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Xie Sisi’s annual birthday is almost by himself. Parents work in the manufacturing industry, and their wages are almost based on overtime. In order to spend, they hardly give up any chance of overtime.

The big brother is a chef, even when there is no vacation. Although I can receive blessings every birthday and presents every year, there seems to be no unforgettable memories in Xie Sisi’s memory.

Since Xie Sisi met Wang Lan, her life began to change. Years ago, father was promoted to management by the leader. And he also succeeded in entering the trial field breakthrough to Star Radiance Realm during the winter vacation, and became Star Radiance Realm Middle-Stage Realm in one fell swoop.

In the New Year, Xie Sisi followed his parents to his 4th uncle in Xu City. Cousin breakthrough Star Radiance Realm for a year, and now it is still Star radiance Early-Stage, when I was just Stars Realm.

Up to now, realm is not only overtaking, but its strength is crushing. While at the uncle’s house, the uncle personally tested the strength of Xie Sisi. The results shocked everyone.

Without using the star martial skill, Xie Sisi could even draw a tie with his uncle in Nebula. It’s not a draw that’s a water draw, but a real draw.

Recalling the aunt’s ugly face, Xie Sisi was happy. In the past, my aunt always thought that Xie Sisi would take advantage of her uncle in the future, but now, it is not always necessary to rely on whom. For the first time, the uncle arrogantly gave Xie Sisi a big bag, and the aunt said nothing.

Xie Sisi understands that his uncle hurts himself. It ’s just that it ’s all because of my aunt.

It is precisely because of Wang Lan ’s help to Xie Sisi that Xie Sisi remembered it, which made Xie Sisi decide to must invite them to dinner.

But if there is no reason, they will definitely not agree. Even if you agree, when the time comes will rush to pay.

It’s just didn’t expect about my birthday today, but I couldn’t hide them at all.

“Sisi, don’t worry about moving, don’t you take it apart?”


“of course.”

Xie Sisi first opened Xu Xiangwen’s gift box, which turned out to be a pair of metal gloves. Unlike the glove that Xu Xiangwen wore before, this pair of gloves is more refined and cooler.

Xu Xiangwen’s fist has only one finger ring, but this one is 5 finger cuffs, and each finger cuff shows only one finger. The gloves have been protected to the elbows, and the silver is shiny like Platinum Gold.

Simple yet gorgeous, monotonous yet refined.

“This … is it expensive?” Xie Sisi asked hesitantly.

“What’s precious is not precious? Sisi, you should know about us. In several of our dictionaries, there should be no word of preciousness. This is a glove made of star pattern mousse steel material. got it.”

Star pattern mousse steel is a metal inadvertently synthesized by the metallurgical Master Mousse 100 years ago. This metal has high strength and strong tensile properties. The most important thing is that the known star material has the fastest transmission of star force. material.

The things made of this material, whether it is weapons or protective gear, are very popular with star martial artists. Just one thing, this material is too expensive.

“Xiangwen, too expensive … I …”

“Isn’t it a friend anymore? Don’t quit if you are a friend. Since I dare to send it, I believe that our friendship is more precious than this glove. When I am a friend, accept it.”

Xie Sisi moved her gloves and opened Gong Feiyu’s gift, which was a pendant.

“Sisi, I don’t know how to choose gifts. This is Lingling’s choice.”

“Thank you, I like it very much.” Xie Sisi smiled. Xu Xiangwen has received all such precious gifts, so this pendant will naturally not quit.

Later, Xie Sisi excitedly opened the gift sent by Wang Lan, and when he saw Soul bead lying quietly inside, his face suddenly changed.

“This is … star martial skill?”

“Well, this is the star martial skill of the water stand-in. I looked at it more suitable for you so I bought it for you.”

“Thank you!” Xie Sisi’s pretty face was flushed, and she didn’t ask how much the price was. Anyway, star martial skill is not cheap, a Soul bead has started at 80000, where can it be cheap?

“That happened, Wang Lan sent you the Water Attribute dodge class martial skill, I will give you the Water Attribute defensive class martial skill. Don’t refuse, this star martial skill was not bought by me, please ask the star martial skill to engrave the Master It was engraved from my head.

B-Rank star martial skill, Extreme Water Rampart. “

“Ah? Engraved from your mind? Will it affect you?” Xie Sisi asked nervously.

“What do you think? Star martial skill A lot of mysterious things can only be unspeakable, so most of the inheritance of star martial skill is engraved through the fine Divine Seal. It is the same as that engraved in the mind of others and Soul bead.”

Wang Lan’s gift from them made Xie Sisi completely unprepared. I didn’t really think that my birthday will be known by them, and I didn’t expect them to give a gift more expensive than one.

Just two star martial skills are worth a lot, and with Xu Xiangwen’s star pattern mousse gloves, these things may add up to 2.

If it is purely expensive, Xie Sisi will still refuse. But these things are not only valuable, but more profound. If they refuse, Wang Lan they will really get angry. In the end, not only did he not spend money, he also made a fortune.

The dishes soon came up, 6 star martial artists, it was time to show the real food.

A table of ingredients is eaten clean in less than 20 minutes. When you eat it, who controls what price? Open your belly and eat, rest assured.

After 2 hours, in addition to leaving a table as high as a mountain, there are 2 tired gasping for breath waiters.

Finally, it took more than 4000 to check out.

“Sisi, get in the car, I’ll take you home.” Jiang Xinyu said with his arms around Xie Sisi.

“No, I will go back by car myself, it’s still early …”

“Sisi, let Xinyu take you back. Xinyu, if you drive to meet a foreigner and want to stop you, don’t stop. If someone forces you to stop you, I will hit you directly and I will be responsible for something.”

Hearing this, Xie Sisi froze. And Jiang Xinyu was silently nodded, “Is it table 76?”


Table 76, separated by Jiang Xinyu, they have 3 positions and 4 foreigners. Since giving Xie Sisi gifts, the eyes of these four foreigners looked towards Xie Sisi more than once.

Although it is said that wealth is not exposed, in Jade Country, there is no need to be too cautious. Especially those star martial skills, star pattern mousse steel gloves, in the eyes of ordinary people do not know its value. Even if there is a star martial artist around, it is a pitiful chance to be surprised when you see it.

But it’s those foreigners who seem to have the nature of robbers in the bones. When Xie Sisi opened the first box, their greedy eyes came through unabashedly. With Wang Lan’s alertness, how could it not be noticed?

After the four cars started, they drove out. In fact, not many people dared to stop and rob in Suzhou City. Even if the few blonde foreigners became greedy, they didn’t dare to actually do it.

Half an hour later, Wang Lan received a phone call from Xie Sisi. Soon, Xu Xiangwen called them on a few safe calls.

When Wang Lan came home, it was about 9pm, and school will start again tomorrow. After taking a bath, I lay in bed early.

I just fell asleep and was awakened by the mobile phone next to me.


Wang Lan picked up his phone irritably, just glanced at it, and his drowsiness disappeared instantly.

“Heavenly Sword Bureau’s request for help.”

Every official member of Heavenly Sword Bureau is equipped with a dedicated mobile phone, and the mobile phone has a key to call for help. In an emergency, press the help order, and all Heavenly Sword Bureaus in the jurisdiction will receive help and quickly rush to the target site.

This request for help is not far from where Wang Lan is located, and is also the Oriental Heaven Sect Commerce District, located in the villa area 5 km southeast of Oriental Heaven Sect.

Without hesitation, Wang Lan instantly turned up and walked downstairs while wearing clothes. Two minutes later, the e-donkey unlocking the speed limit mode whistled out of the underground garage.

The maximum speed of the eMule in this mode can reach 100 20 yards per hour. Traveling through the city is definitely faster than any car. Especially when eleven-twelve points, there are still many vehicles on the road.

Less than ten minutes later, Wang Lan arrived at the target community, and the target community has been alarmed. Many residents of the community were rushed out of the house by surprise explosions. It’s just that the location of the explosion is far away, and I don’t have the courage to go over and see.

Wang Lan jumped up immediately after entering the community, stepping on the street lights of the community and rushed towards the target location.

In the distance, I saw three silhouettes fighting together in the courtyard outside the villa. No need to distinguish, Wang Lan knows who to help. Two old blondes attack a Jade Country face.

Wang Lan jumped up high, instantly connecting Crescent Arrow and Blazing blade.

A purple Blazing Arrow blasted out in a second, chant–


cry out in surprise shouted from the mouth of a foreigner, his figure flew away in an instant. And another foreigner pierced his brother Heavenly Sword Bureau with a sword. Just before it had time to retreat, Purple Flame Bullet hit the door.

Dodge, it is too late to dodge.

The blond foreigner fiercely clenched the teeth, his hands folded on his chest, and in an instant, the golden glow around his body flashed, and soon he was wrapped in a layer of silver white metal. The blonde foreigner turned into a statue, intending to resist the arrow shot by Wang Lan.

Metal Attribute is the attribute with the highest defensive power among the 7 Great Attributes. In the Thunder Attribute parlance, there is no Absolute Defense that I cannot pierce. Then Metal Attribute claims that there is no attack that I cannot stop.


this arrow, shot from 100 meters away. Normally, the longer the distance, the smaller the attack power. Moreover, Wang Lan’s hasty attack was obviously not ready. Reasonable in every circumstance, this arrow should not be difficult to block.

The idea of ​​the blonde foreigner had just risen, but the next moment, his face changed.

Wang Lan’s arrow fiercely penetrated into the silver statue, half-cut arrow, pierced into the chest.

Do you think this is over? The blonde foreigner hasn’t came back to his senses from the heavy damage, the powerful huge might of the Purple Flame Bullet burst out instantly. In an instant, the blonde foreigner had only time to raise fear.


all split up and in pieces …

The opposite Heavenly Sword Bureau expert stared at his round eyes, revealing his unbelievable face, and then slowly fell over his chest.

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