cunning degree of this old man, and he was planning to quibble at this time.

“Forget it, you are still lucky.” Wang Qianfeng put out a breath for a long time, “But, you can’t help but think of us all. Wu Chao!”


“Spiritual imprint.”

“Now? Are you sure?”

“If something goes wrong, I will bear it!” Wang Qianfeng shouted not to be discussed.

“Yes!” Wu Chao walked towards Ma Bo in a stride, Ma Bo stared at Wu Chao with his frightened eyes. It was only in this brief moment that Brother Heavenly Sword Bureau of the interrogation saw real fear in Ma Bo ’s eyes.

Some people are Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, while some people only start to cry when they sleep in the coffin.

Ma Bo is extremely confident and can even be conceited.

He did not believe that Heavenly Sword Bureau would do anything with scientists like him. Jing Divine Seal is extremely violent, even if a young person suffers from Jing Divine Seal, his brain will be hurt.

And his self-confidence, his knowledge, knowledge, and status in the scientific community will make Heavenly Sword Bureau refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, he does not believe that Heavenly Sword Bureau dared to damage his brain for imprinting.

But … the man who carved the Divine Seal came step by step.

Is it scaring yourself, or is it true?

Wu Chao got the order, of course, to execute the order, “Mr. Ma Bo, do n’t resist when my spirit is imprinted, as long as you do n’t resist at all, the spirit imprint will not harm your brain.”

With that, Mabo’s brain was printed on the palm of his hand, and a Soul bead was pulled out with his left hand.

But to say not to resist, how is this possible.

It’s as if someone is going to pierce your eyes with a needle, he told you not to blink 10000000? You can try it!

Only people who are very, very trusting, or who have complete control over their instincts, can subtly resist when they are marked.

Mabo, certainly not.

So when the martial skill of Wu Chao’s star turned on and invaded Ma Bo’s brain, Ma Bo’s body suddenly shivered violently.

The arm that tied up Ma Bo instantly knotted.

“Don’t … don’t … stop … stop …”

Wang Qianfeng remained unmoved with his arms.

“I’m begging … I’m confessing … I’m fully confessing-” Ma Bo shouted suddenly.


Wu Chao closed.

Wang Qianfeng came to Ma Bo indifferently and gently provoked Ma Bo’s chin, “You only have one chance, and only one minute.

No … it’s 30 seconds! “

“I said … I said … Don’t use Divine Seal … I don’t want to be a fool.”

“Demonization potion made by you?”

“Yes, I made it …”

“Where is the production workshop?”

“I … I don’t know … I finished manufacturing … The Mozu cut off my connection with the production workshop. I don’t know where the workshop is. Only Mozu knows.”

Wang Qianfeng was not very satisfied with this answer.

Seeing Wang Qianfeng’s eyes, Mabo suddenly panicked again.

“I didn’t lie. Although I helped them create the Demonization potion, they didn’t trust me. Once the production was completed, they just dumped me.”

“I know that the manufacture of Demonization requires a human genetic coding formula. Where did you get this formula?”

“Song Zifeng gave it to me …”

“You lie! Song Zifeng impossible gave you the biological gene coding formula, it seems that it must be engraved. Wu Chao.”

“No, it was really given to me by Song Zifeng … The test accident of twelve years ago was not an accident. It was actually a conspiracy planned by the Mozu. His purpose was originally Song Zifeng, but Song Zifeng was unwilling to cooperate and they imprinted Song Zifeng. Memory. I found this formula from my memory … I … I … “

“You succumbed to fear of death?”

“I’m not afraid of death!” Ma Bo suddenly lifts the head and looked at Wang Qianfeng. “I’ve never been afraid of death. If I’m afraid of death, I wouldn’t dare to experiment with an instrument that knows something wrong. If I’m afraid of death, I I won’t use myself to test my chemicals.

I’m not afraid of death, my cooperation with the Demon Race … just because I have been completely desperate for human beings.

I don’t understand why God created human beings. In other words, God’s original intention to create humans is not actually the species of humans. People’s thinking is too dirty, people’s moral standards are too low, and people inherently carry inferiority.

I am a scholar and I love my scientific career. Because I am better than them, they are jealous of me and push me out.

To grab my scientific research allowance, to grab my laboratory that should belong to me, to grab my nomination, to grab my honor and even, they also grab my scientific research achievements.

I was angry and more sad. Looking at the history of human development, it is the history of plunder.

Whether it is the same kind or other species, human beings will always be endless plunder. Looting when hungry, and even more unaware of convergent plundering when not hungry.

The emergence of the Demon Race may be that God knows that humans are a failed species and creates something to clean up the failed products? “

“You just blamed the human race on your work because you couldn’t handle the relationship with your colleagues? Why haven’t you thought about it, why are you not in harmony with others? Why do other people become close friends and you can’t?”

“Have you ever seen people and monkeys become close friends? Have you seen people treat pigs as friends? Seeing their inferior roots, how can I agree with them and become friends with them.

In this life, I will only be friends with science. “

“Mozu killed your loved ones, why do you continue to cooperate with Mozu? Don’t tell me you didn’t know before. When I told you that your son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter were dead, your expression was shocked But your heartbeat has not changed much, and your emotions are not at all really agitated. “

“Family? I am alone in the world, what kind of family do I have?” Ma Bo laughed self-deprecatingly.

“You have a wife, a son, and a granddaughter?”

“Hahaha …” Ma Bo laughed suddenly, ironically.

“My son … hahaha … My raised son, 40 years old, he is 40 years old. I realized that he has no blood relationship with me … hahaha …

You asked me before, why did they kill my son and granddaughter, and I still want to work with them? Every minute and second they live in the world reminds me how stupid I am. They are my shame! “

“So, did the death of your son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter all you asked for? Also including Professor Zhang Yingqiu’s heart attack 7 years ago?”

“Yes! That’s right.” Ma Bo seemed to let go completely, the smile on his face was gradually perverted.

“Wu Chao, carved by Divine Seal.”

“I’ve already told you all, you … you have no words!”

“I’m afraid you are not complete enough!” Wang Qianfeng left a cold sentence, turned around and stood up.

Just leaving the interrogation room, Wang Qianfeng picked up the phone, “What’s the matter?”

“Secretory Wang, Wang Lan said there were important discoveries and asked to see you.”


This sentence is very expressive.

In the past, after every time the Mozu got into trouble, the Heavenly Sword Bureau was only aware of it after leaving a lot of mess, and the Mozu started.

But in just half a year, Wang Qianfeng felt like the identity was completely exchanged. The Heavenly Sword Bureau, who had been bullied, changed its shape and bullied the devil everywhere.

The change of identity makes many people feel uncomfortable.

There are a lot of demon spies caught recently. Recently, there are a lot of clues to the Demon Race. Recently … the demon have been a bit miserable.

This year’s Demon Spy is not enough?

From year to year, Wang Lan seems to have exploded in a small universe.

Before I had a chance, I could get some clues about the Demon Race. Now, it seems that the small universe is fully open, and the incarnation has become the demon search radar. The demon have been hiding so deep that they were dug out by Wang Lan.

What caused the explosion of Wang Lan small universe?

Wang Qianfeng scratched his chin for a while and thought about it, to provoke who is not good, to provoke Wang Lan’s aunt. Annoying others, Wang Lan may not be so angry, and annoying Wang Qi, Wang Lan directly turns into Golden Fire Eyes.

In the final analysis, it is the demon’s own courting death!

Back at the office, Wang Lan and Xu Shiyun are here.

“Wang Lan, you said, what did you find?”

“Another Mozu spy group, maybe a Mozu base, I can’t be sure right now. But there are people who are in contact with the Mozu elite group in Changxiang District, 42 kilometers away from here.”

“You … you even figured out the address?” Wang Qianfeng looked at Wang Lan in shock, and thought it was Wang Lan who found the clue, only the clue.

But really didn’t expect Wang Lan in one step. Not only found the clue, but also locked the coordinates?

When did the hidden demon spies become so easy to find? or is, the previous Heavenly Sword Bureau is too frustrating?

“How did you find out?”

“That Zhang Jixi ’s little girl ’s tablet. Does Secret Wang remember the original scene? Zhang Jixi did not hesitate to see the original size appear in order for the tablet not to fall into my hands. I guess there must be an important clue in the computer.

I found a private server game on the tablet. This game is often played by Zhang Jixi. The server of this game is at the coordinate location I found.

A tablet mobile game, does anyone do a private server? The whole game, there is only one player Zhang Jixi? There is definitely a problem! “

No, it’s not that the game has a problem, but you have a problem.

At this moment, Wang Qianfeng had only this thought in his mind.

How long is this person’s brain circuit? How can you think of this up? Thinking of it, the logic deduction is indeed fine. But … normal people can’t think of this?

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