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“The deceased was ten or seven years old and was a senior 7 student in Suzhou City No. 3 Middle School. The death time was between 2 o’clock and 1 o’clock yesterday night. The fatal wound was a pierced wound in the chest. It’s not like a gunshot wound. “A guard whispered to the leader in plain clothes.

“Look around, are there any other clues?”

“Captain Zhou, it was discovered that this student may be a star martial artist. We found scratches on the rock climbing. This child should be trained here last night. He was sneak attacked from behind and fell into the pool.”

“Is it a student of the Star Martial campus?”

“Yes!” Wang Lan’s deep voice sounded at the moment Captain Zhou’s inquiry just landed. When Wang Lan came to the scene and saw the face exposed under the white cloth, Wang Lan had recognized the identity of the dead.

Xu Donghai, a senior 3-8 student, is also one of the civilian genius club 2-2 Vajra, Star Radiance Realm Peak cultivation base. Yesterday, Wang Lan of Xu Donghai’s two rounds of matchups all paid attention. The basic skills of Xu Donghai are very solid.

Although impossible has become a rival of Wang Lan, it is also worthy of Wang Lan’s saying.

Xu Donghai successfully entered the third round yesterday. I didn’t expect the third round 20 to die here before the tenth time.

“Who are you? How did you come in?” Captain Zhou immediately thought of Wang Wang when he saw Wang Lan’s identity, not to ask Xu Donghai’s identity, or to blame Wang Lan for crossing the isolation to the scene.

“This person is my classmate, a student of Class 3 8 of Star Martial campus in Suzhou City, called Xu Donghai.”

“I am now asking if you know the dead? I am asking who are you? What are you doing?”

“I was going to school, the way …”

“Wang Lan, why are you here?” A voice interrupted Wang Lan’s words. Looking back, Hu Qing walked with three people.

“Inspector Hu, why are you here?”

“Listening to the report that the identity of the deceased is not simple, is a student of Suzhou City No. 1 Middle School, the director sent me to take over the case.” Hu Qing said as he handed a cigarette to Captain Zhou.

Senior high school students are killed and have a great influence on society, which will definitely be the focus of attention of all parties. And now, if Xingwu senior high school was born, the impact will be even greater.

In terms of seniority, Hu Qing is indeed not as long as Captain Zhou, but in terms of rank, Hu Qing is longer than Captain Zhou by Rank 1. The last Brother Hei case made Hu Qing promoted again. Ordinary Superintendent’s promotion speed is much faster than Heavenly Sword Bureau, of course, welfare is also different.

Hearing that Hu Qing was about to take over the case, Captain Zhou’s face was slightly dark, but not at all overreacted, but gave Hu Qing a deep look.

“Since it’s a star martial artist, Inspector Hu should take over. But Inspector Hu seems to know this student well?”

“Yes, he is my friend and a student of the Star Martial campus of Suzhou City No. 1 Middle School.”

Although Wang Lan disclosed the Heavenly Sword Bureau ID to the Superintendent last time, Captain Zhou did not know that he was on vacation. Later, although I heard that I was right to listen to a story, I didn’t know the appearance of Wang Lan.

Hu Qing also didn’t mention the identity of Wang Lan Heavenly Sword Bureau everywhere if it was not necessary, so he didn’t bring the title of Heavenly Sword Captain Su Elite when introducing.

“Then Captain Hu probably needs to avoid it.”

As soon as this remark came out, Hu Qing’s face changed instantly. Wang Lan’s face did not show any shame, but looked at Captain Zhou curiously.

“This police officer suspected me?”

“You are now one of my skeptical targets.”

“Any reason?”

“The reason is that you appear very unconventional. As a student, you should not come. And as a student, you don’t show any panic when you see the body.

As a student, even if you are a star martial artist student, you are too calm, too calm, and too mature. This is not what a 16-17 years old student should have.

Unless … you have been through all these exercises, or you have received professional training. Either way, I should doubt you. “

“Wang Lan impossible is the murderer.” Hu Qing shook his head and drank quickly after listening.

“Inspector Hu, our superintendent is most fond of emotional matters. I know that your star martial artist has the so-called brother’s burden, but the suspicion of this student cannot be ignored.”

“Captain Zhou, the data is collected, and your phone has been sent.” At this time, a female guard wearing glasses and holding a notebook came running and whispered.

“Inspector Hu, this is Duoduo, a Jade Country Peak cybersecurity expert, and a world-class Peak hacker.” Captain Zhou introduced to Hu Qing.

“Inspector Hu, I haven’t had a chance to meet Da Ming for a long time.” Duoduo smiled generously the extend the hand.


ding dong ——

At the same time, Wang Lan’s mobile phone also sounded a prompt tone. Wang Lan picked up the mobile phone and a push message, “Student Wang Lan, a bad guy just tried to invade and was ran off by me. Am I doing well?” Dog emoji pack.

Unsurprisingly, this attempted invasion might be the pretty woman in front of her.

Captain Zhou flipped through the phone quickly, and soon Captain Zhou’s face showed a smile.

“It seems that my suspicions are getting more and more precise …” Captain Zhou reached the phone in front of Hu Qing. “You call Wang Lan, a student in the Class 3 of Star Martial campus in Suzhou City No. 3 Middle School. This is Xu. Donghai, a student of class 8-1. “

“I seem to have said it just now.” Wang Lan is speechless. Does Captain Zhou only listen to what he wants to hear? Or was it just not clear enough?

“But you didn’t say that your school is making selections for Huiwu in the province. Both you and this Xu Donghai have successfully entered the third round, which is the last round of 20 to ten.

Xu Donghai is likely to face you this morning. In order to win the match, you are fully motivated to kill.

Does your family live in a new hostal building? The new hostal building is less than one kilometer away from Star Sea Park and belongs to your activity area. This morning, we came to handle the case only after receiving a report from one person.

The person who reported the crime was very suspicious. He reported it to the Superintendent using a public telephone. Although his voice used a voice changer, the analysis of the sound spectrum showed that the person was between 6 and 18 years old.

I think that the person who reported the crime has a great suspicion of committing the crime. And you, came to the scene soon. So many reasons, is it enough? I doubt your reason? “Captain Zhou looked at Wang Lan with sharp eyes, his mouth slightly raised.

“It’s not just these.” Duoduo said abruptly, opened the notebook, and clicked to play a video file.

In the video, it was the picture of Wang Lan when he blocked the Flower Serpent 6 madman. A crescent moon arrow directly shot the escort car over.

“Captain Zhou, Inspector Hu, the fatal wound on the deceased is not a penetrating injury caused by bullets, so I suspect it is an arrow weapon. But the arrow weapon is not enough to cause such a large lethality.

But this video gives us another important clue. After passing through the dead, you can leave a 20 cm deep hole in the rock. Your star martial skill fits this well … “

Duoduo’s words fell to the ground, not only Captain Zhou looked at Wang Lan jokingly, but Hu Qing also looked at Wang Lan suspiciously. But Hu Qing’s eyes are not doubts, but questions. Ask Wang Lan for evidence of his absence.

Wang Lan touch the chin nodded, “It seems that the murderer knows me … If the other conditions are all coincidences, Xu Donghai’s injury really resembles the injury caused by the crescent moon arrow.

It’s just … Captain Zhou, did you notice Xu Donghai’s socks? “

“Socks?” Captain Zhou quickly looked towards the exposed feet of the deceased. In Xu Donghai’s socks and shoes, there was a piece of green.

Captain Zhou quickly took a pair of tweezers and took out the green, which was a blade of grass.

“This is the leaf of the 4-leaf grass. The 4-leaf grass means luck. This grass is not everywhere. Although the greening of Star Sea Park is done well, there is no 4-leaf grass in my memory. At least, in There is no 4-leaf clover in the area where the deceased died.

This means that the first scene of the deceased may not be this. If there is no four-leaf grass in the entire Star Sea Park, his first death scene may not be Star Sea Park.

Second, it is true that we held the school selection this morning, but if I fear that he will become my competitor and have a motive for murder, this reasoning is simply not true.

Even if I let him have 2 legs in one hand, he becomes impossible and becomes my competitor. I want to defeat him, with no difficulty! Big Brother Hu, I am afraid that Heavenly Sword Bureau will be involved in this case. “

“Well, I will contact Heavenly Sword Bureau.”

Wang Lan nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

“Stop!” Captain Zhou suddenly drank, “Even if you have a reason to refute my reasoning, but before completely eliminating your suspicion, you must cooperate with the police investigation. So, you can’t leave.”

“Long Captain Zhou, have you ever thought that this is the murderer’s purpose?” Wang Lan asked with a slight sideways smile.

“What do you mean?”

“If this is not the first crime scene, why did the murderer move the body to Star Sea Park, which is less than one kilometer away from my house, and arrange the scene here?

Star Sea Park has many old man exercises every morning, and it is not difficult to find the body. But why, the murderer calls this phone to call the police? Isn’t this intentionally exposing information?

The purpose of the murderer is not to deliberately tell you the conditions for narrowing the scope. The age is between 6 and 18 years old. Plus that fatal wound is similar to my crescent arrow. The purpose of the murderer is not to plant me?

Moreover, Star Sea Park is the only way I go to school every day. On my way to school, you have been involved in the investigation. It is very likely that I would come in and look at it curiously, so that it just fell into your sight. In this way, I will be delayed by you and miss today’s selection.

As long as hold me for one day, the murderer’s purpose is achieved.

The murderer’s calculation is very detailed, but unfortunately, he missed a little. “


“I’m not an ordinary senior high school student.” Wang Lan said slowly indifferently with an incomparable 2 words.

With this hint from Wang Lan, Hu Qing faintly smiled took a step forward to Captain Zhou, “Captain Zhou, I ’m so sure that Wang Lan impossible is the murderer, not because of feelings, but Wang Lan is indeed impossible. He except In addition to the Star Martial campus high 3 students, he is also the elite secret agent of the captain of Suzhou City Heavenly Sword Bureau. “

Captain Zhou’s long face suddenly changed, staring blankly at Wang Lan took a deep breath.

“Impossible? Heavenly Sword Bureau? Captain?”

“I can tell you responsibly, yes.”

The identity is better than your cock series, making Captain Zhou unable to bear want to say mercilessly.

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