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“Assist the Superintendent to destroy the underworld organizations, reward 5000 experience points and skill points 300.” Wang Lan smiled as the prompt sounded in his mind. 300 skill points, very good.

“Ah, I really don’t know …”

As soon as I went back to find Hu Qing, I heard an extremely wronged complaint in the car.

“Ah S, their six bastards are really irrelevant to rob banks. I opened my Fenglou for more than 6 a month. As for robbing banks? I haven’t seen them since yesterday.

Also, they now have stiff wings and do n’t listen to me anymore. Since the crow died, they all swelled and wanted to seize the crow’s territory. This has nothing to do with me. “

“Is there anything to do with you, go back to the Superintendent and explain slowly, now your business is more than just robbing the bank.”

“I …” Brother Hei looked down, silently lowering his head.

“Little Lan is here? How did that star martial artist get it?”

“Bring back the Superintendent first, and later call Heavenly Sword Bureau to pick up the person. The star martial artist is involved in drug trafficking, which is a big deal.”

“Oh! What a shame for him.”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. The forest is big and there are birds. There will always be scum in star martial artists.”

“That …” In the back seat, a murmured voice sounded.

“Shut up, if you have anything to say to the superintendent, now you have no more to say.”

“I’ll just say …” Brother Hei’s grievance looks funny.

“Ah S, if I say … I said I did this for the first time, haven’t you done it yet?

“On this, ask the old 100 surname believe or not.”

“But I really … Hey, the one called Stone came to me and said that Suzhou City’s business was still blank. He came from Jin City and planned to open the Suzhou City market. He didn’t want me to pay for it, I helped He sells, he 7 me 3 shares.

The no-bond business is delivered to your door, and you say I can stand this temptation? He fancyd the KTV and the bar under my hands. I was fancy with his strength. We just hit it off and you guys came … I dare to guarantee this with a human head. “

“Is your head still yours? You just use it as a guarantee?” Wang Lan coldly smiled into the rearview mirror.

Brother Hei shut up.

Just arrived at the Superintendent, the people of Heavenly Sword Bureau also came. Here comes Zhang Yeqiu, sister Hua, who is also familiar with Wang Lan.

“It’s you two? Why didn’t Big Brother Xu come?”

“Shall we come?” Zhang Xiaoxue asked indifferently.

“Of course it is. Such a small thing needs 2 red-clothed captains to come in person. The bureau really pays too much attention. It should be the younger brother. I personally sent it over.” Wang Lan surrendered immediately.

Zhang Xiaoxue and Zhang Yeqiu are twins, but they should be the most unlike twins in the world. 2 people have exactly the same face, but give everyone 2 completely different faces.

“Don’t mention Xu Shiyun, this guy has been promoted to Captain. Don’t mention how proud now. Pull the brethren to train and exercise every day. Just let me and Xiaoxue idle and send me 2 out. Let’s go and see That trash. “

Wang Lan brought Zhang Yeqiu 2 to the detention cell. Although the stone wound was sutured, these four limbs were basically abandoned.

Wang Lan’s fierce hand this time, not only cut off his four limbs, but also burned with the meridians inside. Unless there is a medicine category star martial artist to treat him, otherwise it is disabled.

As for treating him … that’s impossible. It was be magnanimous that this kind of garbage was not shot on the spot.

The door of the interrogation room opened, and the stone raised his head slightly. When he saw sister Zhang Yeqiu in military uniform, his pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes showed a flash of fear.

“It seems that you recognize this dress on me? That’s easy to handle. What’s your name?”

“Ye Feng!”

“Aiya! It’s pretty horizontal? Nie Feng, right?” Zhang Yeqiu’s fingers moved lightly, rippling away from where the stone was. Suddenly, the quack of zhi zhi sounded, and the chair under Ye Feng’s butt was slowly deformed and slowly collapsed.

This hand suddenly surprised Wang Lan’s face.

Sister Zhang Yeqiu is only 20. It is 4 years older than Wang Lan, but showing this hand gives Wang Lan a deep and unmeasurable feeling.

This is Earth Element’s law of gravity. Wang Lan used it before seeing Hu Qing. However, when Hu Qing uses it, how powerful it is, but Zhang Yeqiu can only control the gravity around Ye Feng with just one finger.

Wang Lan, who was standing next to Zhang Yeqiu, didn’t feel anything abnormal at all.

Gravity increased gradually, and Ye Feng ’s stitched wound collapsed again, because of the strong gravity, even the air had a twist.

“I … me, my name is Ye Feng …”

“Stuck back?”

“Sister, he said his name was Ye Feng, not that big star Nie Feng.”

“Oh–” Zhang Yeqiu lifted his finger and gravity wasappeared.

“Who? Star Martial certificate?”

“In my … pocket of clothes.” Zhang Yeqiu hooked his finger and a Star Martial certificate appeared in his hand.

Take out the mobile phone scan code, “drop-“

“It’s really called Ye Feng. You said your parents gave you such a good name and they let you come to traffic in drugs? Lin’s Navy District? 2 years ago, they were expelled from their superiors, what happened to you? Explain. “

Ye Feng was lying on the ground, gasping for gasps. Hearing more heavily after hearing Zhang Yeqiu’s inquiry.

“There shouldn’t be any fluke you fell into our hands? Are you breathing now, believing or not to let you breathe out later?” Said Zhang Yeqiu’s finger again.

“I said, I confess, I confess all.”

Ye Feng faced his fear and said quickly.

“Not long after I was fired, the former monitor came to me … he said … he said that our star martial artist has made such a great contribution to mankind, why should he live like a dog?

The army has discipline, we admit it, but go to scouting, eating pig food, sleeping in caves, and worrying about falling asleep at night, and whether eyes opened tomorrow.

What are honors, beliefs, and responsibilities? For the sake of honor, faith, and responsibility, the dog who lived in the end is not as good as a beast, or the dog raised by a neighbor’s family?

This World is a World of Money, not a World of star martial artist at all. What about giving up the status of star martial artist? As long as there is money, is it not good to live comfortably? “

“Then you believe it?”

“I followed him.”

“Are you an idiot?” Zhang Yeqiu looked at Ye Feng disgustedly. “Your profile shows that your parents are sound. There is a younger brother and a younger sister. They are honored because of you.

You are a star martial artist, your parents can enjoy free medical treatment, and you can enjoy pensions every month. If you have a wife, your wife can let the country arrange work. Your child does not need to pay a penny to go to school, and all expenses of your child from birth to adulthood are reimbursed by the state.

Are these not enough? The worries that the country can solve for the star martial artist are all solved. What are you dissatisfied with? The state has arranged everything for the scouting people. I hope you can defend the country for different places. What else are you unsatisfied?

Not as good as a dog? Who raised the dog who was sick and hungry? Not as good as ordinary person? How much does an ordinary person buy a house in Suzhou City, how much does a scouting person cost? I do n’t understand gratitude when I take advantage, and I complain when I perform my duties … “

“Sister, what nonsense is this kind of garbage? You can kill it directly. This kind of garbage is not worthy of living.”

“Speak, who is your squad leader, who is behind you?”

Wang Lan looked at the star martial artist in front of him with arms in his arms. He is probably the most starless star martial artist Wang Lan has ever seen. Interrogation is not at all difficult, and it is all like a plucking bean.

There are 7 people in his gang, all of them are star martial artists who were expelled from the army. This kind of people has a name in the army called rust.

Unable to make steel, staying in the army will only corrode the trash of others.

The remaining three people went to Xu City, Chang City, Tong City, the remaining three, two remained at the headquarters of Jin City, and one was responsible for the introduction of drugs in Nankun. Anyway, it is a group of people who do not self-reflect, and they know that the scum of resentment society is on the rise, and it is planned to engage in this industry that is slightly out of error.

Wang Lan dare to say that now that their business has not opened, even if it opens, it will be uprooted within a year.

Zhang Yeqiu finished the interrogation and took the man to drive back to Heavenly Sword Bureau. As for the Brother Hei side, it is a serious case.

Zhang Yeqiu is progressing quickly, but Brother Hei is stuck there.

No matter how Hu Qing pressed, Brother Hei didn’t admit that the Flower Snake 6’s bank robbery had anything to do with him. He didn’t know anything.

“Zhao Laohei, don’t give you a face to have no shame. What we have is a way to make you want to survive without being able to check it out. Don’t force me to do it.”

“Ah S, what I said is true! Am I guilty? I can’t control these 6 guys long ago … Moreover, which of the six of them does not have a few 6 a year, can they commit it?

Still grabbing a bank with a submachine gun and making movies? “

Hu Qing frowns, my heart is also suspicious.

Zhao Laohei’s statement also makes sense. This bank robbery seems to be a prank from beginning to end, and money grabbing seems not to be the purpose. But they did grab a few 1000000 and killed a dozen others.

Wang Lan sent Zhang Yeqiu and 2 people back to Hu Qing, and happened to hear this conversation.

“Did the six autopsy reports come out?”

“Not yet. What’s wrong?”

“He said that I suddenly felt a little weird. At the time, I shot an arrow and killed a person in the car. According to common sense, the one who drives should be a little panicked.

But he was very calm and directly increased the throttle to hit me. Then I shot the wheel and overturned.

But … the strange thing is that 2 of them were all dead.

Does the escort vehicle itself have the function of earthquake resistance? “

“Report! The autopsy report came out, the flower snake was mad, and the death time of six people exceeded 6 hours.”

“What a joke?” Hu Qing exploded on the spot. “They were still robbing the bank to kill people ten or two hours ago. You now tell me that their death time exceeds 2 20 hours? Is it the dead man who robbed the bank?”

Wang Lan looked up at the female forensic doctor, “Are you sure more than 20 4 hours?”


“Hu Qing, let this case be transferred to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, I am sure … there is a problem.”

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